Page 14 - December 2, 2019
P. 14
County to lead region-wide application H ealth - Politics - Lifestyles
Reading the signs your child might be stressed out to Family Resource Network
...And how to help them overcome it by Cassie Kushniruk and Dana McArthur included as one Hub. overlaps. “I just don't agree with how the
Although no organization has officially government rolled this out and sprung it on
by Stuart Shanker, CEO The MEHRIT Centre, or their environment – might be adding If you suspect your child's stress levels are too Yellowhead County and the Town of Edson stepped forward to act as a Hub for the local communities without enough time to do this
Ltd., considerably to their stress load. When we can high, there are different kinds of strategies you have recently received notice that the region, Yellowhead County Council discussed properly,” he said.
identify and reduce the stressors in children's can try. One of the most effective is unscripted provincial grants and contracts funding their the possibility of taking over the role at their Councillor Jacqui Currie asked what would
Something quite remarkable is happening lives, we find that many of the problems they free play. It's no surprise that so many children Parent Link centres, summer camps, certain November 26 meeting. happen to the Edson Parent Link program if
across Canada today: suddenly everyone is were demonstrating start to diminish and they seize this opportunity to build forts: this gives outreach services and more will be cancelled Councillor Shawn Berry said, "I really see the province provided no funding after March
talking about self-regulation. become much more receptive to adult assistance. them a chance to feel safe and secure. Some as of March 31, 2020. the value of The FCSS programs and I see this 31. General Manager of Community and
They're not always sure they know what it That is the key to this revolution: a shift from children find sports really calming and some get Both organizations have been given the as a postive move forward." Protective Services Guy Latour replied, “If we
means, let alone what to do about it, but there is thinking in terms of controlling to regulating a this effect from music. Many children love yoga, opportunity to submit an Expression of Councillor David Russell asked, "Has there received no funding, it would be very difficult
a widespread awareness that self-regulation is child. The assumption underlying the 'stern or doing art, reading, cooking or taking care of Interest to continue working with Children's been any preliminary talks with the towns and to move forward and run the program with
one of those scientific breakthroughs that heralds discipline' approach to dealing with such animals. Every child is different and you may Services within their new model of prevention are they on board with this?" Read responded, just [the Town's contribution]. We would have
a turning point in how we see and help children. problems is that a child is capable of acting have to experiment a little to find the activities
In the simplest terms, self-regulation refers to differently and only a lesson in the consequences that your child finds calming, but when you do, and early intervention service delivery. "Yes, we have had initial talks that look to pull resources from other places. It would
the neural processes that control the energy of a poor choice will drive home the importance you'll know from the smile on his or her face and The province's new delivery and funding promising." be a dramatically different program.”
expended to deal with a stressor and then of self-control. The problem is, one of the key the relaxed look of their body. model, called Family Resource Networks Mayor Sandra Cherniawsky added, "There is However, Latour stated that he anticipates that
recover. When a child's stress levels are too high, systems that shuts down under excessive stress is There is never an age at which it's too late to (FRNs), will utilize a 'Hub-and-Spoke' such a great need for these services and I the Town will receive some form of funding
various systems for thinking and metabolic the very one needed for exercising self-control. work on self-regulation with your child; and network design approach. “The Province support this 100% in our region." through the new model.
recovery are compromised. The signs of this Over the long term, the effect of punishing or never an age at which you can stop working on expects an overarching 'Hub' to be created County Council voted to direct Councillor Currie started, “Budgeting wise,
happening show up in the child's behaviour, or harshly chastising children who are overstressed these goals. The result is that your child will across the Yellowhead region, with all Administration to lead a region-wide I'm not comfortable to say that as of April 1, if
mood, or attention, or for that matter, physical is to exacerbate their problems in self-control. To develop the skills they'll need to deal with the services delivered as 'Spokes' from that Hub,” application to the Family Resource budgeting doesn't come in, that it all
well-being. And judging from the growing be sure, if you make the punishment harsh stressors they are going to encounter in the 21st explained Yellowhead County Director of Network Expression of Interest in collapses. I don't think it's fair to our
numbers of problems that we're seeing in kids in enough, the child is likely to become quiet and century: stressors that, as this winter has taught Community Services Christopher Read during collaboration with their regional partners. community to eliminate that without proper
these areas, it would seem that Canadian children perhaps compliant. But far from signifying that us, we can't even begin to imagine! the November 26 Council meeting. At the Town of Edson's November 26 communication.”
