Page 10 - December 2, 2019
P. 10
Students from YKCS presented their contribution to Operation Christmas Child. The Edson and surrounding communities
participate every year by packing shoeboxes filled with Christmas presents for children across the world. submitted
Chili Cook-Off raised $3,000 for Niton Central School
by Brianne Benson at the Niton Community Hall this
year was Kelli Setzer, who was
For the second year in a row, the gifted with a novelty apron, a box
Niton Central Fundraising Society of chocolates, and bragging rights.
organized a Chili Cook-Off and For door prizes there were two kids
Dessert auction to raise funds to themed baskets of fun, two men's
help support the learning of students baskets, and two women's baskets,
at Niton Central School. however, according to Heintz it is
The event welcomed over 140 the auctioning of the tasty
community members on the homemade desserts that brings in
evening of November 21, to a the most profits and excitement.
delicious meal of homemade chili “It's nice to give something back
from the 12 contestants, both silent to the school because a lot of people
and live auctions of mouth-watering don't realize that there are a lot of
desserts, and door prizes. All of the things that could be very useful to
proceeds, which were totalled at students, but aren't budgeted for
$3,000, will fund the purchase of because there is not enough money
materials and supplies for the junior for them,” said Heintz. Over 140 Niton area community members came to support the Chili Cook-Off
high option classes. The Niton Central Fundraising fundraiser for junior high option supplies for students at Niton Cenral School.
Event organizer Jill Heintz Society was formerly the photo Brianne Benson
explained, “We asked teachers to Playground Society whose goal was
come up with a list of things they to raise money to update the fundraising programs and larger the junior high needs this year.
need or would like that are not playground equipment, but once events like the Chili Cook-Off. The society encouraged
budgeted for and the consensus was they completed that goal, they were The society intends to host the community members to attend next
that they really needed materials left with a functioning committee Chili Cook-Off annually. Last year year for more chances to win cook-
and supplies for junior high options with nothing to do. As a result, they their profits were used to purchase offs, door prizes, and take home
to make the experiences better for slowly transitioned into a society Chromebooks and charging stations some tasty treats from the auction to
students and teachers.” that continues to donate funds to the for the elementary school students, support quality learning experiences
The winner of the Chili Cook-Off school through both small hence why they decided to target for students at Niton Central
Inventory Reduction Sale of Wildwood history books
submitted Connie Gatzke Cadets $1000 for a trip they were planning. graciously supported us when we created the
All has gone well, although slowly. Now we are books in 2005.
The Chip Lake Historical Society recently faced expected to find another storage location. And Buying a history book is a great Christmas
a crisis. that is a real problem for us as we don't have any present!
In 1987 the Chip Lake Historical Society idea where we might move. We need a place that
created a Wildwood history book. It took until is secure, dry and large enough to house 100
this year to sell out that volume one. boxes.
In 2005 we created a sequel. At time of We have been selling our books for $50, but in
publishing we obviously had to decide on an effort to reduce inventory the books are now
quantities to publish. If we bought 1000 books, on sale for $30.
each book would cost in the range of $65. If we Up to now we have had books for sale at a
bought 2000 books the price reduced to $35. So number of locations in Wildwood and Evansburg.
we chose the second option and chose to sell the Each time a book was sold, the vendor gave the A Special Thank You to each and
books for $50. Buying such a large quantity money to our society. And then we donated everyone that wished me an
meant we glutted the market and have nearly money to our community. So we devised a plan 80th Happy Birthday.
1000 books left in storage. That's over 100 to have the money go directly to our community.
boxes! We gave a box of 8 books to 17 businesses and
For the past 14 years our volumes have been in organizations in Wildwood and Evansburg with I am an Octogenarian now!
a small storage room in the Wildwood the expectation each could sell the books for $30
Community Hall. We have been slowly selling a each and keep the money for themselves. And the cakes!
