Page 3 - October 5 2020
P. 3
Vote online for Edson Chamber Business Awards
by Deanna Mitchener an extremely trying year for our local
businesses, with the plunge of the oil and gas
Edson and Yellowhead County have some industry and then the coronavirus pandemic,”
fantastic businesses that serve our community she said. “This will give us a chance to thank
each and every day. them for all their hard work and unique ways
Normally this time of year has the Edson & of staying operational.”
District Chamber of Commerce gearing up for The Chamber, a non-profit organization, is
a night of celebrations to honor local also looking for sponsors for the awards. “So
businesses that have been nominated in eight far we have Weyerhaeuser and Holiday Inn
different categories. Express,” said Arndt. “We are hoping to find a
Nominations ran until September 25, and now few more sponsors.”
voting is underway from September 30 to “The Edson and District Chamber of
October 14, 2020. Commerce Executive and Manager have had
Unfortunately, like so many other events, the their work cut out for them these past six
Chamber of Commerce Business Awards Gala months to get important information out while
has been impacted by the COVID-19 continuing to advocate for local businesses,”
pandemic and will not be able to run as Arndt added. “It is more important now than
normal. ever to invest in being a member of the
Chamber Manager Kathy Arndt said, "This Chamber."
year was different and all nominations and The eight categories that are being voted on Summers Drilling Summers Drilling
voting are being done only through the Edson for the Chamber Small Business awards are
Chamber website. The winners will be Small Business, Medium Business, Large Water Well DrillingWater Well Drilling
announced on October 22 through Facebook Business, Employer of Choice, Service
Live.” Superstar, Beautification (Exterior), Taste of
A pr
“Trophies and certificates will be hand the Community, and Pioneer. A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
delivered to the winning businesses,” said Remember to visit the Edson Chamber Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Arndt in regard to the businesses selected in website to follow along and see who has been drilling and water well r
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
each category. “Due to COVID restrictions chosen this year. If you would like to help with
there will be no gala this year.” sponsorship towards these business awards,
Arndt noted the challenges that local please do so by calling Kathy at the Chamber
businesses have been faced with. “It has been Office at 780-723-4918.
Edson RCMP member charged
4405 50 str
with assault after investigation 4405 50 streeteet
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
RCMP release: The Alberta RCMP believes in PUBLIC NOTICE
processes that seek the facts and ASSOCIATED AGGREGATES INC.
Edmonton – An Edson, Alta. it’s important that processes taken
RCMP member has been charged to assess the actions of all those WATER ACT
following an investigation involved, including the police, are NOTICE OF APPLICATION
conducted by the Alberta RCMP fair, transparent, and defendable.
Summers Drilling
Western Alberta District General This is why, when we become Notice is given that Associated Aggregates Inc.has filed 2 applications under the Summers Drilling
Investigation Section. aware of a situation that requires provisions of the Water Actlocated at N1/2 24, S1/2 25 056-25-W5 for:
Water Well Drillingater Well Drilling
Const. Ryan Deroche (34), of the review, we immediately initiate · W
An Approval for working within a water body (working below the water table), on-site
Edson Detachment, has been internal processes to look at the dewatering and the construction of end pit lakes.(Quote application 001-00408647,
File 00408647)
charged with: totality of the incident, including ·
A Licence for the diversion of 13,605 cubic metres of water for the purpose of
- Two counts of uttering threats the actions of the member and the Commercial (Impoundment). (Quote application 001-00467406, File 00408647) A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
- One count of assault; and duty status of the member. Any person who is directly affected by this application may submit a written statement of Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
- Two counts of mischief under Const. Deroche’s first concern within 30 days of the date of this notice to: drilling and water well repairs.
drilling and water well repairs.
$5,000. appearance in Edson Provincial Environment and Parks
It is alleged that on Sept. 14, Court is Nov. 3, 2020. Regulatory Approvals Centre
2020, Const. Deroche threatened EDITOR'S NOTE: A charge 5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza
9915 108 Street
an adult woman in her residence. should not be considered as Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2G8
He was off-duty at the time. evidence of guilt. In Canada, all Phone: 780-427-6311
Fax: 780-422-0154
Const. Deroche had been persons are considered innocent Email:
suspended with pay immediately until proven guilty in a court of The written statement of concern should include the following:
following the incident. He has law. ·scribe concerns that are relevant to matters regulated by the Water Act
explain how the filer of the concern will be directly affected by the activity and/or
been with the RCMP for 8 years. · 4405 50 streeteet 780-963-1282
4405 50 str
diversion of water proposed in the application
Stony Plain, AB
· Stony Plain, AB
provide the legal land location of the land owned or used by the filer where the
concerns described are believed to be applicable
state the distance between the land owned or used by the filer and the site in the
contact information including the full name and mailing address of the filer. Please
provide the telephone number and/or email address for ease of contact.
Environment and Parks will review each written statement of concern, seek more information
The Weekly Anchor if needed, and notify each filer by letter of the decision to accept or reject their written
submission as a valid statement of concern. The Public Notice of this application will also be
posted on the Department’s website at
Statements of concern submitted regarding this application are public records which are
accessible by the public and the applicant. Failure to file a statement of concern may affect
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson the right to file a Notice of Appeal with the Environmental Appeals Board.
780-723-5787 Copies of the application and additional information can be obtained from:
CALL FOR Y Michele Corry
Aspen Land Group Inc.
Phone 780-809-8191
Vote online for Edson Chamber Business Awards
by Deanna Mitchener an extremely trying year for our local
businesses, with the plunge of the oil and gas
Edson and Yellowhead County have some industry and then the coronavirus pandemic,”
fantastic businesses that serve our community she said. “This will give us a chance to thank
each and every day. them for all their hard work and unique ways
Normally this time of year has the Edson & of staying operational.”
District Chamber of Commerce gearing up for The Chamber, a non-profit organization, is
a night of celebrations to honor local also looking for sponsors for the awards. “So
businesses that have been nominated in eight far we have Weyerhaeuser and Holiday Inn
different categories. Express,” said Arndt. “We are hoping to find a
Nominations ran until September 25, and now few more sponsors.”
voting is underway from September 30 to “The Edson and District Chamber of
October 14, 2020. Commerce Executive and Manager have had
Unfortunately, like so many other events, the their work cut out for them these past six
Chamber of Commerce Business Awards Gala months to get important information out while
has been impacted by the COVID-19 continuing to advocate for local businesses,”
pandemic and will not be able to run as Arndt added. “It is more important now than
normal. ever to invest in being a member of the
Chamber Manager Kathy Arndt said, "This Chamber."
year was different and all nominations and The eight categories that are being voted on Summers Drilling Summers Drilling
voting are being done only through the Edson for the Chamber Small Business awards are
Chamber website. The winners will be Small Business, Medium Business, Large Water Well DrillingWater Well Drilling
announced on October 22 through Facebook Business, Employer of Choice, Service
Live.” Superstar, Beautification (Exterior), Taste of
A pr
“Trophies and certificates will be hand the Community, and Pioneer. A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
delivered to the winning businesses,” said Remember to visit the Edson Chamber Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Arndt in regard to the businesses selected in website to follow along and see who has been drilling and water well r
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
each category. “Due to COVID restrictions chosen this year. If you would like to help with
there will be no gala this year.” sponsorship towards these business awards,
Arndt noted the challenges that local please do so by calling Kathy at the Chamber
businesses have been faced with. “It has been Office at 780-723-4918.
Edson RCMP member charged
4405 50 str
with assault after investigation 4405 50 streeteet
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
RCMP release: The Alberta RCMP believes in PUBLIC NOTICE
processes that seek the facts and ASSOCIATED AGGREGATES INC.
Edmonton – An Edson, Alta. it’s important that processes taken
RCMP member has been charged to assess the actions of all those WATER ACT
following an investigation involved, including the police, are NOTICE OF APPLICATION
conducted by the Alberta RCMP fair, transparent, and defendable.
Summers Drilling
Western Alberta District General This is why, when we become Notice is given that Associated Aggregates Inc.has filed 2 applications under the Summers Drilling
Investigation Section. aware of a situation that requires provisions of the Water Actlocated at N1/2 24, S1/2 25 056-25-W5 for:
Water Well Drillingater Well Drilling
Const. Ryan Deroche (34), of the review, we immediately initiate · W
An Approval for working within a water body (working below the water table), on-site
Edson Detachment, has been internal processes to look at the dewatering and the construction of end pit lakes.(Quote application 001-00408647,
File 00408647)
charged with: totality of the incident, including ·
A Licence for the diversion of 13,605 cubic metres of water for the purpose of
- Two counts of uttering threats the actions of the member and the Commercial (Impoundment). (Quote application 001-00467406, File 00408647) A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
- One count of assault; and duty status of the member. Any person who is directly affected by this application may submit a written statement of Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
- Two counts of mischief under Const. Deroche’s first concern within 30 days of the date of this notice to: drilling and water well repairs.
drilling and water well repairs.
$5,000. appearance in Edson Provincial Environment and Parks
It is alleged that on Sept. 14, Court is Nov. 3, 2020. Regulatory Approvals Centre
2020, Const. Deroche threatened EDITOR'S NOTE: A charge 5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza
9915 108 Street
an adult woman in her residence. should not be considered as Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2G8
He was off-duty at the time. evidence of guilt. In Canada, all Phone: 780-427-6311
Fax: 780-422-0154
Const. Deroche had been persons are considered innocent Email:
suspended with pay immediately until proven guilty in a court of The written statement of concern should include the following:
following the incident. He has law. ·scribe concerns that are relevant to matters regulated by the Water Act
explain how the filer of the concern will be directly affected by the activity and/or
been with the RCMP for 8 years. · 4405 50 streeteet 780-963-1282
4405 50 str
diversion of water proposed in the application
Stony Plain, AB
· Stony Plain, AB
provide the legal land location of the land owned or used by the filer where the
concerns described are believed to be applicable
state the distance between the land owned or used by the filer and the site in the
contact information including the full name and mailing address of the filer. Please
provide the telephone number and/or email address for ease of contact.
Environment and Parks will review each written statement of concern, seek more information
The Weekly Anchor if needed, and notify each filer by letter of the decision to accept or reject their written
submission as a valid statement of concern. The Public Notice of this application will also be
posted on the Department’s website at
Statements of concern submitted regarding this application are public records which are
accessible by the public and the applicant. Failure to file a statement of concern may affect
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson the right to file a Notice of Appeal with the Environmental Appeals Board.
780-723-5787 Copies of the application and additional information can be obtained from:
CALL FOR Y Michele Corry
Aspen Land Group Inc.
Phone 780-809-8191