Page 8 - August 31 2020
P. 8
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24

Town institutes COVID-19 Small Business Loan Program

by Cassie Kushniruk non-profits] that have business licenses with the loans, “we do the due diligence of the business to
municipality are eligible to apply,” Robbins ensure that the business is viable and that the
In an effort to promote entrepreneurship, stated. “We are requesting [that businesses have] client is able to pay back the debt”.
business retention, and business recovery in a minimum of gross annual revenue of $5000 Councillor Jacqui Currie asked, “Are you
response to COVID-19, the Town of Edson, in annually to be part of this loan, and a $25 finding that the $15,000 threshold is enough, or
partnership with Community Futures West application fee.” are you finding that more are needing the
Yellowhead (CFWY), recently instituted the Robbins noted that businesses who have $25,000?”
COVID-19 Small Business Loan Program. received funding through recovery benefits from Robbins responded, “I think it would be in good
“Our goal at Community Futures West other federal programs are eligible to apply for conscience for this loan to serve as many people
Yellowhead is to help as many people as possible this loan; however, they will be required to as possible, however, you know your business
during the recovery period of COVID-19, and submit a new project plan unlike previously community and I think you need to know whether
also to prepare for the road ahead in 2020 and submitted projects. or not $25,000 is the top or if it should be
2021,” said CFWY Manager Nancy Robbins Under this program, eligible project expenses $15,000. We would serve 20 businesses with
during the August 18 Town Council meeting. are expenses related to innovations and $15,000 and 12 businesses with $25,000.”
According to Robbins, this program will run operations under the new normal of post COVID- Mayor Kevin Zahara commented, “My thought
from September 15, 2020 to March 31, 2023, 19 measures, including website, app, and/or is we do the $25,000, we'll see what kind of
with an option to renew each year by the social media development; costs supporting interest there is, and then we can reassess towards
partnerships. increased revenue streams and/or changing the end of this budget year. If there's a lot of
Funding for this program will be provided by business models; physical and/or external interest, we can see what our response reserve is
the Town of Edson in the amount of $300,000, modifications required to implement measures at or make adjustments at that point in time.”
with loan interest and payments received to be related to COVID-19; costs associated with PPE Zahara continued, “I think $300,000 is low and
reinvested into the program. requirements for employers and/or employees; we should be looking at a $500,000 program, but
Loan amounts available will be between $1000 training and support requirements for employers let's see how this goes first and how tax
and $15,000 at a 3% fixed interest rate, and and/or employees; and supporting business collection is. I want to make sure that if we are
amounts allocated to each applicant will be diversification efforts that provide evidence to helping, that we are setting them up for success.”
dependent on individual projects submitted and long-term commitment to the community. Councillor Sorenson said, “My
will be determined on a case-by-case basis.The Costs not eligible for this program include recommendation is the $15,000. I feel anything
loan will be interest free for the first 180 days, salaries for employers and/ or employees not over that you're getting into significant equipment
after which clients will be charged interest and covered by Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy; or major costs, and I think with $15,000 you can
required to make payments. “The goal is that we rent, leasehold improvements and/or commercial do a lot.”
are doing quick loans and that clients may be mortgages payments which are covered by Councillor Chouinard, Krystal Baier, and
able to pay us back within the 180 day period that Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance; Trevor Bevan expressed support for the $25,000
is interest free, which will give us more money to expenses already covered under other/additional limit.
lend to more businesses,” Robbins explained. federal programs related to COVID-19, including Councillor Janet Wilkinson noted, “I'd like to
Applications must be submitted through the above government programs; and expenses serve more people, but I will support the $25,000
CFWY website portal located on their webpage, already covered by any CFWY small business because I think you really don't get far with
and final decisions made on successful applicants loans. $15,000 nowadays.”
will lie with CFWY. Councillor Gean Chouinard asked how much Councillor Currie said, “I was leaning towards
In the first year of the program, Robbins stated interest this program has generated so far. the $15,000 because I like the idea of being able
that 75% of the funds will go towards existing or Robbins replied, “I do think that there is a need to support more [businesses], but I also think
expanding business, while 25% will go towards for this in the community, and I think we'll see we're going to have that $25,000 back fast in 180
new start-up businesses. In the second year, funds that we'll have a good uptake on it.” days.”
will be split equally between both existing and Councillor Troy Sorenson asked, “Is debt At this time, Council passed the motion to
new businesses, but the third year of the program service ability a criteria for the loan? Do they institute the Town of Edson COVID-19 Small
will see 25% of the funds going towards existing have to prove that they are solid enough to repay Business Loan Program in partnership with
businesses and 75% to new start-up businesses. it?” CFWY, which will be funded from the COVID-
“We're asking that only eligible businesses [and Robbins stated that when CFWY analyzes their 19 Recovery Reserve.

Problems with Town's sanitary sewer outflow may result in $1 million cost

by Cassie Kushniruk been notified and are working with the Town to the precipitation over the last two years…we're
form a long-term solution for the site. making an assumption that that's attributing to the
During the August 18 Town Council meeting, Additionally, surrounding landowners have been issue. There is also the fact that this is a 40 year
Council was made aware of recent issues with the notified of the changing circumstances, and the old pipe and it's on a very steep embankment.
sanitary sewer outflow that may result in a $1 County has also been contacted, although no We're hoping to do the science so that we have a
million cost. response has been received. correct determination.”
The Town of Edson Waste Water Treatment Councillor Gean Chouinard asked if the current
Plant (WWTP) flows from an effluent storage estimation of $1 million for the project is
pond through approximately 2.5 km of gravity accurate. Hamm replied, “We'd be replacing Upcoming Wop May
outfall pipe before it discharges into the McLeod approximately 500 meters of the outflow through
River. Piping is a combination of reinforced estimates of what we know for the distance for a Day Country Fair...
a directional drill. This is based loosely on
concrete pipe and HDPE.
On July 13, Town Utilities staff discovered that directional drill of this nature in size. There's
the outflow was blocked, so the Engineering recurring costs currently for stabilization and continued from page 7
department began an investigation with the prepping of the site, so the million-dollar when one cannot properly physically distance,
assistance of Minnow Engineering. The estimation is…relatively accurate.” food will be served from AHS approved vendors,
investigation uncovered severe erosion of the Councillor Jacqui Currie asked, “Have we had the viewing area around the stage will be barri-
embankment, and a 90% blockage/collapse in the any success getting the $2 million for the Waste caded to create distance from performers, and
final 300 m of the outflow piping. Treatment Plant that the government owes us?” there will be no touching of the exhibits in the
“Ultimately, we're in a bit of a tricky situation,” CAO Mike Derricott responded, “No, not as of bench show. “We ask that anyone showing
said Senior Operations Manager Mitch Hamm. yet. We have had, what I would describe, positive symptoms of COVID-19 not attend and that people
“We're working with Minnow Engineering and dialogue with the provincial ministry on this, but remain within their cohorts as much as possible,”
Stantec Geotechnical to find out what's going on we have not yet received a firm commitment.” Inscho added.
with the slip in the bank. Currently we're just Councillor Krystal Baier asked if the Town Inscho mentioned that volunteers are still needed
trying to get a temporary solution in place so would be able to cover these expenses under to help set up and take down, judge the pie contest,
we're not paying a large amount per day in insurance, to which Hamm replied, “We're bench show, and more during the event. If inter-
charges to a contractor to oversee the site 24 exploring all options, from insurance to grants.” ested in volunteering, contact Inscho 780-723-
hours a day, seven days a week.” Councillor Janet Wilkinson then asked, “Why 4403 ext 135.
Construction on the temporary solution of the would this have happened?” “As with all of our free community events and
outflow will begin the week of August 17, which Hamm stated, “We are currently in the inference now, more than ever, we want to offer a place and
will give the Engineering and Utilities stage, so we have geotechnical surveys to do and time to come together and celebrate our history, to
departments enough time to prepare a long-term bank stabilization to understand. Our best build roots here, to foster health and safety and
solution for the site. information that we have right now is that due to education,” said Inscho.
According to Hamm, regulatory bodies have
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