Page 6 - The Weekly Anchor Newspaper
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community and its newspaper thriving.
community and its newspaper thriving.
Support the local businesses that keep your
he Weekly ANCHOR
community and its newspaper thriving.
Views & News
From the
Publisher’s Desk
by Deanna Mitchener
Dana McArthur
Guest Editorial/Column
West Yellowhead MLA T he Weekly ANCHOR Support the local businesses that keep your PAGE 14 MONDAY APRIL 13, 2020 T he Weekly ANCHOR MONDAY NOVEMBER 18, 2019 PAGE 7 Member Canadian Association of Journalists T he Weekly ANCHOR Support the local businesses that keep your
Publisher’s Desk
Dana McArthur
Member Canadian Association of Journalists T he Weekly ANCHOR Support the local businesses that keep your
community and its newspaper thriving.
Views & News
Mer by Deanna Mitchener Views & News Comment
by Deanna Mitchener
Chr My Letter to the Editor Guest Editorial/Column
THANK-YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! and a by Adrienne Tait Publisher’s Desk From the Carney’s carbon tax scheme Weekly Anchor
and a
and a
From the
a costly trick on Canadians
Dana McArthur
Please remember Member Canadian Association of Journalists Publisher’s Desk Carney isn’t trying to fix the are broke, and a discount on a new pick-up locations:
Please remember
Please remember
Dana McArthur
Member Canadian Association of Journalists
Ÿ Edson Post office (outside boxes)
to shop local YEAR Robin Campbell carbon tax problem. He’s just Tesla probably won’t solve their Ÿ Edson, Your Independent Grocer (inside) Support the local businesses
to shop local
to shop local
Local Journalism Matters...
by Dana McArthur
trying to hide it.
Ÿ Edson Sobeys (outside box)
About 50 per cent are within $200
Ÿ Edson Tags North (inside)
t t
this holidayhis holidayhis holiday FROM THE President of the Coal Association of Canada by Kris Sims each month of not being able to make Ÿ Edson and District Leisure Centre (outside box) that keep your community and
Member Canadian Association of Journalists
the minimum payments on their bills.
its newspaper thriving.
Ÿ Edson, Home Hardware (inside)
With the cost of groceries up $800
Liberal leadership candidate Mark
season. WEEKLY ANCHOR Op/Ed Carney seems to think giving you a this year for a family of four, people Ÿ Weekly Anchor (outside box and inside)
Ÿ Edson, Thymes Two (outside box)
Weekly Anchor
Gerald Soroka
are watching flyers for peanut butter.
discount code on a new furnace or
Please note, there will be some extra insulation is the best way Food banks have record demand. Ÿ Edson, Parkland Lodge (inside)
pick-up locations:
Yet, Carney wants Canadians to
MP Yellowhead
Ÿ Peers Trading Post (inside)
to help with affordability.
Ÿ Edson Post office (outside boxes)
FROM THE no issue for Jan 1, 2024 Letter to the Editor discounts by hitting businesses like keep paying the carbon tax while Ÿ Niton beside postboxes next to A&W (outside box) PASSPORT
And he’s going to pay for those
blindfolded and then send thank-you
Ÿ Edson, Your Independent Grocer (inside)
Ÿ Wildwood Post Office (outside box)
Ÿ Edson Sobeys (outside box)
cards when they get a few bucks off
due to our staff holiday break.
Ÿ Evansburg Post Office (outside box)
Ÿ Edson Tags North (inside)
WEEKLY ANCHOR We'll be back to our fuel refineries and power plants with on a solar panel they can’t afford. Ÿ Edson and District Leisure Centre (outside box) PHOTOS
a hidden carbon tax. Of course,
Ÿ Evansburg Super A Foods (inside)
Clearly, the architects of Carney’s
those businesses will just pass on the
Ÿ Edson, Home Hardware (inside)
plan haven’t spent many sleepless
Ÿ Edson, Thymes Two (outside box)
Please note, there will be weekly schedule Riding Update: cost. nights worrying about paying rent. The Weekly Anchor News Media Canada Alberta Ÿ Weekly Anchor (outside box and inside)
Bottom line: You still get hit with
One of Carney’s recent gigs was as
Ÿ Edson, Parkland Lodge (inside)
Weekly Newspapers
no issue for Dec 30, 2024 with our January 8 issue. Letter to the Editor that hidden carbon tax when you buy governor of the Bank of England, Independent Newspaper Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221 © Troy Media Ÿ Niton beside postboxes next to A&W (outside box)
Your Local
Ÿ Peers Trading Post (inside)
gas or pay your bills.
where he was paid $862,000 per year
due to our staff holiday break. Visit our free But it gets worse. plus a $449,000 housing allowance. The views, opinions and positions expressed in
Ÿ Wildwood Post Office (outside box)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at
Office will be closed Dec 23 reopening Jan 2.
