Page 10 - The Weekly Anchor Newspaper
P. 10
Views & News
by Deanna Mitchener
Find us online at
or visit us on X: Twitter @weeklyanchor
Views & News West Yellowhead MLA
by Deanna Mitchener Martin Long Yellowhead Agriculture Society host Gymkhana in new facility
Views & News by Deanna Mitchener
by Deanna Mitchener
The Yellowhead Agriculture Society (YAS)
Obituaries Bryan Walter held their first Gymkhana in their brand new,
& Gerald Soroka indoor riding facility at the Edson Rodeo
Grounds on December 8.
In Memories MP Yellowhead Schafawn Sabourin and hosted by the T he Weekly ANCHOR
The Gymkhana event was organized by
Yellowhead Agricultural Society, following a
very successful outdoor summer series. Farm & Fieldarm & Fieldarm & Field
The excellent turnout from the community
Gerald Soroka Guest Editorial/Comment this summer encouraged Schafawn to do a News and V
News and Viewsiewsiews
News and V
winter series as well. Her goal is to encourage
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
MP Yellowhead equestrians of all ages and abilities to come out Merry Christmas
and enjoy a day with their horse doing friendly
Meta's Social competition in an open and inviting
The event on December 8th had a great
Media has blocked your Note: The views, opinions, and positions turnout despite the very icy roads and F F
From the Managementrom the Managementrom the Management
Meta's Social expressed in the column are the author's conditions that day. and Staff at
and Staff at
and Staff at
alone. They do not inherently or expressly
access to all
"20 riders of all ages braved the elements and
Media has blocked your Views & News reflect the views, opinions and/or positions enjoyed a day on horseback in the sparkling 20 riders of all ages enjoyed a day on horseback in the YAS's sparkling new indoor riding facility. photos submitted
of The Weekly Anchor, its staff, or Troy
access to all Canadian News. Turn by Deanna Mitchener Media. © Troy Media new facility. With over 50% of the riders being by Deanna Mitchener
Canadian News. Turn youth, it was exciting to see them enjoying the
day with their horses, especially the big smiles
to your trusted local
to your trusted local from the lead line riders as young as three years
old,” said Sabourin.
newspaper. newspaper. Views & News $15.95! like to thank the current sponsors of the event,
“The Gymkhana organizers and YAS would
by Deanna Mitchener Country Cow Belle Designs, The Tack Trove,
and EliteCom Solutions for making this event PASSPORT PHOTOS successful. I am looking forward to the
comeback and growth of more events at the Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon Edson Rodeo grounds, as the new building Madilynn, Rhykor, Gaetan, Grace-Mae, Kayne, Luke, Levi, Charlsie, Brandy, Brian, Mya, Brianna, Aylee, Brynn,
opens to the public,” added Sabourin.
Kelsey, Adalyn, Devon, Addison, and Courtney were all thrilled to be taking part in the first Gymkhana in YAS's new
780-723-5787 5040 3rd Ave, Edson or volunteering for upcoming events please indoor riding facility.
For those interested in attending, sponsoring,
visit the Yellowhead Ag Society at
4-H Alberta Expands Partnership with Federated Co-operatives VISIT OUR FREE E-EDITION
VISIT OUR FREE E-EDITION (Digital version identical
Gold Clover sponsorship category, stated
The key component of this partnership is the
4-H Alberta Expands CO-OP Growing Leaders Program. During the (Digital version identical to our print version) to our print version) Support the local businesses
Partnership with Federated inaugural rollout in the 2023/ 2024 club year, “We are committed to supporting people and
Co-operatives Limited and 209 members joined through the CO-OP places across our Co-operative Retailing System that keep your community and
Growing Leaders Program.
and across Western Canada,” said Ron Healey,
Local Alberta Co-ops to grow “We were thrilled to see so much success FCL Vice President, Energy & Ag. “Our Current Flip issue its newspaper thriving.
Current Flip issue or downloadable PDF
the CO-OP Growing Leaders during the CO-OP Growing Leaders Program's partnership with 4-H Alberta will build on that or downloadable PDF
Years of back issues available!
pilot year and are proud to continue this
Program partnership," said Kurt Kinnear, CEO of 4-H commitment as we work together to provide
local youth with new opportunities that will
Alberta. ultimately lead to exciting and positive life Years of back issues available!
Weekly Anchor Newspaper
The leaders program will benefit local 4-H "This 'out of the box' initiative has helped experiences.”
