Page 8 - December 7 2020
P. 8
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
HRH Returns to Virtual Learning
submitted province's announcement putting the
finishing touches on their online
Holy Redeemer is back online! resources. Then on the morning of
On November 25th, the Government November 30th, HRH was online
of Alberta announced that all grade 7 to school wide. “Essentially our students
12 classes would be going to virtual will transition from class to class using
learning starting on November 30th. And the Google Meet format,” says Assistant
with this announcement, Holy Redeemer Principal Laura Webb. “The idea is to
transitioned once again to online keep the routine that we have already
instruction. established.”
“We always knew this would be a So for the next several weeks, the
possibility,” says Principal Betty students at HRH will taking all their
Churchill. “During the summer, our courses, which include all of their core
school, in conjunction with our School classes, as well as Physical Education
Division and the Ministry of Education, and their option classes, which include
made plans in case we had to move to Art, Drama, Fitness, Foods, and
online learning.” Industrial Arts. “One might ask how we
The move to online learning is in can learn Drama online,” says Drama
response to the rapidly growing number Teacher Peter Taylor. “Well, the good
of COVID-19 cases province wide. By news is we have the most creative group
moving the grade 7 to 12 students to at of students to do it.” Not only are the
home learning, it will hopefully slow the students and teachers getting creative
spread of the virus and help to flatten the doing the online options, they are
curve. having a blast with it all at the same
Alberta schools are no stranger to time. “The brilliant thing is our students
online learning as all schools across the enjoy having fun and will all make the
province transitioned to the format in the best of any situation,” says Taylor. “We
spring at the start of the COVID-19 saw that in spring, and we are certainly
pandemic. At that time, the move was seeing that now.” Event Reminder
announced suddenly and teachers across Of course, this whole process would
the province quickly transitioned not be possible without the amazing
resources to the online world. “This time students that are enrolled at HRH, and May 9: For mental health week, join
around, we were prepared,” says their very accommodating parents. “We
Churchill. “Our staff was already heavily know this way of learning is not ideal,” the Town of Edson for Darkness to
using Google Classroom to supplement says Churchill. “But our school Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
our in-class teaching. So moving to community has been outstanding the community and place luminaries or
online this time around was much throughout this entire process and we a simple candle outside your home to
easier.” want to thank everyone for their
Another large difference from the cooperation as we continue to navigate u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
spring was the amount of schooling. our school though this pandemic.” (approximately 5:10 am).
Back in April, the province mandated If you would like more information on
time-limits for each grade. This time, all this article please feel free to contact the
courses must be taught all day. The school at 780-723-7437, visit our
reason being is that this move is only website at, join
temporary with the expectation that the our Facebook page,
province will resume in-class learning on,
January 11th, 2021. follow us on Twitter, Holy Redeemer High moved to online instruction on November 30th. Here,
With this in mind the teachers at Holy @holyredeemerhig, or follow us on Science Teacher Andrea Hallett prepares her lessons for instruction using
Redeemer spent the days following the Instagram, @holyredeemerhigh. Google Meet and Google Classroom.
Letter to the Editor
Letter in response to Anchor article 'County Council Rejects Face Covering Bylaw'
To the Editor watch our elderlies pine away in nursing homes, locked council to do some research for yourselves, while
away from their loved ones? there's a moment of respite on this issue. It's very easy
This is in response to your [Weekly Anchor] article Talk about inhumane behaviours! By these top-down to find out the facts, if facts, in fact, are desired.
titled 'County Council Rejects Face Covering Bylaw' government mandates, which Yellowhead County just You could examine an actual box of masks; they
of Nov. 30, 2020, we felt it necessary to comment goes along with, good, honest, hard-working citizens usually state in some form that masks are ineffective
publicly by open letter to the Mayor and Council are being criminalized for simply wanting to live life, for protection against viruses.
members, for the benefit of all county residents never mind breathe freely; while being vilified as not So, Mayor Eglinski, what about your uninformed and
The behaviour of some Yellowhead County council acting in a 'socially responsible' way! very pompous statement in support of forcing everyone
members and mayor at the Nov. 24/25 meetings was It really is about control, Councillor Olson. For the into a mask, that, "If this by-law prevents one death, I'll
rather disgraceful and unbecoming of public employees last nine months or more, propaganda and fear have walk around with a big smile on my face."? What
in my opinion. been pumped 24/7 into the minds of anyone who owns about all the reports of lives that have already been
By now you should all be well aware that the events a TV or can read a newspaper. Fear is controlling destroyed by being forced to wear a mask? How much
of 2020 have had a major negative impact on all county almost everyone now; and fear makes people feel do you care about them? Hypoxia (oxygen
residents, and beyond. And rather than act surprised unsafe; and feeling unsafe makes people want to deprivation); bacterial pneumonia; brain damage; and
about the "polarization" and "coming apart" of the control others and their behaviour so they themselves on, and on... even Occupational Health and Safety has
community, you should have gone to the public who can then "feel safe"; especially those others whose rules on mask-wearing to protect workers who may
voted you in, to learn their needs before trying to push 'factual' opinions cause discomfort. The man who had sometimes have to wear them in dirty environments.
