Page 2 - February 17 2020
P. 2
Professional Digital Passport System photos
ready in minutes while you wait...
Professional Digital
Professional Digital PAGE 2 MONDAY FEBRUARY 17 , 2020 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
Passport System
Passport System
photos ready continued from front Regional Crime Rates Up and Down
photos ready
in minutes
in minutes continued from front Edson, Evansburg, and Hinton RCMP present update to County Council DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
continued from front
while you wait...
while you wait... continued from front
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE continued from front Gaal mentioned that nearly 60% of RCMP detachment is currently in the or greater amount of responsibility. of residents calling in suspicious 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
continued from front
According to Gaal, the Edson with property have to take an equal
continued from front
activity to their local RCMP
continued from front
project, which is projected at $5+ aware of what's happening.”
small. “If you don't call in you're
Professional Digital Passport System photos continued from front all oilfield-related crimes in rural process of a mid-life renovation We need people to call so we're detachment, regardless of how 780-723-5787
Alberta take place in and around the
Sgt. Topham mentioned that
million. “It's hopefully starting in the
doing injustice to the whole region
ready in minutes while you wait... continued from front Edson area. “There's no other way to fall of this year,” he said. although the local detachments have and injustice to yourself.”
continued from front
get there any faster, the roads are
Gaal added that the Edson access to the Crime Reduction Unit
CAO Jack Ramme asked, “With
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor continued from front horrendous, and the maps are detachment is currently fully staffed stationed out of Grande Prairie, “we the sessions you've done, do you The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
outdated,” he said. “For us to respond
continued from front quickly to rural oil and gas crimes is with no vacancies. have to have a plan in place because feel it is resonating with the
“Total criminal code offences in the they're a highly sought-after group.
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5 continued from front problematic for us.” Edson area are down 17%, which is We have access to some of their residents? Are we making a
difference? Are people changing
“We've had enhancements where
we've put bait batteries out to try and great,” Gaal closed. technology, but if I can't provide their attitudes?”
7 stop [oilfield-related crime],” Gaal and comments from County a certain area, they won't come.” one or two people in that
numbers to support them coming to
Time was allotted for questions
S/Sgt. Murphy replied, “If we get
added.“The perpetrators very quickly
Councillors. Councillor David
presentation, that's a bonus.” Sgt.
Mayor Jim Eglinksi stated, “The
realized what was going on.”
Gaal then stated that the Edson Russell began, “I think our efforts in Alberta average per 100,000 people Gaal added, “We do see that the PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
communicating have been excellent. is 180 police officers. We're 40
trend is going down.”
RCMP detachment has been noticing
D an increase in ATM thefts. “We try to I think we've prevented crime below the provincial average, about important that people report, but not PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Sgt. Topham said, “It's really
because we've provided information 45 below the national average, and
tell businesses to keep things out of
sight, but it's hard,” he said. to folks so that they know what they 42 below the RCMP average. engage with these individuals.”\ Professional Digital Passport System photos
Gaal mentioned that 2019 was the can and can't do. I have heard Should we have more officers Director of Community Services ready in minutes while you wait...
first year that the Edson detachment positive reports back from the within this rural area, or is that Christopher Read mentioned that
has come close to using all available residents about seeing officers and about the average most of rural the Alberta Provincial Rural Crime
Professional Digital
resource funding. “We actually had to their vehicles. It is very much Alberta has?” Sgt. Topham replied Watch Association has resources on Professional Digital
slow it down at the end to ensure we appreciated.” that these numbers have not their website that “tell residents
Passport System
wouldn't go over budget,” he said. Sgt. Gaal commented, “People increased since the 1980s. what they can do in a given moment Passport System
Eglinksi stressed the importance to be safer”. photos ready
photos ready
in minutes
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! Town begins discussions for Campground Investment Plan in minutes
while you wait...
by Cassie Kushniruk Sorenson added, “I would be questions from the public, one for little campers. We could relay it while you wait...
5 At the February 11 Town Council uncomfortable if all of our resident commented, “[Lions Park] out, get things back in there, and DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
campgrounds were full of long-term
start putting trees back in.”
is not just for tourism or workers.
This item will be brought back to
7 meeting, Council began preliminary temporary workers. I know it would My dream would be totally revamp Council at a future date for further 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
discussions for the development of
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
be great for the economy, but we
the park. Right now it's chopped up
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
already have hotels and apartment
a Campground Investment Plan for
because it was designed in the 70s
both Willmore Park and the Lions complexes that are looking to make T
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Park Campground. money off of temporary workers.” 780-723-5787
Councillor Jacqui Currie echoed
Currently, the Town operates
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Willmore Park and the Lions Park Sorenson's comment, adding, “I THIS WEEK’S FEATURE 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Campground is operated in think the amount of money that has
partnership with the Lions Club. been invested into [Willmore] Park Mint Homes Ltd. The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
“The first step for the campground has already set the parameters of
what that is. I think it would really
investment plan is to clearly define
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE the purpose and intent of each of take away if it was all temporary 780-723-5787
the campgrounds,” said General
Manager of Community and Deputy Mayor Krystal Baier
Protective Services Guy Latour. “A commented, “I think Willmore Park
The Weekly Anchor clear definition of purpose will then should be left a bit more on the
allow us to establish the required
rustic end as it is, maybe with a few
services each site can provide and enhancements, but I don't think D
the resulting infrastructure investing sewer, power, or
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson investments required to meet its additional water into it would make
it any more attractive.”
intended purpose.”
