Page 4 - February 17 2020
P. 4

Why you should still get your flu shot in January

Public Health reports influenza cases are choose to go to work, do your colleagues a
continuing to rise across Alberta. favour – bump, don't shake. Research shows
Influenza B, which tends to impact younger that shaking hands transmits two times more
Canadians, has arrived earlier than anticipated this bacteria than high fives, and 10 times more
year with the number of reported pediatric 302 53 St Unit 100,Edson, AB bacteria than bumping fists.
hospitalizations well above average compared to Ph: 780-723-3514 4. Get vaccinated – The flu is one of the top ten
previous seasons. leading causes of death in Canada, and the flu
Unfortunately, a new Shoppers Drug Mart survey cold and flu season: shot can avert anywhere from 70 to 90 per
finds that despite 85 per cent of Canadian parents 1. Should I stay or should I go? – Know when a cent of cases, but new research found almost
saying they're annoyed when others send their sick fever is too high and make sure to stay home if half of Canadians don't plan on getting their
kid to school, almost one in five have coached their your temperature passes 100 degrees. flu shot this season. When you get the flu shot,
own child to downplay a sickness to attend school Remember you should be fever-free for at you're helping protect babies, seniors,
or a party! least 24 hours before returning to work or pregnant women, and people with chronic
Furthermore, 90 per cent of Canadians agree that school. medical conditions from being hospitalized, or
people who are sick should stay home from work, 2. Know the difference between a cold and the worse. No matter where you stand on proper
yet a disappointing 62 per cent admit they've gone flu - Although symptoms are similar, colds are etiquette, flu shots should be part of the plan
to work when sick and probably contagious. usually milder. Flu is more likely to include to protect the ones you love.
While most Canadians know fall is the ideal time fever or feeling chills and people with colds
to get the flu shot, it's important to realize it's never are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. In Alberta your local pharmacist can
too late, and you can still benefit from receiving the It's hard to tell, so when in doubt just stay administer the flu vaccine.
vaccine in January or later. home!
Here are some important tips to keep in mind this 3. Bump, don't shake – If it's just a cold and you
Town considers implementing mattress disposal surcharge at landfill

by Cassie Kushniruk operating machine goes, you can take out the box to paying their way.”
springs, but nothing can deal with the mattresses. Councillor Troy Sorenson noted, “If you take a
On June 19, 2019, the West Yellowhead Regional They have to be sprinkled around, so they do take a mattress to Edmonton to one of the recyclers there,
Waste Management Authority (WYRWMA) lot more effort and they take up more space per it will cost $20 to recycle. We're hoping now that if
implemented a $20 fee for each mattress to be weight than any other material.” two options are the exact same cost, you'll choose
charged at the regional landfill, effective January 1, According to Administration, implementing a the recycling option.”
2020. surcharge at the Town's landfill will allow the Councillor Jacqui Currie said, “I support doing the
At the February 11 Town Council meeting, Town to recover the associated increase in disposal $20 increase. If we have to take them there
Environmental & Fleet Service Manager Bruce costs and will discourage haulers from rate ourselves, and then we're taking the cost of it, I
Thompson addressed Council, “Currently the Town shopping for mattress disposal in the region. don't think that's fair to our taxpayers. If this
of Edson is in operation of a transfer station, so we Councillor Janet Wilkinson asked how much it encourages people not to take it to the landfill and
are hauling those items to Hinton. We're would cost to develop a new cell for mattress possibly think about recycling, that just gives us
recommending that we match that surcharge at our disposal as an alternative to the surcharge. one step further in our waste diversion.”
scale as well to cover those costs.” Thompson replied, “It's an expensive undertaking.” Councillor Sorenson suggested using the $20
Thompson stated that the challenge the region is CAO Mike Derricott clarified, “This process surcharge to take disposed mattresses to Edmonton
having with the disposing of mattresses is that they doesn't keep the mattresses out [of the landfill], but to be recycled. “We'd have to pay for shipping, but
are not compaction-friendly. “Depending on what it tries to better account for the cost…so if we do we're going to ship it to Hinton anyway, so we're
kind of a unit you've got, as far as a landfill have to develop a new cell, mattresses come closer just shipping another 90 km,” he said.

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4606 3 Avenue
4606 3 Avenue
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)
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