Page 4 - April 1, 2019
P. 4
Parkland Lodge update presented at Town Council
Provincial government announces an additional $8 million for the project
by Cassie Kushniruk
On March 26 during the Committee of the
Whole meeting, Evergreens Foundation CAO
Kristen Chambers met with Town Council to
provide an update concerning the Parkland
Lodge project, as well as to explain what the
Foundation does and what their future capital
plans are.
The Evergreens Foundation is comprised of six
municipalities including Yellowhead County,
Edson, Jasper, Greenview, Parkland County, and
Several different types of housing are operated
under the Evergreens Foundation, such as the
Lodge program for housing seniors. Through the
Evergreens Foundation, other seniors lodges
similar to the Parkland Lodge in Edson are
available in the communities of Evansburg,
Hinton, Jasper, and Grande Cache.
“The other housing that we operate is in
partnership with the province, so the province
owns the housing and the province assigns the
budget to us,” said Chambers.“That looks after
facilities such as Heritage Court and
Heatherwood Manor apartments here in town, as Evergreens Foundation CAO Kristen Chambers met with Town Council during the March 26 Committee
well as we have some family housing on of the Whole meeting to provide an update concerning the Parkland Lodge project, as well as to explain
what the Foundation does and what their future capital plans are. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Westhaven Drive.”
The Evergreens Foundation also operates a
Rent Supplement program, in which they provide residents over probably early 2020 in March or “We're designing our buildings with the
rent subsidies to those living in private April, depending on the weather,” said capacity to go into contracts with Alberta Health
accommodations. “We have just shy of $1 Chambers. Services,” explained Chambers. “Grande Cache
Around May, Chamber mentioned that the
is a perfect example of that. We had a 30 unit
million a year that we offer in the Rent
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Supplement program,” mentioned Chambers. Foundation is planning to host a tour of the lodge and struggled with vacancies there. We
Lodge open to the media, Town Council, and
Another program run by the Foundation is a
private non-profit program funded through the anyone else who is interested in order to “get a would always be hovering around 6-7 vacancies,
which is totally inefficient to operate. We were
Professional Digital government that houses those with special needs. better idea of what's going on inside.” able to partner with Alberta Health Services for
In 2014, the Evergreens Foundation planned to
level-four care and brought a level of care to the
Currently the Foundation only operates this
Passport System program in the Town of Hinton. “It's an simultaneously begin both the Parkland Lodge community that they didn't have. We've been at
project in Edson and the Lodge in Hinton,
upstairs/downstairs unit where we're able to
photos ready house a mobility challenged single male with an however, the Foundation was only able to secure full capacity with a small wait list ever since.”
Councillor Gean Chouinard asked if there was
in minutes aid and we do have a downstairs unit as well funding for Edson's Lodge during this time. a possibility to continue operating the old
Currently, the Evergreens Foundation has been
healthcare centre —which currently houses
which we rent out to another single person,” said
while you wait... Chambers. working diligently on the Hinton Lodge and are Parkland Lodge members— as a temporary
In reference to the Parkland Lodge project, now in the early design phases for the project. overflow facility.
Chambers said,“Currently, the Parkland Lodge “We're hoping to be in the ground this fall Chambers replied that the facility is owned by
The Weekly Anchor project is going fantastic. It's been really well getting that project kicked off,” said Chambers. Alberta Health Services and that the Evergreens
As for the Foundation's next steps in future
Foundation board has not entertained any future
done from the construction side.”
“We're obviously pleased with the capital planning, Chambers mentioned that the of continuing to operate the facility. “It has
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson government's announcement to fund us the Foundation will discuss the need in the east end worked phenomenally for us …but I don't know
of the Yellowhead County, which is
additional $8 million to complete the project,”
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 Chambers mentioned. “That advances the rest of “astronomical”. “We'll be doing some that it's a long term solution,” said Chambers.“It
has crossed my mind that we could get five more
preliminary work there with a land review to get
our projects tremendously.”
years out of it, but then what do we do with that
The Foundation is approximately three months started to see what land is available within the group of 50 or 70 people if that facility fails?”
behind schedule due to weather and issues with County that makes sense for development,” said Councillor Bevan asked if current members of
concrete, however, feel as though a project of Chambers. the Parkland Lodge would have the first chance
this scope to be three months behind is “pretty In reference to the Parkland Lodge project, to claim residency at the new Lodge.
