Page 2 - August 31 2020
P. 2
Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling
Water Well Drilling
$20M federal grant approved for Water Well Drilling

A pr
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
Edson & County Recreation Multi-Use Facility Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r
Edson, Alberta, Aug 26, 2020 The remaining $50 million of this infrastructure projects in the
proposed $70 million project will come community.”
The Town of Edson is excited with the from a combination of Provincial Municipal More details on the project, as well as
news that the Edson/Yellowhead County Sustainability Initiative (MSI) grant money Edson's financial planning for this
Recreational Multi-Use Project has been and municipal funding (approx. $25 million facility, can be found at
approved for $20 million in federal grant Yellowhead County and County MSI grants
4405 50 str
funding through Infrastructure Canada. / approx. $25 million Town of Edson and It's expected that a project 4405 50 streeteet 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
The announcement came today in releases Edson MSI funding). management firm will be hired this year Stony Plain, AB www
from Infrastructure Canada, as well as Edson CAO Mike Derricott says, for with more detailed designs coming in
Yellowhead MP Gerald Soroka. The news Edson, this new grant means relying less on 2021. Additional details/project
release confirmed grant funding for several future funding than the original proposal. information will be released in the
important infrastructure projects across the “As we continue to move through uncertain coming weeks.
region. The full release can be found on the times, having this guaranteed funding will The Town of Edson is looking forward
Infrastructure Canada website. allow the Town of Edson to move forward to moving forward with this important
Sahana Clark/Kovsvsicd (2), Issac Clark/Kovsvsicd (5) and Donavin (who will be turning six in October) were having a lot of fun at the Edson Kinsmen Spray ( with more confidence and to use potential project with our partners in Yellowhead
Park recently. photo Deanna Mitchener dex-nr-cp-eng.html) future grant money for other important County, with support from the
Provincial and Federal Governments.
Town of Edson
Town discusses revamping staff compensation TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
Office Hours
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
to better attract experienced professionals to Edson Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
by Cassie Kushniruk pure number sense, we're at the percentile mark of support for the 50th percentile, adding, “I would
42.7%,” he said. “While this is not awful, it's certainly be interested in more.”
At the Town of Edson's Committee of the Whole certainly not putting us at the front of the pack Councillor Troy Sorenson stated, “I do believe We Need
meeting, Council discussed revamping the Town's either.” that the 50th percentile is the right way to go with
staff compensation strategy for non-union Additionally, McComb stated that Edson's additional cost-neutral and for-cost benefits. I'd Feedback!
employees in an effort to attract more experienced regional positioning is less optimal than other also be in support of tying it to inflation.”
professionals to Edson. municipalities, and that while the Town can Councillor Janet Wilkinson commented, “I would Council will hold an online meeting to consider a proposed development for
“Few would argue with the principle that we sometimes attract great professionals from the local really like it if you could bring us back with some accessory buildings on
should deliver the ratepayers of Edson the best community, many of these hires hail from the statistics on what the current employees at the Tuesday June 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm through a meeting online
professionals that we can find for the best possible private sector. “While I think it's a great idea to Town value before we discuss any compensation Council has the authority to issue development permits in the Direct Control
price,” began HR Manager Colin McComb, during occasionally bring in people with no municipal because now does not seem to be the time to District.
the August 11 meeting. “Having competent and experience to give us fresh perspectives, we still discuss compensation when people are doing so
WE ARE OPEN experienced managers and professionals in this need to be able to attract people with municipal badly.” 6628 17 Avenue
Councillor Jacqui Currie said, “I'm really
organization will help us deliver increasingly
background,” he said. “Unfortunately, very few
Plan 962 4000, Block 2, Lot 11
municipally-experienced people live in the Edson
improved services.”
comfortable with that 50th percentile and then
McComb noted that although the Town of Edson
WITH EXTRA SAFETY PRECAUTIONS has “smart, devoted, and driven employees area, which means we're asking them to relocate, looking at the other ways that we can [attract
which means we need to provide excellent reasons
employees]. I know myself
dedicated to providing improved services to the as to why they should choose Edson over any other personally…vacation/personal days and just being
Edson community”, vacancies do occur. “When number of hiring municipalities, and 42.7% a part of collective agreements are the two things
they do, it's my job to go out and find you the best [percentile] doesn't help us do that.” that are often fought for the most.”