through yet another unnecessary mandate (command, the courage to speak up at your meeting was absolutely In conclusion, God's word is the final authority, and
order). right in what he said. Since at least last March, our in it Jesus says that if we love God with all our hearts
Some of you complained of being "bullied, country has been steadily marched down the road by and minds, and love our neighbours as ourselves, we
threatened, called names" and treated with "inhumane Chinese-style communist force into a death-like have fulfilled all the law. To impose a Chinese-style
behaviour". While none of the above is good, perhaps compliance to inhumane mandates. Which brings me to dictatorship on any country, or piece thereof, is
Yellowhead County should look into the reasons the issue of mandating masks, the topic of your vote on absolutely contrary to the law of God.
behind it. Nov. 25. We hope Yellowhead County councillors will get out
In how many ways have county residents been First, thank you to those who spoke against the by- and talk to your public; educate yourselves on issues
treated in all those ways since at least last March? law and voted against it. We were disappointed that that affect the lives of everyone; and stand up and
Have we not been bullied into closing or severely Councillor Cherniawsky had to be "bullied and speak up strongly on behalf of those you were elected
restricting every facet of our lives, including our threatened" into representing her public, rather than her to represent; not from personal feelings, but only from
businesses (which used to pay our bills and feed our own feelings; but thanks to her vote the forced mask the facts.
families...), sports, social activities, and even weddings by-law was defeated —for now. This issue is far from
and funerals? Have we not been threatened with over. We were also disappointed that you three Keith and Lana Leakvold, Wildwood
exorbitant fines for not complying with all these unjust councillors who spoke against the bylaw didn't really
mandates? Have not our children been bullied and speak for your public, either, but rather just "passed the
threatened by law enforcement officers for simply buck" to the provincial government, saying you would Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter
are those of the authors and do not reflect the official
playing with friends in the playground after being take your cue from the "big boys". policies or position of the Weekly Anchor or its staff.
cooped up for so long? Have we not been forced to As for masking in general: it is high time for you in
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
HRH Returns to Virtual Learning
submitted province's announcement putting the
finishing touches on their online
Holy Redeemer is back online! resources. Then on the morning of
On November 25th, the Government November 30th, HRH was online
of Alberta announced that all grade 7 to school wide. “Essentially our students
12 classes would be going to virtual will transition from class to class using
learning starting on November 30th. And the Google Meet format,” says Assistant
with this announcement, Holy Redeemer Principal Laura Webb. “The idea is to
transitioned once again to online keep the routine that we have already
instruction. established.”
“We always knew this would be a So for the next several weeks, the
possibility,” says Principal Betty students at HRH will taking all their
Churchill. “During the summer, our courses, which include all of their core
school, in conjunction with our School classes, as well as Physical Education
Division and the Ministry of Education, and their option classes, which include
made plans in case we had to move to Art, Drama, Fitness, Foods, and
online learning.” Industrial Arts. “One might ask how we
The move to online learning is in can learn Drama online,” says Drama
response to the rapidly growing number Teacher Peter Taylor. “Well, the good
of COVID-19 cases province wide. By news is we have the most creative group
moving the grade 7 to 12 students to at of students to do it.” Not only are the
home learning, it will hopefully slow the students and teachers getting creative
spread of the virus and help to flatten the doing the online options, they are
curve. having a blast with it all at the same
Alberta schools are no stranger to time. “The brilliant thing is our students
online learning as all schools across the enjoy having fun and will all make the
province transitioned to the format in the best of any situation,” says Taylor. “We
spring at the start of the COVID-19 saw that in spring, and we are certainly
pandemic. At that time, the move was seeing that now.” Event Reminder
announced suddenly and teachers across Of course, this whole process would
the province quickly transitioned not be possible without the amazing
resources to the online world. “This time students that are enrolled at HRH, and May 9: For mental health week, join
around, we were prepared,” says their very accommodating parents. “We
Churchill. “Our staff was already heavily know this way of learning is not ideal,” the Town of Edson for Darkness to
using Google Classroom to supplement says Churchill. “But our school Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
our in-class teaching. So moving to community has been outstanding the community and place luminaries or
online this time around was much throughout this entire process and we a simple candle outside your home to
easier.” want to thank everyone for their
Another large difference from the cooperation as we continue to navigate u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
spring was the amount of schooling. our school though this pandemic.” (approximately 5:10 am).
