Page 4 - February 25, 2019
P. 4

Recycling Depot challenged with changing funding structure

by Dana McArthur taking place over the past few years. She also reuse centre would not be included in the core-
commented on the lower prices they have services funding model from the Town of Edson.
Anne Auriat representing the Edson and received for some recyclables, due to China no County Mayor Gerald Soroka asked, "So the
District Recycling Society (EDRS) gave an longer taking lower grade materials, which has educational programs are not funded any more at
update to Yellowhead County Council at their also had the effect of adding to the landfill. all?" Auriat replied, "Not from the municipal
Governance and Priorities meeting on February "The municipal portion of our funding has [Town of Edson] budget. It has been transferred
19. definitely gone up. But to look at this from completely out of our budget."
"The Recycling Society was established in another angle our volume has also been steadily Councillor David Russell asked, "I do not recall
1991. The County and Town realized they increasing." Auriat suggested that a cost per ever having a discussion as a Council about
needed to move forward with waste reduction so tonne offered a clearer picture of the Centre's removing municipal funding? I'm curious how
they created an environment committee. We got a financial position. "If we were at the normal this came about? Municipal funding should be
$100,000 grant but it cost $180,000 to build the prices, we would have been making $80,000 decided at the Council level." Councillor Dawn
centre at that time. Weyerhaeuser came with the more in income and would not have had to go to Mitchell, who sits in on the EDRS board,
lumber, Coal Valley donated a plumber... there the municipalities for a top-up." Auriat's slide clarified, "The Town, rightfully so, wanted to
was a buy-in with everyone involved," said presentation chart showed municipal funding has know how our [municipal] money is being spent,
Auriat. "From that little start a wide range of gone from just over $100,000 in 2002 to nearly and that it has to still come back to this Council
very effective waste reduction programs were $500,000 in 2018. for discussion."
started." At an October 23, 2018 meeting, the Town of Mayor Soroka added, "This is something that
Today the depot is cost shared between the Edson Council approved conditional added we will need to discuss with the Town of Edson."
municipalities (65% Town - 35% County) and is funding of $65,000 to supplement a shortfall in In a subsequent Weekly Anchor interview with
operated by the EDRS. Over the years the EDRS the EDRS Operating Budget for 2018 and Town of Edson CAO Mike Derricott, he stated,"
has expanded to include not only a wide variety mandated that the EDRS negotiate and establish The Town has never offered a definitive position
of recyclables such as cardboard, glass, tin, oil, an Operations Agreement with the Town. During on these programs specifically but have generally
and fluorescent tubes, agricultural plastics; but the February 5, 2019 meeting of the Town acknowledged the value they provide, in
also encompasses the Take it or Leave It, Council, Mayor Kevin Zahara, Deputy Mayor particular the educational component of the
educational programs, the Community Garden, Currie, Councillor Sorensen and CAO Mike ERDS efforts."
and a solar program. And now, a building reuse Derricott were approved to negotiate the "The challenge is we have no good information
materials centre. In 2017 over 2,000 tonnes of Operations Agreement with the Society, which is on the actual costs of the programs listed. Our
material was diverted from the local landfill via now underway. main effort has been to determine the cost for the
the program. Auriat suggested that the Recycle Depot's core service of recycling as a waste management
"2018 marked a big change for us and a lot of educational programs, monthly Seniors Day, and exercise, after which any and all of these
work was done." Auriat explained the changes to their special programming like Earth Day, programs may be considered for funding at the
the Society's revenue, funding, financials, and Summer Solstice Day, the Community Garden, discretion of Council, and independent of the
the more accurate tracking of waste materials Take it or Leave it, and their building material core service.”
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Community Blanket Exercise educates on Indigenous history

Professional Digital by Shaylyn Thornton

Passport System “Everyone in the
photos ready community should do
t h i s , ” s a i d e v e n t
in minutes o r g a n i z e r R e n a y
Wo e l f i n g a s s h e
while you wait... i n t r o d u c e d t h e
Community Connect
Blanket Exercise at the
The Weekly Anchor G a l l o w a y S t a t i o n
Museum on February
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson exercise, everyone in the
Before the end of the

DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 room would come to
agree with her.
The blanket exercise
offers participants a
unique and engaging
history lesson on Canada
and the many effects
European settlement had
on Indigenous people
and their culture.
Despite a cold and
PASSPORT snowy winter morning Participants at the Community Connect Blanket Exercise on February
PHOTOS & MORE many people showed up 16, moved around the blankets representing the shift from Turtle Island EDSON DRY CLEANERS
Professional Digital to take part in the event, to Canada. photo Shaylyn Thornton
Passport System filling the chairs. 780-723-7503
photos ready During the exercise, learning that took place. to face, participants recommending the 108 50 Street
in minutes... participants moved With the exercise r e c o g n i z e d t h e exercise to their friends
a r o u n d b l a n k e t s intending to inform importance of people and family, and even
representing Turtle people of Canada's true taking the time to learn suggested it should be
Island—the name for history, the group was and dig a bit deeper into offered as a part of the All F/R Rated
North America used by h o n o r e d t o h a v e Canadian history. curriculum in local
During a debrief of the schools.
s o m e I n d i g e n o u s Indigenous Elder Frieda Winter
groups—and began to Maynard there to event, many people If you are interested in
understand the difficult participate and tell part expressed their gratitude participating in the
e x p e r i e n c e s t h a t of her story. Many for being able to take Community Connect Coveralls
Indigenous people had attendees personally part. Attendee Julian Blanket Exercise with
to face as Turtle Island thanked her for her Buchwald described the your company or group,
The Weekly Anchor became Canada. True bravery, which Frieda experience as “eye- or if you want to find out and Jackets
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson stories and quotes were referred to as her “life's opening” and others about future offerings in
the community, you can
echoed that sentiment.
780-723-5787 written on scrolls and Although a lot of the At the end of the event, contact Renay Woelfing
read amongst the group, 20%
further fostering the emotions the exercise participants noted that b y e m a i l a t off
brought up were difficult t h e y w o u l d b e


Professional Digital
Passport System
photos ready
in minutes...

The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
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