Page 2 - August 19, 2019
P. 2
Professional Digital Passport System photos Town expresses support for LAWIR Living and Working in Recovery project MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY AUGUST 19, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
Multi-Use Facility survey reveals opposition to proposed tax increase
continued from front
“We did three different looks at about their rent being raised in now.” include updates to the hockey arenas.
this,” said Parks. “Generally, the response to the tax increase. “They “As time goes on, the cost is going Councillor Krystal Baier noted, “I
business respondents were less in said that if taxes are going to go up, to go up; we've seen that over and have a lot of friends that have moved
favor of the facility than your are you going to raise the rent to me, over with projects,” Zahara stated. “I away because Edson does not have
continued from front residential respondents. Second, and if you do, I can't really afford think we have a really good the facilities. I can see that being a
continued from front people who were newer to Edson much more,” he said. “The comments agreement with our Yellowhead hindrance to our growth if we don't
continued from front
continued from front were more likely to be positive about I'm getting from different people I County partners. I think we need to recognize that. I think hiring a third
continued from front
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! continued from front the facility than those who've lived in rent to say we might have to move continue forward on this project.” party contractor is a key as well as the
continued from front
continued from front
Councillor Bevan commented, “I've
someplace else.”
federal or provincial grants that would
the community more than 10 years.
continued from front
Councillor Troy Sorenson
continued from front
continued from front When we looked at it according to commended Town Council and knocked on a lot of doors and I heard be available for this project, and then
the same thing: we'd like to have a
looking at our own operational
age, those who were 29 years of age
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson and younger were more in favor of the Administration for “opening this Multiplex. But even to this day, budgets with Administration.”
Zahara clarified that they will not be
facility than those who are older.” dialogue with the community and people are [telling] me 'we did not ask able to have a “hard look on the
for a 100% brand new [facility].”
giving every landowner a voice in the
When asked for respondent's level
780-723-5787 of agreement that individuals and decision process”. Community Assessment Survey was numbers” until the detailed design is
Mayor Zahara replied that the 2017
“I would argue strongly against any
completed. “We do the detailed
their families would benefit from the
new facility, “56% agreed that the comment that said this is not the time clear that residents preferred the Town design and it says $100 million, we're
proceeding with a new build. “When
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor facility will benefit them and about to build,” Sorenson continued. “If we we looked at attaching to the existing out without question,” he said.
wait a few years for the economy to
“Maybe it's going to come back where
34% disagreed,” said Parks.
facility, there were a number of
improve, prices will skyrocket. I
it's going to be $55 million, we don't
The next question asked
respondents if they felt the facility
be the shutdown of the facility, the
detailed plan that is specifically
would benefit the regional community believe we should proceed with a challenges with doing so. That would know that until we go through those
Professional Digital as a whole, to which 68% of designed to look for cost cutting and space requirements, and not having a forget about, the amount of people
Professional Digital
“I think another factor that we often
curling rink attached. The costs
phased approaches. Every feature of
respondents agreed and 21%
Passport System
Passport System disagreed. the facility needs to be weighed associated with adding onto the that are currently leaving our
existing facility made absolutely no
against its cost and potential user
community to use facilities
When asked to describe their level
photos ready
photos ready of support for the annual property tax base.” sense because we would still have elsewhere,” Zahara added. “When we
Councillor Jacqui Currie stated, “I
mediocre hockey rinks. The plan that
were in Whitecourt touring the
increase, 60% of respondents opposed
in minutes the increase, while 32% were in think part of the reason why that we've seen from Stantec and their facilities, there were Edson people
in minutes
population isn't staying past 10 years
advisement to us was attaching onto
there. They're spending gas to go out
support. “There's definitely a real
while you wait... concern about this,” said Parks. is because they're moving for the existing is not the way to go, and there, they're using the facility, they're
while you wait...
services. I also think that it's been
quite frankly, Yellowhead County
probably shopping, they're eating at
“People were talking about taxes
being sufficiently high already, clearly stated that cost is an issue so I Council says they're not on board with restaurants; that's money leaving our
concerns about the ability to absorb think we need to put our heads that. We need to stand by with what community. If we go to tender and
additional taxes —the opposite end of together and be creative and we need we said we were going to do this thing is way boomed in cost, then
that spectrum was that the tax increase to find a way to decrease that cost in otherwise we are going to end up with we're going to have to look at cutting
itself might actually have people leave any way we can.” absolutely nothing for this out the arenas and building everything
Mayor Kevin Zahara stated that it
the community.” was “very clear” last election that community.” Later, Zahara clarified else and waiting on the arenas.”
that it would cost an approximate $50
This survey will be brought forward
The final question asked
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor respondents if they supported the residents wanted a Multi-Use Facility. million to expand on Repsol Place, to the Multi-Use Facility Steering
not including a curling rink. It was
“If we don't do this now, we're going
Committee at a later date to discuss
Town of Edson moving ahead with
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson the Multi-Use Facility project. to hold our community back for also added that this cost would not how the group will proceed with the PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
another 20-30 years,” he said.
Slightly more people opposed the
“We need to, as a Council and as a
Town proceeding with the project at Steering Committee, [engage] a third T
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
780-723-578780-723-5787 project moving ahead. Parks stated, party in terms of organizing a THIS WEEK’S FEATURE 5
53%, while 47% were in favor of the
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
sponsorship plan,” Zahara said. “We
“We watched this as the findings
came in to see how it was, and at one need to look at ways through the Mint Homes Ltd. D 7
point it was a decimal point difference detailed design phase on how we can
find cost savings, especially in the
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! between the yes and the no.” Council, decide where our priorities
CAO Mike Derricott mentioned that operational side. We need to, as a
in addition to the postcards that were
sent out to business and property are going to be and some projects that
owners, there were active media we may want to do in the next few
efforts in the paper, on the radio, as years, we may have to hold off on
well as on social media and the those.” ASSIGNMENT WRITER
Zahara continued, “I know for my
Town's website to ensure people were
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE aware of the survey. “From a household, $300-$400 a year, that's a Enjoy getting out and meeting
big chunk of money that's going to be
statistical point of view, we're very
satisfied that it's a representative coming off of my tax bill as well. For people?
Professional Digital Passport System photos sample and that it is good information a facility like this —I'm not a hockey The Weekly Anchor is looking for an
player or a swimmer— I have a hard
assignment Writer!
that Council can use to reflect general
ready in minutes while you wait... feelings of the community,” he said. time supporting this because I'm a The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a
As a property owner, Councillor theatre guy and I would much prefer person with good writing skills to write about
Professional Digital Trevor Bevan relayed conversations to be doing that project, but this is local events
what our community needs right
from his renters who were concerned
Passport System Two bedrooms and two bathrooms Master WITH EMPHASIS ON LOCAL
Pet of the Week
photos ready Pet of the Week suite boasts a walk-in closet and three-piece Training provided. Great for added income.
Call for information 712-6788
Work from home and/or our office.
in minutes Call for information 712-6788 en suite Large main floor laundry room. Main Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education
while you wait... floor den conveniently located near front door required.
Hey there Nevaar! With a name as quirky as he is, we Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd
know this little guy will find the loving forever home he for home office. Beautiful bayed living room (or sent to the Publisher by email at
deserves. Nevaar is 6 months old and is dreaming of a with vaulted ceiling and formal fireplace.
home with kids and other cats as he loves to play, Grand country kitchen with
snuggle and clown around. If you are willing to open
your heart and home to this little gift of a guy, head to double bay windows and an For these plans and fill out an application.
abundance of counter space.
Apex Predator Brewery near Edson is hosting Pints & Pooches
on August 17th. $1 from every beer sold will go to EARS. Member of National Home Warranty Program
Adoptable animals will be onsite providing free cuddles.
Sponsored by: Phone: 780-723-2330
Wills Fax: 780-723-5068 ASSIGNMENT WRITER
Real Estate
D 780-723-3245 Business Law Email: Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
T Work from home and/or our office.
Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
(or sent to the Publisher by email at
Professional Digital Passport System photos Town expresses support for LAWIR Living and Working in Recovery project MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY AUGUST 19, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
Multi-Use Facility survey reveals opposition to proposed tax increase
continued from front
“We did three different looks at about their rent being raised in now.” include updates to the hockey arenas.
this,” said Parks. “Generally, the response to the tax increase. “They “As time goes on, the cost is going Councillor Krystal Baier noted, “I
business respondents were less in said that if taxes are going to go up, to go up; we've seen that over and have a lot of friends that have moved
favor of the facility than your are you going to raise the rent to me, over with projects,” Zahara stated. “I away because Edson does not have
continued from front residential respondents. Second, and if you do, I can't really afford think we have a really good the facilities. I can see that being a
continued from front people who were newer to Edson much more,” he said. “The comments agreement with our Yellowhead hindrance to our growth if we don't
continued from front
continued from front were more likely to be positive about I'm getting from different people I County partners. I think we need to recognize that. I think hiring a third
continued from front
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! continued from front the facility than those who've lived in rent to say we might have to move continue forward on this project.” party contractor is a key as well as the
continued from front
continued from front
Councillor Bevan commented, “I've
someplace else.”
federal or provincial grants that would
the community more than 10 years.
continued from front
Councillor Troy Sorenson
continued from front
continued from front When we looked at it according to commended Town Council and knocked on a lot of doors and I heard be available for this project, and then
the same thing: we'd like to have a
looking at our own operational
age, those who were 29 years of age
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson and younger were more in favor of the Administration for “opening this Multiplex. But even to this day, budgets with Administration.”
Zahara clarified that they will not be
facility than those who are older.” dialogue with the community and people are [telling] me 'we did not ask able to have a “hard look on the
for a 100% brand new [facility].”
giving every landowner a voice in the
When asked for respondent's level
780-723-5787 of agreement that individuals and decision process”. Community Assessment Survey was numbers” until the detailed design is
Mayor Zahara replied that the 2017
“I would argue strongly against any
completed. “We do the detailed
their families would benefit from the
new facility, “56% agreed that the comment that said this is not the time clear that residents preferred the Town design and it says $100 million, we're
proceeding with a new build. “When
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor facility will benefit them and about to build,” Sorenson continued. “If we we looked at attaching to the existing out without question,” he said.
wait a few years for the economy to
“Maybe it's going to come back where
34% disagreed,” said Parks.
facility, there were a number of
improve, prices will skyrocket. I
it's going to be $55 million, we don't
The next question asked
respondents if they felt the facility
be the shutdown of the facility, the
detailed plan that is specifically
would benefit the regional community believe we should proceed with a challenges with doing so. That would know that until we go through those
Professional Digital as a whole, to which 68% of designed to look for cost cutting and space requirements, and not having a forget about, the amount of people
Professional Digital
“I think another factor that we often
curling rink attached. The costs
phased approaches. Every feature of
respondents agreed and 21%
Passport System
Passport System disagreed. the facility needs to be weighed associated with adding onto the that are currently leaving our
existing facility made absolutely no
against its cost and potential user
community to use facilities
When asked to describe their level
photos ready
photos ready of support for the annual property tax base.” sense because we would still have elsewhere,” Zahara added. “When we
Councillor Jacqui Currie stated, “I
mediocre hockey rinks. The plan that
were in Whitecourt touring the
increase, 60% of respondents opposed
in minutes the increase, while 32% were in think part of the reason why that we've seen from Stantec and their facilities, there were Edson people
in minutes
population isn't staying past 10 years
advisement to us was attaching onto
there. They're spending gas to go out
support. “There's definitely a real
while you wait... concern about this,” said Parks. is because they're moving for the existing is not the way to go, and there, they're using the facility, they're
while you wait...
