Page 3 - September 28 2020
P. 3
Town looks at repurposing
Griffith's Park Centre Parkland Lodge Auxiliary Society
continued from front Grandparent Walk Fundraiser
Byers stated, “What at a cost of $55,000. direction we want to
we're really looking to A d m i n i s t r a t i o n g o . ” T h e m a y o r cancelled due to Covid-19
do is create this proposed funding the clarified that company
community space to project through the sponsorships would be DONATIONS STILL NEEDED...
provide a variety of Recreation/Culture welcome if they came
programming, social Operating reserve forward. Unfortunately with Coronavirus (COVID-19) the Parkland
services, arts and which has a current Councillor Krystal Lodge Auxiliary Society had to cancel their 48th Annual
cultural, and special balance of $189,500. Baier stated that she Grandparent Walk-A-Thon which was scheduled for
events —everything at There is currently no favoured option one September 26, 2020.
one hub. We are plan in place to and elements from
hoping to do it out of replenish this reserve. option two if funds We truly appreciate all the great support in the past for this
that space and take the This funding would became available. event as it has helped our Society give each senior in the
opportunity that has give staff time to M a y o r Z a h a r a Lodge a $100.00 gift card for Christmas also purchasing wine
come out of some organize and oversee expressed concern for their Christmas Dinner and champagne for their New
unfortunate events.” the project and give with the overall Year’s dinner.
The first proposal maintenance staff time condition of the As we are a Non-profit organization you could donate to
came at cost of t o c o m p l e t e t h e building, "All of a this cause and any amount $20.00 and over you would
$107,800 and would renovations. sudden we spend receive a tax receipt. For more information please contact
include renovations Edson Mayor Kevin $170,000 and find out Ivan Strang @ 780/723-4020.
deemed a top priority Zahara said, “I know there are a lot more Once again we thank you all for your support to give that
t o e n h a n c e t h e that businesses are structural issues we little extra to our seniors in the Town of Edson and Yellowhead
f u n c t i o n a l i t y t o struggling and I have a need to spend money County region.
a c c o m m o d a t e hard time having the on. Is that the best use
programs and events. municipality go out of this money or is Thank you
A second proposal there and ask for funds putting it towards
included a complete for a municipal project additional space at the
renovation to update when there's so many multi-use facility
the space from top to non-profits struggling. better? These are the
bottom to make it safer I think if we're going to kinds of questions that
for participants at a do this we should be need answering."
cost of $171,600. A funding it ourselves, if Town COA Mike
third proposal offered we believe this is the Derricott stated that
only minimal repairs they are unaware of
any major structural
issues that need Grandparent Walk from a previous year.
~ Obituary ~ addressing. "It would
LEONARD CHARLES HAMBLIN be infinitely cheaper to
August 30, 1963 – September 12, 2020 invest in this existing
On September 12, 2020, we space than to recreate
unexpectedly lost our beloved it elsewhere. I am
husband, dad, son, brother, confident this activity
grandpa and friend, LEONARD would have a positive
young age of 57. His wife, Cindy, long term financial
will always remember him as her b e n e f i t t o t h e
best friend, partner and rock. They c o m m u n i t y. " H e
were married on January 3, 1987. He always treated her
with love, respect and kindness, and they proved to be added that the project
an outstanding example to others in having a truly would help fill critical
happy marriage. service and program
His sons, Charles (Brianna) and Matthew (Chantelle), g a p s i n t h e
will never forget how dad's stories and fact-telling
would always culminate with gut-wrenching laughter. community.
They would often hear from his friends of how highly Councillor Trevor
he spoke of 'his boys' and how proud he was of their Bevan expressed his
accomplishments. If you wanted to see how soft dad
really was, all you needed to do was see him with his support for option two.
grand-daughter, Lily. Grandpa was so proud of how "It's not much of risk to
smart she is! go the extra and do this
Leonard was born in Smithers, BC. to Charles David right the first time
Hamblin & Merle Jacqueline Hamblin and was a
brother to Nadina, David (Mary), Rocky (Penny) and around." Baier then
Aaron (Brenda). He had many uncles, aunties, nieces, agreed she would
nephews, and cousins,and was a dependable friend to so favour option two.
many people. No doubt they will continue to call to Councillor Janet
mind Proverbs 18:24 when thinking about Len: “There
is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” W i l k i n s o n a l s o
Leonard was well-respected in the communities of supported option two
Hinton, Edson, Jasper and Grande Cache as a and suggested a
professional window-cleaner. He loved fishing, hunting,
spending time camping and relaxing with a glass of naming right sponsor
wine after a day's work. to help fund the
As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, Leonard made project. Councillor
teaching others about the Bible the focus in his life. G e a n C h o u i n a r d
What he learned from the Bible gave him a real purpose
and a hope for the future. As such, he wanted others to suggested naming
benefit as he did from the guidance it contains and rooms may be more
would always know the perfect scripture to read in f a i r t o s m a l l e r
order to encourage a friend, or to give advice. His companies in the area
courage and zeal for his beliefs were well known in
Houston, BC. where he was raised, as well as in Hinton, who may want to come
AB. where he spent the last 23 years. forward.
