Page 6 - The Weekly Anchor Newspaper
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community and its newspaper thriving.
community and its newspaper thriving.
he Weekly ANCHOR
Support the local businesses that keep your
community and its newspaper thriving.
Views & News
From the
Publisher’s Desk
by Deanna Mitchener
Dana McArthur
Guest Editorial/Column
West Yellowhead MLA T he Weekly ANCHOR Support the local businesses that keep your PAGE 14 MONDAY APRIL 13, 2020 T he Weekly ANCHOR MONDAY NOVEMBER 18, 2019 PAGE 7 Member Canadian Association of Journalists T he Weekly ANCHOR Support the local businesses that keep your
Publisher’s Desk
Dana McArthur
Member Canadian Association of Journalists T he Weekly ANCHOR Support the local businesses that keep your
community and its newspaper thriving.
Views & News
Mer by Deanna Mitchener Views & News Comment
by Deanna Mitchener
Chr My Letter to the Editor
THANK-YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! and a by Adrienne Tait Publisher’s Desk Happy New Year! Weekly Anchor
and a
and a
From the
Please remember
Please remember
Please remember Member Canadian Association of Journalists cheer and hope for by Dana McArthur small businesses pick-up locations:
Dana McArthur
It is with good
are struggling
peace and
amid controversial
to shop local YEAR Robin Campbell prosperity in the Member Canadian Association of Journalists government Ÿ Edson, Your Independent Grocer (inside)
to shop local
to shop local
Ÿ Edson Post office (outside boxes)
community that
policies and ever-
Ÿ Edson Sobeys (outside box)
The Weekly
increasing online shopping, these
this holidayhis holidayhis holiday FROM THE President of the Coal Association of Canada Anchor takes this moment to wish companies continue to donate and Ÿ Edson and District Leisure Centre (outside box)
t t
Ÿ Edson Tags North (inside)
all of our readers, contributors, and
support our vital non-profit
advertisers a very Happy New Year. community groups.
From the
Ÿ Edson, Home Hardware (inside)
season. WEEKLY ANCHOR Publisher’s Desk Op/Ed of better to come. So, let's hope the that defines Edson and Yellowhad Ÿ Weekly Anchor (outside box and inside)
New Year's brings the anticipation
It is this caring and compassion
Ÿ Edson, Thymes Two (outside box)
Gerald Soroka
Dana McArthur
Local Journalism Matters...
Please note, there will be Member Canadian Association of Journalists inflationary downturn over the last County. Ÿ Edson, Parkland Lodge (inside) Support the local businesses
MP Yellowhead
few years, that has afflicted so
New Years brings with it
Ÿ Peers Trading Post (inside)
FROM THE no issue for Jan 1, 2024 Letter to the Editor many households, improves in the celebration and being with family Ÿ Niton beside postboxes next to A&W (outside box) that keep your community and PASSPORT
coming year.
and friends. As we look back on
its newspaper thriving.
Ÿ Wildwood Post Office (outside box)
due to our staff holiday break.
And let's always be thankful for
WEEKLY ANCHOR We'll be back to our the wonderful support this 2024 let us continue to build on the Ÿ Evansburg Post Office (outside box) PHOTOS
community spirit and the blessings
Ÿ Evansburg Super A Foods (inside)
community has shown to one
that are so visibly expressed in the
Please note, there will be weekly schedule Riding Update: another during difficult times. This region.
includes groups like the Edson Food
May the joy we share at this time
no issue for Dec 30, 2024 with our January 8 issue. Bank, WEE Community Food of the year continue to flow into The Weekly Anchor News Media Canada Association © Troy Media
Bank, and the Kinettes' Christmas
Weekly Newspapers
Your Local
due to our staff holiday break. Visit our free Hamper campaign. from the staff and management at Independent Newspaper Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221 The views, opinions and positions expressed in
Have a safe and happy New Year,
Office will be closed Dec 23 reopening Jan 2.
Even though many of our
We'll be back to our *We will be checking emails and messages weekly resource-based companies and local The Weekly Anchor. In Office Hours: 9am to Noon Mon-Fri this editorial column are the author's alone. They
do not inherently or expressly reflect the views,
weekly schedule email: 780-723-5787 Support the local businesses that at: Letter to the Editor email: opinions and/or positions of The Weekly Anchor, its
Telephone: (780) 723 5787
staff, or Troy Media.
with our January 6, 2025 issue. keep your community and its Reader concerned by clinic's We acknowledge the financial support CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon
local newspaper thriving.

