Page 5 - August 24 2020
P. 5
The Town of Edson
has a mobile app?
With the app you can:
- View facility schedules
- See what’s going on
around town with the
events calendar.
- Walk the trails with
confidence with a map of
the trails including trail
heads and points of
- Report-a-Problem.
- See what businesses are in
Edson and get directions.
- Receive emergency push notices.
COVID-19 UPDATE – Town of Edson (as of June 17th, 2020)
- Get notices on snow removal and
general town news (set the
notifications in settings).
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY AUGUST 24, 2020 PAGE 5 - Find out when your garbage pickup is
Town of Edson
TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
Town of Edson
Office Hours
Office Hours
Office Hours
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
COVID-19 UPDATE – Town of Edson(as of August 19th, 2020)
Repsol Place Reopening - An outbreak within local schools, which may or will be education at the start of any program. The
may not result in a closure of the school(s). full bylaw can be reviewed at
TOWN OF EDSON Please note that theEdson pool is scheduled - A persistent and active Infection rate profile of Currently, the Town of Edson is following the
Are you interested in working in an to open on August 31st, the Centennial arena neighboring communities (e.g. Hinton, Whitecourt, Province in strongly recommending the use of
environment where your work can positively will open on September 8th, and the Memorial Evansburg, etc.). face coverings where social distancing cannot be
affect the quality of life for yourself, your co- arena will open the following week. Schedules If those triggers are reached, it would move maintained.
workers and the community? A career with the will be available, and registration will open, this Edson into the Medium Risk category of the bylaw
Town of Edson can deliver this. week. Bookings are prepaid and non- and facial coverings would become mandatory. More information on the proper use of masks,
The Town of Edson is currently seeking to fill refundable/non-transferable online registration Other measures would also be reviewed at that visit
the following vacancies: only – No drop-in. time. the latest information relating to COVID-19 and
• Utility Operator I – Permanent Full-Time There are a number of exemptions listed in the it's impacts for the Town of Edson, visit
- All activities (public swim, swimming lessons, bylaw, including:
Intrigued? Go to for a lane swim, aqua-fit, shinny, and public skate )
complete job description, position will require participants to register online or by - persons under 2 years
requirements, and compensation details. phone in advance. of age;
Resumes will be accepted as outlined. - Online registration will allow us to control our - persons who are
Your interest in working with the Town of numbers and follow the Provincial unable to place, use, or
Edson is appreciated! recommendations to pre-screen and track remove Face Coverings
participants. without assistance;
If you are a senior and would like - All participants must be registered even if - persons providing care
to access a Senior Focus Bag or they are underage (infant) and do not have to or assistance to a person
know a senior that would like one pay. with a disability where a
scan the QR code below or call Face Covering would
780-723-8616 to book a bag. hinder that caregiving or
Spots are limited, first come, first - A number of new regulations and guidelines assistance;
serve. Delivery on August 25 are in place for both swimming and arena use. - persons consuming
between 8am-4pm. Please visit our website for full details. food or drink in designated seating areas
facilities/repsol-place or as part of a religious or

TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson Mandatory Facial Coverings spiritual ceremony;
Town of Edson
- persons engaging in
Office Hours
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
physical exercise; or
Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Bylaw aquatic activities or
Public Information & Notices 2020
- persons engaging in
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday Edson Town Council has given three services that require the
readings to Bylaw 2250, the Mandatory Facial temporary removal of a EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY
Covering Bylaw. However, the bylaw only Face Covering.
comes into effect if certain thresholds are met. TOWN OF EDSON
Those benchmarks include:
- More than 10 active cases within the Edson The bylaw carries a
Region. potential fine of $100 for
a first offence and $200
- A persistent spread of active cases within for subsequent offences.
the community. However, the main goal


Notice is hereby given that the Development Authority has authorized the issuance of the following Development Permits in accordance with the
Town of Edson Land Use Bylaw #2070 as amended:

Permit # Address/Legal Development Type Use Date Issued Online Zoning

Week 1

Week 2

054-2020 302 50 Street (5008 3 Ave)/ Plan 952 2184, Sign, except billboard (Fascia and Permitted August 7, 2020 C-1
Block 15, Lot 1A wall)

Any person who deems to be affected by the issuance of any one of these permits may appeal to the Subdivision and Development Authority by
4:00 p.m., on the 21 day after the date of issue as published on the Town’s website ( On Permitted Uses,
grounds for appeal must relate only to interpretation, variance, or relaxation of Land Use Bylaw 2070. On Discretionary Uses, all aspects of the
proposed development may be challenged upon appeal. Written notice of appeal, accompanied by the appeal fee as established by Town Council,
must be filed through the Office of the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board at Box 6300, Edson, AB T7E 1T7.

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