Page 3 - August 19, 2019
P. 3
Town declines $50,000 funding REQUESTED BY CLIENT!
request from Friendship Centre
by Cassie Kushniruk come through, they're going to be
coming back to us in the middle of the
During the August 13 Town Council year for funding.”
meeting, a one-time funding request “My preference would be to fund this
for the Edson Friendship Centre in the position up until January 1 and it
amount of $50,000 was brought would work right into our annual
forward to Council for decision. budgeting process and we can make a
The Edson Friendship Centre met decision in 2020,” Sorenson suggested.
with Town Council during the June 25 “My fear is that they won't get
Committee of the Whole meeting to provincial funding and that we'll be
discuss the challenges of homelessness receiving the exact same request in the
within the community, focusing on the middle of the year and we won't have a
current challenges faced by staffing budget.”
and their ability to deal with this Councillor Currie expressed support
ongoing problem. for the motion, clarifying that the
Currently, the Edson Friendship homelessness project has been
Centre employs one full-time staff completely grant-funded and that this
member to deal with approximately 50 is the first time the Friendship Centre
clients. has come to the Town with request for
In addition to their request of funding. “[The Friendship Centre] is
$47,000 to add an additional staff desperate and afraid [the homelessness
member to aid with the workload, the project] is going to fall apart because
Friendship Centre requested $3000 for grants are not being looked at right
their needle exchange program during now.”
the June 25 meeting. Deputy Mayor Janet Wilkinson
At the August 13 meeting, CAO commented, “I will be voting against
Mike Derricott mentioned that in the motion, not that I don't feel that we
discussions with Administration, they need to help the homeless. If we
felt it would be helpful that if Council support the Friendship Centre in the
did support the funding, that it would midst of the year without a budget
proceed through the FCSS program. consideration for it, then what about
“This would allow for it to be captured the other places like Reflections? If we
through reporting mechanisms and be do support one, we have to support
connected to outcomes, which I think them all.”
is always an important part of The motion that Council approve a
funding,” he said. “We're not one-time funding request of the Edson
suggesting changing the funding Friendship Centre in the amount of
source, just that it would go through $50,000 to be funded from the
our FCSS program, triggering those Unrestricted Reserve and flown
reporting mechanisms.” through the FCSS program, was
A motion was put forward that
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Council approve a one-time funding defeated by the majority.
Councillor Sorenson then put
request of the Edson Friendship Centre forward a motion that Council approve
in the amount of $50,000 to be funded a one-time funding request of the The Take It or Leave Ithe Take It or Leave It P
Professional Digital from the Unrestricted Reserve, with Edson Friendship Centre in the amount managed by the Sponsored by Jiffy Lube
the amendment that the funding would
of $25,000 to be funded until January
Passport System run through the FCSS program. 1, 2020 from the Unrestricted Reserve Edson and District Recycling Society
and flown through the FCSS program.
Councillor Jacqui Currie asked for
photos ready clarity concerning what was meant by Council defeat the motion in order to will be closed
Councillor Chouianrd suggested that
running the funding through the FCSS
in minutes program. bring back more information for
Community Development
while you wait... Coordinator Tanya Byers responded, Council's consideration. “That will buy AUGUST 28 to
us two, three weeks and at least we'll
“Through the FCSS channels of have exact numbers and exact
provincial programming, we put a lot information,” he said.
T of focus in the last couple of years on Derricott replied that although that is SEPTEMBER 6
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
funding, data, and outcomes. Running possible, it was under his impression
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson it through the FCSS program and being that stalling the request would be Re-Opening September 7 Edson's Senior's Drop In Centre
part of that process, myself and our
'another month of risk to the vulnerable
Located at 4836 7th Avenue
with the Friendship Centre in saying
is here asking for this money at this
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 coordinator Ali [Broda] would work population'. “[The Friendship Centre] Call - 780-723-5777
what are the outcomes that we're
point in time because the need is fairly
wanting to achieve and what is that immediate,” he said. We will be undergoing Office Hours: Monday to Thursday - 9 am to 4 pm.
going to look like and how are we The motion put forward by No Cabin Fever Here - August Activities
going to collect it?” Councillor Sorenson was defeated by a changes to our program and
Councillor Gean Chouinard split vote. Wishing all our seniors a great summer. Remember to stay
expressed disapproval with the funding hydrated in the warmer months. Enjoy the sunshine and
request, “I'm not against what the Council Meeting Time Change: facility as well as constructing live each day to the fullest. LIVE - LOVE - LAUGH
program represents; I believe it's the Council approved a change in start
province's [responsibility]. We should time for Council and Committee of the a new building for the reuse
discuss it in our upcoming 2020 budget Whole meetings. Starting in THE PIONEER CABIN KITCHEN IS UNDER RENOVATIONS.
and we need to lobby the government.” September, all Council and Committee of renovation material. NO SOUP AND SANDWICH DAY UNTIL SEPTEMBER.
Councillor Krystal Baier stated, “I'm of the Whole Meetings will start at
very supportive of this. By not getting 7:00 pm. Council meetings will NO MUSIC JAMBOREE FOR JULY OR AUGUST. Starting back up in September.
the homeless some additional help to continue to be held on the first and
access the services that we already third Tuesday of each month and Pioneer Cabin General Meeting - Cancelled until September.
have available, it can be interpreted Committee meetings will be held on We appreciate your patience
that perhaps our crime rates will go up the second and fourth Tuesday of the Mondays - Crib at 7 p.m. Bring a partner!
if we don't try to tackle this problem month. as we expand our Thursdays - Whist at 7 p.m.
and find a solution.” 63rd Street Connector: Council has
Councillor Troy Sorenson expressed approved $60,000 from the Recreation programming to serve our Cabin Rentals and Catering Available. New Memberships Welcome.
his concern that funding this request and Culture capital reserve to go
would bring the Town into a long term towards the 63rd Street connector trail community better. Please call the Cabin between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or
commitment, as the funding would project. Construction is anticipated to Thursday. The Cabin also prepares frozen meals for purchase.
need to be replenished in the following start in September.
year. “If provincial funding doesn't The cabin is a great place to stay involved with your community, socialize and do
so many activities. They are always hosting different activities each month, so
please stay tuned for up coming events.
We Change More Than Just Your Motor Oil ...
Let us Tune-Up Your Fuel System!
* Transmission Fluid * Cooling System Fluid * Driveline Fluids
5220 4 Avenue Ph: 712-5333
Edson, AB Fax: 712-5358
Town declines $50,000 funding REQUESTED BY CLIENT!
request from Friendship Centre
by Cassie Kushniruk come through, they're going to be
coming back to us in the middle of the
During the August 13 Town Council year for funding.”
meeting, a one-time funding request “My preference would be to fund this
for the Edson Friendship Centre in the position up until January 1 and it
amount of $50,000 was brought would work right into our annual
forward to Council for decision. budgeting process and we can make a
The Edson Friendship Centre met decision in 2020,” Sorenson suggested.
with Town Council during the June 25 “My fear is that they won't get
Committee of the Whole meeting to provincial funding and that we'll be
discuss the challenges of homelessness receiving the exact same request in the
within the community, focusing on the middle of the year and we won't have a
current challenges faced by staffing budget.”
and their ability to deal with this Councillor Currie expressed support
ongoing problem. for the motion, clarifying that the
Currently, the Edson Friendship homelessness project has been
Centre employs one full-time staff completely grant-funded and that this
member to deal with approximately 50 is the first time the Friendship Centre
clients. has come to the Town with request for
In addition to their request of funding. “[The Friendship Centre] is
$47,000 to add an additional staff desperate and afraid [the homelessness
member to aid with the workload, the project] is going to fall apart because
Friendship Centre requested $3000 for grants are not being looked at right
their needle exchange program during now.”
the June 25 meeting. Deputy Mayor Janet Wilkinson
At the August 13 meeting, CAO commented, “I will be voting against
Mike Derricott mentioned that in the motion, not that I don't feel that we
discussions with Administration, they need to help the homeless. If we
felt it would be helpful that if Council support the Friendship Centre in the
did support the funding, that it would midst of the year without a budget
proceed through the FCSS program. consideration for it, then what about
“This would allow for it to be captured the other places like Reflections? If we
through reporting mechanisms and be do support one, we have to support
connected to outcomes, which I think them all.”
is always an important part of The motion that Council approve a
funding,” he said. “We're not one-time funding request of the Edson
suggesting changing the funding Friendship Centre in the amount of
source, just that it would go through $50,000 to be funded from the
our FCSS program, triggering those Unrestricted Reserve and flown
reporting mechanisms.” through the FCSS program, was
A motion was put forward that
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Council approve a one-time funding defeated by the majority.
