Page 4 - April 8, 2019
P. 4
Provincial election candidates face-off in forum
On April 3, Edson Chamber of Commerce hosted a political candidate forum, in which five out of the six candidates for the position of West
Yellowhead MLA were in attendance to answer questions posed by community members. photo Cassie Kushniruk
by Cassie Kushniruk “We are determined to ensure that Albertans are push that on other people,” replied Pearce.
better tomorrow than they are today.” Lupyczuk stated that his party will remove the
On April 3, merely two weeks from the general Following the time period for opening mandatory LGBTQ clubs in the schools as well as
election, Edson Chamber of Commerce hosted a statements, attendants were encouraged to ask the gag order on teachers. “We have a lot of kids
political candidate forum at the Galloway Station candidates questions. out there…if there's a gag order on, teachers aren't
Museum, extending an invitation to all community One attendant addressed a question to Long, “Do able to let the parents know and those children are
members to come out to listen to candidates' you support females in government?” at risk of suicide, of being violent, and so forth,”
statements and ask questions. “Absolutely,” Long replied, mentioning that the he said. “The controversy of establishing that club
Out of the six official candidates running for UCP party is made up of over 40% female is causing divisiveness in schools and I would
MLA for the West Yellowhead constituency, five candidates. “A few weeks ago I got the really like to see the schools be able to make that
were in attendance. NDP candidate Paula Cackett opportunity to meet 81 of our candidates in choice the way that the school sees fit, not the way
did not make an appearance. Edmonton, and I can assure you that not only are that the government dictates.”
During her opening statement, Alberta Party we a diverse, well-rounded group, we have Long stated he and the UCP are in support of
candidate Kristie Gomuwka expressed the ability extremely strong, capable candidates.” GSAs, noting, “The point of contention that our
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE of her party to not only focus on revamping Lupyczuk about their positions on the equalization illegal for teachers to notify parents,” he said. “We
party has with Bill 24 is the part that makes it
Another attendant asked Gomuwka and
Alberta's economy, but to also make constituents'
well-being a top priority. formula and what they plan to do about it. believe that there are circumstances where a
With regards to matters important to the “We're going to be doing what Quebec is already child's safety is concerned, and that having that
Professional Digital community of Edson, Gomuwka stated that her doing, which is collecting our own income tax,” wording in that bill could affect children's safety.”
Gomuwka stated that she is an ally of the
Passport System party will work with municipalities and provide Gomuwka replied. “The other thing is that the LGBTQ community and that those individuals are
Alberta Party would like to look at an Alberta-
funding models that address community needs,
photos ready providing examples such as Edson's proposed owned pension plan and would bow out of the the experts concerning this matter. “When they
Multiplex, water ways, and roads. “We're
come to me and say that GSAs save lives, I say
Canadian Pension Plan.”
in minutes committed to do this within nine months of Lupyczuk stated that his party will be okay. When they come to me and they say that a
while you wait... forming government,” she said. establishing an Alberta Revenue Agency which child should have the choice to come out the way
that they want to, then I respect that,” she said.
Independent candidate Dave Pearce addressed
will be responsible for the collection and
common concerns raised by constituents maintenance of the taxation in their account. “Let's “And when I say that any of these laws will
concerning creating a split vote by voting for him. negotiate with Ottawa how much we're going to impact the lives of kids, that's where I draw the
The Weekly Anchor “It's not right,” he said. “That's what politics has give them instead of how much they're going to line because I believe that protecting kids is way
more important than any law.”
take,” he said.
come to; where there are only two parties. There's
GYPSD Edson Trustee Fiona Fowler then asked,
Concluding the time period for questions, the
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson different ways to do things and I think part of that “How will your party, if elected, implement a 'elephant in the room' question was posed,
is collectively with people acting together and
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 putting their values first.” funding framework that provides predictable, “Whatever party that comes into power will be
faced with Alberta's debt. How are you going to
Parkland County resident Travis Poirier,
adequate, and sustainable funding to rural school
candidate for the Alberta Independence Party, boards?” pay it down?”
stated that although the Alberta Independence “We are committed to ensuring the rural schools Long stated that he and the UCP are committed
Party is only two weeks old, he is prepared to be a have adequate resources to deliver programs,” to getting Albertans back to work, removing red
strong and confident voice for the constituency. replied Long. “We're committed to determining tape obstructing business and industry from being
“The Alberta Independence Party is inspired by a how modifications to the funding model have to in Alberta, and abolishing the carbon tax. “We're
resolute commitment to see Alberta gain change to solve the problems.” not going to [pay off the debt] through taxation
autonomy,” Poirier added. “Within one month of Pearce stated that there is plenty funding that makes life harder on Albertans, we're going to
our election, all Albertans will be given a available to combat this issue, “I think that the do this by making life better by getting people
referendum; this will be a vote to determine if we students deserve smaller classroom sizes, more back to work.”