Clubs as it is designed to remove barriers and 209 new members experience the 4-H Alberta About 4-H Alberta
provide easy access for youth who may have youth program, giving them an opportunity to 4-H Alberta is the new streamlined youth Weekly Anchor Newspaper
been curious about 4-H Alberta, but have grow their leadership and life skills, make development body that combines the former
September 13:
never enrolled in a local club. lifelong friends, and have a lot of fun in the three-party organizations that operated 4-H in Three lead lines Adalyn, Brynn, and Rhykor holding their prizes at the Yellowhead Agriculture Society's first
4-H Alberta announced that they will process. We appreciate FCL and the growing Alberta; the 4-H Council of Alberta, the 4-H Gymkhana in their new facility.
Braedon's voice
continue the strong partnership with Federated number of participating Co-ops; they are like- Foundation of Alberta, and the 4-H Section of Local
National Suicide
Weekly Anchor
Co-operatives Limited (FCL) and a growing minded community partners who value and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. Christina Gauchier, a Journalism
Awareness week
group of local Alberta Co-ops in support of support Alberta's youth as much as we do,” 4-H Alberta was developed after extensive dedicated community member
Centennial Park
their organization and the invaluable said Kinnear. “Federated Co-operatives Ltd. consultation with Alberta's 4-H community. It and volunteer helped to foster Matters....
inclusion and education in the
programming that they bring to young people and the participating Co-ops understand and involves a new governance, structure and community by applying to the If you got to spend the day as an animal, what animal
pick-up locations:
each year. appreciate the importance of our young Indigeneous operating model that is efficient and effective, Orange Jersey Project to would it be? What would you do? I would be a fox, it is
Performances. and supported by a modernized constitution/by-
"4-H Alberta is thrilled to receive another members who will become the future leaders secure orange jerseys for
$50,000 sponsorship investment this year," in our communities.” law alignment to coordinate 4-H staff and Ÿ Edson Sobeys (outside box) Edson Minor Hockey’s my favorite animal. I would spend the day running in 30
Years of Service
Years of Service
September 14:
stated Shane Guiltner, Director of Marketing, This generous investment and support will volunteer roles, and build operational harmony Indigenous athletes. the countryside! 25 PHONE:
The Orange Jersey Project is
Communications & Technology with 4-H continue to position FCL and 13 Alberta Co- for the growth of the 4-H youth leadership Ÿ Edson Tags North (inside) more than just a uniform; it’s a Name: Molly
Alberta. ops as one of 4-H Alberta's top funders in the program in Alberta. Ÿ Edson Post office (outside boxes) movement designed to Grade: 3 Common 780.723.5787
Awareness Walk encourage action for Truth Age: 8 SALES REP.
and Reconciliation. Through
7:00pm-10:00pm Ÿ Edson and District Leisure Center (outside box) this initiative, young athletes Note: The views, opinions, and positions THE WEEKLY Fax: 780.723.5725
expressed in the column are the author's
Centennial park Ÿ Edson, Home Hardware (inside) are educated about the true alone. They do not inherently or 5040 3 AVE,
BOX 6870
with Live Ÿ Edson, Thymes Two (outside box) history of the Indian expressly reflect the views, opinions WWW.WEEKLYANCHOR.COM EDSON, AB
Residential School system in
performances. Ÿ Edson, Your Independent Grocer (inside) Canada, creating awareness and/or positions of The Weekly Anchor, AWNA MEMBER NEWSPAPER T7E 1V2
its staff, or Troy Media.
WALK-IN VISIT OUR FREE E-EDITION impacts and fostering
of its intergenerational
Ÿ Edson, Parkland Lodge (inside)
understanding between
(Digital version identical to our print version)
PASSPORT PHOTOS Indigenous people. © Troy Media
Indigenous and non-
Ÿ Wildwood Post Office (outside box)
Ÿ Evansburg Post office (outside box)
Ÿ Evansburg Super A Foods (inside)
VISIT OUR FREE E-EDITION Current Flip issue or downloadable PDF $15.95!
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
Years of back issues available!
Ÿ (Peers and Niton pick-up locations will be added in the
(Digital version identical to our print version) WALK-IN
Weekly Anchor Newspaper
event of a prolonged post office labour disruption.) PASSPORT PHOTOS
Photos for
Current Flip issue or downloadable PDF The Event Reminder
Years of back issues available! Weekly Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
Visas, and more
Weekly Anchor Newspaper Anchor November 23 PASSPORT PHOTOS
Pinedale Hall Annual Christmas Bazaar/Market. 15229
Township Rd 543. Contact Cindy Wood 780-712-9139 to Photos for $15.95!
book a table. Firearms,
780-723-5787 5010 3rd Ave, Edson Visas, and more
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
WALK-IN $15.95! 780-723-5787 5040 3rd Ave, Edson
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
Photos for Anchor
Visas, and more Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
780-723-5787 5010 3rd Ave, Edson
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
780-723-5787 5010 3rd Ave, Edson
by Deanna Mitchener
Find us online at
or visit us on X: Twitter @weeklyanchor
Views & News West Yellowhead MLA
by Deanna Mitchener Martin Long Yellowhead Agriculture Society host Gymkhana in new facility
Views & News by Deanna Mitchener
by Deanna Mitchener
The Yellowhead Agriculture Society (YAS)
Obituaries Bryan Walter held their first Gymkhana in their brand new,
& Gerald Soroka indoor riding facility at the Edson Rodeo
Grounds on December 8.
In Memories MP Yellowhead Schafawn Sabourin and hosted by the T he Weekly ANCHOR
The Gymkhana event was organized by
Yellowhead Agricultural Society, following a
very successful outdoor summer series. Farm & Fieldarm & Fieldarm & Field
The excellent turnout from the community
Gerald Soroka Guest Editorial/Comment this summer encouraged Schafawn to do a News and V
News and Viewsiewsiews
News and V
winter series as well. Her goal is to encourage
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
MP Yellowhead equestrians of all ages and abilities to come out Merry Christmas
and enjoy a day with their horse doing friendly
Meta's Social competition in an open and inviting
The event on December 8th had a great
Media has blocked your Note: The views, opinions, and positions turnout despite the very icy roads and F F
From the Managementrom the Managementrom the Management
Meta's Social expressed in the column are the author's conditions that day. and Staff at
and Staff at
and Staff at
alone. They do not inherently or expressly
access to all
"20 riders of all ages braved the elements and
Media has blocked your Views & News reflect the views, opinions and/or positions enjoyed a day on horseback in the sparkling 20 riders of all ages enjoyed a day on horseback in the YAS's sparkling new indoor riding facility. photos submitted
of The Weekly Anchor, its staff, or Troy
access to all Canadian News. Turn by Deanna Mitchener Media. © Troy Media new facility. With over 50% of the riders being by Deanna Mitchener
Canadian News. Turn youth, it was exciting to see them enjoying the
day with their horses, especially the big smiles
to your trusted local
to your trusted local from the lead line riders as young as three years
old,” said Sabourin.
newspaper. newspaper. Views & News $15.95! like to thank the current sponsors of the event,
“The Gymkhana organizers and YAS would
by Deanna Mitchener Country Cow Belle Designs, The Tack Trove,
and EliteCom Solutions for making this event PASSPORT PHOTOS successful. I am looking forward to the
comeback and growth of more events at the Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon Edson Rodeo grounds, as the new building Madilynn, Rhykor, Gaetan, Grace-Mae, Kayne, Luke, Levi, Charlsie, Brandy, Brian, Mya, Brianna, Aylee, Brynn,
opens to the public,” added Sabourin.
Kelsey, Adalyn, Devon, Addison, and Courtney were all thrilled to be taking part in the first Gymkhana in YAS's new
780-723-5787 5040 3rd Ave, Edson or volunteering for upcoming events please indoor riding facility.
For those interested in attending, sponsoring,
visit the Yellowhead Ag Society at
4-H Alberta Expands Partnership with Federated Co-operatives VISIT OUR FREE E-EDITION
VISIT OUR FREE E-EDITION (Digital version identical
Gold Clover sponsorship category, stated
The key component of this partnership is the
4-H Alberta Expands CO-OP Growing Leaders Program. During the (Digital version identical to our print version) to our print version) Support the local businesses
Partnership with Federated inaugural rollout in the 2023/ 2024 club year, “We are committed to supporting people and
Co-operatives Limited and 209 members joined through the CO-OP places across our Co-operative Retailing System that keep your community and
Growing Leaders Program.
and across Western Canada,” said Ron Healey,
Local Alberta Co-ops to grow “We were thrilled to see so much success FCL Vice President, Energy & Ag. “Our Current Flip issue its newspaper thriving.
Current Flip issue or downloadable PDF
the CO-OP Growing Leaders during the CO-OP Growing Leaders Program's partnership with 4-H Alberta will build on that or downloadable PDF
Years of back issues available!
pilot year and are proud to continue this
Program partnership," said Kurt Kinnear, CEO of 4-H commitment as we work together to provide
local youth with new opportunities that will
Alberta. ultimately lead to exciting and positive life Years of back issues available!
Weekly Anchor Newspaper
The leaders program will benefit local 4-H "This 'out of the box' initiative has helped experiences.”