possible candidates,” he said. “And in order to do In addition to setting a percentile target, McComb Deputy Mayor Gean Chouinard stated, “When
so, we need to be strategic in how we approach also suggested looking at increasing both monetary we're looking at the 50th percentile, that doesn't
salary compensation.” and non-monetary benefits to better attract great concern me to change. I believe overall we've done
“Like a computer company in a market that's professionals to Edson. “There are benefits that we a lot of changes and our satisfaction is good. I
saturated with computers, we need something that could institute today that would incur few, if any, would look more at targeting an individual person To view details of the application, please contact the
sets us apart,” McComb explained. “It's not enough costs, or there are other benefits that may punch through the interviewing, because what's important Planning Department.
that we have a great product; we need to be able to above their weight. An example might be to one may not be important to others. I wouldn't You may submit written comments by emailing:
persuade our 'customers' that we are a unique increasing our active living allowance. If we were play with the percentiles too much because all of its;
product—one that can meet their needs like no to advertise wages that were a thousand dollars costs us money, but we'll concentrate more on by mailing:
other can.” more than they are today, the resulting impact selling Edson.” Planning—Town of Edson, PO Box 6300, Edson AB T7E 1T7;
McComb noted that employee attraction remains would barely register. If, however, we were to state CAO Mike Derricott also commented, “I believe or by hand delivering to the Civic Centre drop off box at the
the biggest challenge for the Town of Edson. “In a that we have a $1000 active living allowance, that's the 50th percentile is the right place to be for a front door entrance.
Submissions must be received by the Town ONE WEEK prior to the Zoom
going to have a more number of reasons, [mainly because] I don't want If no objection to the development is received within the time prescribed in this
Meeting for Councils consideration.
significant impact.”
the amount that someone's getting paid to be the
During the time for
notice, then the decision by Council will proceed without further notice. If an
TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson We are following all AHS KID’S CORNER questions and comments number one reason why they choose to join our objection to the development is received, then a public hearing will be held at
Town of Edson
organization. I think we can manage attracting
from Council, Mayor
more of the cultural fit we want by highlighting
the date, time and place specified in this notice.
Office Hours
Office Hours
Meet Lily Williams who is four years old. Lily was
Kevin Zahara said, “We
other elements of our organization that drive these
To watch the online meeting live, please visit
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. recommendations during excited to start kindergarten in September, but on are competing as a types of thought processes and attributes.” Personal information contained in submissions are collected under the Alberta
August 23, she became a big sister again and
Public Information & Notices 2020
community and an
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). This meeting
Councillor Wilkinson said, “As a Council, we
doesn’t really want to go and leave her baby sister
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday behind. Lily says she enjoys going to the play park, organization, not only work for the citizens of Edson and I think we need will be recorded and shared.
with our region, but right to find what the norm is in our community as well.”
this pandemic watching TV episodes, fishing, and going for boat across Alberta and Councillor Currie expressed support for flexible
rides. When she grows up she wants to be a
princess with her own castle. Canada. Being a smaller remote working programs to allow employees to
She would like to volunteer to pick flowers and give community with not a lot “create a schedule that works for what they do in
We encourage calling for an them to others to up cheer them up. Lily has a pet of amenities that you their role in the Town of Edson”, which “allows
bunny, dog and gecko. Her favourite thing to eat is
would have in a bigger
them to use that freedom for themselves”.
EMPLOYMENT appointment at 780.725.3185 pancakes. [city]…it's really hard to we could do is take into account previous service
Mayor Zahara added, “I think one of the things
attract those types of
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
OPPORTUNITY - but walk-ins still accepted - Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by: folks. I think at the very history with other industry or other municipalities
base we need to be
to say we will match your years of service, so if
(Please note that calls will be answered only until 8 pm.) Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling looking at a 50th you have 10 years of service, you won't lose [that
Quality W
Are you interested in working in an Quality Workork percentile.” vacation time].”
Councillor Krystal
This item will be brought forward at a future
environment where your work can Please follow us on Facebook at Edson Food Bank Society Serving Edson & District Since 1974 Baier also expressed meeting for further discussion amongst Council.
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
positively affect the quality of life for
yourself, your co-workers and the
community? A career with the Town of
Edson can deliver this.
The Town of Edson is currently
seeking to fill the following vacancies:
• Utility Operator I –
Permanent Full-Time
Intrigued? Go to EVENT REMINDER:
for a complete job description, position July 30: Edson Youth Interagency invites youth ages 10-15 for Outdoor Adventure
requirements, and compensation Day at Willmore Park from 12 pm to 4 pm. The cost is $10, which includes snacks,
details. Resumes will be accepted as drinks, and swag. Register online at Only 24 spots are available. For more
information, call 780-723-4403. COVID-19 'day camp' guidelines will be followed,
outlined. which means no bussing to the site will be available.
Your interest in working with the Town
of Edson is appreciated!

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