are dealing with far too much stress today. your message has 'finally gotten through', in too Dr. Stuart Shanker (D.Phil) is a Distinguished The intent of this new model is to increase Committee of the Whole meeting, the Community Development Manager Tanya
With all the reports coming in on the high many cases all that has happened is that the child Research Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and efficiency and effectiveness of program majority of Council expressed interest in Byers noted, “One thing I am very confident
stress levels our children are under, I began to has gone into a state that is known as 'freeze': Psychology, the CEO of The MEHRIT Centre, service delivery, and to allow communities to moving forward as a Spoke in order to let about is the community support. There's no
investigate what some of the common culprits quiet on the outside, but if you could peer inside Ltd., and founder and Science Director of the have more direct control over regional and other experienced organizations take the lead doubt that our Parent Link program is strong.
might be and was surprised by what I found. For their brain you'd see that their alarm system is on Self-Regulation Institute. - Troy Media The service we provide is outstanding in my
example, noise has become a major problem: not high alert. In this state, they're not actually local services. as the Hub for the region. “I don't think we
just in terms of volume, but also reverberation processing a word of what you're saying: they're Funding under the FRN will be based on have the capacity to be a Hub and I don't think opinion. I can't see the province not wanting
and the presence of low-frequency sounds. just marshalling the energy to escape at the first what organizations submit as part of their we're the best in the region for it,” Councillor to place us in that role.”
Another big problem is something known as opportunity. Expression of Interest application. “Even Jacqui Currie commented. Mayor Kevin
'visual noise': how much clutter or visual In our work with parents and teachers, we have though this new delivery and funding model Zahara added, “I think that there are other
distraction there is. The typical school classroom identified five key goals to enhancing self- will have some flexibility, funding available organizations that are
turns out to have high levels of both of these regulation in children: appears to be reduced substantially for our probably better
kinds of stressors and efforts to reduce auditory 1. Learn how to read the signs of when a child region,” Read said. prepared to do that on a 4th ANNUAL SECRET
and visual noise are resulting in significant is over-stressed. Read added, “The province has indicated regional basis.”
improvements in children's behaviour and 2. Identify the stressors. that any funding approved will be on a three- Mayor Zahara noted SANTA FOR SENIORS
attention. 3. Reduce the stressors. year commitment, with the possibility to that there are some
December 8: 1-4 pm
We are only at the early stages of 4. Help the child learn to identify what it feels extend another three years.” positives in light of December 8: 1-4 pm
understanding what all these stressors might be, like to be calm and what it feels like to be The provincial government is “loosely” these changes, such as
at the Pioneer Cabin
but we are already beginning to understand that agitated. recommending four to five Hubs for the aligning services, at the Pioneer Cabin
things that we may not think twice about – e.g., 5. Help children learn strategies for returning northcentral region, with Edson, Yellowhead collaboration and
kids' sleep, eating, exercise and leisure activities, to being calm when they become agitated.
Please join us in the spirit of Christmas,
County, Hinton, Jasper and Grande Cache eliminating service Please join us in the spirit of Christmas,
as we serve refreshments, enjoy local
as we serve refreshments, enjoy local
entertainment and end the afternoon
CRTC Broadband Fund Launches entertainment and end the afternoon
event with gift giving.
event with gift giving.
Second Call to Improve Internet Access ALL SENIORS WELCOME.
and Mobile Wireless Across Canada Transportation available upon request.
Transportation available upon request.
We are still in need of
OTTAWA: Broadband We are still in need of
Gerald Gerald Soroka Fund will new unused gifts for
new unused gifts for
Soroka, MP Yellowhead provide as seniors.
Member of much as
Maximum $25 per gift
Parliament $750 million Maximum $25 per gift
(for example mitts,
for Yellowhead, is pleased to over five years. (for example mitts,
inform Applicants must be financially scarves, gift cards,
scarves, gift cards,
constituents that the Canadian invested in their projects and toiletries).
Radio-television and show that it would not be viable
Telecommunications without a financial contribution
Unwrapped gifts can be
Commission (CRTC) from the Broadband Fund. For Unwrapped gifts can be
has launched its second call for more information on how to dropped off at In Your
dropped off at In Your
applications for the Broadband apply please go to: Drawers or call Ashley
Drawers or call Ashley
or Adrienne.
Applications will be accepted ernet.htm or Adrienne.
for all eligible projects to All applications must be
improve broadband access across submitted by March 27, 2020 at Please call for more information
Canada, including areas 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time. Ashley McLeod at 780-723-1586 or
covered by the first call. The
Adrienne Whitnack at 780-723-8085
County to lead region-wide application H ealth - Politics - Lifestyles
Reading the signs your child might be stressed out to Family Resource Network
...And how to help them overcome it by Cassie Kushniruk and Dana McArthur included as one Hub. overlaps. “I just don't agree with how the
Although no organization has officially government rolled this out and sprung it on
by Stuart Shanker, CEO The MEHRIT Centre, or their environment – might be adding If you suspect your child's stress levels are too Yellowhead County and the Town of Edson stepped forward to act as a Hub for the local communities without enough time to do this
Ltd., considerably to their stress load. When we can high, there are different kinds of strategies you have recently received notice that the region, Yellowhead County Council discussed properly,” he said.
identify and reduce the stressors in children's can try. One of the most effective is unscripted provincial grants and contracts funding their the possibility of taking over the role at their Councillor Jacqui Currie asked what would
Something quite remarkable is happening lives, we find that many of the problems they free play. It's no surprise that so many children Parent Link centres, summer camps, certain November 26 meeting. happen to the Edson Parent Link program if
across Canada today: suddenly everyone is were demonstrating start to diminish and they seize this opportunity to build forts: this gives outreach services and more will be cancelled Councillor Shawn Berry said, "I really see the province provided no funding after March
talking about self-regulation. become much more receptive to adult assistance. them a chance to feel safe and secure. Some as of March 31, 2020. the value of The FCSS programs and I see this 31. General Manager of Community and
They're not always sure they know what it That is the key to this revolution: a shift from children find sports really calming and some get Both organizations have been given the as a postive move forward." Protective Services Guy Latour replied, “If we
means, let alone what to do about it, but there is thinking in terms of controlling to regulating a this effect from music. Many children love yoga, opportunity to submit an Expression of Councillor David Russell asked, "Has there received no funding, it would be very difficult
a widespread awareness that self-regulation is child. The assumption underlying the 'stern or doing art, reading, cooking or taking care of Interest to continue working with Children's been any preliminary talks with the towns and to move forward and run the program with
one of those scientific breakthroughs that heralds discipline' approach to dealing with such animals. Every child is different and you may Services within their new model of prevention are they on board with this?" Read responded, just [the Town's contribution]. We would have
a turning point in how we see and help children. problems is that a child is capable of acting have to experiment a little to find the activities
In the simplest terms, self-regulation refers to differently and only a lesson in the consequences that your child finds calming, but when you do, and early intervention service delivery. "Yes, we have had initial talks that look to pull resources from other places. It would
the neural processes that control the energy of a poor choice will drive home the importance you'll know from the smile on his or her face and The province's new delivery and funding promising." be a dramatically different program.”
expended to deal with a stressor and then of self-control. The problem is, one of the key the relaxed look of their body. model, called Family Resource Networks Mayor Sandra Cherniawsky added, "There is However, Latour stated that he anticipates that
recover. When a child's stress levels are too high, systems that shuts down under excessive stress is There is never an age at which it's too late to (FRNs), will utilize a 'Hub-and-Spoke' such a great need for these services and I the Town will receive some form of funding
various systems for thinking and metabolic the very one needed for exercising self-control. work on self-regulation with your child; and network design approach. “The Province support this 100% in our region." through the new model.
recovery are compromised. The signs of this Over the long term, the effect of punishing or never an age at which you can stop working on expects an overarching 'Hub' to be created County Council voted to direct Councillor Currie started, “Budgeting wise,
happening show up in the child's behaviour, or harshly chastising children who are overstressed these goals. The result is that your child will across the Yellowhead region, with all Administration to lead a region-wide I'm not comfortable to say that as of April 1, if
mood, or attention, or for that matter, physical is to exacerbate their problems in self-control. To develop the skills they'll need to deal with the services delivered as 'Spokes' from that Hub,” application to the Family Resource budgeting doesn't come in, that it all
well-being. And judging from the growing be sure, if you make the punishment harsh stressors they are going to encounter in the 21st explained Yellowhead County Director of Network Expression of Interest in collapses. I don't think it's fair to our
numbers of problems that we're seeing in kids in enough, the child is likely to become quiet and century: stressors that, as this winter has taught Community Services Christopher Read during collaboration with their regional partners. community to eliminate that without proper
these areas, it would seem that Canadian children perhaps compliant. But far from signifying that us, we can't even begin to imagine! the November 26 Council meeting. At the Town of Edson's November 26 communication.”
