Page 6 - April 20 2020
P. 6
County enters new agreement

for recycling depot services

by Cassie Kushniruk deliberations of Council.
During the time for questions and
During Yellowhead County's first ever comments from Councillors, Councillor
online Council meeting on April 14, Council Shawn Berry asked, “Once we enter into a
discussed their level of support for entering three-way agreement, we are no longer part of
into a three-way agreement with the Edson & the [EDRS] board? We will no longer be
District Recycling Society (EDRS), the Town making decisions on the board, and we won't
of Edson, and Yellowhead County, for have an appointed Councillor there?”
recycling services. Ramme replied, “That is correct. The intent
Recently, the Town of Edson decided that of this is to be a contracted service, so we
they would be better served by being a client would no longer be a part of the board.”
of EDRS as opposed to being a part of the Mayor Jim Eglinski asked, “Is the
Society. To this end, the Town and EDRS management of the Recycling Depot in favor
have negotiated a new service agreement of this three-way agreement?” Ramme
which specifies the services, materials responded, “I talked to the manager and she
accepted, responsibilities of the parties, and was comfortable with the three-way
the respective fees that would be paid for partnership.”
services. Councillor Berry followed up by asking if
“From a financial perspective, the EDRS the Town of Edson was in favor of moving
has provided a costing of $600,000 per year to forward with the agreement. Ramme replied,
provide the service for the Town and County,” “In discussions with the Town manager, he
said CAO Jack Ramme. “It is for a three-year said their Council was in favor of the three-
term and provides for a 2% increase each way partnership.”
year. At the traditional user split between the The motion to enter into a three-party
Town and County, the Town would assume agreement with the Town of Edson, the Edson
65% of the cost at $390,000 and the County and District Recycling Society, and the
the remaining portion at 35% for a County for recycling services was carried
contribution of $210,000.” This amount has unanimously by Council.
been included in the 2020 final budget

w hat’s happening, when and where in the community - for monthly meetings see our classified page

COMMUNITY EVENTS virus threat has subsided. Please contact event organizers.
*Some dates may be tentative until the COVID-19

April 24: A spaghetti dinner will be held at the listed at able to pick up Tuesday between 8:30 am and
Lion’s Hall from 5-7 pm to raise funds for a programs/step-it-up#. Registration is free. Due to 3:30 pm at the FCSS Family Centre. One bag per
service dog. A silent auction and a live auction Alberta Health recommendations, there will not family. To receive this week's bag, please input
will be available. There will be a presentation at 7 be a wrap-up BBQ like previous years. The your information at For
pm. Tickets are $20 each. For more information registration deadline is April 29 before 4 pm. For more information, contact 780-723-4338 or
or to purchase tickets, phone 780-723-4949 or more information about the challenge, contact
text 780-712-9875. Krysta Hawboldt at 780-723-4403 or Edson Teddy Bear Hunt: If you would like to
May 4-June 1: The Town of Edson's 13th annual participate, simply place a stuffed bear in a
Step It Up Edson challenge will begin on May 4 FCSS Bag of Fun: Looking for fun things to do window of your home so when families go for car
and run until June 1. This four-week challenge with your children? FCSS will deliver you a Bag rides or walks during quarantine/self-isolation, Edson-Healthier Together: For the month of April, Edson-
will have families, friends, and businesses in of Fun for free! Each week FCSS will have they can hunt for bears! A downloadable Teddy Healthier Together is collecting information from the community
Edson compete against each other for the highest themed bags for children ages 1-6. Bags will be Bear Hunt coloring sheet is also available at regarding Physical Activity in the community. The data collected
number of steps. All ages are welcome to delivered on Tuesdays. Door step drop off only; will be used to create a community snapshot of the strengths,
participate as long as they comply with the rules in-town delivery only. County residents must be assets and areas for improvement for Edson residents. The group
will use this information to work on a project that will support the
well-being of residents in Edson. The survey is available at
We are proud to support community eventse are proud to support community events C
Community Event Supporterommunity Event Supporter
Online puzzles: The Galloway Station Museum encourages
residents to take advantage of their historic online puzzles
Braund’s specific to Edson. These puzzles can be found at
Independent Grocers
Independent Grocers
Taskmaster: To make self-isolating and social distancing slightly
Store Hours: more bearable, the Galloway Station Museum invites residents to
Store Hours:
play along with the Taskmaster. The Taskmaster has created
7 am - 10 pm, 7 days a week simple tasks for you to do at home with objects around the house.
7 am - 10 pm, 7 days a week
780-723-4233 4735-3 Avenue, Edson, AB 4431 4 Avenue, Edson, AB431 4 Avenue, Edson, AB This is meant to be fun and creative for adults, children, and
anyone in between who would like to participate. All you have to
do is take a video of yourself completing the task as creatively as
possible and upload your video to GallowayMuseum on Twitter.
We are proud to support community eventse are proud to support community events
25 PHONE: W For more information, visit the Museum's social media pages.
Notice: Due to warming temperatures, the Bear Lake Skating
Years of Service
Years of Service
Loop has been closed for the remainder of the season.
ANCHOR 5040 3 AVE,
THE WEEKLY Common 780.723.5787
Fax: 780.723.5725
BOX 6870
T7E 1V2
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