Page 2 - February 25, 2019
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continued from front THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
Professional Digital Passport System photos continued from front
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY FEBRUARY 25, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR

continued from front Edson Minor Soccer Speaks-Out on Sports Field User Fees
continued from front
continued from front continued from front
continued from front pay-to-use facility—explaining
continued from front that both individuals and user groups
continued from front use the facility and are charged a Features:
continued from front certain fee. “When you're dealing -Organization of recreational components along 'North/South' circulation
with soccer fields, you're not dealing
continued from front with that,” he said. “You're dealing - Lobby circulation axis connects south main entry drop-off to northern
sports fields and school site
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! continued from front with a user group and you're also -Primary parking field bordering 55th Street with dedicated drop off
continued from front
accessible from 6th Ave
dealing with people walking their
continued from front dogs …picnicking; it's a green space. - Arena facility loading visually screened by existing tree stand
- Aquatics facility positioned to be visible from the street and parking field
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front It's not just for soccer field users.” - Basketball courts repositioned on site adjacent to gymnasium
- Outdoor leisure ice positioned north of arena facility to permit potential for
“The other major thing to know is
continued from front that the Town handles everything resurfacer path
780-723-5787 continued from front [with Repsol Place],” Lubarsky Building Program Requirements:
continued from front
added. “When the discussion took
- Ice rinks - 2 (NHL-size)
place last time, the statement was
- Curling rink (4 sheets)
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor made that all maintenance [for the - Aquatics facility (lane pool, hot tub, tot pool etc.)
- Gymnasium (multi-sport court)
soccer fields] was handled by the
- Walking track (L2)
Town of Edson, and that's not true.”
- Adequate storage to support each service area
In the past, Edson Minor Soccer - Fitness area (L2; studio and open fitness area)
maintained their own fields through - Basic skate sharpening/pro shop
- Food service provision areas
tasks such as irrigation and
fertilization; however, these Site Program Requirements:
responsibilities have recently been - Trail connectivity
handed over to the Town. “That was In response to the proposed sports field user fees, Edson Minor Soccer Association Vice President Lacie Reilly and - Basketball courts
handed over not necessarily in President Steven Lubarsky gave a presentation to council during their regular meeting February 19, explaining their - Outdoor ice
exchange for user fees,” Lubsarky concerns with the fee. photo Cassie Kushniruk
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE stated. back at least for the year,” Lubarksy balls for younger children in the
Although the Town has been tasked them? I don't think that's fair.”
with the upkeep of the soccer fields, “When you deal with soccer, not said to Council, explaining that the leagues below U13. “The reason we
Professional Digital
Professional Digital the Edson Minor Soccer Association everyone uses the soccer fields and non-for-profit association will not be do that is because there's different
continues to provide a large amount that's probably the best argument I've able to take on the extra $6500 in sized soccer balls for different
Passport System
Passport System of maintenance support through their heard for it,” Lubarksy continued. fees. groups,” he explained.“If you don't
Mayor Kevin Zahara thanked provide the proper size of ball, they
yearly spring cleanup, supplying “My kids don't use the Skate Park or
photos ready
photos ready items for the washrooms, painting the Spray Park, but that doesn't mean Lubarsky and Reilly for their don't show up with the proper size of
signage, and performing minor I'm not in favor of that. But that's a presentation, mentioning that ball. Everybody shows up with a size
in minutes repairs to structures. shared use through taxation and that's Council is not in a huge rush to 5 ball because Canadian Tire only
in minutes
Apart from Repsol Place, Lubarsky what a town does.”
implement these user fees and will carries size 5 balls.”
while you wait... also compared the soccer fields with Prior to the January 22 Committee consider all information before The association also utilizes these
while you wait...
other recreational facilities, such as of the Whole meeting when the making a final decision. funds to pay for insurance for the
the Skateboard Park and Pump proposed $20/player user fee was Councillor Gean Chouinard agreed younger kids, pay for the teams' PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Track. “If you get into the Skate Park, announced, Lubarsky explained that with Lubarsky's request to grant pictures, fund tournaments for the T
you're talking about a green space a few sports field user groups another year for people to absorb the travel league, and pay for line
that's used by a user group,” —including Edson Minor Soccer— sports field user fees, as “to these painting. “[Lines] have to be done 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Lubarsky said. “It's not an organized met together on November 15 to young growing families, that $20 once a week and the painter as well as
user group but it is a user group. discuss the proposal of a user fee. might make a difference if they're the paint is quite expensive,” said DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-578780-723-5787
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
T There's a very specific person that's Following this discussion, the group playing soccer or not.” Lubarsky.
decided to research the matter more
using that skate park.”
