Page 3 - May 20, 2019
P. 3


Local male arrested after stolen truck driven through Provincial Building

Two counts of mischief under $5000 among charges laid

by Cassie Kushniruk of a motor vehicle, theft of truck, two
counts of mischief under $5000, and
A 35 year-old local male has been two counts of failing to comply with
arrested after a stolen truck was probation order.
driven through the Edson Provincial Zawadiuk faces an additional
Building and Provincial Courthouse charge of public incitement of hatred.
causing extensive damage. He remains remanded into custody
RCMP was made aware of the and is due to appear in Edson
situation around 9:30 am on May 11. Provincial Court on May 21, 2019.
Upon further investigation, it was This incident comes nearly a year
revealed that a lone person had stolen after the suspected arson attack at the
a vehicle from the ATCO compound Edson Mosque on June 16, 2018.
located next to the Provincial “It is unfortunate that these events
building. The vehicle was driven occurred,” said Town of Edson
through a fence and through the east Mayor Kevin Zahara. “They were
entrance of the Provincial building both isolated incidents and are not
until the vehicle exited through the reflective of our community as a
west side of the building. whole. We are a diverse community
Police reports have stated that Anti- comprised of individuals from
Semitic messaging was written on different religions, nationalities, and The ATCO truck can be seen inside the Courthouse doors in Edson after it
walls throughout the building. backgrounds and we don't accept was driven through the building. photo Sue Ann Common
At 11 am on May 11, Kelvin Brent intolerance and hate.”
Zawadiuk (35) was taken into -with files RCMP
custody. NOTE: A charge should not be considered as
Zawadiuk has been charged with evidence of guilt. In Canada, all persons are
break and enter, dangerous operation considered innocent until proven guilty in a court
of law.


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5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
in minutes 780-723-5787
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Professional Digital
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson Passport System The stolen ATCO truck with significant damage is loaded onto a trailer after it
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DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 in minutes... was driven through the Provincial Building. submitted The west entrance of the Provincial Building in Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
24210 114 Avenue
County asks Town for road repairs to First Avenue ruins after a stolen ATCO truck drove through the Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
building. photo Sue Ann Common Website:
by Dana McArthur provide relief. It is likely that the substructure is
now compromised/damaged in many areas
During their May 14 meeting Yellowhead County resulting in a much more costly project.
Council discussed sending a letter to the Town of The pot holes and frost boils are making this road Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
Edson regarding their concern with the condition of treacherous not only for County council, employees Phone: 780-453,3452 Fax: 780-447-5317
road in front of the County Office on First Avenue, and visitors, but to every entity along this road. For
The Weekly Anchor from 25th Street to GYPSD. the short term, the road needs immediate attention
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson First Avenue and the County Office is within the to fill and level out the pot holes and frost boils
780-723-5787 Town of Edson boundaries. The issue is "to advise however we wish to be advised when this roadway
the Town of Edson of the poor condition of the
will be properly rebuilt and paved."
roadway and to seek information as to when it may "Should Town Council agree to move forward
be repaired," stated CAO Jack Ramme. with repairs, it is likely the project will be funded
"First Avenue in front of the County office was via local improvement charges. As the County has a
once highway 16. This was a very sound structure large frontage footprint on First Avenue, the
however over time the roadway has begun to County will be paying a large portion of the
deteriorate. Unfortunately, the town did not get rehabilitation costs. These would need to be
onto the required repairs in a timely manner and the budgeted for in 2020," stated Ramme.
road substructure is now likely damaged, meaning Councillor Anthony Giezen asked if the road
repairs (overlay) will be more costly if it is to be repairs would include any underground services.
fixed properly," said Ramme. Ramme responded that Administration was
"As council is aware, the road is treacherous to unaware of what services, if any, were under the
travel due to the numerous pot holes and frost boils. roadway but it would likely be addressed in the
The road now needs some serious rehabilitation local improvement.
and an overlay," said Ramme. There is no alternate Councillor Shawn Berry said, "Our emergency
route for ratepayers and staff to enter the County equipment uses this road all the time so I see the
facility. need for this."
The letter states: "This paved roadway (old Council voted all in favour of sending the letter
highway) has been allowed to deteriorate and has asking for road rehabilitation work, to Town
now gone beyond the point that just an overlay will Council.
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