Page 4 - August 24 2020
P. 4

Town passes mandatory face covering bylaw in response to COVID-19

“This is not a direct enactment of a requirement for the public to wear facial coverings”: CAO Derricott

by Cassie Kushniruk possible place to respond to this,” he said. spaces, what would that look like walking on the
“Attached as a part of this bylaw is a schedule trail systems?”
On August 18 during Town Council's regularly outlining what the parameters are for Derricott replied that at this point, the bylaw only
scheduled meeting, Council discussed passing a considerations of what a low risk environment is,
bylaw that would require residents to wear facial what a medium risk environment is, and what a continued page 7
coverings in all public spaces should the COVID- high risk environment is in relation to COVID-19,”
19 risk in the community escalate. said Dericott. “At this point, we've identified 10
Summers Drilling
This bylaw was recently presented to the active cases of COVID-19 in our community as a Summers Drilling
Emergency Management Advisory Committee, key consideration [for entering a medium risk
Water Well Drilling
during which members provided their general level]; however it's not the only consideration. Water Well Drilling
support for both the bylaw and the risk level Some of the principles that we would also consider
indicators that would bring it into effect. are the location and type of the infections …and the
CAO Mike Derricott clarified, “This is not a impacts on hospitals, schools, and other public A pr
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
direct enactment of a requirement for the public to facilities.”
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
wear facial coverings; this is in response to Derricott stated that any type of active Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well r
escalating risk levels in our community. At this enforcement, such as fines, would be considered drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
point, we would consider our community to be at last resort under this bylaw. “Educational effort
low risk under the parameters of this bylaw. As would be the first approach that we would take to
long as our community was to remain in that state, ensure that people know and are aware of the
we would not enact a practice of mandatory facial bylaw, and then we would invite them to follow the
coverings.” parameters under that before any action would be
Derricott noted that this bylaw would allow the taken.”
Town to “respond quickly and proactively should During the time for questions and comments
the risk profile of our community change”. “We from Council, Councillor Krystal Baier asked, “If
have seen in a number of communities that these we move to a medium risk level and it would be 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
risk profiles can change relatively quickly, so this mandatory to wear facial coverings in public 4405 50 street Town of Edson
Town of Edson
Stony Plain, AB
proactive measure, I think, puts us in the best Stony Plain, AB TOWN OF EDSON Office Hours
Office Hours
TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Town of Edson
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
Office Hours
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
We Need Feedback!
Council will hold an online meeting to consider a proposed development for
accessory buildings on
EMPLOYMENT Council has the authority to issue development permits in the Direct Control
Tuesday June 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm through a meeting online
WE ARE OPEN Are you interested in working in an 6628 17 Avenue
Plan 962 4000, Block 2, Lot 11
environment where your work can
WITH EXTRA SAFETY PRECAUTIONS positively affect the quality of life for
yourself, your co-workers and the
community? A career with the Town of
Edson can deliver this.

The Town of Edson is currently
seeking to fill the following vacancies:
• Utility Operator I – To view details of the application, please contact the
Permanent Full-Time Planning Department.
You may submit written comments by emailing:
Intrigued? Go to;
for a complete job description, position by mailing:
requirements, and compensation Planning—Town of Edson, PO Box 6300, Edson AB T7E 1T7;
or by hand delivering to the Civic Centre drop off box at the
details. Resumes will be accepted as front door entrance.
outlined. Submissions must be received by the Town ONE WEEK prior to the Zoom
Meeting for Councils consideration.
Your interest in working with the Town If no objection to the development is received within the time prescribed in this
of Edson is appreciated! notice, then the decision by Council will proceed without further notice. If an
We are following all AHS objection to the development is received, then a public hearing will be held at
the date, time and place specified in this notice.
To watch the online meeting live, please visit
recommendations during Personal information contained in submissions are collected under the Alberta
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). This meeting
will be recorded and shared.
this pandemic

We encourage calling for an

appointment at 780.725.3185

- but walk-ins still accepted -

(Please note that calls will be answered only until 8 pm.)
Please follow us on Facebook at Edson Food Bank Society

July 30: Edson Youth Interagency invites youth ages 10-15 for Outdoor Adventure
Day at Willmore Park from 12 pm to 4 pm. The cost is $10, which includes snacks,
drinks, and swag. Register online at Only 24 spots are available. For more
information, call 780-723-4403. COVID-19 'day camp' guidelines will be followed,
which means no bussing to the site will be available.
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