Councillor Bevan stated that he
During the time period for
780-723-5787 questions and comments from would like to invest some money
Professional Digital Council, Councillor Gean into developing the Lions Park
Campground. “I don't think we
Chouinard said, “I would like to
Passport System take part of Lions Campground and have to go 100% in providing year-
round facilities there, but water,
photos ready DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! PASSPORT Willmore Park and make it more power, and sewer would be great. I Two bedrooms and two bathrooms Large
attractive to temporary housing. A
in minutes PHOTOS & MORE lot of times we are bringing know people that prefer going to master bedroom with two-piece bath a 7 foot
Lions Park because they can go out
workers into town and I have to
while you wait... D agree that the campgrounds around to all the restaurants around town, closet and access to the two-car (20 x 22)
us are staying very full.” they can walk downtown, or they garage Bayed living room with open railing
CAO Mike Derricott cautioned, can go down to our trails. We spent
“Most of the other campgrounds $400,000 out at Willmore Park. I Country kitchen Large windows for future
close to Edson are in the market of think we can spend some money to basement development
temporary housing and I've heard fix our Lions Park.” Basement development plan
some hesitancy from Council in the Councillor Currie stated, “I am For these plans
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor past to create competitive dynamics interested in recreation and a bit of comes with blueprints PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5 where we're competing against tourism for Willmore Park and
other entities that are trying to
tourism with some temporary
7 provide the same type of service.” housing for Lions Park.” Member of National Home Warranty Program The Weekly Anchor
Councillor Troy Sorenson Councillors Janet Wilkinson and 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
suggested completing a gap Gean Chouinard, along with Phone: 780-723-2330
analysis first to “find what we are Deputy Mayor Baier, agreed with DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787
missing in our community and what Councillor Currie's comment. Fax: 780-723-5068
we need more of”. During the time period for Email:
Professional Digital Passport System photos
ready in minutes while you wait...
Professional Digital
Professional Digital PAGE 2 MONDAY FEBRUARY 17 , 2020 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
Passport System
Passport System
photos ready continued from front Regional Crime Rates Up and Down
photos ready
in minutes
in minutes continued from front Edson, Evansburg, and Hinton RCMP present update to County Council DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
continued from front
while you wait...
while you wait... continued from front
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE continued from front Gaal mentioned that nearly 60% of RCMP detachment is currently in the or greater amount of responsibility. of residents calling in suspicious 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
continued from front
According to Gaal, the Edson with property have to take an equal
continued from front
activity to their local RCMP
continued from front
project, which is projected at $5+ aware of what's happening.”
small. “If you don't call in you're
Professional Digital Passport System photos continued from front all oilfield-related crimes in rural process of a mid-life renovation We need people to call so we're detachment, regardless of how 780-723-5787
Alberta take place in and around the
Sgt. Topham mentioned that
million. “It's hopefully starting in the
doing injustice to the whole region
ready in minutes while you wait... continued from front Edson area. “There's no other way to fall of this year,” he said. although the local detachments have and injustice to yourself.”
continued from front
get there any faster, the roads are
Gaal added that the Edson access to the Crime Reduction Unit
CAO Jack Ramme asked, “With
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor continued from front horrendous, and the maps are detachment is currently fully staffed stationed out of Grande Prairie, “we the sessions you've done, do you The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
outdated,” he said. “For us to respond
continued from front quickly to rural oil and gas crimes is with no vacancies. have to have a plan in place because feel it is resonating with the
“Total criminal code offences in the they're a highly sought-after group.
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5 continued from front problematic for us.” Edson area are down 17%, which is We have access to some of their residents? Are we making a
difference? Are people changing
“We've had enhancements where
we've put bait batteries out to try and great,” Gaal closed. technology, but if I can't provide their attitudes?”
7 stop [oilfield-related crime],” Gaal and comments from County a certain area, they won't come.” one or two people in that
numbers to support them coming to
Time was allotted for questions
S/Sgt. Murphy replied, “If we get
added.“The perpetrators very quickly
Councillors. Councillor David
presentation, that's a bonus.” Sgt.
Mayor Jim Eglinksi stated, “The
realized what was going on.”
