Page 3 - February 25, 2019
P. 3
Local parents advocate for indoor
playground at Multi-Use facility
by Cassie Kushniruk in the community would be able to utilize this be outside or those rainy days when kids seem to
playground regardless of the weather,” said get cabin fever.”
In response to the announcement of the design Balsillie. Although Laurin does not have children of age
concept for the proposed Multi-Use Recreation Apart from providing casual use for toddlers, to utilize an indoor playground, she mentioned
Complex, residents of various affiliations have Balsillie suggested that an indoor playground that she could see how an indoor playground
voiced their discontent with the lack of certain could also serve as a place for parents to rent out would benefit local residents with toddler-aged
facilities proposed. for birthday parties or other events. children, especially because “the winters last so
As a mother to a one and a half year old son, The discussion to include an indoor playground long and often it's too cold for little ones to play
local resident Ali Balsillie, backed up with in Edson has been going on for a while now, outside.”
support from approximately 30 other young since before 2017, according to Balsillie. Local resident Jocelyn Belcourt envisions an
families, has expressed the need for a children's “To be honest, I was surprised an indoor indoor playground to include slides, a jungle
indoor playground to be included in the design playground wasn't included because it's gym, gym mats for an obstacle course, a mini
concept for the new recreation complex. something that has been talked about in our climbing wall, a ball pit, and miscellaneous toys,
“Currently the only indoor options we have community for a long time now,” said local much similar to Balsillie's vision.
within the community [for toddlers] are the resident Charmaine Laurin. “I think an indoor “I feel it would be such a great place to have
FCSS, which is not an option on weekends; playground would get just as much use —if not for babies, toddlers, school age kids, and parents
public skating, which is not an option for babies more— as our wonderful Spray Park, even to go to have fun and burn off some energy,”
and toddlers; and our indoor pool,” said Balsillie. during the summer months when it's too hot to Belcourt said. “I think everyone would enjoy
“We are concerned about the Multiplex not having an indoor playground.”
including a playground in their proposed plan
due to the lack of winter activities within the “Dancing brings people together”
Town of Edson.”
While Balsillie is pleased with the inclusion of
a toddler pool in the proposed design concept,
she mentioned that toddlers cannot go swimming
unsupervised and that swimming is not a viable
activity for all parents to participate in with their
toddlers. “It's nice to be able to have a couple of
options to do with your littles,” said Balsillie.
Since toddlers are susceptible to freezing
temperatures and extended heat exposure, an
indoor playground would offer a year-round
solution for activities for toddlers, and would
provide entertainment for toddlers on the
weekends when programming is not available.
“An indoor playground gives kids in the
community an opportunity to get out of the
house and release some built up energy,” said
As a full-time working mother, Balsillie
mentioned that she is not able to participate in
the FCSS toddler-based programs due to her
conflicting schedule. “On the weekends I like to
focus my time on my family,” she said.“It is
difficult to find toddler friendly activities to do in
Edson on the weekends during the winter. We
can only go swimming so many times.”
After visiting indoor playgrounds within
surrounding communities, such as the 'Hide and
Seek' in Edmonton, Balsillie envisions a large Dance lovers in Edson danced the night away at the Edson Dance Enthusiasts' fourth annual Valentine's
indoor play structure equipped with slides, ball Dance on February 15. photo Masha Scheele
pits, jungle gyms, trampolines, toys, and play
mats. “These facilities offer large play structures
for the older kids and they have ball pits and Edson Dance Enthusiasts' fourth annual Valentine's dance
small slides for the younger kids,” Balsillie
explained. “The younger kids are also able to by Masha Scheele Edson Dance Enthusiasts. “When I started
play on the jungle gyms with the help of their dancing, I loved it because it's very simple. The
parents.” Community dances can be a great way to meet thing that got me was West Coast style dancing.