During the February 11 Youth
Councillor Janet Wilkinson
Centennial Park, Kinsmen Spray in depth and bring it back for Council meeting in which the sports thanked the group for their
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5 Park, and the Dog Park were some discussion at a later date. field user fee proposal was discussed presentation and the work they do to
However, on January 21, Lubarsky among Youth Councillors, the group provide kids with the opportunity to
other recreational facilities that
7 Lubarsky gave as examples to stress received a notification that Town discussed the importance of shining a play soccer. ASSIGNMENT WRITER
his point that although these facilities Council would be presented with the light on subsidy programs available
Councillor Jacqui Currie stated that
are used in a similar fashion to the $20 user fee proposal during the for parents in need, such as Edson although she does believe that a
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE soccer fields, they are not charged a January 22 meeting. “We were lead Kids in Sport and JumpStart. “Most sports field user fee should be Enjoy getting out and meeting
user fee. “I understand it's very hard to believe that there would be some of the kids hadn't actually heard of implemented due to the fact that
Professional Digital Passport System photos to [charge user fees] with a lot of discussion and [we would] work the programs,” said Councillor fields used by registered sports The Weekly Anchor is looking for an
those facilities unless you're going to some of the kinks out, but it didn't Krystal Baier.“They felt that there groups require more maintenance
assignment Writer!
set them up as a paid facility,” really happen that way,” Lubarsky was some lacking information about than causal users, she stated that she
ready in minutes while you wait... Lubarsky said.“So why is it that said. “It definitely left a sour taste.” those programs. I was just wondering would like to see a formula based on The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a
because it's easy to apply it to minor “The main thing we are looking for if Minor Soccer had a role with that as expenses to better decide on a fee. “I person with good writing skills to write about
Professional Digital sports, we now want to apply a fee to today is a commitment to push this well.” do think that a formula needs to be local events
Reilly replied that there are families established based on the actual cost
Passport System associated with Minor Soccer that that it costs us,” she said. WITH EMPHASIS ON LOCAL
photos ready Pet of the Week utilize Edson Kids in Sport, but there Councillor Trevor Bevan agreed Training provided. Great for added income.
Pet of the Week
Work from home and/or our office.
Call for information 712-6788
in minutes Call for information 712-6788 have been no applications for that a user fee should be implemented Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education
and stated that he would like to give
while you wait... Email: As a soccer coach, Lubarsky added the groups as much time on either required.
Cheeky Chester is a 3-year-old that parents who are in need of extra side to gather as much information as Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd
black lab cross with energy for funding for soccer tend to be resistant needed. (or sent to the Publisher by email at
any game or adventure you throw when it comes to applying for these CAO Mike Derricott addressed
at him. He would love to live with subsidy programs. “Using that as a Council, “Administratively
a dog buddy and he lives for backdrop or something to catch those speaking, I think we've already
going on walks with his people. people that maybe aren't going to be eclipsed the point where it wouldn't
Do you have an active home that able to make it, we want to use that make any sense for us to apply a fee
this boy could slide into? Find sparingly because most people this year. I don't feel administratively
out more about Chester at won't,” Lubarsky said. “They'll just that there's any reason why we walk away and they won't put their wouldn't say we're not going to be in
kids in sports, which happens a lot.” a place where it would be effective to
February 23 EARS is holding a by-donation Nail Trim Fundraiser at
Glenwood Veterinary Clinic from 11 am to 2 pm. Councillor Baier then asked, “What try and apply a fee prior to their AGM
does Edson Minor Soccer do with the and registration process.” ASSIGNMENT WRITER
Sponsored by: JASON HIRD TRUCKING fees they collect?” Mayor Zahara closed, saying, “We
Lubarsky stated that some of these will take it all into account before we
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-712-949380-712-9493 fees are utilized to purchase soccer make any decisions.” Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Work from home and/or our office.
Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
(or sent to the Publisher by email at
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