Page 3 - April 1, 2019
P. 3


Edson Landfill fire costs continue to mount

by Cassie Kushniruk

As identified in the report provided to Town
Council during the February 26 Committee of
the Whole meeting, the Edson Landfill remains
closed since January 2 due to a fire and continues
to operate as a site transfer station.
A second update concerning the condition of
the landfill was provided to Council during their
March 26 meeting, including background into
the condition and costs of remediation.
The Class III Landfill Operations Plan
anticipates partial closures and funds have
already been set aside for closure and post
The costs for this phase of closure are
projected to be notably higher, in the order of
approximately $880,000. Contributing factors During the March 26 Committee of the Whole meeting, a second update concerning the condition of the Edson
include fire operations complicating how Landfill was provided to Council by General Manager of Infrastructure and Planning Martino Verhaeghe and
equipment might safely affect the closure and Environmental and Fleet Services Manager Bruce Thompson. photo Cassie Kushniruk
prompting more costly trenching to install a clay have to meet before site exploration work and
firewall to prevent migration to the adjacent we're working with our consultant to get pricing Spring Cleanup program will have some
muskeg and forested areas; winter operations and secure that work for the coming weeks when increased costs and complexities attached to it
requiring additional equipment to rip on-site things dry up and conditions are favorable,” due to the current state of the landfill. A report
materials and experience with additional Thompson said. concerning this situation will be presented to
shrinkage due to frost and compaction issues; “How's the reaction been from people in the Council for consideration on a future date once
and lack of sufficient onsite materials to community?” asked Mayor Kevin Zahara. “Has more details are known.
complete the necessary closure. there been a lot of frustration in terms of it being Mayor Zahara stressed the importance of
Administration recommends that these funds a transfer site?” including signage at the landfill for those who
come from the Infrastructure Reserve, as the General Manager of Infrastructure and are not aware of the situation.
costs are likely to overreach the Town's Liability Planning Martino Verhaeghe stated that although Councillor Janet Wilkinson mentioned that she
Fund. there was some confusion in the beginning spoke with the construction team for the
Councillor Jacqui Currie asked if any updates Parkland Lodge project and asked if the extra
have been received from Alberta Environment phases as people were directed to other locations, haul cost was affecting them. “Yes, it was, but
no complaints have been received. “No one's
concerning the possibility of opening a new cell. accessing or looking to access our site at this they seemed to understand that was just a cost of
Environmental and Fleet Services Manager doing business unfortunately,” Wilkinson said.
Bruce Thompson replied that they are currently time as the status has been made pretty clear to Deputy Mayor Troy Sorenson asked, “If a
those who regularly access it,” said Verhaeghe.
in discussions with Alberta Environment but “That might change as we start getting into contractor had a dump load of wood and
have not received a commitment from them as of construction season.” concrete, where would they be sent to?”
yet. “They've laid out some conditions that we “We would encourage that they would take it
Verhaeghe mentioned the Town's regular to Hinton,” Thompson closed.

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