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The Weekly Anchor
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY AUGUST 12, 2019 PAGE 7 Your Local Independent Newspaper

T he Weekly ANCHOR 6,292 Audited Circulation

Comment Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221
OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
Anti-Alberta attacks... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon

Member of the Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd. Canadian
Media Circulation
Fact 1: Canada Canada's ever- 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Audit
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
encompasses From the increasing carbon Edson & District Telephone: (780) 723-5787
only about five Publisher’s Desk tax has never Chamber of Fax: (780) 723-5725 Alberta
Weekly Newspapers
percent of the Dana McArthur been a serious Commerce Email: Association
world's total plan to reduce Website:
population. It carbon and it has
emits just over 1.5% of the world's shown no measurable change in the
total 'greenhouse gases'. global carbon levels —how could it?
Even if Canada shut down every Proponents claim millions may die
single electrical plant, water if we don't stop global warming, yet
treatment plant, gas plant, along they fail to see millions of people are
with every industry, house, dying right now in developing Dana McArthur Sue Ann Cindy Weisser Cassie Deanna
building, and vehicle it would have countries who do not have access to Publisher/Owner Sales Representative Graphics/Layout Reporter/Office Asst. Mitchener
little to no effect on total global affordable power for electricity,
emissions. Fact 2: Every single cooking, heating, and safe water.
policymaker knows this. And with nearly half the world's
Policymakers also know with population living on $5.50 per day or
global energy demands rising, less the global increase to the cost
particularly in developing food caused by a widespread carbon
countries, there is no practical tax could have a devastating impact.
replacement for carbon-based So where does this current
Riding Update: energy. onslaught of anti-Alberta attacks
Canada (meaning mainly Alberta
originate? Premiere Jason Kenny
and Saskatchewan) is home to the points to a deliberate and targeted
Open Letter: third largest proven oil and gas attempt that has sought to landlock
reserves in the world. And over the Alberta oil, and the province has Letter to the Editor Policy
last 50 years Alberta has launched a public inquiry to “expose The Weekly Anchor welcomes Letters to the Editor
contributed hundreds of billions of the foreign interests behind the anti-
dollars to the federal coffers and to
Alberta energy campaign”.
Misadventures equalization payments for the year before releasing its conclusions. All letters are published at the discretion of the editor-publisher
The inquiry is set to last about a
who reserves the right to edit for clarity, length and libel. All
Yet, Canada seems to be the only But what is glaringly evident right letters must bear the name of the writer —and must also
resourced-based country in the now, is that these attacks are not include the address and telephone number (which will not be
world bent on disabling, and going to stop in the foreseeable published). The publisher will consider withholding the writer’s
destroying its own oil and gas future and something needs to be name from print if there is a legitimate case for reprisals.
industry with the mounting anti- done before Alberta's —and Letters published do not necessarily reflect the policies or Rachel Notley’s social licence agenda
Alberta rhetoric and Bills like C-69 therefore Canada's— economy is left
and C-48 —literally chewing off in ruins. beliefs of this newspaper.
the hand that feeds it.
Media Release:
Open Letter: Letter to the Editor Policy
National Strategy for the Protection of Children All letters are published at the discretion of the editor-publisher who reserves the right
The Weekly Anchor welcomes Letters to the Editor

to edit for clarity, length and libel. All letters must bear the name of the writer —and
My must also include the address and telephone number (which will not be published). The
ViewPoint OTTAWA: Jim Eglinski, Member of initiatives to inform and upgrade the work of publisher will consider withholding the writer’s name from print if there is a legitimate
Letter to the Editor
case for reprisals.
by Adrienne Tait Parliament for Yellowhead wishes to advise Jim Eglinski prosecutors.
constituents that the Minister of Public This funding will support Public Safety's
Safety and Emergency Preparedness, the MP Yellowhead (PS) efforts towards the four pillars of the
Honourable Ralph Goodale, announced the National Strategy: raising awareness of this
ViewPoint expansion of the National Strategy for the principles; serious issue; reducing the stigma associated
with reporting; increasing Canada's ability to
Protection of Children from Sexual
by Cassie Kushniruk Exploitation on the Internet. $4.9M to increase prevention activities, pursue and prosecute offenders; and working
These include: such as more research, public engagement, together with industry to find new ways to
awareness and collaboration with partners;
$2.09M to intensify our engagement with and $15.25M to enhance the capacity of combat the sexual exploitation of children
digital industry leaders to help them Internet Child Exploitation Units in online.
maintain their focus, develop new tools provincial and municipal police forces, and “All children deserve to feel safe, both
online and support effective operating online and offline,” concluded MP Eglinski.
MLA Views & News

Eric Rosendahl The Weekly Anchor 6,300 Audited Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd. Canadian by Deanna Mitchener
Media Circulation
Your Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Audit
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
Local Independent Newspaper SERVING: TOWN OF EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 30 YEARS! Telephone: (780) 723-5787
OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 4:30 p.m.
Fax: (780) 723-5725
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m. Email: Weekly Newspapers
Member of the
Edson & District
Chamber of
CORRECTION Commerce Sue Ann
Apologies on my behalf to the Edson Cycling Association for a Dana McArthur Common Cindy Weisser Kushniruk Mitchener
misqoute of projected full cost build of the new Bike Park that is Sales Representative Reporter/Office Asst. Reporter
going in out at Willmore. In the last issue my article incorrectly said
$350,000 when actually it is a $624,000 projected cost for the full
build. Please accept my apologies and I take full blame, not the
Weekly Anchor. Deanna Mitchener

Deanna has a new photo

Jim Eglinski

MP Yellowhead
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