Page 2 - April 20 2020
P. 2
Professional Digital Passport System photos
ready in minutes while you wait...
Professional Digital PAGE 2 MONDAY APRIL 20, 2020 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
Professional Digital
Passport System
Passport System Town revises 2020 budget to mitigate
photos ready
photos ready
in minutes COVID-19 fiscal impacts to residents DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
in minutes
continued from front
while you wait...
while you wait... continued from front
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE continued from front continued from front Currie asked, “With the deal with it internally Sorenson expressed particularly in a time like time stimulus program 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Councillor Jacqui have some capability to
C o u n c i l l o r T r o y r e s e r v e a c c o u n t s , investing more as a one-
continued from front
reduction of mowing
and pull some money out
“The main approach to of reserves to address
weeding, how does that should manpower allow. with the sidewalk repair.
Professional Digital Passport System photos continued from front and weeding by 50% and changes in mowing and with our own staff support for continuing this”. 780-723-5787
75%, respectively; and
line up with the overall We will certainly work “We have a record our administrative that.” He added, “As for
ready in minutes while you wait... continued from front the elimination of dust new park plan? How far within our internal number of walkers out review of this budget line painting, I'm fine
continued from front
control, line painting,
off are they from what capacity to do some of right now, and that's one was to remove any items with just having those
T continued from front and sidewalk repair for we were planning to do that work, but it will be of the few remaining that we felt could be crosswalks done by The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
activities people can lived without, but that staff.”
with the new changes?”
During Town Council's
Councillor Currie
C A O D e r r i c o t t Councillor Trevor do,” he said. “Sidewalk does not mean people
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5 April 14 Committee of responded, “This budget Bevan asked if the Town repair doesn't seem like won't see them or asked, “With the new
the Whole meeting,
Administration brought suggests that there will will still be moving something we should be experience them or feel announcements from the
be a little bit more of a forward with pothole cutting from the budget t h e m , ” D e r r i c o t t federal government
780-723-578780-723-5787 forward the revised 2020 decrease, largely due to r e p a i r s a n d r o a d right now.” continued. “If we're around the student
budget for discussion.
the fact that we won't patching. CAO Derricott
Mayor Zahara asked, serious about budget funding for summer
C o u n c i l l o r G e a n
Chouinard asked, “How h a v e o u r r e g u l a r stated that they will “How much are we reductions, it is $10,000 students, is that a way we
expensive is [Canada complement of summer continue with “what we saving on some of these here and $10,000 there can continue some of the PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
students. We will use the would describe as basic programs, and is it worth that does get you to work and also support
D Day]? I'd like to put that resources we have and road maintenance”, the pain and suffering if where you want to go our local students?” Professional Digital Passport System photos
to the side and maybe
CAO Derricott replied
give as much attention to including the filling of we're only talking about ultimately.”
wait until the last minute
before we pull the the park spaces as we problematic potholes. saving $10,000 here and M a y o r Z a h a r a that Administration's ready in minutes while you wait...
trigger on cancelling can, but it won't look like “What we've done is $10,000 there? Is there c o m m e n t e d , “ I ' m initial review of the
Canada Day.” it does in a typical year. limited any contract any other way we can concerned that when it program was that it
General Manager of With weeding… we're work that may be done fund these programs… comes to our road “ w o u l d n ' t f i t o u r
C o m m u n i t y a n d reducing our weed there, so it will be in order to maintain n e t w o r k a n d o u r situation very well”. “At
Local journalism matters, Protective Services Guy spraying budget to only contingent on how much some level of service sidewalk network, we this point I don't
those noxious weeds that work we can accomplish while at the same time are falling more and anticipate it applying in
now more than ever Latour stated that the we're required by law to with our integral crew,” trying to reduce that more behind. I think this our circumstance, but
Canada Day event costs
approximately $50,000. address. Things like Derricott explained. b u r d e n o n o u r is an opportunity for us we're still looking at it,”
C a p i t a l P r o j e c t s taxpayers?”
to address this issue he said.
dandelions or some of
- Help by supporting our advertisers -
D We are very proud of our local writers who continue to bring quality “What we've done is the less problematic Manager Mitch Hamm CAO Derricott stated during a time of reduced CAO Derricott closed,
basically cancelled all
weeds will not be added, “We won't see that any and all of the activity, especially with “I would suggest that we
events until we know we
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5 journalism each and every week to our community. can do events,” he addressed this season.” any spray patching this items could be funded the water we had in the would place $50,000 in DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
Councillor Currie then year, but we will be t h r o u g h r e s e r v e s ; community last year and t h e b u d g e t — i t ' s
e x p l a i n e d . “ We ' v e
Local journalism is a costly venture, particularly in this difficult time.
asked, “Are we going to filling potholes and however, “we're just the conditions we're approximately a normal
removed 38% of the
always quite cautious seeing this spring. If year's worth of sidewalk
ensure there are some sinkholes.”
780-723-578780-723-5787 We couldn't begin to do this without the support of our loyal weekly program budget from definite crosswalks as Mayor Kevin Zahara when we consider anything, I think we rehab.” 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
advertisers and dealer locations. So please help support and thank
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Culture and Events.
the lines are pretty bad commented, “We should expenditures of our need to maybe look at
these establishments, and all those appearing throughout all our
There's 62% that we've
issues. “Local Journalism matters, no more than ever.” left in the budget so that by the end of the be trying to get as much
road work done this year
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Century 21 Royal LePage when we come out of Derricott replied, “This as possible. We do have 780-723-5787
this, we will be able to
Edson Concrete Town of Edson put on events and would be unlikely to less traffic and less THIS WEEK’S FEATURE PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
receive a lot of attention people out, so this may
Mid-West Glass Yellowhead County a c t i v i t i e s f o r t h e this year, although we be an opportunity.”
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Kennedy Denture Clinic Summers Drilling community.” Mint Homes Ltd. T
WokBox Canadian Eavestrough CAO Mike Derricott
Jensen’s Lifestyle Clothing Investor’s Group added, “One of the Professional Digital
Professional Digital
Thymes Two In Focus Optical elements of Canada Day
McDonald’s Edson Glass in particular is typically Passport System
Passport System
Gelmici Jewellers High Country Arborist you have to book a lot of
Beltone Hearing Glass Guy the performers and acts a photos ready
photos ready
Bill Mitchell Top Choice MARS long way in advance,
in minutes
Drayton Valley Ford Braund’s Independent Grocers Momma Mars is a very specific lady of the house. She used and we didn't feel it was in minutes
Diana’s Pets Johnson & Herbert to be a feral outdoor cat, but her foster home has shown prudent to do that under
while you wait...
EARS Wild Sheep Foundation her the love and warmth of life inside a home. She's slowly the circumstance. It does while you wait...
Foothills Memorial Galloway Station Museum learning that humans give out treats and cuddles and is not mean we can't still PASSPORT
have an event. If social
Gearhead Auto West Fraser looking for a patient foster-to-adopt home that will show her [physical] distancing
Edson Honda Wildwood Ladies Aid Society protocols were to be PHOTOS & MORE
McPhee Construction TRL Gas Co-op what love feels like. With so many folks at home these days, lifted, it just won't look
Linda Kennedy - ReMax Recycle Depot could you be the right fit? Apply online at the same as Canada Day
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Loblaw Liquor Professional Digital events in the past.”
Community Futures
Marri Properties Passport System T
The Edson Pharmacy
Mint Homes Serenity Funeral Home
Patterson’s Part Supply photos ready Pet of the Weeket of the Week
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Call for information 712-6788all for information 712-6788
in minutes update C Features: The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Email: edsonanimalrescue@hotmail.commail:
while you wait... E Large country kitchen with bay window and access to the rear 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Our girl Gemma is a sweet 4 year old, spayed pitbull- border deck. 3 bedrooms upstairs with 2 full bathrooms and a walk in 780-723-578780-723-5787 780-723-5787
collie cross who came to EARS skinny and scared. Gemma’s closet in the Master bedroom. Sunken landing at the front
foster home has found her smile and taught her some doggie entrance . You can enter the house from the garage into the
manners including how to walk on a leash, how to sleep in a third level below the bedrooms. The
crate and how to not jump up on people. Gemma is super
smart, eager to please and a skilled couch cuddler. Find out garage size is 22x2. For these plans
more about Gemma on our website: Plan#: 686-1298-H Sq.Ft: 1298
EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need Member of National Home Warranty Program The Weekly Anchor
you more than ever! 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Sponsored by: Phone: 780-723-2330 D 780-723-5787
Fax: 780-723-5068
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE 7 413 50 St.,13 50 St., Email:
The Weekly Anchor
EARS is always looking for new foster homes ... why not use these stressful times to accomplish
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson something good like saving an unwanted pet? Apply online to become an EARS foster home today-
we provide everything you need, all you need to give is your house and your heart!
Professional Digital Passport System photos
ready in minutes while you wait...
Professional Digital PAGE 2 MONDAY APRIL 20, 2020 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
Professional Digital
Passport System
Passport System Town revises 2020 budget to mitigate
photos ready
photos ready
in minutes COVID-19 fiscal impacts to residents DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
in minutes
continued from front
while you wait...
while you wait... continued from front
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE continued from front continued from front Currie asked, “With the deal with it internally Sorenson expressed particularly in a time like time stimulus program 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Councillor Jacqui have some capability to
C o u n c i l l o r T r o y r e s e r v e a c c o u n t s , investing more as a one-
continued from front
reduction of mowing
and pull some money out
“The main approach to of reserves to address
weeding, how does that should manpower allow. with the sidewalk repair.
Professional Digital Passport System photos continued from front and weeding by 50% and changes in mowing and with our own staff support for continuing this”. 780-723-5787
75%, respectively; and
line up with the overall We will certainly work “We have a record our administrative that.” He added, “As for
ready in minutes while you wait... continued from front the elimination of dust new park plan? How far within our internal number of walkers out review of this budget line painting, I'm fine
continued from front
control, line painting,
off are they from what capacity to do some of right now, and that's one was to remove any items with just having those
T continued from front and sidewalk repair for we were planning to do that work, but it will be of the few remaining that we felt could be crosswalks done by The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
activities people can lived without, but that staff.”
with the new changes?”
During Town Council's
Councillor Currie
C A O D e r r i c o t t Councillor Trevor do,” he said. “Sidewalk does not mean people
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5 April 14 Committee of responded, “This budget Bevan asked if the Town repair doesn't seem like won't see them or asked, “With the new
the Whole meeting,
Administration brought suggests that there will will still be moving something we should be experience them or feel announcements from the
be a little bit more of a forward with pothole cutting from the budget t h e m , ” D e r r i c o t t federal government
780-723-578780-723-5787 forward the revised 2020 decrease, largely due to r e p a i r s a n d r o a d right now.” continued. “If we're around the student
budget for discussion.
the fact that we won't patching. CAO Derricott
Mayor Zahara asked, serious about budget funding for summer
C o u n c i l l o r G e a n
Chouinard asked, “How h a v e o u r r e g u l a r stated that they will “How much are we reductions, it is $10,000 students, is that a way we
expensive is [Canada complement of summer continue with “what we saving on some of these here and $10,000 there can continue some of the PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
students. We will use the would describe as basic programs, and is it worth that does get you to work and also support
D Day]? I'd like to put that resources we have and road maintenance”, the pain and suffering if where you want to go our local students?” Professional Digital Passport System photos
to the side and maybe
CAO Derricott replied
give as much attention to including the filling of we're only talking about ultimately.”
wait until the last minute
before we pull the the park spaces as we problematic potholes. saving $10,000 here and M a y o r Z a h a r a that Administration's ready in minutes while you wait...
trigger on cancelling can, but it won't look like “What we've done is $10,000 there? Is there c o m m e n t e d , “ I ' m initial review of the
Canada Day.” it does in a typical year. limited any contract any other way we can concerned that when it program was that it
General Manager of With weeding… we're work that may be done fund these programs… comes to our road “ w o u l d n ' t f i t o u r
C o m m u n i t y a n d reducing our weed there, so it will be in order to maintain n e t w o r k a n d o u r situation very well”. “At
Local journalism matters, Protective Services Guy spraying budget to only contingent on how much some level of service sidewalk network, we this point I don't
those noxious weeds that work we can accomplish while at the same time are falling more and anticipate it applying in
now more than ever Latour stated that the we're required by law to with our integral crew,” trying to reduce that more behind. I think this our circumstance, but
Canada Day event costs
approximately $50,000. address. Things like Derricott explained. b u r d e n o n o u r is an opportunity for us we're still looking at it,”
C a p i t a l P r o j e c t s taxpayers?”
to address this issue he said.
dandelions or some of
- Help by supporting our advertisers -
D We are very proud of our local writers who continue to bring quality “What we've done is the less problematic Manager Mitch Hamm CAO Derricott stated during a time of reduced CAO Derricott closed,
basically cancelled all
weeds will not be added, “We won't see that any and all of the activity, especially with “I would suggest that we
events until we know we
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5 journalism each and every week to our community. can do events,” he addressed this season.” any spray patching this items could be funded the water we had in the would place $50,000 in DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
Councillor Currie then year, but we will be t h r o u g h r e s e r v e s ; community last year and t h e b u d g e t — i t ' s
e x p l a i n e d . “ We ' v e
Local journalism is a costly venture, particularly in this difficult time.
asked, “Are we going to filling potholes and however, “we're just the conditions we're approximately a normal
removed 38% of the
always quite cautious seeing this spring. If year's worth of sidewalk
ensure there are some sinkholes.”
780-723-578780-723-5787 We couldn't begin to do this without the support of our loyal weekly program budget from definite crosswalks as Mayor Kevin Zahara when we consider anything, I think we rehab.” 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
advertisers and dealer locations. So please help support and thank
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Culture and Events.
the lines are pretty bad commented, “We should expenditures of our need to maybe look at
these establishments, and all those appearing throughout all our
There's 62% that we've
issues. “Local Journalism matters, no more than ever.” left in the budget so that by the end of the be trying to get as much
road work done this year
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Century 21 Royal LePage when we come out of Derricott replied, “This as possible. We do have 780-723-5787
this, we will be able to
Edson Concrete Town of Edson put on events and would be unlikely to less traffic and less THIS WEEK’S FEATURE PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
receive a lot of attention people out, so this may
Mid-West Glass Yellowhead County a c t i v i t i e s f o r t h e this year, although we be an opportunity.”
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Kennedy Denture Clinic Summers Drilling community.” Mint Homes Ltd. T
WokBox Canadian Eavestrough CAO Mike Derricott
Jensen’s Lifestyle Clothing Investor’s Group added, “One of the Professional Digital
Professional Digital
Thymes Two In Focus Optical elements of Canada Day
McDonald’s Edson Glass in particular is typically Passport System
Passport System
Gelmici Jewellers High Country Arborist you have to book a lot of
Beltone Hearing Glass Guy the performers and acts a photos ready
photos ready
Bill Mitchell Top Choice MARS long way in advance,
in minutes
Drayton Valley Ford Braund’s Independent Grocers Momma Mars is a very specific lady of the house. She used and we didn't feel it was in minutes
Diana’s Pets Johnson & Herbert to be a feral outdoor cat, but her foster home has shown prudent to do that under
while you wait...
EARS Wild Sheep Foundation her the love and warmth of life inside a home. She's slowly the circumstance. It does while you wait...
Foothills Memorial Galloway Station Museum learning that humans give out treats and cuddles and is not mean we can't still PASSPORT
have an event. If social
Gearhead Auto West Fraser looking for a patient foster-to-adopt home that will show her [physical] distancing
Edson Honda Wildwood Ladies Aid Society protocols were to be PHOTOS & MORE
McPhee Construction TRL Gas Co-op what love feels like. With so many folks at home these days, lifted, it just won't look
Linda Kennedy - ReMax Recycle Depot could you be the right fit? Apply online at the same as Canada Day
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Loblaw Liquor Professional Digital events in the past.”
Community Futures
Marri Properties Passport System T
The Edson Pharmacy
Mint Homes Serenity Funeral Home
Patterson’s Part Supply photos ready Pet of the Weeket of the Week
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Call for information 712-6788all for information 712-6788
in minutes update C Features: The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Email: edsonanimalrescue@hotmail.commail:
while you wait... E Large country kitchen with bay window and access to the rear 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Our girl Gemma is a sweet 4 year old, spayed pitbull- border deck. 3 bedrooms upstairs with 2 full bathrooms and a walk in 780-723-578780-723-5787 780-723-5787
collie cross who came to EARS skinny and scared. Gemma’s closet in the Master bedroom. Sunken landing at the front
foster home has found her smile and taught her some doggie entrance . You can enter the house from the garage into the
manners including how to walk on a leash, how to sleep in a third level below the bedrooms. The
crate and how to not jump up on people. Gemma is super
smart, eager to please and a skilled couch cuddler. Find out garage size is 22x2. For these plans
more about Gemma on our website: Plan#: 686-1298-H Sq.Ft: 1298
EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need Member of National Home Warranty Program The Weekly Anchor
you more than ever! 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Sponsored by: Phone: 780-723-2330 D 780-723-5787
Fax: 780-723-5068
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE 7 413 50 St.,13 50 St., Email:
The Weekly Anchor
EARS is always looking for new foster homes ... why not use these stressful times to accomplish
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson something good like saving an unwanted pet? Apply online to become an EARS foster home today-
we provide everything you need, all you need to give is your house and your heart!