few volumes, slowly dwindling those in storage. So, all around our community you will see
We are solvent and all books sales now are profit fluorescent pink signs announcing history books
some of which we have been donating to for sale. That is our way of reducing inventory Marge Reber
community projects. We recently gave the and saying thank you to our community that so
Students from YKCS presented their contribution to Operation Christmas Child. The Edson and surrounding communities
participate every year by packing shoeboxes filled with Christmas presents for children across the world. submitted
Chili Cook-Off raised $3,000 for Niton Central School
by Brianne Benson at the Niton Community Hall this
year was Kelli Setzer, who was
For the second year in a row, the gifted with a novelty apron, a box
Niton Central Fundraising Society of chocolates, and bragging rights.
organized a Chili Cook-Off and For door prizes there were two kids
Dessert auction to raise funds to themed baskets of fun, two men's
help support the learning of students baskets, and two women's baskets,
at Niton Central School. however, according to Heintz it is
The event welcomed over 140 the auctioning of the tasty
community members on the homemade desserts that brings in
evening of November 21, to a the most profits and excitement.
delicious meal of homemade chili “It's nice to give something back
from the 12 contestants, both silent to the school because a lot of people
and live auctions of mouth-watering don't realize that there are a lot of
desserts, and door prizes. All of the things that could be very useful to
proceeds, which were totalled at students, but aren't budgeted for
$3,000, will fund the purchase of because there is not enough money
materials and supplies for the junior for them,” said Heintz. Over 140 Niton area community members came to support the Chili Cook-Off
high option classes. The Niton Central Fundraising fundraiser for junior high option supplies for students at Niton Cenral School.
Event organizer Jill Heintz Society was formerly the photo Brianne Benson
explained, “We asked teachers to Playground Society whose goal was
come up with a list of things they to raise money to update the fundraising programs and larger the junior high needs this year.
need or would like that are not playground equipment, but once events like the Chili Cook-Off. The society encouraged
budgeted for and the consensus was they completed that goal, they were The society intends to host the community members to attend next
that they really needed materials left with a functioning committee Chili Cook-Off annually. Last year year for more chances to win cook-
and supplies for junior high options with nothing to do. As a result, they their profits were used to purchase offs, door prizes, and take home
to make the experiences better for slowly transitioned into a society Chromebooks and charging stations some tasty treats from the auction to
students and teachers.” that continues to donate funds to the for the elementary school students, support quality learning experiences
The winner of the Chili Cook-Off school through both small hence why they decided to target for students at Niton Central
Inventory Reduction Sale of Wildwood history books
submitted Connie Gatzke Cadets $1000 for a trip they were planning. graciously supported us when we created the
All has gone well, although slowly. Now we are books in 2005.
The Chip Lake Historical Society recently faced expected to find another storage location. And Buying a history book is a great Christmas
a crisis. that is a real problem for us as we don't have any present!
In 1987 the Chip Lake Historical Society idea where we might move. We need a place that
created a Wildwood history book. It took until is secure, dry and large enough to house 100
this year to sell out that volume one. boxes.
In 2005 we created a sequel. At time of We have been selling our books for $50, but in
publishing we obviously had to decide on an effort to reduce inventory the books are now
quantities to publish. If we bought 1000 books, on sale for $30.
each book would cost in the range of $65. If we Up to now we have had books for sale at a
bought 2000 books the price reduced to $35. So number of locations in Wildwood and Evansburg.
we chose the second option and chose to sell the Each time a book was sold, the vendor gave the A Special Thank You to each and
books for $50. Buying such a large quantity money to our society. And then we donated everyone that wished me an
meant we glutted the market and have nearly money to our community. So we devised a plan 80th Happy Birthday.
1000 books left in storage. That's over 100 to have the money go directly to our community.
boxes! We gave a box of 8 books to 17 businesses and
For the past 14 years our volumes have been in organizations in Wildwood and Evansburg with I am an Octogenarian now!
a small storage room in the Wildwood the expectation each could sell the books for $30
Community Hall. We have been slowly selling a each and keep the money for themselves. And the cakes!
few volumes, slowly dwindling those in storage. So, all around our community you will see
We are solvent and all books sales now are profit fluorescent pink signs announcing history books
some of which we have been donating to for sale. That is our way of reducing inventory Marge Reber
community projects. We recently gave the and saying thank you to our community that so