Office will be closed Dec 23 reopening Dec 30 of the Government of Canada Publisher/Editor Dana McArthur
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
*We will be checking emails and messages cancellation policy 5010 3rd Ave., Edson Alberta - Box 6870, T7E 1V2 Edson RCMP Occurrences
Support the local businesses
that keep your community and
email: 780-723-5787 Dear Editor, no answering machine so you can
its newspaper thriving.
leave a message on a Sunday? For the week of Nov 13 to Nov 19, 2023 BY
I'm writing this to you, as I became Apparently, this has been Edson RCMP Occurrences
aware of what was happening at the happening for sometime now. For the week of: Dec 9 to Dec 15, 2024 APPOINTMENT
Edson Medical Centre [clinic] today ONLY - PLEASE
Local [Dec. 10]. Debbie Falardeau Traffic Collisions 16; Suspicious Persons 12 and Traffic Complaints 8 topped
Journalism When you have an appointment on the list of Edson RCMP occurrences. Other investigations included: CALL
Matters.... Abandoned Vehicles 1; Alarms/False Alarms 3; Animal Calls 2; Assault 0;
a Monday, but need to cancel it on a Editor's note: The Edson Medical Clinic is TO BOOK A
24 hour notice, there is no closed Friday evenings and reopens Assistance Calls 5; Cause Disturbance 0; Child Welfare 0; Fail to Comply TIME...
answering machine to leave a Monday mornings. The Weekly Anchor with Conditions 1; False/Abandoned 911 Call 0; Family Orders and 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
verified that the clinic's voice message on
message at the clinic. Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday does Agreements 0; Fraud 3; Harassment/Criminal Harassment 2; Impaired
You are then charged a $20 fee on not have, or offers, a method to cancel a Operation of Motor Vehicle 0; Information File 5; Lost or Found property 3; 780-723-5787
Monday! Monday appointment. We could not source Mental Health Act 3; Mischief or Damage 5; Missing Person/Request to Tegan
Locate 0; Municipal Bylaws 0; Obstruct/Resist Peace Officer 0; Possess
This happened to a family member any public website, email address, or online Stolen Property 1; Recovered Stolen Property 0; Sudden Death 1; Theft If you could do anything what would it be- The Weekly Anchor News Media Canada Weekly Newspapers
and I think it is totally unfair and cancellation policy for the Edson Medical Complaints 7; Traffic Violations 2; Trespassing 6; Unlawfully in Dwelling 0; Meet 10 year old student Zoey who attends swim in a wave pool Your Local member Association
Clinic. AHS states many clinics have a 24hr
unreasonable for the clinic to do cancellation policy and some have late and Wellbeing Checks 5. Vanier Community Catholic School. Millicent Independent Newspaper Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221
this! cancellation fees. Our attempt to call the If you could do anything what would it be-
I have no problem with clinic directly to inquire, resulted in a wait What is your favorite food? Pancakes, What is your favourite holiday? Halloween I would take an airplane and fly to Toronto
cancellation fees, but why is there time longer than our staff had available. because I can eat 10 of them stacked What is your favourite subject? Art to visit my good God mom. In Office Hours: 9am to Noon Mon-Fri
KID’S CORNER with syrup and a cherry on top! What is your favourite food? Pizza Name: Grace email:
Telephone: (780) 723 5787
Name: William
Grade: 2
Age: 7 What do you what to be when you grow up? Grade: 4 We acknowledge the financial support CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon
Age: 9
Meet William in Grade 2 at Mary What is the best thing about coming back of the Government of Canada Publisher/Editor Dana McArthur
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
Bergeron Elementary School. to school? I get to see all my friends and
the teachers. 5010 3rd Ave., Edson Alberta - Box 6870, T7E 1V2
Meet 5 year on Waylon a student at Vanier
Q: What is your favorite food? Community Catholic School.
What is your favorite holiday? fishing trip
A: Pancakes, because I can eat 10 of What is your favorite subject? English
them stacked with syrup and a cherry Favorite food? pink salmon
Favorite color? Green
on top! Note: The views, opinions, and positions What do you want to be when you grow
expressed in the column are the author's up? a farmer, a butcherman, and a worker.
Local Journalism Matters... alone. They do not inherently or
expressly reflect the views, opinions
Local Journalism Matters... Support the local businesses Kid’s Corner is sponsor and/or positions of The Weekly Anchor,
Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
its staff, or Troy Media.
Local Journalism Matters... that keep your community and Sand & Gr
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingavel Sales/Hauling
Support the local businesses Support the local businesses its newspaper thriving. Quality Workork Meet 5 year old Waylon, a student at Vanier Name: Grayson
Quality W
that keep your community and Serving Edson & District Since 1974 Community Catholic School. Grade: 3
that keep your community and
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Age: 8
its newspaper thriving. its newspaper thriving. What is your favorite holiday? fishing trip If you got to spend the day as an
What is your favorite subject? English
animal, what animal would you be?
Favorite food? pink salmon Why? A lemur because I
Favorite color? Green could jump really far and hang
upside down. What do you want to be when you grow
up? a farmer, a butcherman, and a worker.
Support the local businesses
that keep your community and
its newspaper thriving.
Support the local businesses
Local Journalism Matters... that keep your community and
Support the local businesses
that keep your community and its newspaper thriving.
Local Journalism Matters... its newspaper thriving.
Support the local businesses
that keep your community and
its newspaper thriving.
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