Page 3 - August 31 2020
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July 22, August 26, September
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY AUGUST 31, 2020 PAGE 3 23, October 28, November 25
Newspaper readership is Holy Redeemer prepares for students to return and Temporary For December
will be the 15th. So Every fourth

truly multi-platform continued from page 2 submitted normal that we will be experiencing,” says our school a safe place.” Helping the world hear better Wednesday of the month. Please
Serving Alberta since 1964
send proof so I can proof read
continued page 10
We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, CVA provider
The structure of the school day will be quite
It is hard to believe that there have been no Churchill. All students will begin attending on different as classes will be in cohorts with and then the tear sheet there
September 11th and onward.
The 2019 report found that 83% of newspaper readers are accessing students in the hallways and classrooms at In addition to the staggered entry, students students remaining in the same classroom as
at least some of their newspaper content online. Interestingly, Holy Redeemer for the past five months. But will have specific drop-off and pick-up times, much as possible with teachers moving HEARING EVALUATIONS after.
however, the all of that is about to change as HRH prepares and different doors throughout the school will classrooms instead. Students will be assigned
to welcome their students back.
act as entrances and exits for different grades.
majority of these On July 21st, the Government of Alberta This will help to avoid mass gatherings and specific desks and keep their school supplies
with them at all times as there will be no
readers are using that announced that the province would be high congestion areas. Parents will be asked access to lockers. Edson Clinic
digital content to proceeding with a return to classes under to adhere to the signage in front of the school Finally, the relaunch plan details that Wednesday, August 26 * 10:00am-1:00pm
scenario one of the province's school relaunch during drop-off and pick-up times, and
supplement—not plan. This would see students return to in- student drivers will be asked to park their parents must give their children a health Edson Senior’s Drop In Centre/Pioneer Cabin
assessment prior to bringing them to school to
replace—readership school learning in the fall of 2020 under near- vehicles in the parking lot or along 12th check for COVID-like symptoms. If any 4836-7 Avenue
of a print edition of normal conditions. With that, the staff at Avenue. student has COVID symptoms at school, they BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
Inside the school, the students will see
the newspaper. Living Waters School Division, along with the arrows on the hallway floors to help with will be isolated and parents will be asked to
school's administrators, have been tirelessly
pick them up immediately. Teachers will also
preparing the Relaunch Guide. traffic flow, and all students and staff must have learning assessments online via Google Attending We provide:
In total, more than “These past few months have been very wear a mask in hallways and common areas. Classroom to assist anyone at home and to Practitioner
half (52%) of busy,” says HRH Principal Betty Churchill. Enhanced cleaning will be done throughout help reduce the amount of paper copies. * Latest Technology - all
“We wanted to think about every situation,
the day, and handwashing and hand
“We believe that we have created a great
newspaper readers every challenge, and every safety protocol and sanitization will be mandated. Mask-wearing plan, however we also realize that there may digital hearing aid
access newspaper write it in the relaunch plan.” will be encouraged when physical distancing be things we have forgotten or that need to be Agnieszka models
content from both Holy Redeemer unveiled their Relaunch is difficult to maintain. Each student will changed due to unforeseen circumstances,” Lehmann * Repairs to all models
print and online Plan on August 17th. Within the plan, it receive two masks courtesy of the provincial says Churchill. “Our staff is open to changing Registered Hearing * 30 day trial period
outlined a number of important information.
government on their first day of school,
things as needed, and we trust that our school
sources. The first thing is that the school will have a however students are also encouraged to bring community will be accommodating as we Air Practitioner
staggered entry between September 8th to masks from home as well. navigate these uncharted waters.”
All platforms (print, desktop/laptop computer, phone and tablet) 10th. This means that roughly a third of “We understand that many students and Joining Churchill in the office this year will Edmonton
students will attend each day. “There are a
continue to be used across demographics to access newspaper number of changes at the school and we parents are excited for the return to classes, be the newly appointed Assistant Principal #134-15277 Castledowns Road
but they may also be a bit anxious,” says
Laura Webb, who has been teaching at HRH
content. Most print reading happens early in the day, while digital thought it best to guide smaller groups within Churchill. “We want to assure everyone that for the past seven years. Edmonton, AB
reading is more consistent from morning to night. the school to orientate them to the new- our staff is doing everything possible to make “We have missed having our students
immensely,” says Churchill. “And we are 1-855-258-9429
excited for them to be back, but we want to
The research specifically looked at the newspaper reading habits of make sure things are done right and done
younger Canadians. 88% of Millennials read newspapers weekly, Hinton RCMP assist in rescue of safely.”
accessing newspaper content primarily through their mobile phones. The staff at HRH highly encourages
horseback rider near Whitehorse Creek everyone to read the school relaunch guides

that are available on their website at
On Aug. 22, 2020, at approximately 11: 30 Hinton RCMP, along with Alberta If you would like more information on this
a.m., Hinton RCMP were dispatched to an Conservation and emergency medical services article please feel free to contact the school at
"SOS" call in the Cadomin area near attended the remote location. A member of the 780-723-7437 or Feel
Whitehorse Creek, Alta. public who volunteered on horseback was free to visit our social media pages.
Further investigation determined that a horse instrumental in assisting to locate the injured
had fallen onto a 26-year-old female from female. The female was carried by emergency
Edmonton and she required an evacuation to personnel for approximately 1.5 km’s and then
emergency medical assistance. transported to hospital to be treated for serious OBITUARY
but non-life threatening injuries. The horse of
the rider was not injured and is safe. Dennis Warren Stupar
“This successful rescue effort is an example of
the high level of cooperation between various Born April 4th, 1948. Passed away peacefully
emergency departments and a member of the June 24th, 2020 with his nieces Lesa and
public on horseback that resulted in a positive Roxane by his side at the Stoney Plain Hospice.
outcome for this injured horseback rider,” says Dennis was the youngest child of Norah and
S/Sgt. Chris Murphy, Detachment Commander Steve Stupar of Edson, Alberta. He grew up in
of Hinton RCMP. Edson and went on to a career in
telecommunications with C,T & S and BC Tel.
Theft complaints top list of The majority of his career was spent in
Cranbrook, BC where he enjoyed the outdoors,
You decide Edson RCMP calls especially fishing. After leaving BC Tel, he
returned to northern Alberta where he continued
2 bedroom fully furnished, for August 17-23 working in the communications field. He retired
several years ago making his home in
completely outfitted with With a total of 11 occurrences, theft Whitecourt, Edson and Evansburg, Alberta.
Dennis was predeceased by his
everything you need. Just complaints topped the list of weekly aforementioned parents, his sister Sandra and
occurrences for the Edson RCMP from August
his ex-wife Debbie Sumka. He is survived by his
bring your personal items 17 to 23. brother Louis (Yvonne) Stupar, his 4 nieces
Other occurrences included 1 alarm/false
and move in. alarm, 6 assaults, 9 assistance calls, 1 cause Roxane (Dave) Ure, Lesa (Chuck) Kulhawy,
Jolayna (Todd) Kyllo and Sarah Stupar, his
FOR RENT $1600 a month disturbance, 1 fail to comply with conditions, 1 nephew Steve (Michel) Stupar, his brother-in-
law Ray Jewel and 10 great nieces.
false/abandoned 911 call, 1 fraud, 1
NEW MOBILE or without furnishings harassment/criminal harassment, 2 impaired family and his many friends, especially his life
He will be missed by all of his large extended
operations of motor vehicles, 4 mental health
$1195 a month acts, 5 mischief or damage, 1 municipal bylaw, long friend Ronnie Macintosh of Peachland,
7 suspicious persons or vehicles, 4 traffic
2 bedroom, complete
2 bedroom, complete CALL LEXIE 780-723-3110 collisions, 9 traffic complaints, 1 trespassing, 2 A memorial is being planned for sometime in
with new furnishings. *Some conditions apply uttering threats against a person, and 2 September/October in Edson, Alta. We are a Patient-Centered and Caring Community Pharmacy
with new furnishings.
wellbeing checks.
Locally Owned, Locally Operated and Locally Committed
$1,800 a month
$1,800 a month
Due to COVID 19 there is a growing need for self isolation. We are offering free delivery of
$1,800 Security Deposit medications to your doorstep during this period. We can access you over the phone and prescribe
$1,800 Security Deposit

and renew medications. Avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals and clinics and stay healthy.
Give us a call today 780-725-0282

Address: 4924 – 4 Avenue, Edson, AB (Just beside Subway) Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am - 7pm

Owners: Sabia Saincher and Himmat Panwar Weekends and Holidays: 10am - 3pm

June 29: All Edson residents
are encouraged to show off
their amazing Canadian and
family pride by decorating
their front yard, house or
balcony for Canada Day. The
first 150 entrants will be
given a great Canada Day
gift bag and the winner in
each category will win a
grand prize of $250. Judging
will take place on June 29
and 30 and prizes will be
announced on July 1.
No hatred, discrimination, or political
views, and please keep your
decorations family-friendly. Register
your entry by Monday, June 22 at
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