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PAGE 16 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020
T he Weekly ANCHOR
F T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field

News and Views
Gerald Soroka News and Views 780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson Faith
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
MP Yellowhead
Livestock, dairy industries face pandemic fallout

The continued popularity of for more than three months, of them, whether intentional or Canadians, make no mistake.
meat-free diets may point to the domesticating ourselves and not, is troubling. Period. Restoring reputations should be
damaging legacy of COVID-19 putting acute focus on cooking The continued popularity of top of mind for anyone working in
for some sectors were the norm. meat-fee diets may point to the livestock and dairy industries.
Each week had its interesting damaging legacy of COVID-19 Dr. Sylvain Charlebois is senior
by Sylvain Charlebois culinary trends. After the panic, for some sectors. Canadian director of the agri-food analytics
Professor peanut butter, and macaroni and consumers appear to still be lab and a professor in food
Dalhousie University cheese, we witnessed an looking for more protein options distribution and policy at
extraordinary awakening of what to put on their plates. Dalhousie University.
Before COVID-19, the craze for using the kitchen was all about. Despite these results, meat and © Troy Media
vegetable proteins was palpable. Bread, pastry, pasta, meat – every milk are still popular for most
All we heard about were week had its share of discoveries.
sustainability, animal welfare and The agri-food industry struggled
Beyond Meat. to keep up with us but it did.
The health of the planet and Some experts have been saying
well-being of animals became that the pandemic will end the Royal Canadian Legion
increasingly important factors to a vegan and vegetarian movement
growing number of Canadians, for good. The anti-animal-protein
and it showed in the numbers. rhetoric has dominated the PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
A few months after the great industry in recent years and some Wildwood Branch 149
confinement started, some new believed the pandemic would
figures tell us that the interest in bring most of us back to
Professional Digital
meat-free diets is still there. traditional culinary practices. 'This year has been anything but to attend our meat draws on Professional Digital
In just four months, from Vegans would give way to normal, as we all know. Wildwood Saturday afternoon starting at 3p.m. Passport System
Passport System
February to July of this year, the omnivores and the proverbial Legion appreciates the hard work of They are fun way to spend the
photos ready
popularity of major meat-free meaty classics would take their all of our staff keeping the Legion afternoon. There is monthly 50/50 photos ready
in minutes...
diets that don't include land rightful place. operating in these challenging toonie draw, drawn on the last in minutes...
animal meat seems to have risen But if the survey numbers are to times. Thank you! Saturday of the month. Everyone is
and continues to do so. be believed, this shift isn't To show our appreciation we will welcome to attend and try their
Dalhousie University surveys happening. be closed on Saturday, September 5 luck. Please drop in for coffee and a
Canadians on eating trends almost The pandemic has really hurt to allow all of our staff to enjoy the visit.
every quarter. Comparing the last some sectors. Livestock, for last long weekend of the summer Volunteers for the Saturday meat
pre-pandemic survey (February instance, was greatly affected and with family and friends. Both the draws are needed, so that no one
2020) with the first conducted farm animals were euthanized. bottle depot and the clubroom will person is committed to do it all the
during COVID-19 (July 2020), More than a dozen close Friday afternoon, September time. If you could volunteer one
we're able to see that rates of slaughterhouses in Canada were 4, for the weekend. We are sorry for Saturday a month we would
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
vegetarianism, pescatarianism temporarily closed when workers any inconvenience. appreciate it. T
(seafood is the only meat contracted COVID-19. Chickens, There will be no meat draw on We are saying goodbye to one of
consumed) and veganism have hogs and other livestock had to be September 5. Meat draws will our executive members who is Time for Tails 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
increased. slaughtered. It's difficult to know resume Saturday, September 12. moving to High Level to be closer
to family. He and his wife will be
The bottle depot will reopen on
Vegetarianism has increased exactly how many were wiped missed. We wish them both well in
from 1.5 to 2.5 per cent in a few out, but limited access to packing Tuesday, September 8. Join us for their new home. by Dawn Mitchell 7
lunch on Thursday, September 1 0.
months. plants became a problem and Presidents Message: We need Check out our facebook page for
Pescatarism has also increased, forced many producers to cull your support and membership. I am information on hours of business or
according the recent survey. This perfectly healthy animals. sure many of you have seen the any changes. We hope you all enjoy
diet, which is free of land animals The milk industry also had its advertising on the television about the last long weekend that signals PLEASE CALL US TO BOOK
but will include eggs and milk share of misfortune. Millions of joining your local Legion. Many of the end of summer for most people.
products, increased by 0.2 per litres had to be dumped into the smaller Legions are closing. Enjoy it safely! YOUR APPOINTMENT
cent. sewers across Canada. Restaurant You do not have to be a member
The rate of vegan diets increased closures disrupted the agri-food
by 0.7 per cent. In other words, sector and the demand for certain
there are likely almost 600,000 products such as ice cream
Canadians who consider completely change overnight. Pet of the Week
Pet of the Week
themselves vegan now and this is Although Canadians were Call for information 712-6788
Call for information 712-6788
the highest measured rate in three unsure of what to think about on- www.
years. farm waste, more than 90 per cent Email:
Of course, given the margin of of them believe it's morally This litter of black kittens might all look the same, but each
error and numbers that remain unacceptable to euthanize animals is kitten is full of personality! There are 4 males (Raven,
relatively low compared to the rest or throw away milk, especially Lucifer, Charcoal, Rambo) and 2 females (Salem and
Twilah). They are friendly and playful, love their wet food,
of the population, the magnitude when millions of citizens are and love human attention. Their foster mama is watching
of these results must be taken with newly unemployed. them grow into the perfect house kitties and says they
a grain of salt. The pandemic has demonstrated make the house full of love and life. If you are interested in
fostering or adopting from the black litter, please visit our
On the other hand, Canadians how fragile our food supply website to fill out an online adoption or foster application.
continue to be interested in diets system is. Wasting mushrooms,
that completely exclude land lettuce or potatoes will be EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a
animal proteins. problematic. But animal and dairy message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need
Since March, when we were production brings its share of you more than ever!
confined to our kitchens, the morality and stakes are much Sponsored by:
pandemic has certainly had an higher when the supply chain is
413 50 St.,
impact on our relationship with disrupted. 413 50 St.,
food. With the food service Producing food through animal 780-723-6220
industry operating quite modestly breeding only to kill and dispose

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