Page 3 - December 2, 2019
P. 3


Town makes final deliberations for 2020 budget

by Cassie Kushniruk At this time, Administration recommended the year, which would bring the increase equivalent to
removal of select optional items, including 4.02%. Around 3% of that would be the recycling
During their November 26 Committee of the Transfer to Election Reserve [$11,000], Medical moving over to utilities and then 1% on the actual
Whole meeting, Town Council made final Centre Reserve Transfer [$42,500] and Capital tax side.”
deliberations for their 2020 budget. Equipment Reserve Contribution [$10,000], to Deputy Mayor Krystal Baier and Councillor
On October 19, Council held the 2020 Budget name a few. Administration also suggested Jacqui Currie agreed with Councillor Sorenson's
Workshop, which resulted in the equivalent of a removing the Landfill Reserve to offset revenue recommendation of a 4.4% increase, while
proposed 5.01% tax increase for 2020. “We were reduction [$48,750], the fiscal interest revenue Councillor Gean Chouinard wished to see a 3.5%
very pleased with how it came out,” mentioned [$50,000] and the policing cost budget increase.
CAO Mike Derricott. “We were able to [$100,000]. In total, this would bring the Baier noted, “If Council is interested in reducing EDSON
accomplish some really meaningful things in the proposed 2020 taxation down to an equivalent of [the taxation increase] slightly, I think in
area of revenue stabilization that has been 3.50%. preference of taking that Medical Center Reserve FUNERAL
identified by Council in the past. We had what we Councillor Trevor Bevan suggested that the Transfer out, I would prefer to see three summer
felt was an appropriate tax consideration for the Council honoraria [$25,000] be removed from the students gone.” HOME
people of our community.” 2020 budget. Councillor Sorenson suggested that Council find
However, when the province released their Councillor Troy Sorenson recommended that agreement on the 4.02% taxation increase and MUST BE
budget on October 24, there were some areas that Council proceed with the optional items to bring refund the Medical Centre Reserve Transfer “at
affected the Town's proposed 2020 budget, and as the taxation increase to an equivalent of 4.4%. “I the first available option if there is any surplus
a result, it became necessary to look for areas to believe that's very reasonable considering the mid-year”. RIGHT HAND PAGE
cut from the budget. hand we've been dealt,” he said.“Some of these Councillor Chouinard disagreed, “I'm at 3.5%
Town Administration looked at some options to [optional items] have been in the works for years and I would rather go to 3% because we have to UP FRONT
offset these unexpected increases and presented or people have been waiting for years.” bear in mind the economy.”
them at the November 12 Committee of the Mayor Kevin Zahara stated that he would not be Mayor Zahara stated that he would be willing to
Whole meeting. During this time, Council agreed comfortable with the 4.4% taxation increase. “If see a 4.4% taxation increase in order to move the
to reinstate the $220,000 from Revenue Sharing we [remove] the Medical Centre Reserve Transfer process ahead, but would much rather see the
to help offset the increase. and do all the other optional items, that would 4.0%.
Council then directed Administration to come bring us to a 4.0%. I can accept that.” Councillor Sorenson noted, “Pushing these
back with a few suggestions of how to reduce the Zahara clarified, “We would include all the reserve transfers down the line just means that
budget to be more in line with the equivalent of a optional items except the Medical Centre Reserve we're going to have more difficult decisions to
3-4% taxation increase. These findings were Transfer, which would give us an additional make in the future. Not funding the Medical
presented at the November 26 meeting. $42,500 worth of revenue to fund operations this Reserve Transfer this year just means it's going to
have to be funded next year.”
At their next regular meeting on December 3,
Council will be seeing an approximate 4%
taxation increase included in their 2020 operating
budget for final decision.
With regards to the capital budget, Councillor
Bevan questioned whether or not the new dog
park [$50,000] needs inclusion in the 2020
budget. “I've got a lot of people asking me why
we need another dog park in town when we have
one right now and we're trying to look at saving
some money,” he said.
Mayor Zahara stated that the majority of
responses he received were those of excitement
for having the park centralized and connected to
the trail system. “I don't see it as a need; it is
definitely a want, but I think that when you look
at our overall budget on capital, it's a small
On November 26 during their Committee of the Whole meeting, Town Council made final deliberations
on their 2020 budget. Pictured are General Manager of Infrastructure Services Sarah Bittner and amount to pay,” he said.
Municipal Finance Intern Mike Passey. photo Cassie Kushniruk Deputy Mayor Baier noted, “Surprisingly, I've
heard a lot of positive feedback from people who
Provincial court Judge Norheim are not dog owners because they feel this will
help encourage dog owners to use the off-leash
areas as an off-leash area and remain on-leash on
loses job after 27 years the trails.” PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Councillor Currie commented, “I think the cost
is very small considering the benefits. The only

tobogganing hills and they do usually use it for
Hinton Judge Donald Norheim, who also serves decision by Matchett. concern I have is that it is one of the main
at the Edson Courthouse, recently lost his job of Although the parties were in court on October cross country skiing.”
27 years over allegations involving inappropriate 17, the case was adjourned and no return date The 2020 budget for the Town of Edson will be Professional Digital
views on Indigenous peoples and victims of was set. presented at Council's December 3 meeting for
domestic and sexual assault. final decision. Passport System
Chief Judge Terry photos ready
Matchett advised The Chamber of Commerce
Norheim in August that INTRODUCTORY WOODTURNING CLASSES in minutes
he would not be is hosting a
reappointed this year When: Mondays 7:00 - 9:00 pm; January 6 - March 16 while you wait...
and would only sit until PUBLIC CANDIDATES
September 29. FORUM for Where: Mike Biehler’s beautiful shop at 1921 Edson Dr.
Matchett's decision is
based on a year-long Yellowhead County Mayor Who: Mike’s been a shop teacher for 46 years. In classes of
review of transcripts and no more than 5 students, he will show you how to
recordings from December 10, 2019 safely use a wood lathe. The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Norheim's courtrooms,
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
as well as statements 6 p.m. Why: Because I like woodworking and teaching. And 5
from other judges and because I hope to start a woodturner’s guild.
lawyers. to be held at the 780-723-578780-723-5787
In an effort to get his Galloway Station Museum How Much: $306.00 (That’s $20 per hour with all materials D
job back, Norheim filed 223 55 Street, Edson supplied).
an application in
Alberta's superior court Contact: Email
in September for a Text 780-517-7771
judicial review of the Phone 780-723-4364
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