Back in April, the province mandated If you would like more information on
time-limits for each grade. This time, all this article please feel free to contact the
courses must be taught all day. The school at 780-723-7437, visit our
reason being is that this move is only website at, join
temporary with the expectation that the our Facebook page,
province will resume in-class learning on,
January 11th, 2021. follow us on Twitter, Holy Redeemer High moved to online instruction on November 30th. Here,
With this in mind the teachers at Holy @holyredeemerhig, or follow us on Science Teacher Andrea Hallett prepares her lessons for instruction using
Redeemer spent the days following the Instagram, @holyredeemerhigh. Google Meet and Google Classroom.
Letter to the Editor
Letter in response to Anchor article 'County Council Rejects Face Covering Bylaw'
To the Editor watch our elderlies pine away in nursing homes, locked council to do some research for yourselves, while
away from their loved ones? there's a moment of respite on this issue. It's very easy
This is in response to your [Weekly Anchor] article Talk about inhumane behaviours! By these top-down to find out the facts, if facts, in fact, are desired.
titled 'County Council Rejects Face Covering Bylaw' government mandates, which Yellowhead County just You could examine an actual box of masks; they
of Nov. 30, 2020, we felt it necessary to comment goes along with, good, honest, hard-working citizens usually state in some form that masks are ineffective
publicly by open letter to the Mayor and Council are being criminalized for simply wanting to live life, for protection against viruses.
members, for the benefit of all county residents never mind breathe freely; while being vilified as not So, Mayor Eglinski, what about your uninformed and
The behaviour of some Yellowhead County council acting in a 'socially responsible' way! very pompous statement in support of forcing everyone
members and mayor at the Nov. 24/25 meetings was It really is about control, Councillor Olson. For the into a mask, that, "If this by-law prevents one death, I'll
rather disgraceful and unbecoming of public employees last nine months or more, propaganda and fear have walk around with a big smile on my face."? What
in my opinion. been pumped 24/7 into the minds of anyone who owns about all the reports of lives that have already been
By now you should all be well aware that the events a TV or can read a newspaper. Fear is controlling destroyed by being forced to wear a mask? How much
of 2020 have had a major negative impact on all county almost everyone now; and fear makes people feel do you care about them? Hypoxia (oxygen
residents, and beyond. And rather than act surprised unsafe; and feeling unsafe makes people want to deprivation); bacterial pneumonia; brain damage; and
about the "polarization" and "coming apart" of the control others and their behaviour so they themselves on, and on... even Occupational Health and Safety has
community, you should have gone to the public who can then "feel safe"; especially those others whose rules on mask-wearing to protect workers who may
voted you in, to learn their needs before trying to push 'factual' opinions cause discomfort. The man who had sometimes have to wear them in dirty environments.
through yet another unnecessary mandate (command, the courage to speak up at your meeting was absolutely In conclusion, God's word is the final authority, and
order). right in what he said. Since at least last March, our in it Jesus says that if we love God with all our hearts
Some of you complained of being "bullied, country has been steadily marched down the road by and minds, and love our neighbours as ourselves, we
threatened, called names" and treated with "inhumane Chinese-style communist force into a death-like have fulfilled all the law. To impose a Chinese-style
behaviour". While none of the above is good, perhaps compliance to inhumane mandates. Which brings me to dictatorship on any country, or piece thereof, is
Yellowhead County should look into the reasons the issue of mandating masks, the topic of your vote on absolutely contrary to the law of God.
behind it. Nov. 25. We hope Yellowhead County councillors will get out
In how many ways have county residents been First, thank you to those who spoke against the by- and talk to your public; educate yourselves on issues
treated in all those ways since at least last March? law and voted against it. We were disappointed that that affect the lives of everyone; and stand up and
Have we not been bullied into closing or severely Councillor Cherniawsky had to be "bullied and speak up strongly on behalf of those you were elected
restricting every facet of our lives, including our threatened" into representing her public, rather than her to represent; not from personal feelings, but only from
businesses (which used to pay our bills and feed our own feelings; but thanks to her vote the forced mask the facts.
families...), sports, social activities, and even weddings by-law was defeated —for now. This issue is far from
and funerals? Have we not been threatened with over. We were also disappointed that you three Keith and Lana Leakvold, Wildwood
exorbitant fines for not complying with all these unjust councillors who spoke against the bylaw didn't really
mandates? Have not our children been bullied and speak for your public, either, but rather just "passed the
threatened by law enforcement officers for simply buck" to the provincial government, saying you would Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter
are those of the authors and do not reflect the official
playing with friends in the playground after being take your cue from the "big boys". policies or position of the Weekly Anchor or its staff.
cooped up for so long? Have we not been forced to As for masking in general: it is high time for you in