Page 12 - April 29, 2019
P. 12
Willing to pay the price?
It's been nearly one year since Albertans were hit with an increased carbon tax at $30 per
tonne on January 1, 2018. The controversial, and some say nefarious, tax is now two years old.
With this spike in the cost of living we now pay more for everything from home heating bills THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY APRIL 22, 2019 PAGE 10 The Weekly Anchor
and gasoline, to groceries, rent, and consumer goods.
There are rebates for mid-low income households, but as with any rebates, they never keep The Weekly Anchor Your Local Independent Newspaper
pace with the inflation caused by the rising prices of consumer goods. And frankly, when the PAGE 12 MONDAY APRIL 29, 2019
gas bill is due, waiting for a quarterly rebate has not bee much comfort for many financially THE WEEKLY ANCHOR 6,292 Audited Circulation
struggling households. Your Local Independent Newspaper
So for our pain and suffering it's time to take a look and what this has 'bought' us in real T he Weekly ANCHOR The Weekly Anchor
terms. Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221
75% of Canadians believe governments should take action on climate change according to a SERVING: TOWN OF EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS! Your Local Independent Newspaper
recent survey. But they also say any plan shouldn't drive up the cost of living too much. OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
A carbon tax attempts to reduce emissions by making everything more expensive. It's a Comment Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
forced attempt to solicit lifestyle changes through cost increases. DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Call 6,292 Audited Circulation
In real terms, are Albertans willing to pay $20 more for a tank of gas or willing pay 15% or CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon
even 20% more for groceries? Most would answer: NO! Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221
The simple fact is even at Trudeau's $50 per tonne mandate by 2022 it's nowhere near enough Precious moments... Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd. Canadian
to have any significantly measurable effect on carbon or climate change. Environment Canada Member of the 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Media Circulation SERVING: TOWN OF EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS!
has stated the figure would have to be close to $300 per tonne to reach emission targets (adding Edson & District P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2 OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
roughly 70 cents to a litre of gas) —political suicide. A parent's for putting together Letter to the Editor Policy Chamber of Telephone: (780) 723-5787 Alberta Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
Fax: (780) 723-5725
Weekly Newspapers
So why has Alberta's NDP government been so far ahead of the federally mandated minimum relationship with From the the Mother and Son The Weekly Anchor Welcomes Letters to the Editor Commerce Email: Association DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Call
carbon price of $20 per tonne for 2019? their child during Publisher’s Desk Soirée held April 18, All letters are published at the discretion of the editor-publisher who Website: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon
Dana McArthur
More tax dollars out of hardworking Albertan's pockets, for no significant results —plain and youth is critical for as well as the Father reserves the right to edit for clarity, length and libel. Letters published do
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
simple. the child's emotional Daughter Gala held in not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of this newspaper. All letters Member of the 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Canadian
must bear the name of the writer and include the address and telephone
Media Circulation
growth. While this may not seem February. number, which will not be published. Edson & District P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2 Audit
revolutionary, previous studies have These events were both fun and Chamber of Telephone: (780) 723-5787 Alberta
Fax: (780) 723-5725
shown rather inconclusive results. proactive initiatives that gave a Commerce Email: Association
Weekly Newspapers
That is until recently. There is a large meaningful and demonstrative Sue Ann Deanna Website:
body of new research, including a opportunity for parents to spend Dana McArthur Common Cindy Weisser Kushniruk Mitchener
study from the University of Reading, quality time with their children. Sales Representative Reporter/Office Asst. Reporter
that finds an insecure relationship These galas will undoubtedly leave a
between a parent and child leads to lasting memory on those children who
increasing behavior problems later in were made to feel so special.
6,300 Audited
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
childhood, and even attachment issues Individual attention and uniquely Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Canadian Sue Ann Cassie Deanna
Media Circulation
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
later in life. shared moments like this are among SERVING: TOWN OF EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS! Telephone: (780) 723-5787 Alberta Dana McArthur Sales Representative Cindy Weisser Reporter/Office Asst. Mitchener
OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
Fax: (780) 723-5725
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
Weekly Newspapers
So, this week we tip our hats to The the most precious and nurturing things CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon Email: Association
Town of Edson FCSS along the we can offer as parents when it comes Member of the
Recreation and Culture Department to our children's emotional growth Edson & District
Riding Update: —well done! Chamber of Dana McArthur Common Cindy Weisser Kushniruk Mitchener
Sue Ann
Open Letter: Letter to the Editor Sales Representative Reporter/Office Asst. Reporter
Writer raises questions regarding ambulance service
I am writing in regards to a series of recent calls ambulance. afternoons. I have nothing but praise for the staff at
On Thursday April 4 a call was sent to my phone
Misadventures the Parkland Lodge in Edson. around 6 pm that my mother had fallen at the through this time.
the Parkland Lodge for their assistance to my mother
that concerned the care of my mother who resides at
Parkland Lodge and the ambulance had been called
I am however very dismayed at the thought of my
On Wednesday April 3 I received a call from
Parkland Lodge to advise me that my mother had because she was unable to get up on her own. mother having to plead her case to go to the hospital.
requested that an ambulance take her to the Hospital. I Unfortunately I live in an area where I have poor cell The staff at Parkland Lodge stood behind her and
had finished work so I went to the Edson hospital. I service and was not aware of the call. followed their protocol on her behalf, going as far as
went to emergency and was advised my mother was At 12:30 that night I received a call on my home to call my mom's Health Care nurse as to assure that
not there. I waited for at least 15 minutes when I once phone notifying me that my mother was at the she was being cared for and within their rights to Rachel Notley’s social licence agenda
again received a call from the Parkland Lodge staff hospital and had injured her hip and that they were insist she be transported to the hospital. It ultimately
that the ambulance was not taking my mother to the sending her to the Royal Alexandrea Hospital in took over an hour for my mother to be taken to the
hospital. Edmonton once the arrangement could be made to hospital which is less that a 5 minute ride.
I drove to Parkland Lodge and as I arrived I saw the ship her in by ambulance. I think that the public, especially the elderly, need to
Media Release: ambulance leaving. When I inquired inside the staff The following morning I again talked with the staff know their rights as far as the ambulance is concerned
Rail Safety Improvement Program said that she had just left in the ambulance. I then at the Parkland Lodge and found that the ambulance and I would like to know what the protocol is in
Open Letter: returned to the hospital and proceeded to support and had attended at the lodge after 6 pm and had picked Edson. Letter to the Editor Policy
OTTAWA: Jim Eglinski, Member of Parliament for assist my mother until she was released and I returned mom up and got her back on her bed. Later that night, My understanding is that an ambulance attendant is
Yellowhead, is pleased to inform residents that Transport her to the Parkland Lodge. sometime around 9 pm she had fallen again and the to accompany and assist an emergency medical Letter to the Editor Policy The Weekly Anchor welcomes
ambulance was once again called. This time they did
technician to administer first aid and to drive or assist
By this time it was 10:30 pm. I then talked with the
Canada has announced $16.5 million under the Rail Safety My staff at the Lodge and was advised that the ambulance take her to the hospital. in the transport of the patient. letters to the editor
Improvement Program to support 136 new projects and and Emergency Services (Fire and Rescue) had My mother was found to have a bladder infection My understanding of an emergency medical The Weekly Anchor welcomes Letters to the Editor All letters are published at the discretion of
initiatives, including improvements to 104 grade crossings ViewPoint attended the call, and that the ambulance attendant or and was administered antibiotics to treat the illness. technician is to respond to an emergency call, provide All letters are published at the discretion of the editor-publisher who the editor-publisher who reserves the right
and rail infrastructure across the country. by Adrienne Tait emergency medical technician had argued with my 81 We have no way of ascertaining if she had injured her efficient and immediate care, and to transport the reserves the right to edit for clarity, length and libel. to edit for clarity, length and libel. Letters
This will include funding for new projects that focus on year old mother regarding her need to require an hip the first time she fell or the second time when the patient to a medical facility. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of this published do not necessarily reflect the
ambulance ultimately took her to the hospital. My
Please take this opportunity to educate us all (the
Infrastructure, Technology and Research, (ITR) safety ambulance to take her to the hospital. mother has a sciatica nerve condition which presents public) in what we should expect if we choose to call newspaper. policies or beliefs of this newspaper. All
She had been sick with what we thought was the flu
improvements on rail property, the use of innovative for the past few days. Vomiting, unable to eat and had her with pain and weakness. At 81 and having been an ambulance to transport us to the hospital. All letters must bear the name of the writer and include the address and letters must bear the name of the writer
telephone number, which will not be published.
technologies, research and studies, as well as the closures stated to the staff at Parkland Lodge that she felt she sick and suffering from an infection, I can only and include the address and telephone
of grade crossings that present safety concerns. was too weak and sick to walk out to my car to go to imagine her weakened state. Mrs. Phylis Barrass number, which will not be published.
I had been checking in on her mornings and
The deadline for (ITR) projects starting in 2020-2021 is the hospital and requested that they call her an
August 1, 2019.
“Rail safety is a top priority in the Yellowhead. These Potential Wastewater Plant virtual tour presented to Council
projects and initiatives will contribute to increasing safety at
grade crossings and along rail lines,” concluded MP by Cassie Kushniruk involved in the treatment of waste within the some ideas of how to access our equipment,”
Eglinski. community. Zahara added.
For the sake of public transparency and education, As an example of what this proposed virtual tour Councillor Jacqui Currie agreed with Councillor Views & News
Information can be found at: Town of Edson Utilities presented the idea of would look like, Borysko referred Council members Baier's statement, adding, “I think when we get our by Deanna Mitchener
bills and see that amount that we're paying, it's hard
to the virtual tour that was done for the Galloway
developing a virtual tour of the Edson Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), along with one of the Station Museum. for us to describe to people what we're paying for. CAPP: The United Conservative Party commits to building a prosperous future for Alberta’s oil and natural gas industry
funding/rsip-itr-applicants-guide.html wellhouse buildings, to Town Council during their Councillor Krystal Baier said, “I think this would But when we went in [the WWTP], it made a lot of
April 23 Committee of the Whole meeting. be really nice to have that when we talk about sense, so I think that helps the public to understand
“Earlier on in the year I was approached by transparency and spend $8 million on something what they're paying for.”
Compliance365 and some of the people from AEP and if we're not going to do regular tours, then this CAO Mike Derricott stated that the proposed
[Alberta Environment and Parks] that do all of our is an opportunity for people who are curious about virtual tour for the WWTP would be different from
operator certification,” Utilities Manager Darin this project.” the tour of the Museum in that this tour is not to
Borysko said. “They requested a tour of the plant. Mayor Kevin Zahara agreed that this is a encourage visitors. Sonia Roy
Front Desk
They also brought all the approvals people from wonderful opportunity for community members to “The security is something we would consider Administration
AEP along with a lot of the federal regulators to get a glimpse of the behind the scenes action that moving forward in terms of showing sensitive
look at the plant and see how it operates.” takes place in the operation of the facility. equipment,” Derricott added.“Water sites are more
sensitive and more important to maintain security,
“I do have a bit of a concern doing that with the
This led to the investigation of creating a virtual
CORRECTION tour for the plant with the intent to include a link on wellhouse for water security reasons and the so if we don't feel we can comfortably do that Jim Eglinski
Apologies on my behalf to the Edson Cycling Association for a the Town website for the public to see what is possibility of someone going on there and getting without maintaining the security of the sites, then
misqoute of projected full cost build of the new Bike Park that is we would not proceed.” MP Yellowhead
going in out at Willmore. In the last issue my article incorrectly said
$350,000 when actually it is a $624,000 projected cost for the full
build. Please accept my apologies and I take full blame, not the
Weekly Anchor. Deanna Mitchener
Deanna has a new photo

Jim Eglinski

MP Yellowhead
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