Page 8 - April 8, 2019
P. 8

Alberta Party candidate Kristie Gomuwka speaks at Rotary Luncheon

by Cassie Kushniruk constituency on a political spectrum, it
goes literally from right to left. You're
On April 2 during another Rotary Club h e a r i n g a b o u t p i p e l i n e s i n
of Edson Luncheon, Rotarians and Whitecourt…but you're hearing about
community members had the small business and tourism and
opportunity to meet Alberta Party environmentalism [in Jasper].
candidate Kristie Gomuwka, who shared “I like the Alberta Party's stance on
her plans and intentions leading into the how we can talk about building a
upcoming provincial election. pipeline, but we also need to figure out
Born in Edson, Gomuwka moved to how to bring investment back to
Whitecourt with her family where she Alberta,” Gomuwka continued. “It's
spent her childhood growing up in a more about how we can build the
conservative household. After returning economy back up.”
home from college with little money, Another attendant made a comment
Gomuwka moved back to Edson with her that he fears electing the Alberta Party
family, where she has lived ever since. “I will result in a similar election as the last
was only going to live in Edson for six in regards to split voting.
months and then move to the big city, but “When I started door knocking, that Alberta Party candidate Kristie Gomuwka was invited to the Rotary Club of Edson
here I am a lot of years later,” Gomuwka was my biggest issue,” Gomuwka said in Luncheon at the Galloway Station Museum on April 2, where she shared her intentions
said. response. “I can say with 100% leading into the upcoming election. photo Cassie Kushniruk
For 20 years, Gomuwka has been assurance that you are not going to split a
employed as a social worker, motivated vote if you vote for me because we have “The second thing is they want to start brought back to Alberta. “We've lost a lot
by her passion to serve and improve the six people on the ballot—four are on the
community. “I have a passion for my right side, one in the center, and one for looking at how bylaw and Alberta of confidence in investors,” she said.
community,” she said. the NDP. The vote splitting is going to sheriffs and RCMP can start working “We are going to offer larger companies
“As I move on to this next stage of my happen on that right side.” together to address rural crime,” who want to make their headquarters in
life, I feel that I'm taking that and just An attendant then asked about the Gomuwka continued. “The third is Alberta a reduction in their corporate
applying it to a larger scale; more Alberta Party's official stance on the working with organizations like Citizens taxes if they hire 200 or more Albertans.”
“90% of Albertans are employed by
communities,” Gomuwka continued. “I carbon tax. on Patrol and Rural Crime Watch on how
believe in representation and I believe Gomuwka replied that the Alberta to engage the community on prevention either a small or medium sized business,
so if we want to get people back to work,
that people can make a difference.” Party plans to use the carbon tax for of rural crime.”
Another issue that concerns Gomuwka we need to really focus on those two
A couple years ago, Gomuwka decided heavy emitters over 100,000 GHGs, but is the vastly expanding classroom sizes things,” Gomuwka added. “We're going
to put her name forward as the Alberta that it will be taken off of individual's in schools. “One of my biggest passions to reduce the corporate tax so that we take
Party candidate after noticing the heating and gas bills. “We're going to use
province moving in an unfavorable that money from those heavy emitters to is on education and I'm pretty proud of some of the burden off those small and
direction with the excessive amount of start looking at how we can support the our platform on education,” Gomuwka medium sized businesses, as well as offer
'divisiveness' and 'mudslinging' that has i n d u s t r y t o b e c o m e m o r e said. “[The Alberta Party] said that we some additional tax deductions in order
occurred. “The moment I decided to put environmentally friendly,” said are going to double the amount of to be able to compete in Alberta.”
From now until the election,
my name forward was the moment I Gomuwka. “We are all about working on education assistance in schools to
thought I wanted to —win or lose— offer climate change, just not in the way in address some of the needs that the Gomuwka will focus on knocking on as
people another option and to try to say which the current government has schools are seeing, in terms of putting many doors as possible across the
one teacher in a large classroom without constituency in order to inform
that politics can be done in a different appointed.” supports.” individuals about all of their options
way,” Gomuwka explained. “How many candidates is the party In efforts to bring Alberta's economy leading into to election. “Every day I
Through her campaigning efforts, fielding across Alberta?” one attendant back up to a prosperous state, Gomuwka have a goal of at least 200 houses,” said
Gomuwka stated that she has knocked on asked.
over 4000 doors across the West Gomuwka replied proudly that there stated that investment needs to be Gomuwka.
Yellowhead constituency and has are 87 out of 87 Alberta Party candidates
noticed a persisting issue in the majority in this year's election, one for each
of homes. “The polls are saying that 25% constituency. “We've worked two years
of people are still undecided,” she said. “I to make sure that we have a candidate in
don't know that that's the case for all of every constituency,” she said.
Alberta, but for here, it's higher.” In a follow up interview with The
“My fear is that people are just going to Weekly Anchor, Gomuwka stated that
stay home on April 16, which, whether one of the issues most specific to the
they vote for me or not, is a travesty West Yellowhead constituency is rural
because that is our opportunity to have crime, and if elected, combating this
our say and be engaged.” problem will be Gomuwka's number one
After Gomuwka concluded her priority. “It's something that is growing
speech, one attendant asked, “What do exponentially and the Alberta Party has
you see as the number one concern facing come out with an idea in terms of how to
the West Yellowhead constituency?” combat rural crime, which includes
Gomuwka replied that the state of the increasing the amount of policing BIG
economy was by far the main concern on services,” said Gomuwka. “But the thing
constituent's minds. “At the doors, is that almost every community in West
people are not happy with the way the Yellowhead is down a couple officers at
economy has gone,” Gomuwka said. least and so there's a bigger issue with
“West Yellowhead is a bit of an oddity retention and recruitment of policing
because we go from Jasper now to services in these smaller communities. SALE
Whitecourt. If you put this whole We want to address that.”

Wild Sheep Foundation Alberta
Wild Sheep Foundation Alberta
Yellowhead Chapter
Yellowhead Chapter

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