Another indoor playground that Balsillie and a people within the community and a way to stay For people that like all kinds of music, like
number of other families visit is the 'Bugz and active in the cold winter months. country or pop or blues or rock and roll, this is
Beaners' facility located in Whitecourt. “We tend On February 15, the Edson Dance Enthusiasts super easy.”
to make a day of it and utilize their indoor held their fourth annual Valentine's Dance at the Johnson and Katrina Gio, another Edson Dance
playground, go swimming, have lunch, and shop Lion's Club in Edson. Enthusiast member, hold practices that are open
their local stores,” Balsillie said. By including an Close to a dozen couples and many more dance to the public every Thursday night at Outlaws
indoor playground in Edson's Multiplex, lovers made it out to the dance. One man even Cookhouse starting at 8:30 pm.
Balsillie believes that the facility has potential to travelled from as far as Grande Prairie to be “I think there are limited opportunities and I
attract attention from families in surrounding there. think this group and dancing specifically brings
communities. Claire Hobson and Amy Wesolowsky, dance people together,” said Johnson. “It's a way to
“Also, I've seen other communities offer short instructors from Edson Recreational Dance, interact socially; to me that's something lacking
childcare in these play areas while parents are started the night off by teaching some country- everywhere. People don't communicate as much
utilizing the other facilities in the complex, or swing moves. as we used to. Now with the internet and phones
while older siblings are in swimming lessons,” Hobson and Wesolowsky teach many dance and everything, there's less and less interaction
Balsillie added, suggesting that the Town could classes in Edson for children and adults through with each other. This is a fantastic way to
potentially employ local high school students to their dance company. socialize and communicate in your town and
provide this short term childcare for work Edson Dance Enthusiasts host two to three with your neighbours.”
experience. dances each year and welcome people from all After the dance lesson on Friday night, an open
Not only would an indoor playground pertain ages, backgrounds, and experience levels. dance followed including a cash bar, a photo
to young families with toddlers, but the facility “I'm not very coordinated, but I love being booth, and door prizes.
could be utilized by older children as well. “Kids active,” said Calvin Johnson, treasurer of the
Local parents advocate for indoor
playground at Multi-Use facility
by Cassie Kushniruk in the community would be able to utilize this be outside or those rainy days when kids seem to
playground regardless of the weather,” said get cabin fever.”
In response to the announcement of the design Balsillie. Although Laurin does not have children of age
concept for the proposed Multi-Use Recreation Apart from providing casual use for toddlers, to utilize an indoor playground, she mentioned
Complex, residents of various affiliations have Balsillie suggested that an indoor playground that she could see how an indoor playground
voiced their discontent with the lack of certain could also serve as a place for parents to rent out would benefit local residents with toddler-aged
facilities proposed. for birthday parties or other events. children, especially because “the winters last so
As a mother to a one and a half year old son, The discussion to include an indoor playground long and often it's too cold for little ones to play
local resident Ali Balsillie, backed up with in Edson has been going on for a while now, outside.”
support from approximately 30 other young since before 2017, according to Balsillie. Local resident Jocelyn Belcourt envisions an
families, has expressed the need for a children's “To be honest, I was surprised an indoor indoor playground to include slides, a jungle
indoor playground to be included in the design playground wasn't included because it's gym, gym mats for an obstacle course, a mini
concept for the new recreation complex. something that has been talked about in our climbing wall, a ball pit, and miscellaneous toys,
“Currently the only indoor options we have community for a long time now,” said local much similar to Balsillie's vision.
within the community [for toddlers] are the resident Charmaine Laurin. “I think an indoor “I feel it would be such a great place to have
FCSS, which is not an option on weekends; playground would get just as much use —if not for babies, toddlers, school age kids, and parents
public skating, which is not an option for babies more— as our wonderful Spray Park, even to go to have fun and burn off some energy,”
and toddlers; and our indoor pool,” said Balsillie. during the summer months when it's too hot to Belcourt said. “I think everyone would enjoy
“We are concerned about the Multiplex not having an indoor playground.”
including a playground in their proposed plan
due to the lack of winter activities within the “Dancing brings people together”
Town of Edson.”
While Balsillie is pleased with the inclusion of
a toddler pool in the proposed design concept,
she mentioned that toddlers cannot go swimming
unsupervised and that swimming is not a viable
activity for all parents to participate in with their
toddlers. “It's nice to be able to have a couple of
options to do with your littles,” said Balsillie.
Since toddlers are susceptible to freezing
temperatures and extended heat exposure, an
indoor playground would offer a year-round
solution for activities for toddlers, and would
provide entertainment for toddlers on the
weekends when programming is not available.
“An indoor playground gives kids in the
community an opportunity to get out of the
house and release some built up energy,” said
As a full-time working mother, Balsillie
mentioned that she is not able to participate in
the FCSS toddler-based programs due to her
conflicting schedule. “On the weekends I like to
focus my time on my family,” she said.“It is
difficult to find toddler friendly activities to do in
Edson on the weekends during the winter. We
can only go swimming so many times.”
After visiting indoor playgrounds within
surrounding communities, such as the 'Hide and
Seek' in Edmonton, Balsillie envisions a large Dance lovers in Edson danced the night away at the Edson Dance Enthusiasts' fourth annual Valentine's
indoor play structure equipped with slides, ball Dance on February 15. photo Masha Scheele
pits, jungle gyms, trampolines, toys, and play
mats. “These facilities offer large play structures
for the older kids and they have ball pits and Edson Dance Enthusiasts' fourth annual Valentine's dance
small slides for the younger kids,” Balsillie
explained. “The younger kids are also able to by Masha Scheele Edson Dance Enthusiasts. “When I started
play on the jungle gyms with the help of their dancing, I loved it because it's very simple. The
parents.” Community dances can be a great way to meet thing that got me was West Coast style dancing.
Another indoor playground that Balsillie and a people within the community and a way to stay For people that like all kinds of music, like
number of other families visit is the 'Bugz and active in the cold winter months. country or pop or blues or rock and roll, this is
Beaners' facility located in Whitecourt. “We tend On February 15, the Edson Dance Enthusiasts super easy.”
to make a day of it and utilize their indoor held their fourth annual Valentine's Dance at the Johnson and Katrina Gio, another Edson Dance
playground, go swimming, have lunch, and shop Lion's Club in Edson. Enthusiast member, hold practices that are open
their local stores,” Balsillie said. By including an Close to a dozen couples and many more dance to the public every Thursday night at Outlaws
indoor playground in Edson's Multiplex, lovers made it out to the dance. One man even Cookhouse starting at 8:30 pm.
Balsillie believes that the facility has potential to travelled from as far as Grande Prairie to be “I think there are limited opportunities and I
attract attention from families in surrounding there. think this group and dancing specifically brings
communities. Claire Hobson and Amy Wesolowsky, dance people together,” said Johnson. “It's a way to
“Also, I've seen other communities offer short instructors from Edson Recreational Dance, interact socially; to me that's something lacking
childcare in these play areas while parents are started the night off by teaching some country- everywhere. People don't communicate as much
utilizing the other facilities in the complex, or swing moves. as we used to. Now with the internet and phones
while older siblings are in swimming lessons,” Hobson and Wesolowsky teach many dance and everything, there's less and less interaction
Balsillie added, suggesting that the Town could classes in Edson for children and adults through with each other. This is a fantastic way to
potentially employ local high school students to their dance company. socialize and communicate in your town and
provide this short term childcare for work Edson Dance Enthusiasts host two to three with your neighbours.”
experience. dances each year and welcome people from all After the dance lesson on Friday night, an open
Not only would an indoor playground pertain ages, backgrounds, and experience levels. dance followed including a cash bar, a photo
to young families with toddlers, but the facility “I'm not very coordinated, but I love being booth, and door prizes.
could be utilized by older children as well. “Kids active,” said Calvin Johnson, treasurer of the