Page 3 - The Weekly Anchor Newspaper
P. 3
Event Reminder
May 9: For mental health week, join
the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
(approximately 5:10 am).
Public School Division
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Helping the world hear better
The Weekly Anchor We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, DVA provider
Serving Alberta since 1964
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2024 PAGE 3
County Council talks public engagement policies
Coffee with a Councillor program and annual open houses discussed Edson Clinic
Weds, Nov 22, 2023* 10:00am-1:00pm
by Shaylyn Thornton the Coffee with a Councillor meetings to occur. meeting, and that the meetings be advertised on social
Because these meetings are at the discretion of media and the website at least two weeks prior. Edson Medical Centre
At their December 17 GPC meeting, Yellowhead
With the changes, Council voted unanimously to
West Yellowhead MLA County Council addressed their public engagement individual Councillors, the proposed policy also bring the policies to a future Council meeting for 616 50 St, Edson
restricts municipal Administration from being
Martin Long policies, specifically policies 1100.24 Coffee with a involved, and does not allow meetings to take consideration. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
place within eight months of a general election.
Councillor and 1100.15 Public Engagement &
continued from front Communication. Mercier recommended to Council that they
After Council discussion on public engagement at bring both policies to a future Council meeting for Peers and District
their last GPC meeting, Administration reviewed consideration. We provide:
continued from front policy 1100.15 with the intention of incorporating Councillor Dawn Mitchell expressed concerns Cultural and Agricultural Society
continued from front holding public open houses annually, in addition to over "Councillors meeting by themselves with * Latest Technology - all digital
providing Councillors the opportunity to schedule residents". “There’s quite a bit of danger for o/a Peers Area Community Group
continued from front local meetings to engage their electoral division misinformation to be spread out there,” she said. hearing aid models
continued from front residents. “I would appreciate [the draft bylaw] to read AGM
Views & News continued from front Council was presented with revised policy something like, ‘Councillors holding a meeting ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING * Repairs to all models
by Deanna Mitchener 1100.15, which included the addition of section 1.6 need to notify the rest of Council so that we have Monday, January 6, 2025
continued from front to “Hold public open houses annually, with both the opportunity to attend and support our team * 30 day trial period
continued from front Council and Administration in attendance, to provide mates.’” beginning at: 7:00pm
public review and input opportunities.” “When we run, we run individually in divisions, Location: Peers Multiplex
continued from front The principle also notes that the open houses will but once we are elected we stand together and 5114 51 Street, Peers AB
be held three times yearly, in a three-year cycle to these are perfect opportunities for perhaps myself Edmonton
cover the West, East, and Central portions of on the West end to understand firsthand what’s Come join our active group and help make
EMPLOYMENT ADS GO Yellowhead County. Open houses will not be held in going on in the East end,” Mitchell continued. “I good things happen in our community. #134-15277 Castledowns Road
a general election year, to avoid unfair access to
would hate to be excluded from that.”
Membership is $1.00.
ONLINE voters between candidates that aren’t on Council and possibility of a Councillor “inadvertently for more information contact Edmonton, AB
Councillor Brigitte Lemieux agreed with the
candidates that are.
at each Councillor a chance to informally discuss ideas providing misinformation,” and said that she 1-855-258-9429
Section 1.7 was also added, which states, “Provide
would only support the policy if it included a
or concerns regarding municipal programs and section about inviting other members of Council
services with residents in their electoral division to attend.
through a 'Coffee with a Councillor' program.” Councillor Anthony Giezen spoke as an
The incorporation of these sections “allows all of “advocate” of the Coffee with a Councillor policy, PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Council to engage with residents throughout the stating that members of Council often want to 5010 3rd Avenue, Edson
County annually, well ensuring that every area has speak to their residents before “finalizing their The Weekly Anchor
the opportunity to engage with all of Council decision-making process.” 780-723-5787
numerous times a year in a four-year Council term,” Giezen pointed out that this practice may
said CAO Luc Mercier. “The open houses would unintentionally exclude residents that are not “on
provide residents additional opportunities to become [a Councillor’s] radar.” “I think Coffee with a A limb has Fallen Event Reminders
informed of various projects and meet and interact Councillor is an easy way for somebody who may
with all members of Council and administration not be in the immediate circle to come out and from the Family Tree,
while allowing them to ask questions and raise any express something quite simple in an informal August 11: Niton Green Grove
concerns they have to the whole of Council.” basis,” he said. that says Grieve not for me. Pool PUBLIC SWIM and
To further detail the addition of section 1.7 in Mitchell requested that the policy specify that a
policy 1100.15, policy 1100.24 Coffee with a Councillor give other members of Council 30 days Remember the Best times, OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT
Councillor was also presented to Council. “The intent notice before an event. She also requested that (ZOOTOPIA). Public Swim 2:00-
of this policy is to create another avenue for residents advertising of the Coffee with a Councillor events the Laughter, the Song 9:30 PM; BBQ/Concession 2:30-
to meet with their local Councillor,” said CAO be shared on the County’s social media and Gerald Soroka 8:30 PM. Email
Mercier. “It allows individual Councillors to schedule website, so that residents can be made aware. for more
local meetings to engage local residents in a more The robust discussion brought forth a few The Good life I lived while I was Strong.
relaxed, informal setting.” amendments to the policy: that the allowance of MP Yellowhead information or call 780-723-4800.
At their discretion, Councillors will be able to Coffee with a Councillor meetings be changed
expense a maximum of $300 twice per year to pay from the eight month time frame to “during the In Loving Memory of Aug 13: 10 Annual Gospel Jam
for a portion of Hall rentals and incidentals, to allow election year,” that Councillors inform other Free to attend 3pm-8pm located at
members of Council two weeks ahead of a LeeRoy Lonsberry PASSPORT
Niton Community Hall Concession
available (Rg Rd 130 across from
Good News Story: GYPSD PHOTOS
Niton School).
Potential Scammers Beware: & MORE

Edson Funeral Home
PGMS students have Serving Edson, Hinton, Jasper, Grande Cache,Whitecourt and the surrounding areas

you on radar! Foothills Memorial Chapel
Foothills Memorial Chapel
Foothills Memorial Chapel
and Cr
and Cr
École Pine Grove (PGMS) try to manipulate consumers into and Crematoriumematoriumematorium
students in Mrs. K-T's Language buying their goods or services: a
Arts and Health class finished valuable lesson so that they can
their advertising unit with a make positive and informed
West Yellowhead
Mon to Thurs
Mon to Thurs
"Create a Product & Ad choices for themselves. The Weekly Anchor 2024 Mon to Thurs
Campaign" project. To demonstrate their 9am to Noon
9am to Noon
9am to Noon
The project aimed for students understanding of the unit Visitor's Guide
to show their understanding of outcomes, students created a Taking care of your family
false or misleading marketing product and then designed a print Coming soon! The
in your time of need for over 40 years.
practices. ad and built a mockup/model of
During the unit, students it. Call or Email to Book your WeeklyWeeklyWeekly
learned about persuasive Finally, they did a "Gallery Traditional Funeral Services,
techniques that advertisers use in Walk" to analyze each other's ads Graveside Services,
different types of ads such as TV, to see their persuasiveness. Other AD Space Anchor
print, and online. This included PGMS students and staff were Cemetery Monuments,
use of colour, logos, slogans, and also invited to check out their Weekly Anchor
Prearrangement Plans
techniques such as humor, projects and share their feedback 780-723-5787
transference, and bribery. on how persuasive, or not, their and Cremation Options with a
Office: 780-723-5787
Office: 780-723-5787
Students must learn to projects were using an analysis Office: 780-723-5787 5010
Crematorium on Site in Edson.
Sue Ann cell: 780- 280-0213
Weekly Anchor E-Edtion recognize how companies may handout. Sue Ann cell: 780- 280-0213
Sue Ann cell: 780- 280-0213
3rd Ave,ve,ve,
3rd A
Free online at 3rd A
WWW.WEEKLYANCHOR.COM Respectfully honouring your Traditions
Edson Funeral Home; Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
are a caring Division of the Caring Group Corp.
*A member of the Alberta Funeral Association; Funeral Service Association of Canada
Ph: 780.723.3575 Toll Free: 800.238.3462
5040—6 Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8 (P.O. Box 6358) - Fax:780.723.2021
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