Gaal then stated that the Edson Russell began, “I think our efforts in Alberta average per 100,000 people Gaal added, “We do see that the PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
communicating have been excellent. is 180 police officers. We're 40
trend is going down.”
RCMP detachment has been noticing
D an increase in ATM thefts. “We try to I think we've prevented crime below the provincial average, about important that people report, but not PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Sgt. Topham said, “It's really
because we've provided information 45 below the national average, and
tell businesses to keep things out of
sight, but it's hard,” he said. to folks so that they know what they 42 below the RCMP average. engage with these individuals.”\ Professional Digital Passport System photos
Gaal mentioned that 2019 was the can and can't do. I have heard Should we have more officers Director of Community Services ready in minutes while you wait...
first year that the Edson detachment positive reports back from the within this rural area, or is that Christopher Read mentioned that
has come close to using all available residents about seeing officers and about the average most of rural the Alberta Provincial Rural Crime
Professional Digital
resource funding. “We actually had to their vehicles. It is very much Alberta has?” Sgt. Topham replied Watch Association has resources on Professional Digital
slow it down at the end to ensure we appreciated.” that these numbers have not their website that “tell residents
Passport System
wouldn't go over budget,” he said. Sgt. Gaal commented, “People increased since the 1980s. what they can do in a given moment Passport System
Eglinksi stressed the importance to be safer”. photos ready
photos ready
in minutes
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! Town begins discussions for Campground Investment Plan in minutes
while you wait...
by Cassie Kushniruk Sorenson added, “I would be questions from the public, one for little campers. We could relay it while you wait...
5 At the February 11 Town Council uncomfortable if all of our resident commented, “[Lions Park] out, get things back in there, and DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
campgrounds were full of long-term
start putting trees back in.”
is not just for tourism or workers.
This item will be brought back to
7 meeting, Council began preliminary temporary workers. I know it would My dream would be totally revamp Council at a future date for further 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
discussions for the development of
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
be great for the economy, but we
the park. Right now it's chopped up
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
already have hotels and apartment
a Campground Investment Plan for
because it was designed in the 70s
both Willmore Park and the Lions complexes that are looking to make T
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Park Campground. money off of temporary workers.” 780-723-5787
Councillor Jacqui Currie echoed
Currently, the Town operates
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Willmore Park and the Lions Park Sorenson's comment, adding, “I THIS WEEK’S FEATURE 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Campground is operated in think the amount of money that has
partnership with the Lions Club. been invested into [Willmore] Park Mint Homes Ltd. The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
“The first step for the campground has already set the parameters of
what that is. I think it would really
investment plan is to clearly define
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE the purpose and intent of each of take away if it was all temporary 780-723-5787
the campgrounds,” said General
Manager of Community and Deputy Mayor Krystal Baier
Protective Services Guy Latour. “A commented, “I think Willmore Park
The Weekly Anchor clear definition of purpose will then should be left a bit more on the
allow us to establish the required
rustic end as it is, maybe with a few
services each site can provide and enhancements, but I don't think D
the resulting infrastructure investing sewer, power, or
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson investments required to meet its additional water into it would make
it any more attractive.”
intended purpose.”
Councillor Bevan stated that he
During the time period for
780-723-5787 questions and comments from would like to invest some money
Professional Digital Council, Councillor Gean into developing the Lions Park
Campground. “I don't think we
Chouinard said, “I would like to
Passport System take part of Lions Campground and have to go 100% in providing year-
round facilities there, but water,
photos ready DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! PASSPORT Willmore Park and make it more power, and sewer would be great. I Two bedrooms and two bathrooms Large
attractive to temporary housing. A
in minutes PHOTOS & MORE lot of times we are bringing know people that prefer going to master bedroom with two-piece bath a 7 foot
Lions Park because they can go out
workers into town and I have to
while you wait... D agree that the campgrounds around to all the restaurants around town, closet and access to the two-car (20 x 22)
us are staying very full.” they can walk downtown, or they garage Bayed living room with open railing
CAO Mike Derricott cautioned, can go down to our trails. We spent
“Most of the other campgrounds $400,000 out at Willmore Park. I Country kitchen Large windows for future
close to Edson are in the market of think we can spend some money to basement development
temporary housing and I've heard fix our Lions Park.” Basement development plan
some hesitancy from Council in the Councillor Currie stated, “I am For these plans
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor past to create competitive dynamics interested in recreation and a bit of comes with blueprints PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5 where we're competing against tourism for Willmore Park and
other entities that are trying to
tourism with some temporary
7 provide the same type of service.” housing for Lions Park.” Member of National Home Warranty Program The Weekly Anchor
Councillor Troy Sorenson Councillors Janet Wilkinson and 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
suggested completing a gap Gean Chouinard, along with Phone: 780-723-2330
analysis first to “find what we are Deputy Mayor Baier, agreed with DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787
missing in our community and what Councillor Currie's comment. Fax: 780-723-5068
we need more of”. During the time period for Email: