Page 28 - October 7, 2019
P. 28
Intro to Hockey ‘knocks the rust off’
by Shaylyn Thornton
On September 28, the Intro to Hockey group
participated in their season opening event Knock
the Rust Off.
Intro to Hockey is the age groups of 4-6, with the
groups that would have previously been known as
Initiation and Novice.
Knock the Rust Off is set over 2 weekends, on
September 28 and 29 and October 5 and 6. For the
first day of the program, approximately 40 kids
took to the ice.
Knock the Rust Off's main purpose is to get the
kids out onto the ice and allow them to meet the
coaches and other kids.
Intro to Hockey aims to have between 8 and 14
coaches involved this season, as the large number
of kids can use all the instruction and assistance
they can get.
Steve Acorn of Edson Minor Hockey said, “For
these ages it's not about judging or scoring. It's Intro to Hockey skaters aged 4-6 took part in Knock the Rust Off on September 28. With the help of
about having fun, setting them up for future coaches, they practiced skating, shooting, and passing. photo Shaylyn Thornton
success, and getting them in the groove of the
game.” In the game, kids skate from one end of the ice to While skills and drills will definitely be taught as
The 'having fun' part of Intro to Hockey's goal the other, as coaches try to lightly hit them with well, it is great to see that the Intro to Hockey
was certainly evident during day one of Knock the their pucks. If a kid is tagged with a puck, they join program knows that having fun is the most
Rust Off, as kids clearly loved playing a game the sidelines and get to help try to take out other important part.
called Duck Hunter. kids.
Annual Ladies Curling Bonspiel coming to Peers PCHS Senior Girls Volleyball
team overcome
by Shaylyn Thornton in Peers has always been evident.
The theme of the weekend is
The Peers Curling Club is excited emojis, and participants can feel injuries to make the play-offs
to host their annual Ladies Curling free to dress up or reference emojis
Bonspiel on November 15 and 16. in some way as they play by PCHS Coach Kaitlyn Scott We then had Carly Currie take
Held at the Peers Multiplex, the throughout the weekend. over and they both played great
event is ladies only and is a 16 team “Ladies should come out and curl This weekend [September 27th] and got some good kills
max bonspiel. Registration for each because the calibre of curling here we thought would be a struggle considering that's not their
team is $240, and registration is phenomenal… after a few glasses without one of our star athletes, personal position. Hailey Lubarsky
includes Calcutta, appetizers on of wine,” laughed organizer Shelby Naomi Muamba (out due to played amazing defense this
Friday night, and a supper on Shelton. injury), however, the Senior Girls weekend covering our 6 when the
Saturday. Those interested in registering and Volleyball team pushed through middle block just wasn't quite fast
Curling bonspiels have been taking part in this fun weekend of and made it to play-offs. enough.
hosted in Peers since the opening of sport and good company can email We had Gracie Zadderey step up We have a lot to work on this
the Peers Curling Rink in 1968. Shelby Shelton at and play middle, however, she week and hopefully can improve
Though the events are now held at, or ended up rolling her ankle and as by this weekend for our
the Multiplex, the love for curling give a call/text at 780-728-6029. unable to play on Saturday. tournament in Barrhead.
Holy Redeemer Senior Girls Volleyball
finish third with ‘great heart and hustle’
Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling
Water Well Drilling
Water Well Drilling
A pr
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well r
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
4405 50 str 780-963-1282
4405 50 streeteet
The Holy Redeemer Senior Girls Volleyball had a very successful tournament Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
in Drayton Valley on September 28th. The Rebels squad finished in third
place with some great heart and hustle from the entire team. "The season is
HRH Rebels football #30 Garett Inscho goes in for the tackle during a game still in its early stages, but everyone is looking great," says Athletics Director
against Hinton on September 26. The final score for the game was 27-20 for Julie Rothwell. "We are looking forward to getting better as the season
Hinton. photo submitted progresses en route to the Zone Championship in November.”
