Page 4 - February 4, 2019
P. 4
FCSS achievements,
obstacles, and
upcoming events
by Cassie Kushniruk
Edson's Family and Community Support
Services (FCSS) presented their 2018 highlights,
programs, and obstacles faced by the ParentLink
Centre —during the Town Council meeting on
January 22.
Community Development Manager Tanya
Byers, who gave the presentation, also talked
about their events to look forward to in 2019.
In 2018, FCSS was able to complete over
500 tax returns for families through the
Community Volunteering Income Tax Program,
host two youth-focused events in partnership
with the Community Engagement Action Team
(CEAT), and even won an award with CEAT at
the FCSSAA conference.
In May, the organization hosted the Young at
Heart Seniors' conference, which saw people
from Hinton, Grande Cache, Yellowhead County,
and Edson. “Unfortunately our numbers were
really low,” said Byers. “We tried to make it
really diverse so they could choose a lot of Marg Byrt president at the Pioneer Cabin presents Les Halliwell with the Parkland Lodge Expansion
topics, but I think it was quite overwhelming.” Team a cheque for $3,500. "We are trying to raise a quarter of a million dollars for furnishings in the
This year, Community Development Coordinator new lodge. We are now at about $181,000 and this will put us significantly higher. We still have about
Ali Broda is planning to incorporate the $70,000 to raise yet this year. Once that is raised by the end of 2019 the new lodge should be open
conference into Seniors Week and bring in only and the furnishings from these donations will be in place," said Halliwell. The lodge is hoping to be
one set of speakers to make it less complicated. open in December of this year, depending on weather. Marg Byrt said, "It's important to us at the
Broda, who was unable to make it to the Pioneer Cabin to make a donation towards this cause as most of us may be there one day. We take a
January 22 meeting, has also worked to relaunch portion once a month from our soup and sandwich money and put towards this fund."
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE the Block Party Program, including kits to help
photo Deanna Mitchener
get people started with their party. “We have an
events trailer that's full of fun things they can Byers then spoke to Council about issues you remind us what is all included in that for
borrow and utilize for their parties,” Byers added. currently faced by the FCSS/ParentLink Centre, users?” Baier then asked.
Professional Digital Although the Town continues to host Block which is located in the Red Brick. “We have “I actually haven't been in there lately, but
Passport System Party events across town, they have not acquired steady and continuous increasing use there,” she when Ali was putting it together, it was tables,
a lot of interest in the idea. “We're really waiting
said. “Anyone that frequents there really sees that chair, games, and a couple of shelters,” Byers
photos ready for it to catch on,” said Byers. “We still haven't it's a vibrant little place.” replied. “There's no barbecue in it and there
figured out the right formula to getting more
However, FCSS has also been hearing
in minutes people engaged.” comments that the center is too overcrowded, probably won't be because someone has to take
care of it.”
Chouinard inquired what the money from the
Youth were treated to some exciting events in loud, and overwhelming for children. “We have
while you wait... 2018, such as the free 'Haunted' and 'Glow' tried different things,” Byers said. “We do have a New Horizons for Seniors Grant would be used
swims at Repsol Place, which saw over 250 quieter room with dimmer lighting and that sort for if FCSS is approved. “The plan I put forward
youth. “[Broda] did some outcomes polling and of thing, but we've still outgrown the space. I is that about $100,000 of it would go towards
The Weekly Anchor there were definitely strong agreements that these guess it's a good problem to have because it staffing and creating another Community
types of activities make kids feel like there's lots means our programs are being very well Development Coordinator, which would be
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson to do in their community,' mentioned Byers. received.” specifically there for seniors,” Byers explained.
In April of 2019, the Town of Edson will be
Another major problem the center is facing is “They would be tasked with starting a senior's
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 hosting a Volunteer Fair to raise awareness for staffing. Currently, only two full time staff are coalition in our community and would also be
the volunteer opportunities in town. “I think
employed with the center, which has caused
tasked with creating, what Ali's turned into, the
there's a lot of people interested in volunteering, issues in the past. “If one staff is out [doing 'Doorknocker program'. This would be going
but they don't really know what's out there or community outreach], we only have one staff in door to door, speaking with seniors, getting them
maybe don't want to commit to being on a the building, which can be quite overwhelming out, and creating volunteer opportunities getting
board,” said Byers. “They're not aware of the when you have rooms full of people,” said Byers. them involved.” Byers added that she also put
informal opportunities to pitch in and do event- “They're wonderful, passionate individuals, but forward approximately $90,000 for
based things.” The fair will make its way to it's at the point where I can't ask anymore [of transportation.
Parkland Composite High School and Holy them]. If they do evenings and weekends, we Be sure to keep your eyes open for upcoming
Redeemer High School during the day and end have to close down during the day sometimes. If FCSS events!
PASSPORT off at the Galloway Station Museum during the they go to a meeting,
PHOTOS & MORE evening. we're closing down
Recently, FCSS applied for the New
because we don't have
Professional Digital Horizons for Seniors Grant, which provides any extra casual staff.”
Passport System funds to help seniors make a difference in the Councilor Gean
photos ready lives of others and in their communities. If Edson Chouinard commended
in minutes... FCSS is successful,over the next five years the FCSS for their hard I want to express my appreciation for the generosity of some of
grant will be worth over $1 million. “It would work and encouraged the local businesses, groups and individuals in support of the
really mean a lot of good things for the town if them to “keep up the Christmas party for special needs kids and kids with disabilities that
we were to get it for our seniors,” said Byers. good work”. was held December 15, 2018 at the Edson Boys and Girl’s Club.
FCSS has also revamped their grant Councilor Krystal The party was a huge success. So many smiling and happy faces
application. “We did put a new one out last year Baier also praised the in one day. Your donations definitely made a big difference for
that was given to us by our outcomes coordinator programs offered at the those challenged kids/adults. It was a memorable day for all of us.
with the province,” said Byers. However, after FCSS ParentLink I want to thank everyone who took the time to come over and
piloting it with a few individuals well-versed in Centre, but agreed with spend some time with us. Also want to thank the volunteers who
writing grants, they got feedback that it was Byers' statement that made this possible. Couldn’t have done it without you.
The Weekly Anchor “horrible” and “very difficult”. “Needless to say, she has heard parents Once again, thank you everyone for all you have done. You know
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson we have to simplify it and are going to work saying the center is loud who you are.
through the outcomes portion with each agency
780-723-5787 interested,” Byers said, mentioning that she has and overwhelming. Moms of Special Needs Kids - MSNK
“Regarding the
already met with McMan, who will be testing it Block Party trailer, can
out to provide feedback. Brigitte De Corte
Professional Digital
Passport System
photos ready
in minutes...
The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
FCSS achievements,
obstacles, and
upcoming events
by Cassie Kushniruk
Edson's Family and Community Support
Services (FCSS) presented their 2018 highlights,
programs, and obstacles faced by the ParentLink
Centre —during the Town Council meeting on
January 22.
Community Development Manager Tanya
Byers, who gave the presentation, also talked
about their events to look forward to in 2019.
In 2018, FCSS was able to complete over
500 tax returns for families through the
Community Volunteering Income Tax Program,
host two youth-focused events in partnership
with the Community Engagement Action Team
(CEAT), and even won an award with CEAT at
the FCSSAA conference.
In May, the organization hosted the Young at
Heart Seniors' conference, which saw people
from Hinton, Grande Cache, Yellowhead County,
and Edson. “Unfortunately our numbers were
really low,” said Byers. “We tried to make it
really diverse so they could choose a lot of Marg Byrt president at the Pioneer Cabin presents Les Halliwell with the Parkland Lodge Expansion
topics, but I think it was quite overwhelming.” Team a cheque for $3,500. "We are trying to raise a quarter of a million dollars for furnishings in the
This year, Community Development Coordinator new lodge. We are now at about $181,000 and this will put us significantly higher. We still have about
Ali Broda is planning to incorporate the $70,000 to raise yet this year. Once that is raised by the end of 2019 the new lodge should be open
conference into Seniors Week and bring in only and the furnishings from these donations will be in place," said Halliwell. The lodge is hoping to be
one set of speakers to make it less complicated. open in December of this year, depending on weather. Marg Byrt said, "It's important to us at the
Broda, who was unable to make it to the Pioneer Cabin to make a donation towards this cause as most of us may be there one day. We take a
January 22 meeting, has also worked to relaunch portion once a month from our soup and sandwich money and put towards this fund."
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE the Block Party Program, including kits to help
photo Deanna Mitchener
get people started with their party. “We have an
events trailer that's full of fun things they can Byers then spoke to Council about issues you remind us what is all included in that for
borrow and utilize for their parties,” Byers added. currently faced by the FCSS/ParentLink Centre, users?” Baier then asked.
Professional Digital Although the Town continues to host Block which is located in the Red Brick. “We have “I actually haven't been in there lately, but
Passport System Party events across town, they have not acquired steady and continuous increasing use there,” she when Ali was putting it together, it was tables,
a lot of interest in the idea. “We're really waiting
said. “Anyone that frequents there really sees that chair, games, and a couple of shelters,” Byers
photos ready for it to catch on,” said Byers. “We still haven't it's a vibrant little place.” replied. “There's no barbecue in it and there
figured out the right formula to getting more
However, FCSS has also been hearing
in minutes people engaged.” comments that the center is too overcrowded, probably won't be because someone has to take
care of it.”
Chouinard inquired what the money from the
Youth were treated to some exciting events in loud, and overwhelming for children. “We have
while you wait... 2018, such as the free 'Haunted' and 'Glow' tried different things,” Byers said. “We do have a New Horizons for Seniors Grant would be used
swims at Repsol Place, which saw over 250 quieter room with dimmer lighting and that sort for if FCSS is approved. “The plan I put forward
youth. “[Broda] did some outcomes polling and of thing, but we've still outgrown the space. I is that about $100,000 of it would go towards
The Weekly Anchor there were definitely strong agreements that these guess it's a good problem to have because it staffing and creating another Community
types of activities make kids feel like there's lots means our programs are being very well Development Coordinator, which would be
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson to do in their community,' mentioned Byers. received.” specifically there for seniors,” Byers explained.
In April of 2019, the Town of Edson will be
Another major problem the center is facing is “They would be tasked with starting a senior's
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 hosting a Volunteer Fair to raise awareness for staffing. Currently, only two full time staff are coalition in our community and would also be
the volunteer opportunities in town. “I think
employed with the center, which has caused
tasked with creating, what Ali's turned into, the
there's a lot of people interested in volunteering, issues in the past. “If one staff is out [doing 'Doorknocker program'. This would be going
but they don't really know what's out there or community outreach], we only have one staff in door to door, speaking with seniors, getting them
maybe don't want to commit to being on a the building, which can be quite overwhelming out, and creating volunteer opportunities getting
board,” said Byers. “They're not aware of the when you have rooms full of people,” said Byers. them involved.” Byers added that she also put
informal opportunities to pitch in and do event- “They're wonderful, passionate individuals, but forward approximately $90,000 for
based things.” The fair will make its way to it's at the point where I can't ask anymore [of transportation.
Parkland Composite High School and Holy them]. If they do evenings and weekends, we Be sure to keep your eyes open for upcoming
Redeemer High School during the day and end have to close down during the day sometimes. If FCSS events!
PASSPORT off at the Galloway Station Museum during the they go to a meeting,
PHOTOS & MORE evening. we're closing down
Recently, FCSS applied for the New
because we don't have
Professional Digital Horizons for Seniors Grant, which provides any extra casual staff.”
Passport System funds to help seniors make a difference in the Councilor Gean
photos ready lives of others and in their communities. If Edson Chouinard commended
in minutes... FCSS is successful,over the next five years the FCSS for their hard I want to express my appreciation for the generosity of some of
grant will be worth over $1 million. “It would work and encouraged the local businesses, groups and individuals in support of the
really mean a lot of good things for the town if them to “keep up the Christmas party for special needs kids and kids with disabilities that
we were to get it for our seniors,” said Byers. good work”. was held December 15, 2018 at the Edson Boys and Girl’s Club.
FCSS has also revamped their grant Councilor Krystal The party was a huge success. So many smiling and happy faces
application. “We did put a new one out last year Baier also praised the in one day. Your donations definitely made a big difference for
that was given to us by our outcomes coordinator programs offered at the those challenged kids/adults. It was a memorable day for all of us.
with the province,” said Byers. However, after FCSS ParentLink I want to thank everyone who took the time to come over and
piloting it with a few individuals well-versed in Centre, but agreed with spend some time with us. Also want to thank the volunteers who
writing grants, they got feedback that it was Byers' statement that made this possible. Couldn’t have done it without you.
The Weekly Anchor “horrible” and “very difficult”. “Needless to say, she has heard parents Once again, thank you everyone for all you have done. You know
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson we have to simplify it and are going to work saying the center is loud who you are.
through the outcomes portion with each agency
780-723-5787 interested,” Byers said, mentioning that she has and overwhelming. Moms of Special Needs Kids - MSNK
“Regarding the
already met with McMan, who will be testing it Block Party trailer, can
out to provide feedback. Brigitte De Corte
Professional Digital
Passport System
photos ready
in minutes...
The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson