Page 4 - January 21, 2019
P. 4


Housing Plus +

offers support

to homeless

by Deanna Mitchener birth certificates, Alberta Health
Care, or picture ID. We are sort of
2019 offers some new goals and one-stop-shopping as we know
hopes for the Housing Plus + what services are in the
Coalition. community. So rather than going
Outreach Worker Sherry Besler door to door and asking a bunch
and Social Worker-Manager Erica of questions, people can come
Snook-Pennings with Housing here."
Plus + have been working behind When asked how many people
the scenes with individuals in she thought were homeless in
need of supports. Edson, Snook-Pennings said,
"The name is somewhat “Last year we had 98 individuals
misleading because we don't do that we provided services for
anything with housing —we have coming in and out. Meaning
no money. As we have no money anything from open files, calls
in the community we do not offer looking for information, and
housing. What we can do is help sometimes we have intakes that
people look for rooms that are for just need a little bit of work but
rent," said Snook-Pennings. not enough to carry an open file.
"We will look up different Generally we are running open
apartments and phone numbers, file cases for around 30 people. I
anything to do with rentals, then would say for sure we have
we will give individuals that anywhere in the neighborhood of
information. But we do not 75 to 80 people who are virtually
provide housing and we can't homeless."
advocate for landlords to rent to "We are also looking at around
anyone." 150 people we would term
"However, if you are already homeless, in the sense they don't
housed we do provide supports to have their own space. They are
help keep you housed, once you’re couch surfing or overcrowded. We
there. Things like budget planning know of people we are not
or helping the landlord and servicing that are for sure
individual with any sort of homeless. I believe we have a
dispute. Disputes may range from chronic issue here with
not taking out their garbage, loud homelessness," said Snook-
music or disturbances, Pennings.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE miscommunications. We can be may not be coming forward to
When asked why some people
that person to communicate what
needs to be done before losing access these servings, Snook-
their housing,” said Snook- Pennings answered, “Some may
Professional Digital Pennings. not yet be aware of our services.
"Primarily we do generalized
Passport System supports to individuals who are Some of these people have a lot
photos ready experiencing issues around trauma and may have some fear of
systems and feel they are only
in minutes homelessness. We can help with going to get lectured and told what
getting their taxes done if they
to do. We do not do that here at
while you wait... haven't had them done in a couple all. We only advocate for them to
of years. We can also arrange to get treatment if that's something
get their T-4s. If the taxes are they are indicating they want.
The Weekly Anchor really simple and they're with Other than that no questions are
even asked about drug use. Their
Alberta Works we can do the
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson taxes. If they are a little more support from us is not dependent
complicated, we will connect
on their use or values."
Housing Plus + is always
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 them with the Town office so they looking for small donations in the
can help."
"Some people may have issues form of $10 gift certificates for
with maintenance enforcements, groceries or a food outlets. They
so we can help them fill out an are also in need of toiletry items
PASSPORT affidavit for finance to help with such as deodorant, toothbrushes,
PHOTOS & MORE wages not being garnished. We tooth paste, shampoo, shaving
Professional Digital provide generalized supports if cream and razors, etc.
they need somebody to talk with.
The Housing Plus + Coalition
Passport System They can come in and have office is open Monday to Friday
photos ready someone to talk to who is willing except for holidays from 8:30 a.m.
in minutes...
to listen in a nonjudgmental to 4:30 p.m. If no one is available
The Weekly Anchor atmosphere. We provide toiletry you can book an appointment at
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson items and have a few snacks and the front desk or call ahead at 780-
780-723-5787 water we offer if in need," said 723-5494. The office is located at
the Edson Friendship Center, 5023
"If they don't have personal - 3rd Avenue.
identification we can help obtain
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