Intro to Hockey ‘knocks the rust off’
by Shaylyn Thornton
On September 28, the Intro to Hockey group
participated in their season opening event Knock
the Rust Off.
Intro to Hockey is the age groups of 4-6, with the
groups that would have previously been known as
Initiation and Novice.
Knock the Rust Off is set over 2 weekends, on
September 28 and 29 and October 5 and 6. For the
first day of the program, approximately 40 kids
took to the ice.
Knock the Rust Off's main purpose is to get the
kids out onto the ice and allow them to meet the
coaches and other kids.
Intro to Hockey aims to have between 8 and 14
coaches involved this season, as the large number
of kids can use all the instruction and assistance
they can get.
Steve Acorn of Edson Minor Hockey said, “For
these ages it's not about judging or scoring. It's Intro to Hockey skaters aged 4-6 took part in Knock the Rust Off on September 28. With the help of
about having fun, setting them up for future coaches, they practiced skating, shooting, and passing. photo Shaylyn Thornton
success, and getting them in the groove of the
game.” In the game, kids skate from one end of the ice to While skills and drills will definitely be taught as
The 'having fun' part of Intro to Hockey's goal the other, as coaches try to lightly hit them with well, it is great to see that the Intro to Hockey
was certainly evident during day one of Knock the their pucks. If a kid is tagged with a puck, they join program knows that having fun is the most
Rust Off, as kids clearly loved playing a game the sidelines and get to help try to take out other important part.
called Duck Hunter. kids.
Annual Ladies Curling Bonspiel coming to Peers PCHS Senior Girls Volleyball
team overcome
by Shaylyn Thornton in Peers has always been evident.
The theme of the weekend is
The Peers Curling Club is excited emojis, and participants can feel injuries to make the play-offs
to host their annual Ladies Curling free to dress up or reference emojis
Bonspiel on November 15 and 16. in some way as they play by PCHS Coach Kaitlyn Scott We then had Carly Currie take
Held at the Peers Multiplex, the throughout the weekend. over and they both played great
event is ladies only and is a 16 team “Ladies should come out and curl This weekend [September 27th] and got some good kills
max bonspiel. Registration for each because the calibre of curling here we thought would be a struggle considering that's not their
team is $240, and registration is phenomenal… after a few glasses without one of our star athletes, personal position. Hailey Lubarsky
includes Calcutta, appetizers on of wine,” laughed organizer Shelby Naomi Muamba (out due to played amazing defense this
Friday night, and a supper on Shelton. injury), however, the Senior Girls weekend covering our 6 when the
Saturday. Those interested in registering and Volleyball team pushed through middle block just wasn't quite fast
Curling bonspiels have been taking part in this fun weekend of and made it to play-offs. enough.
hosted in Peers since the opening of sport and good company can email We had Gracie Zadderey step up We have a lot to work on this
the Peers Curling Rink in 1968. Shelby Shelton at and play middle, however, she week and hopefully can improve
Though the events are now held at, or ended up rolling her ankle and as by this weekend for our
the Multiplex, the love for curling give a call/text at 780-728-6029. unable to play on Saturday. tournament in Barrhead.
Holy Redeemer Senior Girls Volleyball
finish third with ‘great heart and hustle’
Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling
Water Well Drilling
Water Well Drilling
A pr
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well r
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
4405 50 str 780-963-1282
4405 50 streeteet
The Holy Redeemer Senior Girls Volleyball had a very successful tournament Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
in Drayton Valley on September 28th. The Rebels squad finished in third
place with some great heart and hustle from the entire team. "The season is
HRH Rebels football #30 Garett Inscho goes in for the tackle during a game still in its early stages, but everyone is looking great," says Athletics Director
against Hinton on September 26. The final score for the game was 27-20 for Julie Rothwell. "We are looking forward to getting better as the season
Hinton. photo submitted progresses en route to the Zone Championship in November.”