Page 12 - August 31 2020
P. 12
Q: What did the lawyer name is baby girl?
of the
A: Sue.
Our goal with this page is to help parents offer a weekly alternative to video screens by
providing some amusing reading that can help promote early childhood literacy. Sitting and
reading with younger children is a great way for families to spend some quality time. (And for
us adults, hey, who doesn’t like a good comic) ...enjoy!
he Weekly ANCHOR a page for Kids and Kids at hearta page for Kids and Kids at heart
Comics & Fun Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24 TIGER
NOT YET USED Surprise Lake Camp hosts gold panning competition and more at latest event Edson A&W raises over $1700 for Burgers to Beat MS campaign West Yellowhead MLA

, 2020 PAGE 13
by Cassie Kushniruk disappointing not finding as many by Cassie Kushniruk Martin Long
Zits Cartoon goes here During the weekend of August 22 mushrooms as we usually do, but it On August 20, Edson A&W
was still rewarding to get into the
and 23, community members were bush with friends,” White Owl said. raised over $1700 as part of A&W
invited out to Surprise Lake Camp “Normally the place is just crawling Canada's 12th annual Burgers to
for the chance to pan for gold, hunt with mushrooms, but it looks like Beat MS campaign, which raises
for mushrooms, and create fun tie we're just in between blooms here.” awareness and funds to help those
dye creations. Following the mushroom foray, living with multiple sclerosis (MS).
On the morning of August 22, former SLC camp director April According to Edson A&W owner
attendants had the opportunity to Keighan hosted a tie dye session on Stacie Eldstrom, for every Teen
learn how to pan for gold from the beach, allowing participants to Burger sold during MS Day, A&W · ADD Accurate Assessment 2020
prospecting and panning hobbyist take home their colorful creations. Canada donated two dollars to the
Robin Rosborough with the Alberta White Owl noted, “We're going to MS Society of Canada.
Gold Panning Association. “Robin be doing more tie dyes out here In total, Edson A&W sold 556 · ADD Linear Assessment
demonstrated panning techniques because it's such a fun thing to do.” teen burgers throughout the day and
with various types of pans, but White Owl stated that SLS is were able to raise $1787. Eldstrom
concentrated on the traditional pan slowly working on getting Surprise added, “Nationwide, we've raised · ADD Summer Explorer Passport
and the competition flat pan,” said Lake Camp completely functional, $1.2 million across Canada this
Surprise Lake Society (SLS) Board noting that they will be focusing year.” · ADD Development Permits
Chairman Arthur White Owl. their attention on renovating the Eldstrom noted that these
Following this, attendants were cluster of cabins towards the front
invited to participate in a gold of the camp. “It's just a matter of During the morning of August 23, people from as far as Jasper, Calgary and Red Deer numbers are “significantly less than
what we normally raise”, likely due
panning competition, which, getting more volunteers, more came out to Surprise Lake Camp to participate in a mushroom forage led by Bill and
TIGER BY BUD BLAKE according to White Owl, was set up interest, and more people wanting to Diane Richards with the Alberta Mycological Society. photo submitted to the fact that money is tight for
as a training and practice session for rent the camp,” he said. many as a result of the COVID-19
those interested in competing in the Although White Owl stated that pandemic. “I knew that this year
2021 World Gold Panning there were a lot of people planning was going to be a little bit different,
Championships in Dawson City, on renting out the camp this year, but people still made an effort,
Yukon. “We had six tubs set up and these plans unfortunately had to be which warms my heart,” she said.
we had two categories: one for the cancelled due to the COVID-19 In addition to MS Day, some
newbies and one for the experienced pandemic. However, White Owl local car enthusiasts made it out to
Dennis the Menace guys,” said White Owl. “It was stated that they are staying afloat A&W in the afternoon to show off
their classic cars and give people
thanks to capital grants from
really fun.”
White Owl noted that he and Yellowhead County and various something to do while supporting
another gentleman will be competing donations from community the campaign.
in the 2021 Championships, adding members. Eldstrom thanked everyone in the
that attendants who participated in White Owl thanked Jon and community who came out to On August 20, Edson A&W raised over $1700 as part of A&W Canada's 12th annual Burgers to Beat MS campaign.
the mock competition also expressed Karen Garner for organizing the support the campaign. photo Cassie Kushniruk
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY interest in competing, although no weekend-long event with physical
commitments were made.
distancing in mind. “Good times
On Sunday morning, people from were had by all,” he said. County revises bylaw for improvements at Evansburg Cemetery
On September long weekend,
SWAMP BY GARY CLARK Equipment Operator as far as Jasper, Calgary, and Red Surprise Lake Camp will be hosting
Deer came out to the camp to
LOCATION: EDSON, AB participate in a mushroom forage led an open house in which community by Cassie Kushniruk plot after the original internment, burial. I don't understand that. I many graveyards the County looks
by long time members of the Alberta members of all ages are invited to
restriction of grave covers in the
know a lot of people go annually
after, to which Read responded,
T he Weekly ANCHOR a page for Kids and Kids at hearta page for Kids and Kids at heart COMPETITION NO. 20-012 Mycological Society, Bill and Diane attend. On August 22, attendants at Surprise Lake Camp's weekend event were invited to County Council meeting, cemetery and the removal of any to visit and bring flowers and “We currently operate only this
At the July 28 Yellowhead
participate in a gold panning competition, which was set up as a training session for
Richards. “It was rather
in deferred condition, restriction of such. Can you explain that?”
one cemetery. We have over 30
those interested in competing in the 2021 World Gold Panning Championships. photo
Comics & Fun Reporting to the Area Supervisor, the Equipment Operator County denies penalty free tax agreement for Notine Holdings Inc. Administration presented the broken items, and establishing a is for the direct period after the cemeteries in the County, and the
decorations to eliminate easily
Read replied, “That 5-day rule
revised Bylaw 14.20 for the
vast majority of them are operated
performs skilled work for both summer and winter road
limit to maintenance done by
internment. What we're getting
improvement, maintenance,
by local community groups.”
maintenance. This work includes a variety of both
management, control, and
Eglinski then asked, “The rules
equipment and labour intensive tasks.
where the owner cannot be
decorations] expand past where
operation of the Evansburg Yellowhead County on plots away from is when [the and the procedures that have been
Councillor Shawn Berry asked if
The salary range is currently $59,763 - to $75,658 per year. by Cassie Kushniruk “not optimal for County During the discussion amongst Notine Holdings has paid their taxes Cemetery. located. the headstone is out on the turf, as laid out…has this been in
Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan. operations”. Council, Councillor David Russell Yellowhead County assumed “This Bylaw includes guidelines it makes maintenance very consultation with other graveyards
During Yellowhead County Lyons noted that Notine Holdings commented, “While I understand as part of the agreement in the past, ownership of the Evansburg that could decrease the operating difficult. Of course, then there's in the area or are these following
Council's regular meeting on August has submitted a request for penalty Administration's point of view on to which Lyons responded, “Yes, Cemetery with the dissolution of costs of the cemetery for the perceived liability that if I Rhys Marchewka celebrated his 12 birthday on July 25, out at the Edson Bike
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page 25, Council considered entering into free monthly payments in every this item, and I feel much the same, they have paid as per the schedule.” Yellowhead County, as there provincial standards or County Skills Park. Seen here with his mom Nola and dad Frankie. Hope you had a a penalty free tax agreement with year since 2016, and each year they in the current circumstances that Councillor Lavonne Olson said, the Village of Evansburg in 1998. would be less potential for damage leave a potted plant there and then standards?” great birthday Rhys! photo Deanna Mitchener
our weed whipper destroys the
Notine Holdings Inc., as per request. provide the explanation that they are we're in, I feel that…as long as “If we do this for this company, are “Since that time, the cemetery has to monuments and decorations that potted plant, is that now the Read replied, “We are very much
been expanded to the west, and is
A detailed position description can be found in the job According to Director of Corporate experiencing financial difficulties, [Notine Holdings] has made its we doing this for all of them? I just the County would then be liable County's responsibility? What we following industry standard and
posting online. and Planning Services Barb Lyons, “although at no point we have payments on time without problems, think it's setting a bad example.” maintained through the for,” Read noted. want to do is have a reasonable provincial standard. Part of what
Notine Holdings recently submitted a received a financial statement from that we would probably be better off Councillor Mitchell added, “We collaboration of Infrastructure According to Read, the Bylaw cemetery that is safe, looks good, we're doing here is referencing
The competition will remain open until 4:30pm on Friday, request for a property tax agreement them”“The correspondence states a accepting this and collecting our are showing favoritism to one Services and Community also includes a revision to the fees and is reasonable to maintain.” provincial laws, but this only
Services,” said Director of
applies to the Evansburg Cemetery
September 18, 2020. for the 2020 tax levy. “They have large lump sum payment is not $353,472.50.” company because they continue to to open/close a plot. The previous Cherniawsky then asked, “There that we own and operate. The
requested that instead of paying the possible at this time; however, the Councillor Wade Williams stated, come back with the same [request] Community Services Christopher cost to open/close a cremation plot is more movement towards urns
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however taxes on October 15, they would like tax notices were sent in May of “This payment schedule, in my every year, and every year we say to Read. was $200, and the cost to that actually turn into a tree. Has community groups that operate the
Read stated that due to increased
many cemeteries around the
only those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted. to pay in 12 monthly installments 2020, and they could have paid opinion, doesn't work because this this company that's okay, we will open/close a burial plot was $700. this policy considered that at all?”
starting October 15 [2020] and installments at any point in the five would carry this over until help you.” usage at the cemetery, the current County, we support them with
running until October 15, 2021, and months leading up to October 15, September of next year when the Councillor Berry noted, “They had Bylaw “has become inefficient in “The new Schedule A changes Read stated that although the annual operation and improvement
Payroll Department they would like to do this without however they have not paid the opportunity this year to [request] managing maintenance issues”. these fees to the amount as bylaw would not allow that type funds as per Council policy. We
Yellowhead County penalty,” she stated. “They hold 99 anything at this point,” she said. other taxes will be due in June, so this earlier…and they waited until “The revised Bylaw clarifies determined by the actual cost of of urn in the typical grave sites certainly provide expertise and
they're going to be doubling up on
Email: tax rolls and the total amount of the “If Notine Holdings does not pay taxes on a monthly basis.” this point in the year to ask for that.” Yellowhead County's ability to the interment contract on a cost now, “should that demand arise, help wherever we can, but we do
recovery basis,” Read said. “This
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for property tax involved is by October 15, on October 16 there Councillor Mitchell said, “This In response to Councillor Berry's manage and control the cause of we have enough room at that not in any way control those other
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of $353,472.50.” will be a 6% penalty of $21,208.32, has happened five years in a row comment, Lyons stated, “They these issues; seeking to mitigate will allow for Administration to cemetery to designate an area for cemeteries.”
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. To assist industry in 2020, Lyons and then there would be a third and I feel like every year we have typically approach us in the month them through the use of clear recover the full cost of the fees such a thing”. The motion to give first reading
noted that Council has already penalty on any balance outstanding this conversation. This to me that [the taxes] are due. This year, guidelines,” he said. incurred to open/close a plot while Councillor Wade Williams to revised Bylaw 14.20 for the
provided a 5% decrease in tax rates, on January 1 [2021],” said Lyons. screams poor planning financially they sent an email to me asking Some of the changes in the continuing to seek out the best bid supported first reading of the Evansburg Cemetery was carried
eliminated the well drilling tax, and At this time, Administration on their part. The same bill comes at when they should send in the request revised Bylaw include: the for the work.” bylaw, but suggested that Council unanimously during this time, and EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY
extended the tax due date from June recommended that Council deny the the same time every single for the payment plan, so they were a requirement of a burial vault or Councillor Sandra Cheriawsky hold off on second and third second and third reading was later
30 to October 15. According to request by Notine Holdings Inc. for year…and they are obviously couple months in advance.” liner for full burials, establishing a made a motion for first reading reading in order to give residents given by Council during the
Administration, these actions to a property tax agreement for the counting on [the tax agreement] The motion to deny the request by designated quadrant for cremation and asked, “My question is the chance to express their August 25 meeting. Utility Operator Trainee
support industry have seriously 2020 tax levy. Councillor Dawn because this is five years running. Notine Holdings Inc. for a property urn burial, allowing for cremation regarding… only having concerns about the changes. EMPLOYMENT/ LOCATION: EDSON, AB
affected County cash flow and Mitchell made the motion as They need to get their ducks in a tax agreement for the 2020 tax levy urns to be added to a full burial decorations for five days after Mayor Jim Eglinski asked how
further delays in collecting taxes are recommended. row.” was carried by Council. COMPETITION NO. 20-009
OPPORTUNITIES Under the direction of the Utilities Supervisor, the Utility
Operator Trainee will work towards certification in the operation
of water and wastewater systems, and will perform general
maintenance of Yellowhead County assets.
The position requires the incumbent to be on an on-call
schedule and work a forty hour week.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The salary range is currently $55,272 – $69,966 per year.
Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan.
Utility Operator Trainee To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page
LOCATION: EDSON, AB A detailed position description can be found in the job posting
WORD Under the direction of the Utilities Supervisor, the Utility online.

The competition will remain open until 4:30pm on Tuesday
Operator Trainee will work towards certification in the operation
June 30, 2020.
of water and wastewater systems, and will perform general
SEARCH maintenance of Yellowhead County assets. We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only
those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
The position requires the incumbent to be on an on-call
schedule and work a forty hour week.
Payroll Department
Yellowhead County
FUN! The salary range is currently $55,272 – $69,966 per year. • Email:
Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan.
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
A detailed position description can be found in the job posting

ONLY CLEAN The competition will remain open until 4:30pm on Tuesday
TEN SEVEN June 30, 2020.
TRY BRING We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only
TOGETHER OWN those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
MYSELF WARM Payroll Department
Yellowhead County
PICK MUCH • Email:

The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
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