services. I also think that it's been
quite frankly, Yellowhead County
probably shopping, they're eating at
“People were talking about taxes
being sufficiently high already, clearly stated that cost is an issue so I Council says they're not on board with restaurants; that's money leaving our
concerns about the ability to absorb think we need to put our heads that. We need to stand by with what community. If we go to tender and
additional taxes —the opposite end of together and be creative and we need we said we were going to do this thing is way boomed in cost, then
that spectrum was that the tax increase to find a way to decrease that cost in otherwise we are going to end up with we're going to have to look at cutting
itself might actually have people leave any way we can.” absolutely nothing for this out the arenas and building everything
Mayor Kevin Zahara stated that it
the community.” was “very clear” last election that community.” Later, Zahara clarified else and waiting on the arenas.”
that it would cost an approximate $50
This survey will be brought forward
The final question asked
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor respondents if they supported the residents wanted a Multi-Use Facility. million to expand on Repsol Place, to the Multi-Use Facility Steering
not including a curling rink. It was
“If we don't do this now, we're going
Committee at a later date to discuss
Town of Edson moving ahead with
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson the Multi-Use Facility project. to hold our community back for also added that this cost would not how the group will proceed with the PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
another 20-30 years,” he said.
Slightly more people opposed the
“We need to, as a Council and as a
Town proceeding with the project at Steering Committee, [engage] a third T
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
780-723-578780-723-5787 project moving ahead. Parks stated, party in terms of organizing a THIS WEEK’S FEATURE 5
53%, while 47% were in favor of the
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
sponsorship plan,” Zahara said. “We
“We watched this as the findings
came in to see how it was, and at one need to look at ways through the Mint Homes Ltd. D 7
point it was a decimal point difference detailed design phase on how we can
find cost savings, especially in the
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! between the yes and the no.” Council, decide where our priorities
CAO Mike Derricott mentioned that operational side. We need to, as a
in addition to the postcards that were
sent out to business and property are going to be and some projects that
owners, there were active media we may want to do in the next few
efforts in the paper, on the radio, as years, we may have to hold off on
well as on social media and the those.” ASSIGNMENT WRITER
Zahara continued, “I know for my
Town's website to ensure people were
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE aware of the survey. “From a household, $300-$400 a year, that's a Enjoy getting out and meeting
big chunk of money that's going to be
statistical point of view, we're very
satisfied that it's a representative coming off of my tax bill as well. For people?
Professional Digital Passport System photos sample and that it is good information a facility like this —I'm not a hockey The Weekly Anchor is looking for an
player or a swimmer— I have a hard
assignment Writer!
that Council can use to reflect general
ready in minutes while you wait... feelings of the community,” he said. time supporting this because I'm a The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a
As a property owner, Councillor theatre guy and I would much prefer person with good writing skills to write about
Professional Digital Trevor Bevan relayed conversations to be doing that project, but this is local events
what our community needs right
from his renters who were concerned
Passport System Two bedrooms and two bathrooms Master WITH EMPHASIS ON LOCAL
Pet of the Week
photos ready Pet of the Week suite boasts a walk-in closet and three-piece Training provided. Great for added income.
Call for information 712-6788
Work from home and/or our office.
in minutes Call for information 712-6788 en suite Large main floor laundry room. Main Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education
while you wait... floor den conveniently located near front door required.
Hey there Nevaar! With a name as quirky as he is, we Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd
know this little guy will find the loving forever home he for home office. Beautiful bayed living room (or sent to the Publisher by email at
deserves. Nevaar is 6 months old and is dreaming of a with vaulted ceiling and formal fireplace.
home with kids and other cats as he loves to play, Grand country kitchen with
snuggle and clown around. If you are willing to open
your heart and home to this little gift of a guy, head to double bay windows and an For these plans and fill out an application.
abundance of counter space.
Apex Predator Brewery near Edson is hosting Pints & Pooches
on August 17th. $1 from every beer sold will go to EARS. Member of National Home Warranty Program
Adoptable animals will be onsite providing free cuddles.
Sponsored by: Phone: 780-723-2330
Wills Fax: 780-723-5068 ASSIGNMENT WRITER
Real Estate
D 780-723-3245 Business Law Email: Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
T Work from home and/or our office.
Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
(or sent to the Publisher by email at