Page 29 - Februay 3 2020
P. 29


Sold-out crowd celebrates the life of Scottish poet Robbie Burns

On January 25, the Edson Masonic Lodge #68 and the Edson Pipes and Drums hosted their annual Robbie Burns Night at the Galloway Station Museum to
celebrate the life and contributions of the highly-acclaimed Scottish poet. In keeping with tradition, Cynthia Munro (right) piped in Haggis bearer Lois Robideau
(left) to the front of the room to present the Haggis to Guy Becker for the 'Address to a Haggis'. photo Cassie Kushniruk

DO YOU NEED by Cassie Kushniruk

Robert 'Robbie' Burns was a highly regarded
Scottish poet and lyricist of the 18th century
BUSINESS best known for his role as the pioneer of the

Romantic Movement. Today, Burns is regarded
as the national poet of Scotland and is
celebrated worldwide.
CARDS? of this highly acclaimed poet, a sold-out crowd
In order to celebrate the life and contributions
of 87 people joined the Edson Masonic Lodge
#68 and the Edson Pipes and Drums for their check font
NEED MORE annual Robbie Burns Night, which was held on
January 25 at the Galloway Station Museum.
“Robbie Burns is known as one of the world's
BUSINESS CARDS greatest poets and is the pride of Scotland,” said
Greg Templeton with the Edson Masonic

OR WANT NEW ONES Lodge. “His works have inspired artists such as
JD Salinger and Bob Dylan, but he is most well-
known for penning one of the top three most
DESIGNED? popular songs in the English language—'Auld During the Edson Masonic Lodge #68 and Edson Pipes and Drum annual Robbie Burns Night on
January 25, Guy Becker delivered the traditional 'Address to a Haggis' to pay tribute to the traditional
Lang Syne'. Although Robbie died at the young
Scottish food. photo Cassie Kushniruk
age of 37, he lives in our hearts.”
In keeping with tradition, the evening began
with the 'Address to a Haggis', which was According to Templeton, the live auction was
delivered this year by Guy Becker. “This “spirited”. In combination with silent auction,
Come get your cards rousing poem was written by Burns in the Edson Masonic Lodge #68 and the Edson LEAVE PHOTO
appreciation of the haggis and recited by Guy as
Pipes and Drums were able to raise over $4400
done at The Anchor. he paid tribute to the traditional Scottish food,” for Pine Grove Middle School's breakfast VALENTINE’S
said Templeton.
program. “The event's donation ($2200) is
The evening also featured a traditional Scottish
meal of Scotch broth, roast beef, potatoes, matched by The Masonic Foundation of Alberta, DAY CONTEST
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR turnips, vegetables, and of course, Haggis. “The mentioned. “We would like to thank the Pine
which we are grateful for,” Templeton
delicious meal was catered by Manna
Grove volunteers: Tina Cruse-Taylor, Carmen
5040 3rd Ave. Restaurant and Caterers for the second year in a Larson, Samantha Leggett, Erin Murphy and
row,” Templeton said.
Following dinner, attendants enjoyed Scottish- Kasey Murphy; they worked hard all night
making sure things ran smoothly.”
780-723-5787 and Drums and the Whitecourt Highland individuals who donated; their support is greatly
style entertainment courtesy of the Edson Pipes
“We would like to thank the businesses and
Dancers. “Without [the Edson Pipes and
appreciated and makes our donation possible,”
Drums], our event would be missing the
powerful presence of a Pipe band,” mentioned Templeton added.
Templeton also thanked Patterson's Auction
Templeton. “We are lucky to have such a band
in our town, and we were equally lucky to have Services for putting the live auction together, as
well as Shari McDowell and the Galloway
world class Highland dancer Ava Simmons and Station Museum for providing the facility for
four members of The Whitecourt Highland
Dancers perform for us.” the event.
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