We look forward to seeing him again in paradise on The item will be
earth, where we can hear him laugh again.
brought back to
A Division Of The Caring Group Corp. options at a future
Edson 780.723.3575 Hinton 780.865.1234
Town looks at repurposing
Griffith's Park Centre Parkland Lodge Auxiliary Society
continued from front Grandparent Walk Fundraiser
Byers stated, “What at a cost of $55,000. direction we want to
we're really looking to A d m i n i s t r a t i o n g o . ” T h e m a y o r cancelled due to Covid-19
do is create this proposed funding the clarified that company
community space to project through the sponsorships would be DONATIONS STILL NEEDED...
provide a variety of Recreation/Culture welcome if they came
programming, social Operating reserve forward. Unfortunately with Coronavirus (COVID-19) the Parkland
services, arts and which has a current Councillor Krystal Lodge Auxiliary Society had to cancel their 48th Annual
cultural, and special balance of $189,500. Baier stated that she Grandparent Walk-A-Thon which was scheduled for
events —everything at There is currently no favoured option one September 26, 2020.
one hub. We are plan in place to and elements from
hoping to do it out of replenish this reserve. option two if funds We truly appreciate all the great support in the past for this
that space and take the This funding would became available. event as it has helped our Society give each senior in the
opportunity that has give staff time to M a y o r Z a h a r a Lodge a $100.00 gift card for Christmas also purchasing wine
come out of some organize and oversee expressed concern for their Christmas Dinner and champagne for their New
unfortunate events.” the project and give with the overall Year’s dinner.
The first proposal maintenance staff time condition of the As we are a Non-profit organization you could donate to
came at cost of t o c o m p l e t e t h e building, "All of a this cause and any amount $20.00 and over you would
$107,800 and would renovations. sudden we spend receive a tax receipt. For more information please contact
include renovations Edson Mayor Kevin $170,000 and find out Ivan Strang @ 780/723-4020.
deemed a top priority Zahara said, “I know there are a lot more Once again we thank you all for your support to give that
t o e n h a n c e t h e that businesses are structural issues we little extra to our seniors in the Town of Edson and Yellowhead
f u n c t i o n a l i t y t o struggling and I have a need to spend money County region.
a c c o m m o d a t e hard time having the on. Is that the best use
programs and events. municipality go out of this money or is Thank you
A second proposal there and ask for funds putting it towards
included a complete for a municipal project additional space at the
renovation to update when there's so many multi-use facility
the space from top to non-profits struggling. better? These are the
bottom to make it safer I think if we're going to kinds of questions that
for participants at a do this we should be need answering."
cost of $171,600. A funding it ourselves, if Town COA Mike
third proposal offered we believe this is the Derricott stated that
only minimal repairs they are unaware of
any major structural
issues that need Grandparent Walk from a previous year.
~ Obituary ~ addressing. "It would
LEONARD CHARLES HAMBLIN be infinitely cheaper to
August 30, 1963 – September 12, 2020 invest in this existing
On September 12, 2020, we space than to recreate
unexpectedly lost our beloved it elsewhere. I am
husband, dad, son, brother, confident this activity
grandpa and friend, LEONARD would have a positive
young age of 57. His wife, Cindy, long term financial
will always remember him as her b e n e f i t t o t h e
best friend, partner and rock. They c o m m u n i t y. " H e
were married on January 3, 1987. He always treated her
with love, respect and kindness, and they proved to be added that the project
an outstanding example to others in having a truly would help fill critical
happy marriage. service and program
His sons, Charles (Brianna) and Matthew (Chantelle), g a p s i n t h e
will never forget how dad's stories and fact-telling
would always culminate with gut-wrenching laughter. community.
They would often hear from his friends of how highly Councillor Trevor
he spoke of 'his boys' and how proud he was of their Bevan expressed his
accomplishments. If you wanted to see how soft dad
really was, all you needed to do was see him with his support for option two.
grand-daughter, Lily. Grandpa was so proud of how "It's not much of risk to
smart she is! go the extra and do this
Leonard was born in Smithers, BC. to Charles David right the first time
Hamblin & Merle Jacqueline Hamblin and was a
brother to Nadina, David (Mary), Rocky (Penny) and around." Baier then
Aaron (Brenda). He had many uncles, aunties, nieces, agreed she would
nephews, and cousins,and was a dependable friend to so favour option two.
many people. No doubt they will continue to call to Councillor Janet
mind Proverbs 18:24 when thinking about Len: “There
is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” W i l k i n s o n a l s o
Leonard was well-respected in the communities of supported option two
Hinton, Edson, Jasper and Grande Cache as a and suggested a
professional window-cleaner. He loved fishing, hunting,
spending time camping and relaxing with a glass of naming right sponsor
wine after a day's work. to help fund the
As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, Leonard made project. Councillor
teaching others about the Bible the focus in his life. G e a n C h o u i n a r d
What he learned from the Bible gave him a real purpose
and a hope for the future. As such, he wanted others to suggested naming
benefit as he did from the guidance it contains and rooms may be more
would always know the perfect scripture to read in f a i r t o s m a l l e r
order to encourage a friend, or to give advice. His companies in the area
courage and zeal for his beliefs were well known in
Houston, BC. where he was raised, as well as in Hinton, who may want to come
AB. where he spent the last 23 years. forward.
We look forward to seeing him again in paradise on The item will be
earth, where we can hear him laugh again.
brought back to
A Division Of The Caring Group Corp. options at a future
Edson 780.723.3575 Hinton 780.865.1234