Page 2 - May 20, 2019
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Professional Digital Passport System photos THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY MAY 20, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR

continued from front
continued from front Tax impact of new Multiplex presented at Open House
continued from front continued from front
continued from front
continued from front 40 to 50 million dollars for capital put in their property assessment to
continued from front projects yearly with higher priority see exactly how much the capital cost
continued from front projects coming first. Will this delay and the increased operational cost
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front some less urgent projects? will impact them.
continued from front Absolutely.” County recently “One of the reasons we have
continued from front approved their 2019 budget with no decided to delay the project a year or Pet of the Week
continued from front
continued from front municipal operations increase. two is so we can put those financial
continued from front
D continued from front and expected operational costs, plans in place to limit those impacts,”
Based on today's borrowing rates
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
explained Zahara, adding that the
continued from front
continued from front Edson taxpayers can expect to see an Town will continue looking into
grant opportunities in order to limit
continued from front
estimated $130 increase in taxes
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front yearly per $100,000 in assessment. tax increases by borrowing as little
For an average household of money as possible.
780-723-5787 $350,000, this will equate to an Soroka added, “We're not really On May 9, Town of Edson and Yellowhead County residents were invited to the
Yellowhead County Mayor Gerald
estimated increase of $450 per year,
Galloway Station Museum for an open house regarding the conceptual design and tax
limiting the construction by that
roughly $38 per month.
Soroka stated, “Besides the tax much because we have no detailed implications associated with the joint Multi-Use Recreational Facility. photo Cassie
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE implications, there's going to be a fee design work and no geotechnical afford to unless we want the taxes facilities.”
work done yet, so by the time we
to enter and that will be based on the
Soroka said, “I think it's a much
new facility for the size and the
said. “There could be opportunities
minimum of two years just for that.
design because there are going to be complete this, we'll be looking at a going up that much more,” Zahara needed facility for keeping our
community an active community,
Professional Digital more amenities in this building, so We're giving ourselves that extra time that present themselves at that time whether it's for recreational needs or
Professional Digital
and we'll have to look at that at that
frame of a year to make sure that
potentially the costs could be higher
making sure we have people that
Passport System
Passport System as a membership as well. People we've got it down perfectly and that point.” want to come live and work in this
Soroka added, “We have to
think that if they pay their taxes, it's
we're not rushed for the
photos ready free after that, but that's not the case.” construction.” understand that the operational costs relationship with the Town of
photos ready
“So far we've had a great
are significantly higher because of
One of the biggest challenges
Town of Edson Mayor Kevin
in minutes Zahara said, “I've talked to families associated with the current site the size of the building.” Edson,” Soroka said. “I know this is
in minutes
In response to comments that the
in our community that stopped by
selected for the Multi-Use Recreation
a hit financially to the County, so I
while you wait...
while you wait... today and they said they are Facility is the fact that the land is new facility will not be centrally can appreciate the commitment that
located, Zahara said, “It is more
currently occupied by the Edson and
comfortable with [the tax increase]
for what they're going to get. There's District Boys and Girls Club. “The central than where the curling rink the Town is making.”
obviously people who are struggling Boys and Girls Club are currently in was. It is connected to our trail Zahara closed, “This is a historic
and maybe are on a lower income a facility owned by the Town of system. It also allows us to be within project for our community and we
and it's going to have an impact on Edson and we've provided that the corridor with the Galloway really appreciate the cooperation and
them, but there's a lot of things that facility since the 80s,” said Station Museum, Centennial Park, partnership we have with the
we build and supply that not Zahara.“Obviously that is one of the and the Skateboard Park where our Yellowhead County on this. We
everybody uses; that's the type of biggest challenges with this site residents can utilize all these continue to look forward to working
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor society we're living in.” because the Boys and Girls Club do facilities within a close distant. So for community for all the residents. This
together and building a stronger
things like Canada Day, that's going
“At the end of the day, we either
provide a valuable service in our
is about building a facility for future
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson have to invest in our existing community.” to be amazing for our community generations.” PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
because we can leverage all our
“We've already communicated to
infrastructure at multi-million dollars
them that they are going to have to
or look at something new, and the
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
780-723-578780-723-5787 best return on investment is looking find a new home,” Zahara continued. THIS WEEK’S FEATURE T
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
“Even if they were included in the
at something new that is going to
new building, they would still have to
serve our community for the next 50
years like our current facility has
served us,” Zahara continued. find space because of the Mint Homes Ltd. D 780-723-578780-723-5787
Soroka added that some other
“I try to remind people that why
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! we're here today is because of the concerns regarding the site location
include the types of soil on the site or
feedback we received through two
studies: the 2006 CONRAD report the location itself. “I think some
and the 2017 facilities study,” said people are a little concerned about
Zahara. “The 2017 study had over change because they figure that the
800 households respond. They facility is at the perfect site that it's ASSIGNMENT WRITER
currently at,” he said.
provided the feedback that they did
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE not want us investing in existing once the new Multi-Use Recreation Enjoy getting out and meeting
It has also been made known that
infrastructure; they wanted us to look
at something new that would bring Facility is constructed, Repsol Place people?
Professional Digital Passport System photos everything into one building, would will be torn down as the Town will The Weekly Anchor is looking for an
assignment Writer!
not be able to afford the operational
be energy efficient, and would allow
ready in minutes while you wait... them to do multiple activities and costs associated with both facilities. The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a
have additional programming.” “I know there had been some person with good writing skills to write about
Professional Digital Zahara mentioned that residents can discussion about just keeping that local events
Passport System visit the Town of Edson website to facility operating, but we just can't WITH EMPHASIS ON LOCAL
photos ready Pet of the Week Three bedrooms and one bathroom 140 sq. ft. bonus room over Training provided. Great for added income.
Pet of the Week
Work from home and/or our office.
Call for information 712-6788
in minutes Call for information 712-6788 garage This plan has been designed for a future basement suite with Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education
while you wait... Email: a convenient private side entrance and closet Optional front entry required.
available Kitchen has corner pantry Main floor stacking washer and
Cinder is a young white German Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd
Shepherd who is looking for a simple act dryer Open design, optional patio doors off dining area Fireplace in (or sent to the Publisher by email at
of kindness to bring out her bright side. living room Access to bonus room is off the living room floor level
Cinder has had a rough past and is Covered front entry Note:please quote plan number 1396-1104 if
looking to rebuild her trust in human-kind you would like the 36 foot wide version of
with a new family who can shower her this home,the only difference is the width For these plans
with patience, soft voices, gentle hands of the garage. Siding and stucco views
come with plan.
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big enough heart to help Cinder? Apply
to adopt this beautiful girl at Member of National Home Warranty Program
Sponsored by: Phone: 780-723-2330
Real Estate Fax: 780-723-5068
D 780-723-3245 Business Law Email: Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Work from home and/or our office.
Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
(or sent to the Publisher by email at
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