good”. Councillor Trevor Bevan asked, “Are you still “They're all 100% coming,” responded
“They're on target to hand us the keys at the taking applications for people to be able to have Chambers.
end of 2019 and we'll be looking at moving residency?” Bevan then asked if the Lodge would include a
“Yes, we always take applications,” Chambers dementia wing, to which Chambers responded,
PASSPORT replied, explaining that residency at the Lodge “We do not have a contract with AHS at this
PHOTOS & MORE EDSON DRY CLEANERS will not be based on a first-come-first-serve point for level 4D (dementia care), but what we
Professional Digital basis, but rather on a greatest need basis. “There have done is we've built that wing with the
Passport System 780-723-7503 is a scoring process that we go through that's set capacity to operate as such. We have the proper
photos ready 108 50 Street by the provincial government,” she said. “No walking patterns for people with dementia and
in minutes... matter if someone's been on the wait list for five we have the nurse station close by.”
years and someone comes in today that scores Councillor Janet Wilkinson praised Chambers
higher, we're always given that preference to that for continuously lobbying for the $8 million to
All F/R Rated person.” be provided for the Parkland Lodge project.
“As of right now are you getting close to being
“She's lobbied every government official she
Winter full?” Councillor Bevan inquired. possibly can and she's acted at the provincial
Chambers replied that the wait list has already
level,” she said. “Really it's through her work
Coveralls exceeded the amount of beds provided in the that's helped us get the $8 million.”
Lodge. “We expected to move into this building
Due to the upcoming election, Mayor Zahara
with a few vacancies and our wait list now is
asked if the Foundation has a signed document
The Weekly Anchor and Jackets over 50,” Chambers said. stating that the amount of $8 million will be paid
Mayor Kevin Zahara asked what the long term
in full and will not be revoked under a potential
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson plan for the Lodge is once the large senior's new government.
20% off alternative plans for that facility in the long paying in full,” said Chambers.
780-723-5787 population has moved on. “Are there any “We do have a signed letter stating that they're
term?” he asked.
Professional Digital
Passport System
photos ready
in minutes...
The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Parkland Lodge update presented at Town Council
Provincial government announces an additional $8 million for the project
by Cassie Kushniruk
On March 26 during the Committee of the
Whole meeting, Evergreens Foundation CAO
Kristen Chambers met with Town Council to
provide an update concerning the Parkland
Lodge project, as well as to explain what the
Foundation does and what their future capital
plans are.
The Evergreens Foundation is comprised of six
municipalities including Yellowhead County,
Edson, Jasper, Greenview, Parkland County, and
Several different types of housing are operated
under the Evergreens Foundation, such as the
Lodge program for housing seniors. Through the
Evergreens Foundation, other seniors lodges
similar to the Parkland Lodge in Edson are
available in the communities of Evansburg,
Hinton, Jasper, and Grande Cache.
“The other housing that we operate is in
partnership with the province, so the province
owns the housing and the province assigns the
budget to us,” said Chambers.“That looks after
facilities such as Heritage Court and
Heatherwood Manor apartments here in town, as Evergreens Foundation CAO Kristen Chambers met with Town Council during the March 26 Committee
well as we have some family housing on of the Whole meeting to provide an update concerning the Parkland Lodge project, as well as to explain
what the Foundation does and what their future capital plans are. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Westhaven Drive.”
The Evergreens Foundation also operates a
Rent Supplement program, in which they provide residents over probably early 2020 in March or “We're designing our buildings with the
rent subsidies to those living in private April, depending on the weather,” said capacity to go into contracts with Alberta Health
accommodations. “We have just shy of $1 Chambers. Services,” explained Chambers. “Grande Cache
Around May, Chamber mentioned that the
is a perfect example of that. We had a 30 unit
million a year that we offer in the Rent
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Supplement program,” mentioned Chambers. Foundation is planning to host a tour of the lodge and struggled with vacancies there. We
Lodge open to the media, Town Council, and
Another program run by the Foundation is a
private non-profit program funded through the anyone else who is interested in order to “get a would always be hovering around 6-7 vacancies,
which is totally inefficient to operate. We were
Professional Digital government that houses those with special needs. better idea of what's going on inside.” able to partner with Alberta Health Services for
In 2014, the Evergreens Foundation planned to
level-four care and brought a level of care to the
Currently the Foundation only operates this
Passport System program in the Town of Hinton. “It's an simultaneously begin both the Parkland Lodge community that they didn't have. We've been at
project in Edson and the Lodge in Hinton,
upstairs/downstairs unit where we're able to
photos ready house a mobility challenged single male with an however, the Foundation was only able to secure full capacity with a small wait list ever since.”
