Page 8 - December 2, 2019
P. 8

Jack Williams running for DECEMBER
Yellowhead County Mayor
submitted Boards. 16
I also spend time helping other
I am a proud Yellowhead County seniors and widows in my hamlet with VOTE
resident supporting all divisions, and lawn cutting, snow plowing, and small
everything within them. repairs. And my artwork and
I have 13 years experience on woodcrafts are usually donated to
council, two years as deputy mayor, charitable causes like Breast Cancer
and one year as mayor. I have an research, MS, and seniors lodges. JACK WILLIAMS
advantage because I have recently I pay attention to politics, what’s
worked with most of the current happening, or could happen around me.
council and administration, which is I know there are difficult times ahead
important as there is less than two years with the new governments and the
left in this term and orientation is time deficits we all hear about, and the
consuming. downloading to municipalities. Your “Natural Choice”
The County's 2020 interim budget is Something we should all be aware of is
done and will be passed by the time of that there's no such thing as
the election, therefore the new Mayor government funded; it’s all taxpayer for
will have little input into the 2020 funded.
expenditures. Yellowhead County has been blessed
I didn’t run because I thought this with substantial commercial and
might be a good job, or have an axe to industrial taxes, however, these MAYOR
grind, or a special interest. I am industries are suffering and the
running to help our county become all provincial government has taken a
it can be. portion of those taxes. Taxes lost or
In my discussions with people I found taken away becomes our burden. As a of Yellowhead County
some residents think the Mayor can do senior living on a fixed income this
whatever he or she wants, like our concerns me.
federal leaders. This is not true, the When I was a councillor the rule of
Yellowhead County Mayor has but one thumb was that we as residents pay
vote. Decisions are a decision of the only about 10% of the County's
entire council. expenses. Being a councillor or Mayor 13 Year’s Experience
I became active in my community in in these times becomes much more
my teens.The Kiwanis Club of Hinton difficult because there is a greater need
awarded me Junior Citizen of the year to sort out 'needs from wants' and Dedicated
and I never stopped there: prioritize.
- Over 15 years representing the In difficult times people agree that
county on the Hinton Hospital Board. cuts must be made. But what do we Listens to Understand
- Five years as a director for a want? Better roads, better
national television network, APTN. maintenance, fire and emergency Team Player
- 15 years as a director of the services, safer communities, water and
Yellowhead Gas Co-Op. sewer where applicable. And what can
My contributions to the benefit of the we do without or delay? Community Minded
community are too many to list. I am I am dependable, determined, listen to
retired but I am still actively involved understand and have the experience. I
in the Robb Recreation Association, the am team player and have the energy to
County Recreation, and Heritage be the Mayor of this great county.


Gloria MacDonald

for Yellowhead County Mayor Elect
on December 16, 2019

To be elected Mayor of
Yellowhead County and

help bring Yellowhead
County forward into the
future as a better and
strong community

Residents of Yellowhead County,
Gloria MacDonald was born in Drayton Valley, DOUG ELZINGA
Alberta and raised in Wildwood, Alberta. In 1987 she
married Don MacDonald and they have three grown For
Gloria began farming in 1998. She worked for Sun
Gro Horticulture from 2005 until 2018. During that Yellowhead
time Gloria completed her millwright apprenticeship
County Mayor
and became a certified journeyman. County Mayor
At the president time Gloria, with her husband, run on
a small trucking company and the family farm.
Gloria has volunteered with the Evansburg Army Monday,
Cadet Corp for the past 17 years.
December 16, 2019
December 16, 2019
Ph: 780-325-2120
Email: 306-450-7960
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