Ÿ Evansburg Post Office (outside box)
With ermine earmuffs that thick,
Ÿ Evansburg Super A Foods (inside)
We'll be back to our *We will be checking emails and messages weekly least attempted to give you some of it’s hard to hear people’s worries. In Office Hours: 9am to Noon Mon-Fri this editorial column are the author's alone. They
the carbon tax money back through
Telephone: (780) 723 5787
About a thousand Canadians
do not inherently or expressly reflect the views,
weekly schedule email: 780-723-5787 Support the local businesses that at: rebates. The parliamentary budget recently posted home heating bills email: opinions and/or positions of The Weekly Anchor, its
officer consistently made it clear the
staff, or Troy Media.
with our January 6, 2025 issue. keep your community and its rebates don’t cover all the costs. But paid $134 in carbon tax for We acknowledge the financial support CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon
Kelly’s family in northern Ontario

Publisher/Editor Dana McArthur
at least you could spend the money
of the Government of Canada
local newspaper thriving.
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
Office will be closed Dec 23 reopening Dec 30 Weekly Anchor on the things you need most. December’s home heating. Lilly’s 5010 3rd Ave., Edson Alberta - Box 6870, T7E 1V2
Under Carney’s “affordability”
household bill near Winnipeg was
*We will be checking emails and messages plan, you don’t get cash to pay down $140 in carbon tax. Edson RCMP Occurrences
Support the local businesses
your credit card or buy groceries.
that keep your community and
email: 780-723-5787 pick-up locations: You can only use the credits to buy The average Alberta household will
its newspaper thriving.
Edson Post office (outside boxes) things like e-bikes and heat pumps. pay about $440 extra in carbon tax Edson RCMP Occurrences For the week of Nov 13 to Nov 19, 2023
Edson, Your Independent Grocer (inside) Here’s how Carney explained it: on home heating this year. For the week of February 10 – February 16, 2025 BY
After the carbon tax is hiked April
“We will have the big polluters pay
Edson Sobeys (outside box) for climate incentives by developing 1, it will add an extra 21 cents per FTraffic Collisions 8; Traffic Complaints 8; and Traffic Violations 7 topped the For the week of: Dec 16 to Dec 22, 2024 APPOINTMENT
Edson Tags North (inside) litre of gasoline and 25 cents per litre list of Edson RCMP occurrences. Other investigations included: Abandoned ONLY - PLEASE
Local and integrating a new consumer of diesel. Filling a minivan will cost Vehicles 1; Alarms/False Alarms 2; Animal Calls 1; Assault 6; Assistance Calls 6;
Journalism Edson and District Leisure Centre (outside box) carbon credit market into the Cause Disturbance 3; Child Welfare 0; Drive While Unauthorized 2; Drugs 0; CALL
Matters.... industrial pricing system,” Carney about $15 extra, filling a pickup Extortion 0; Fail to Comply with Conditions 1; Fail to Stop or Remain at
Edson, Home Hardware (inside) truck will cost about $25 extra, and a Collision 2; False/Abandoned 911 Call 1; Family Orders and Agreements 0; TO BOOK A
Edson, Thymes Two (outside box) told a Halifax crowd. “While we still trucker filling a big rig will have to Family relations 0; Fire Prevention Act 0; Fraud 2; Harassment/Criminal TIME...
provide price certainty for
Weekly Anchor (outside box and inside) households when they make climate pay about $250 extra in carbon tax. Harassment 2; Impaired Operation of Motor Vehicle 2; Information File 3; 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Trudeau’s carbon tax data is posted
Edson, Parkland Lodge (inside) smart choices.” online. Liquor act 0; Lost or Found property 5; Mental Health Act 4; Mischief or Damage 780-723-5787
2; Missing Person/Request to Locate 0; Municipal Bylaws 0; Noise Complaints
Peers Trading Post (inside) Translation: Carney would still Carney’s carbon tax would be 0; Obstruct/Resist Peace Officer 0; Possess Stolen Property 0; Recovered Stolen Tegan
Local Journalism Matters... Niton beside postboxes next to A&W (outside box) make Canadians pay, but he’ll only hidden. Property 1; Sudden Death 0; Suspicious Persons 6; Theft Complaints 7; Meet 10 year old student Zoey who attends If you could do anything what would it be- The Weekly Anchor News Media Canada Association
Weekly Newspapers
help them with affordability if
Your Local
Carney isn’t saying the carbon tax
Support the local businesses Wildwood Post Office (outside box) they’re making “smart” choices. is an unfair punishment for Trespassing 2; Uninsured/Unregistered Vehicle 1; Unlawfully in Dwelling 0; Vanier Community Catholic School. swim in a wave pool Independent Newspaper Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221
Unwanted Person 2; Uttering Threats Against Person 2; Wellbeing Check 4.
Sound familiar? This is a lot like
that keep your community and Evansburg Post Office (outside box) the scheme former Conservative Canadians trying to drive to work What is your favourite holiday? Halloween If you could do anything what would it be-
I would take an airplane and fly to Toronto
and heat their homes. He says the
its newspaper thriving. Evansburg Super A Foods (inside) Party leader Erin O’Toole ran on. problem is “perception.” What is your favourite subject? Art to visit my good God mom. In Office Hours: 9am to Noon Mon-Fri
Telephone: (780) 723 5787
Subscriptions: $54 year - And it ended his political career. “It has become very divisive for KID’S CORNER What is your favourite food? Pizza Name: Grace email:
Carney’s carbon tax plan is terrible
for two reasons. Canadians,” Carney told his Halifax What do you what to be when you grow up? Grade: 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon
First, it’s sneaky. Carney wants to crowd about the carbon tax. “It’s the Geologist Age: 9 We acknowledge the financial support Publisher/Editor Dana McArthur
hide the cost of the carbon tax. A perceptions of the negative impacts Meet Callie age 6 in grade 1 at Mary Callie 6 grade 1 What is the best thing about coming back of the Government of Canada Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
of the carbon tax on households,
power plant running on natural gas without fully recognizing the positive Bergeron Elementary School. to school? I get to see all my friends and 5010 3rd Ave., Edson Alberta - Box 6870, T7E 1V2
the teachers.
is not going to eat the cost of Q: What is your favorite subject at Meet 5 year on Waylon a student at Vanier
Carney’s carbon tax; it will pass that impacts of the rebate.” Q: Q: What is your favorite subject at school? Community Catholic School.
expense down to ordinary people Carney isn’t trying to fix the school? A: My favorite subject is science What is your favorite holiday? fishing trip
because we learn cool things.
who are paying the bills. problem. He’s trying to hide it. And What is your favorite subject? English
he wants Canadians to be happy with
Second, as anemic as the Trudeau Favorite food? pink salmon
government rebates are, at least discount codes on “smart” purchases A: My favorite subject is science Favorite color? Green
Canadians could use the money for instead of cash. because we learn cool things. What do you want to be when you grow
up? a farmer, a butcherman, and a worker.
the things they need most. It’s cash Kris Sims is the Alberta Director
they can put toward the next heating for the Canadian Taxpayers
Local Journalism Matters... bill, buy a pair of winter boots, or Federation. © Troy Media Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
Local Journalism Matters... pay for birthday party decorations. Note: The views, opinions, and positions Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingavel Sales/Hauling
Sand & Gr
That kind of messy freedom makes
Support the local businesses Support the local businesses some central planning politicians expressed in the column are the author's alone. Quality W Meet 5 year old Waylon, a student at Vanier Name: Grayson
Quality Workork
They do not inherently or expressly reflect the
that keep your community and twitchy. views, opinions and/or positions of The Weekly Serving Edson & District Since 1974 Community Catholic School. Grade: 3
that keep your community and
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Anchor, its staff, or Troy Media.
Here’s the thing: half of Canadians
Age: 8
its newspaper thriving. its newspaper thriving. What is your favorite holiday? fishing trip If you got to spend the day as an
What is your favorite subject? English
animal, what animal would you be?
Favorite food? pink salmon Why? A lemur because I
Favorite color? Green could jump really far and hang
upside down. What do you want to be when you grow
up? a farmer, a butcherman, and a worker.
Support the local businesses
that keep your community and
its newspaper thriving.
Support the local businesses
Local Journalism Matters... that keep your community and
Support the local businesses
that keep your community and its newspaper thriving.
Local Journalism Matters... its newspaper thriving.
Support the local businesses
that keep your community and
its newspaper thriving.
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