Page 12 - September 18, 2017
P. 12

Mayor Greg Pasychny to seek re-election

That is one of the reasons for Mayor Pasychny's something. Just look at our pool. When you have
decision to run again is to see the project at to get parts machined because we can't get parts we
Parkland Lodge through to completion. “Seniors have maybe five to ten years at most out of that
are vitally important to the community. Having a pool before we have massive expenses.”
residence for your mom and your dad to go to is When asked about the operation costs for a new
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE important. These things are important to me. facility, which have long been one of the
Those people built our community.” prohibiting factors to a new facility, Mayor
Professional Digital Passport System photos Pasychny said he had delayed announcing his Pasychny said, “Today with efficiencies you build
ready in minutes while you wait... decision to run again for a number on reasons, “I it with your hockey, and you use your waste heat
don't think people like to listen to campaigning for from your ice plants to heat your pool. Your
six months. As an incumbent and as the Mayor if I inefficiencies go down and your cost of operating
haven't been doing my job people won't elect me.” goes way down. You look at the Tri-Leisure
He also said he had been expecting friends and Centre compared to Millenium Place. They are
family to start telling him that is was time to step two similar sized facilities. It costs 1/3 to run the
Mayor Greg Pasychny to seek re-election. back but the reverse held true and people were Tri-Leisure Centre than it does to run Millenium
asking him to run again. Place just because of the technology change in a
Pasychny seems excited for the next term as the matter of five years between the build times.”
by Adrienne Tait hard work of the past has put them in a position to Pasychny has a plan to work towards a facility.
move forward. Pasychny said he feels that “We can pick a site, we can say 'we have this
Mayor Greg Pasychny has formally announced recreation can and will now be a focus. “In order available cash let's do this' and we can start
he will be seeking re-election as mayor during the for Edson to stay competitive with neighbouring building up. Purchasing the land, stripping the
October municipal election. communities we are going to have to look at land these things are expensive when added into a
“I am running today for the same reason I ran the family recreation and recreation as a whole. I big project but if you pay cash for as much as you
first time… to make Edson better. I have no think a multi-use facility of some sort is going to can and then just finance or debenture the building
hidden agenda, I am not backed by any groups, I be top of mind. I have an idea of how we can do it then we can get somewhere. We don't have a lot of
do what I think is best for Edson. That has been without a hit to taxes. Based on what we have paid borrowing capacity as a community but some of
my mandate from day one,” said Mayor Pasychny. off, based on our borrowing capacity, and based on the big payments are coming off so I think we can
Of his achievements as mayor he is most proud our partnerships and our partnership with do this without breaking the bank or raising taxes.”
of fighting for the hospital. “Every Mayor has dealt Yellowhead County that we could definitely move The municipal election is set for October 16 .
with that before me. Every MLA has promised it. into the future. I think it's time. We are due for Sept 25
When I got elected I said I am not going to accept
ribbon cutting - I am going to get us a hospital.”
Passport•Citizenship•Rifle Arms Licence• Originally the provincial government wanted to
Permanent Resident•Photos & more renovate the old hospital. Mayor Pasychny recalls
the day the tender came in for the project, “I was
golfing with the Minister of Health. The
DROP IN AND SEE! newspaper called me and said the tender came in at
$80 million. I sat down with the Minster and said
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson 'the tender has come in at $80 million.' He said, 'I
guess you're not getting a hospital.' And I said, “I
780-723-5787 guess we are getting a new hospital.” I shifted
gears and started pushing. It was a different style
of politics.”
“It is not a full time job, it is a full time
The Weekly Anchor commitment,” said Mayor Pasychny, “The Mayor 2016 FORD FLEX SEL 2015 FORD F-150 LARIAT 2014 FORD F150 Fx4 2014 EDGE SEL 2014 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED
is one vote of seven. It takes a council to run the CREW
community. I never make campaign promises, I AWD CAB LOADED AWD LOADED
will make commitments towards projects but not 4X4 TRADE
campaign promises. Your council and mayor are
policy setters, they control budget, they set
direction, and they fight for their community.”
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE “change” argument. We have seen it. We have
Mayor Pasychny said, “I challenge the whole
seen it federally – people wanted change and they #17125A #17111A #17263A #1736A #17310A
Professional Digital Passport System photos voted for change. Provincially, people wanted
ready in minutes while you wait... change and they voted for change and then they 2015 FORD FUSION SE 2016 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER ES 2016 FORD F-150 PLATINUM 2015 FORD F-350 NAVIGATION 2010 FORD TAURUS
look at the municipality and they say 'they have AWD
Passport Citizenship Rifle Arms Licence • been there too long it is time for a change' and if NICE LIKE LOADED LEATHER LIMITED

Permanent Resident Photos & more you look at it from a lot of different ways and quite NEW KM

often it is on the backs of empty promises. If you
want to run on a change platform that means you
want to change what we have been doing and we
have been doing a lot of good.”
Since initially being elected Pasychny said #17188A #17129A #17249A #17328A #16358C
council has had to focus on core infrastructure
items such as water and sewer as well as finding CHECK OUT OUR GREA
ways to improve the town's financial situation.
The result is the town is finally in a position to
consider other projects. “We have done a lot of STOP IN OR CALL FOR PRICING!
work and fixed a lot of things that need to be fixed.
Now people are seeing 'this is going to be the fun
stuff.' It is exciting that people want to be on
council. It is a testament to past councils that we JERRY FORD SALES LTD.ERRY FORD SALES LTD.
are seeing this kind of engagement. Nobody wants
DROP IN AND SEE! to be on a council that if they see that the ship is
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson sinking.”
When asked how the town's financial situation
compares now to where it was a few years ago Where Pleasing You Comes Naturally!
The Weekly Anchor 780-723-5787 Mayor Pasychny said, “When you think about how
much we've done and we've never had a tax
increase over 5%. Last year we had a 0% increase. FOLLOW US ON F 5908 - 4th Ave., Edson Ph: 723-4441
We took millions out of our budget and still kept
the taxes to 0%. Our financials now are in great
shape. That's why we are seeing a lot of people
“I have fought hard for grants, for money, for
improvements. The history and the knowledge that
you carry is beneficial,” said Mayor Pasychny.
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