PASSPORT stay in the forced Confederation of Canada.” teachers, more aids, and I think it all wraps Pearce stated, “I believe that one way of doing
PHOTOS & MORE Alberta Advantage Party (formerly Wildrose) together with the economy and once the economy that is by tax breaks, getting rid of regulations/red
Professional Digital candidate Paul Lupyczuk stated during his is going well, I think there should be plenty of tape for the oil companies to come back, pipelines
Passport System opening remarks, “If you look at the definition of money left for the funding of schools.” definitely need to happen, and stop transfer
photos ready politics, politics is the twisting of facts, the According to Poirier, the policy of the Alberta payments.”
in minutes... manipulation of people, and trying to get Independence Party states that 100% of funding be Poirier ended, “Even with our increased
something that you don't want to give. We have to given to all schools, public and private, who meet spending on services and tax cuts, an independent
stop with politics and we have to start looking at the party's common sense oath of rights and Alberta will be able to buy back all municipal
governance.” freedoms. “Basically if your school asks for debts for towns and counties and offer them a 0%
As stated in his opening remarks, candidate money, the Alberta Independence Party will have financing on the repayment of that. Once the $50
Martin Long with the United Conservative Party all the money it needs for schools.” Poirier added billion that Alberta sends to Ottawa every year, of
chose to enter into politics in 2015 after noticing that his party will implement an mandatory life which we only see $10 billion come back in
people sitting by idly while Albertans were treated management course taught by professionals that services, we will be able to not only pay off the
with no regard. “As I've travelled around West will include career management, monetary debt in 3 years, we will have a $15 billion
Yellowhead, I've found thousands of people who independence, and responsibilities of a citizen. surplus.” PASSPORT
are concerned for their futures,” Long said. In relation to Bill 24— an act to support gay- Candidates offered their closing statements
The Weekly Anchor “Something has changed in Alberta… I say it is a straight alliances—one attendant asked what during this time, thanking the Chamber for hosting PHOTOS & MORE
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson government that has forgotten that it's supposed to candidates and their parties will do to continue to the event and community members for coming out Professional Digital
780-723-5787 be here to serve, and is not listening to the protect and support LGBTQ youth within schools. to ask questions. Passport System
The 2019 Alberta general election is scheduled
photos ready
“I believe that people should have the freedom to
“We're a group that makes it a priority to listen do what they want to do, but with that said, not to for April 16. in minutes...
to the concerns of the electorate,” Long stated.
The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Provincial election candidates face-off in forum
On April 3, Edson Chamber of Commerce hosted a political candidate forum, in which five out of the six candidates for the position of West
Yellowhead MLA were in attendance to answer questions posed by community members. photo Cassie Kushniruk
by Cassie Kushniruk “We are determined to ensure that Albertans are push that on other people,” replied Pearce.
better tomorrow than they are today.” Lupyczuk stated that his party will remove the
On April 3, merely two weeks from the general Following the time period for opening mandatory LGBTQ clubs in the schools as well as
election, Edson Chamber of Commerce hosted a statements, attendants were encouraged to ask the gag order on teachers. “We have a lot of kids
political candidate forum at the Galloway Station candidates questions. out there…if there's a gag order on, teachers aren't
Museum, extending an invitation to all community One attendant addressed a question to Long, “Do able to let the parents know and those children are
members to come out to listen to candidates' you support females in government?” at risk of suicide, of being violent, and so forth,”
statements and ask questions. “Absolutely,” Long replied, mentioning that the he said. “The controversy of establishing that club
Out of the six official candidates running for UCP party is made up of over 40% female is causing divisiveness in schools and I would
MLA for the West Yellowhead constituency, five candidates. “A few weeks ago I got the really like to see the schools be able to make that
were in attendance. NDP candidate Paula Cackett opportunity to meet 81 of our candidates in choice the way that the school sees fit, not the way
did not make an appearance. Edmonton, and I can assure you that not only are that the government dictates.”
During her opening statement, Alberta Party we a diverse, well-rounded group, we have Long stated he and the UCP are in support of
candidate Kristie Gomuwka expressed the ability extremely strong, capable candidates.” GSAs, noting, “The point of contention that our
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE of her party to not only focus on revamping Lupyczuk about their positions on the equalization illegal for teachers to notify parents,” he said. “We
party has with Bill 24 is the part that makes it
Another attendant asked Gomuwka and
Alberta's economy, but to also make constituents'
well-being a top priority. formula and what they plan to do about it. believe that there are circumstances where a
With regards to matters important to the “We're going to be doing what Quebec is already child's safety is concerned, and that having that
Professional Digital community of Edson, Gomuwka stated that her doing, which is collecting our own income tax,” wording in that bill could affect children's safety.”
Gomuwka stated that she is an ally of the
Passport System party will work with municipalities and provide Gomuwka replied. “The other thing is that the LGBTQ community and that those individuals are
Alberta Party would like to look at an Alberta-
funding models that address community needs,
photos ready providing examples such as Edson's proposed owned pension plan and would bow out of the the experts concerning this matter. “When they
Multiplex, water ways, and roads. “We're
come to me and say that GSAs save lives, I say
Canadian Pension Plan.”
in minutes committed to do this within nine months of Lupyczuk stated that his party will be okay. When they come to me and they say that a
while you wait... forming government,” she said. establishing an Alberta Revenue Agency which child should have the choice to come out the way
that they want to, then I respect that,” she said.
Independent candidate Dave Pearce addressed
will be responsible for the collection and
common concerns raised by constituents maintenance of the taxation in their account. “Let's “And when I say that any of these laws will
concerning creating a split vote by voting for him. negotiate with Ottawa how much we're going to impact the lives of kids, that's where I draw the
The Weekly Anchor “It's not right,” he said. “That's what politics has give them instead of how much they're going to line because I believe that protecting kids is way
more important than any law.”
take,” he said.
come to; where there are only two parties. There's
GYPSD Edson Trustee Fiona Fowler then asked,
Concluding the time period for questions, the
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson different ways to do things and I think part of that “How will your party, if elected, implement a 'elephant in the room' question was posed,
is collectively with people acting together and
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 putting their values first.” funding framework that provides predictable, “Whatever party that comes into power will be
faced with Alberta's debt. How are you going to
Parkland County resident Travis Poirier,
adequate, and sustainable funding to rural school
candidate for the Alberta Independence Party, boards?” pay it down?”
stated that although the Alberta Independence “We are committed to ensuring the rural schools Long stated that he and the UCP are committed
Party is only two weeks old, he is prepared to be a have adequate resources to deliver programs,” to getting Albertans back to work, removing red
strong and confident voice for the constituency. replied Long. “We're committed to determining tape obstructing business and industry from being
“The Alberta Independence Party is inspired by a how modifications to the funding model have to in Alberta, and abolishing the carbon tax. “We're
resolute commitment to see Alberta gain change to solve the problems.” not going to [pay off the debt] through taxation
autonomy,” Poirier added. “Within one month of Pearce stated that there is plenty funding that makes life harder on Albertans, we're going to
our election, all Albertans will be given a available to combat this issue, “I think that the do this by making life better by getting people
referendum; this will be a vote to determine if we students deserve smaller classroom sizes, more back to work.”
PASSPORT stay in the forced Confederation of Canada.” teachers, more aids, and I think it all wraps Pearce stated, “I believe that one way of doing
PHOTOS & MORE Alberta Advantage Party (formerly Wildrose) together with the economy and once the economy that is by tax breaks, getting rid of regulations/red
Professional Digital candidate Paul Lupyczuk stated during his is going well, I think there should be plenty of tape for the oil companies to come back, pipelines
Passport System opening remarks, “If you look at the definition of money left for the funding of schools.” definitely need to happen, and stop transfer
photos ready politics, politics is the twisting of facts, the According to Poirier, the policy of the Alberta payments.”
in minutes... manipulation of people, and trying to get Independence Party states that 100% of funding be Poirier ended, “Even with our increased
something that you don't want to give. We have to given to all schools, public and private, who meet spending on services and tax cuts, an independent
stop with politics and we have to start looking at the party's common sense oath of rights and Alberta will be able to buy back all municipal
governance.” freedoms. “Basically if your school asks for debts for towns and counties and offer them a 0%
As stated in his opening remarks, candidate money, the Alberta Independence Party will have financing on the repayment of that. Once the $50
Martin Long with the United Conservative Party all the money it needs for schools.” Poirier added billion that Alberta sends to Ottawa every year, of
chose to enter into politics in 2015 after noticing that his party will implement an mandatory life which we only see $10 billion come back in
people sitting by idly while Albertans were treated management course taught by professionals that services, we will be able to not only pay off the
with no regard. “As I've travelled around West will include career management, monetary debt in 3 years, we will have a $15 billion
Yellowhead, I've found thousands of people who independence, and responsibilities of a citizen. surplus.” PASSPORT
are concerned for their futures,” Long said. In relation to Bill 24— an act to support gay- Candidates offered their closing statements
The Weekly Anchor “Something has changed in Alberta… I say it is a straight alliances—one attendant asked what during this time, thanking the Chamber for hosting PHOTOS & MORE
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson government that has forgotten that it's supposed to candidates and their parties will do to continue to the event and community members for coming out Professional Digital
780-723-5787 be here to serve, and is not listening to the protect and support LGBTQ youth within schools. to ask questions. Passport System
The 2019 Alberta general election is scheduled
photos ready
“I believe that people should have the freedom to
“We're a group that makes it a priority to listen do what they want to do, but with that said, not to for April 16. in minutes...
to the concerns of the electorate,” Long stated.
The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson