Page 2 - February 4, 2019
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continued from front THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
Professional Digital Passport System photos continued from front
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY FEBRUARY 4, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR

continued from front Bighorn’s potential impact on regional economy
continued from front
continued from front continued from front
continued from front are their “economic engines”, nor potential” and that modifying existing planning. “The regional plan for North adequate job of protecting and
continued from front face any uncertainty about future land designations could provide for Saskatchewan is well underway and managing those landscapes.”
Hilts believes the Bighorn proposal
continued from front opportunities for development and different types of tourism development there's been advice provided back to to be an “enormously flawed approach
and support new opportunities that
the government from the regional
continued from front Although the province claims that could benefit businesses and the local advisory committee,” he said. “The to managing our landscapes” and has
continued from front there would be “no impact on active economy. Guyon, however, believes government side-stepped the whole expressed his disappointment in the
that Albertans will suffer for years
industrial leases within the proposed
“weak” three page proposal. “It
regional planning process to quickly
D continued from front Public Land Use Zones”, Guyon before witnessing the benefit of introduce these parks.” practically says nothing,” Hilts said.
continued from front
tourism in Bighorn. “The pay offs
believes that industry will ultimately
“It talks about protecting stuff, but I
As an experienced professional in
continued from front be sterilized. “Anything that is there might come in eight to ten or fifteen the forestry industry, Hilts believes the want to know the linkages between
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front they said will continue as long as it years from now,” he said. “In the Bighorn proposal is another “nail in what is the nature of these parks
doesn't require new disturbance,” he
continued from front said. “But oil and gas requires meantime, we're going to have so the coffin” for industry according to relative to what you're trying to
many people that are going to suffer.”
his statement that the government
780-723-5787 continued from front disturbance. Oil and gas requires tourism for foreigners and the rich “sidestepped” a legislative process to that tourism opportunities could
“What we're doing is providing
continued from front
In response to the province's belief
roads, pipelines, and drilling areas, so
do land use planning and introduce
continued from front they're basically saying there is no Albertans who can afford to do that,” Public Land Use Zones across massive benefit local economy in the Bighorn
Guyon added. “I ski and snowboard,
new oil and gas in any of the places
Country area, Hilts is not convinced,
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor continued from front that are called parks.” but I haven't gone for three of four Hilts believes that motivation behind “These are just words at this point. I'm
years and the reason is it's just getting
The Canadian Parks and Wilderness
not convinced this will be an
Society's website does state however, so costly. Jasper and Banff are the Bighorn proposal stems from the economic boom to the area because
NDP's desire to satisfy the
that "The new protected areas overpriced for the average people. constituency before the upcoming they're going to make them into some
[Bighorn] would prevent new Even if these tourism opportunities election. “That should be among many parks. There's nothing to support that.
industrial development, while happen, will they help Albertans? Will things that are very troubling for Where's the details?” Serious
supporting activities like hiking, it actually be cost effective?” everybody; that the government is questions remain how tourism wages
camping, hunting, fishing, and Not only does disapproval over the basically circumventing legislation,” could replace the oil & gas, forestry,
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE biking." Bighorn Country proposal stem from Hilts said. mining, and other typically much
Recently, Alberta's NDP government Brazeau County, but it extends as far
higher industry wages of the area.
Under the Eastern Slopes policy of
shut down their Bighorn Country as the Yellowhead County, although no 1984, the Bighorn Wildland area is The province is inviting Albertan
Professional Digital public information sessions with part of the County is included in the already established as a prime residents to participate in a survey
Passport System vague allegations by Alberta land designation. protection zone. “We've had this concerning the Bighorn Country
“I believe, industry-wise, that the
Environment and Parks Minister
strong policy for the last 40 years
proposal. Visit
photos ready Shannon Phillips that social media formation of Bighorn Country is going under the Eastern Slopes,” said Hilts.
in minutes threats were a safety concern. to have a negative impact on the “When you look at, say, the country before February 15, 2019 to
Instead of leaving Brazeau County
Yellowhead County,” said Yellowhead
headwaters, I analyze that the prime
learn more about the Bighorn Country
while you wait... residents with unanswered questions, County Mayor Gerald Soroka. “Just protection area for waters had 99.8% proposal or to take the survey.
the County decided to host their own because we have a border doesn't of that is intact in terms of “This isn't about Brazeau and this
The Weekly Anchore Weekly Anchor engagement meeting on January mean that [economic] activity stops as disturbance. There's nothing else going isn't about Clearwater; this is about the
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson 16.“[Phillips] didn't want to hear from soon as you go from one municipality on there so I really question the motive future of Alberta and it's about the
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
us, so we listened to our citizens,” said to another.”
future of Canada,” said Reeve Guyon.
behind the introduction of parks when
In response to the province's claims
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 Guyon. that the majority of users will not be our policy seems to be doing an (See letter page 11)
Over 300 people attended the
meeting and, according to Guyon, affected by the proposal, Soroka posed
raised over 100 different questions the question, “If you can keep doing PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
about the proposal. “People were very everything the same, then why do you The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
respectful even if there were differing need a different land designation?”
opinions,” said Guyon. “They were “Most of the park spaces are already THIS WEEK’S FEATURE 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
very civilized, easy, common sense protected so I don't really see the real
questions that people had. They're benefit of what's coming out of Mint Homes Ltd. DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-578780-723-5787
feeling that this is going to further Bighorn,” added Soroka.
destroy their opportunities to make Soroka mentioned that he recently
money to feed their families.” had a phone conversation with an
“What I'm seeing is that the individual who was looking into
provincial government is not using purchasing land nowhere near Bighorn
economics as one of the criteria for Country. “I think he was a little
making these decisions,” added concerned that if it's happening there,
Guyon. “They're sacrificing a lot of where else can it happen?” Soroka
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE people's lives, their jobs, and their said. “Usually if you start in one area,
it starts spreading. Where is the next
livelihood in some sort of obsessive
desire to make Alberta the park place
place that is going to be protected?”
of the world. That'll be great for Ray Hilts, a 30 year forestry
Professional Digital Passport System photos everybody that gets to use it, but not professional who is the director of the
for the Albertans.”
forestry advocacy group Alberta
ready in minutes while you wait... In terms of tourism opportunities, the Forest Alliance (AFA), said that the
province believes that Bighorn Bighorn Country proposal is part of a
Professional Digital Country possesses “unrealized tourism larger discussion around land use
Passport System
Pet of the Week
photos ready Pet of the Week Two bedrooms and two bathrooms Stucco
Call for information 712-6788
in minutes Call for information 712-6788 detailing enhances this contemporary
while you wait... Looking for that perfect canine bungalow Basement entry from the oversized
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cats, dogs, women and music.
Bongo's foster carer notes that closet and ensuite
he is very intuitive with Exceptional utility area For these plans
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give all of his love (he literally
doles out hugs). Bongo comes
with basic training and doggy manners- are you ready to connect? Visit Member of National Home Warranty Program to find out more about Bongo and to fill out an
adoption application. Phone: 780-723-2330
D 7 Email: Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Work from home and/or our office.
Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
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