Councillor Sorenson then put
request of the Edson Friendship Centre forward a motion that Council approve
in the amount of $50,000 to be funded a one-time funding request of the The Take It or Leave Ithe Take It or Leave It P
Professional Digital from the Unrestricted Reserve, with Edson Friendship Centre in the amount managed by the Sponsored by Jiffy Lube
the amendment that the funding would
of $25,000 to be funded until January
Passport System run through the FCSS program. 1, 2020 from the Unrestricted Reserve Edson and District Recycling Society
and flown through the FCSS program.
Councillor Jacqui Currie asked for
photos ready clarity concerning what was meant by Council defeat the motion in order to will be closed
Councillor Chouianrd suggested that
running the funding through the FCSS
in minutes program. bring back more information for
Community Development
while you wait... Coordinator Tanya Byers responded, Council's consideration. “That will buy AUGUST 28 to
us two, three weeks and at least we'll
“Through the FCSS channels of have exact numbers and exact
provincial programming, we put a lot information,” he said.
T of focus in the last couple of years on Derricott replied that although that is SEPTEMBER 6
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
funding, data, and outcomes. Running possible, it was under his impression
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson it through the FCSS program and being that stalling the request would be Re-Opening September 7 Edson's Senior's Drop In Centre
part of that process, myself and our
'another month of risk to the vulnerable
Located at 4836 7th Avenue
with the Friendship Centre in saying
is here asking for this money at this
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 coordinator Ali [Broda] would work population'. “[The Friendship Centre] Call - 780-723-5777
what are the outcomes that we're
point in time because the need is fairly
wanting to achieve and what is that immediate,” he said. We will be undergoing Office Hours: Monday to Thursday - 9 am to 4 pm.
going to look like and how are we The motion put forward by No Cabin Fever Here - August Activities
going to collect it?” Councillor Sorenson was defeated by a changes to our program and
Councillor Gean Chouinard split vote. Wishing all our seniors a great summer. Remember to stay
expressed disapproval with the funding hydrated in the warmer months. Enjoy the sunshine and
request, “I'm not against what the Council Meeting Time Change: facility as well as constructing live each day to the fullest. LIVE - LOVE - LAUGH
program represents; I believe it's the Council approved a change in start
province's [responsibility]. We should time for Council and Committee of the a new building for the reuse
discuss it in our upcoming 2020 budget Whole meetings. Starting in THE PIONEER CABIN KITCHEN IS UNDER RENOVATIONS.
and we need to lobby the government.” September, all Council and Committee of renovation material. NO SOUP AND SANDWICH DAY UNTIL SEPTEMBER.
Councillor Krystal Baier stated, “I'm of the Whole Meetings will start at
very supportive of this. By not getting 7:00 pm. Council meetings will NO MUSIC JAMBOREE FOR JULY OR AUGUST. Starting back up in September.
the homeless some additional help to continue to be held on the first and
access the services that we already third Tuesday of each month and Pioneer Cabin General Meeting - Cancelled until September.
have available, it can be interpreted Committee meetings will be held on We appreciate your patience
that perhaps our crime rates will go up the second and fourth Tuesday of the Mondays - Crib at 7 p.m. Bring a partner!
if we don't try to tackle this problem month. as we expand our Thursdays - Whist at 7 p.m.
and find a solution.” 63rd Street Connector: Council has
Councillor Troy Sorenson expressed approved $60,000 from the Recreation programming to serve our Cabin Rentals and Catering Available. New Memberships Welcome.
his concern that funding this request and Culture capital reserve to go
would bring the Town into a long term towards the 63rd Street connector trail community better. Please call the Cabin between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or
commitment, as the funding would project. Construction is anticipated to Thursday. The Cabin also prepares frozen meals for purchase.
need to be replenished in the following start in September.
year. “If provincial funding doesn't The cabin is a great place to stay involved with your community, socialize and do
so many activities. They are always hosting different activities each month, so
please stay tuned for up coming events.
We Change More Than Just Your Motor Oil ...
Let us Tune-Up Your Fuel System!
* Transmission Fluid * Cooling System Fluid * Driveline Fluids
5220 4 Avenue Ph: 712-5333
Edson, AB Fax: 712-5358