Clubs as it is designed to remove barriers and 209 new members experience the 4-H Alberta About 4-H Alberta
provide easy access for youth who may have youth program, giving them an opportunity to 4-H Alberta is the new streamlined youth Weekly Anchor Newspaper
been curious about 4-H Alberta, but have grow their leadership and life skills, make development body that combines the former
September 13:
never enrolled in a local club. lifelong friends, and have a lot of fun in the three-party organizations that operated 4-H in Three lead lines Adalyn, Brynn, and Rhykor holding their prizes at the Yellowhead Agriculture Society's first
4-H Alberta announced that they will process. We appreciate FCL and the growing Alberta; the 4-H Council of Alberta, the 4-H Gymkhana in their new facility.
Braedon's voice
continue the strong partnership with Federated number of participating Co-ops; they are like- Foundation of Alberta, and the 4-H Section of Local
National Suicide
Weekly Anchor
Co-operatives Limited (FCL) and a growing minded community partners who value and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. Christina Gauchier, a Journalism
Awareness week
group of local Alberta Co-ops in support of support Alberta's youth as much as we do,” 4-H Alberta was developed after extensive dedicated community member
Centennial Park
their organization and the invaluable said Kinnear. “Federated Co-operatives Ltd. consultation with Alberta's 4-H community. It and volunteer helped to foster Matters....
inclusion and education in the
programming that they bring to young people and the participating Co-ops understand and involves a new governance, structure and community by applying to the If you got to spend the day as an animal, what animal
pick-up locations:
each year. appreciate the importance of our young Indigeneous operating model that is efficient and effective, Orange Jersey Project to would it be? What would you do? I would be a fox, it is
Performances. and supported by a modernized constitution/by-
"4-H Alberta is thrilled to receive another members who will become the future leaders secure orange jerseys for
$50,000 sponsorship investment this year," in our communities.” law alignment to coordinate 4-H staff and Ÿ Edson Sobeys (outside box) Edson Minor Hockey’s my favorite animal. I would spend the day running in 30
Years of Service
Years of Service
September 14:
stated Shane Guiltner, Director of Marketing, This generous investment and support will volunteer roles, and build operational harmony Indigenous athletes. the countryside! 25 PHONE:
The Orange Jersey Project is
Communications & Technology with 4-H continue to position FCL and 13 Alberta Co- for the growth of the 4-H youth leadership Ÿ Edson Tags North (inside) more than just a uniform; it’s a Name: Molly
Alberta. ops as one of 4-H Alberta's top funders in the program in Alberta. Ÿ Edson Post office (outside boxes) movement designed to Grade: 3 Common 780.723.5787
Awareness Walk encourage action for Truth Age: 8 SALES REP.
and Reconciliation. Through
7:00pm-10:00pm Ÿ Edson and District Leisure Center (outside box) this initiative, young athletes Note: The views, opinions, and positions THE WEEKLY Fax: 780.723.5725
expressed in the column are the author's
Centennial park Ÿ Edson, Home Hardware (inside) are educated about the true alone. They do not inherently or 5040 3 AVE,
BOX 6870
with Live Ÿ Edson, Thymes Two (outside box) history of the Indian expressly reflect the views, opinions WWW.WEEKLYANCHOR.COM EDSON, AB
Residential School system in
performances. Ÿ Edson, Your Independent Grocer (inside) Canada, creating awareness and/or positions of The Weekly Anchor, AWNA MEMBER NEWSPAPER T7E 1V2
its staff, or Troy Media.
WALK-IN VISIT OUR FREE E-EDITION impacts and fostering
of its intergenerational
Ÿ Edson, Parkland Lodge (inside)
understanding between
(Digital version identical to our print version)
PASSPORT PHOTOS Indigenous people. © Troy Media
Indigenous and non-
Ÿ Wildwood Post Office (outside box)
Ÿ Evansburg Post office (outside box)
Ÿ Evansburg Super A Foods (inside)
VISIT OUR FREE E-EDITION Current Flip issue or downloadable PDF $15.95!
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
Years of back issues available!
Ÿ (Peers and Niton pick-up locations will be added in the
(Digital version identical to our print version) WALK-IN
Weekly Anchor Newspaper
event of a prolonged post office labour disruption.) PASSPORT PHOTOS
Photos for
Current Flip issue or downloadable PDF The Event Reminder
Years of back issues available! Weekly Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
Visas, and more
Weekly Anchor Newspaper Anchor November 23 PASSPORT PHOTOS
Pinedale Hall Annual Christmas Bazaar/Market. 15229
Township Rd 543. Contact Cindy Wood 780-712-9139 to Photos for $15.95!
book a table. Firearms,
780-723-5787 5010 3rd Ave, Edson Visas, and more
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
WALK-IN $15.95! 780-723-5787 5040 3rd Ave, Edson
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
Photos for Anchor
Visas, and more Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
780-723-5787 5010 3rd Ave, Edson
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
780-723-5787 5010 3rd Ave, Edson