Councillor Gean Chouinard asked if there was
in minutes aid and we do have a downstairs unit as well funding for Edson's Lodge during this time. a possibility to continue operating the old
Currently, the Evergreens Foundation has been
healthcare centre —which currently houses
which we rent out to another single person,” said
while you wait... Chambers. working diligently on the Hinton Lodge and are Parkland Lodge members— as a temporary
In reference to the Parkland Lodge project, now in the early design phases for the project. overflow facility.
Chambers said,“Currently, the Parkland Lodge “We're hoping to be in the ground this fall Chambers replied that the facility is owned by
The Weekly Anchor project is going fantastic. It's been really well getting that project kicked off,” said Chambers. Alberta Health Services and that the Evergreens
As for the Foundation's next steps in future
Foundation board has not entertained any future
done from the construction side.”
“We're obviously pleased with the capital planning, Chambers mentioned that the of continuing to operate the facility. “It has
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson government's announcement to fund us the Foundation will discuss the need in the east end worked phenomenally for us …but I don't know
of the Yellowhead County, which is
additional $8 million to complete the project,”
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 Chambers mentioned. “That advances the rest of “astronomical”. “We'll be doing some that it's a long term solution,” said Chambers.“It
has crossed my mind that we could get five more
preliminary work there with a land review to get
our projects tremendously.”
years out of it, but then what do we do with that
The Foundation is approximately three months started to see what land is available within the group of 50 or 70 people if that facility fails?”
behind schedule due to weather and issues with County that makes sense for development,” said Councillor Bevan asked if current members of
concrete, however, feel as though a project of Chambers. the Parkland Lodge would have the first chance
this scope to be three months behind is “pretty In reference to the Parkland Lodge project, to claim residency at the new Lodge.
good”. Councillor Trevor Bevan asked, “Are you still “They're all 100% coming,” responded
“They're on target to hand us the keys at the taking applications for people to be able to have Chambers.
end of 2019 and we'll be looking at moving residency?” Bevan then asked if the Lodge would include a
“Yes, we always take applications,” Chambers dementia wing, to which Chambers responded,
PASSPORT replied, explaining that residency at the Lodge “We do not have a contract with AHS at this
PHOTOS & MORE EDSON DRY CLEANERS will not be based on a first-come-first-serve point for level 4D (dementia care), but what we
Professional Digital basis, but rather on a greatest need basis. “There have done is we've built that wing with the
Passport System 780-723-7503 is a scoring process that we go through that's set capacity to operate as such. We have the proper
photos ready 108 50 Street by the provincial government,” she said. “No walking patterns for people with dementia and
in minutes... matter if someone's been on the wait list for five we have the nurse station close by.”
years and someone comes in today that scores Councillor Janet Wilkinson praised Chambers
higher, we're always given that preference to that for continuously lobbying for the $8 million to
All F/R Rated person.” be provided for the Parkland Lodge project.
“As of right now are you getting close to being
“She's lobbied every government official she
Winter full?” Councillor Bevan inquired. possibly can and she's acted at the provincial
Chambers replied that the wait list has already
level,” she said. “Really it's through her work
Coveralls exceeded the amount of beds provided in the that's helped us get the $8 million.”
Lodge. “We expected to move into this building
Due to the upcoming election, Mayor Zahara
with a few vacancies and our wait list now is
asked if the Foundation has a signed document
The Weekly Anchor and Jackets over 50,” Chambers said. stating that the amount of $8 million will be paid
Mayor Kevin Zahara asked what the long term
in full and will not be revoked under a potential
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson plan for the Lodge is once the large senior's new government.
20% off alternative plans for that facility in the long paying in full,” said Chambers.
780-723-5787 population has moved on. “Are there any “We do have a signed letter stating that they're
term?” he asked.
Professional Digital
Passport System
photos ready
in minutes...
The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson