Page 18 - August 31 2020
P. 18
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PAGE 18 MONDAY AUGUST 31, 2020 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020 PAGE 21
Alberta RCMP launches online crime reporting across the province

The Alberta RCMP project has been initiated small. This provides the up with a phone call from Alberta RCMP. "Online 2020 to present. The link
officially rolls out a new, to ensure the public is most accurate crime data a police officer in “K” crime reporting is to report a crime online
province-wide online able to report select crime and allows our resources Division's Call Back Unit
a c c e s s i b l e a n d can be found here:
c r i m e r e p o r t i n g types in whatever way is t o b e d e p l o y e d (CBU) within five convenient, and will help https://ocre-sielc.rcmp-
initiative. The online most convenient or appropriately in the areas business days. The CBU u s c a p t u r e m o r e
crime reporting tool accessible to them. A goal that need it most. was created to ensure all intelligence when it We encourage the
allows Albertans to for the Alberta RCMP is Citizens will be able to non-urgent calls for comes to property crime public to report crime
report select property to make sure all crime is report the following service are investigated occurring in all of the online, when possible.
crimes online. This reported, no matter how crimes online: e f f i c i e n t l y a n d communities we serve. Reporting less serious
-Damage/mischief to effectively. "The Alberta Offering a contactless crime online helps
property under $5,000 RCMP is always looking service is also vital in emergency call takers
- Theft of bicycle under for new opportunities to t h e s e t i m e s w h e n and frontline members
In Loving n Loving $5,000 m o d e r n i z e a n d physical distancing is so focus their time on high-
- Theft under $5,000
streamline our services
priority calls. We take all
memory ofemory of
m under $5,000 matter where they live in This initiative has reports of crime seriously
-Theft from vehicle for all Albertans – no
- Lost property the province," says already been piloted in and crime reported online
Airdrie, Banff, Cold will be treated the same
Matthew satisfy the following C u r t i s Z a b l o c k i , Lake, Grande Prairie, as crime reported in any
Incidents must also Deputy Commissioner
Harris conditions to be reported Commanding Officer of Red Deer and Strathcona other way.
County from June 1,
-No witnesses or
January 21, 1980 - September 1, 2018 suspects
January 21, 1980 - September 1, 2018
-Item(s) lost or stolen
Always Loved must cost less than
Always Loved
Never Forgotten
Never Forgotten will cost less than $5,000
-Vandalized property
Forever Missed to repair
Forever Missed
-There are no items
involving personal
by Mom, Dad, Mikey,
by Mom, Dad, Mikey, identity, firearms, licence
plates or decals
Ethan & Family
Ethan & Family All crimes reported
online will be followed

Gearheads Auto

September 19th at 10 am!

* Barbeque * Vendors

* Activities for Kids * Door Prizes

Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Hinton Woman's Shelter as well as Mobbin Kings Bike
Club that supports needs inside our communities as well as surrounding communities.
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,

East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
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