are dealing with far too much stress today. your message has 'finally gotten through', in too Dr. Stuart Shanker (D.Phil) is a Distinguished The intent of this new model is to increase Committee of the Whole meeting, the Community Development Manager Tanya
With all the reports coming in on the high many cases all that has happened is that the child Research Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and efficiency and effectiveness of program majority of Council expressed interest in Byers noted, “One thing I am very confident
stress levels our children are under, I began to has gone into a state that is known as 'freeze': Psychology, the CEO of The MEHRIT Centre, service delivery, and to allow communities to moving forward as a Spoke in order to let about is the community support. There's no
investigate what some of the common culprits quiet on the outside, but if you could peer inside Ltd., and founder and Science Director of the have more direct control over regional and other experienced organizations take the lead doubt that our Parent Link program is strong.
might be and was surprised by what I found. For their brain you'd see that their alarm system is on Self-Regulation Institute. - Troy Media The service we provide is outstanding in my
example, noise has become a major problem: not high alert. In this state, they're not actually local services. as the Hub for the region. “I don't think we
just in terms of volume, but also reverberation processing a word of what you're saying: they're Funding under the FRN will be based on have the capacity to be a Hub and I don't think opinion. I can't see the province not wanting
and the presence of low-frequency sounds. just marshalling the energy to escape at the first what organizations submit as part of their we're the best in the region for it,” Councillor to place us in that role.”
Another big problem is something known as opportunity. Expression of Interest application. “Even Jacqui Currie commented. Mayor Kevin
'visual noise': how much clutter or visual In our work with parents and teachers, we have though this new delivery and funding model Zahara added, “I think that there are other
distraction there is. The typical school classroom identified five key goals to enhancing self- will have some flexibility, funding available organizations that are
turns out to have high levels of both of these regulation in children: appears to be reduced substantially for our probably better
kinds of stressors and efforts to reduce auditory 1. Learn how to read the signs of when a child region,” Read said. prepared to do that on a 4th ANNUAL SECRET
and visual noise are resulting in significant is over-stressed. Read added, “The province has indicated regional basis.”
improvements in children's behaviour and 2. Identify the stressors. that any funding approved will be on a three- Mayor Zahara noted SANTA FOR SENIORS
attention. 3. Reduce the stressors. year commitment, with the possibility to that there are some
December 8: 1-4 pm
We are only at the early stages of 4. Help the child learn to identify what it feels extend another three years.” positives in light of December 8: 1-4 pm
understanding what all these stressors might be, like to be calm and what it feels like to be The provincial government is “loosely” these changes, such as
at the Pioneer Cabin
but we are already beginning to understand that agitated. recommending four to five Hubs for the aligning services, at the Pioneer Cabin
things that we may not think twice about – e.g., 5. Help children learn strategies for returning northcentral region, with Edson, Yellowhead collaboration and
kids' sleep, eating, exercise and leisure activities, to being calm when they become agitated.
Please join us in the spirit of Christmas,
County, Hinton, Jasper and Grande Cache eliminating service Please join us in the spirit of Christmas,
as we serve refreshments, enjoy local
as we serve refreshments, enjoy local
entertainment and end the afternoon
CRTC Broadband Fund Launches entertainment and end the afternoon
event with gift giving.
event with gift giving.
Second Call to Improve Internet Access ALL SENIORS WELCOME.
and Mobile Wireless Across Canada Transportation available upon request.
Transportation available upon request.
We are still in need of
OTTAWA: Broadband We are still in need of
Gerald Gerald Soroka Fund will new unused gifts for
new unused gifts for
Soroka, MP Yellowhead provide as seniors.
Member of much as
Maximum $25 per gift
Parliament $750 million Maximum $25 per gift
(for example mitts,
for Yellowhead, is pleased to over five years. (for example mitts,
inform Applicants must be financially scarves, gift cards,
scarves, gift cards,
constituents that the Canadian invested in their projects and toiletries).
Radio-television and show that it would not be viable
Telecommunications without a financial contribution
Unwrapped gifts can be
Commission (CRTC) from the Broadband Fund. For Unwrapped gifts can be
has launched its second call for more information on how to dropped off at In Your
dropped off at In Your
applications for the Broadband apply please go to: Drawers or call Ashley
Drawers or call Ashley
or Adrienne.
Applications will be accepted ernet.htm or Adrienne.
for all eligible projects to All applications must be
improve broadband access across submitted by March 27, 2020 at Please call for more information
Canada, including areas 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time. Ashley McLeod at 780-723-1586 or
covered by the first call. The
Adrienne Whitnack at 780-723-8085