Page 6 - January 21, 2019
P. 6
New FASD activities
and support group
at Reflections
by Deanna Mitchener are so many important reasons to
have this group. One of the
New in 2019 is a FASD support benefits is to improve mental
and activities group beginning on health."
January 17 at Reflections from 1 "Participating with others who
p.m. until 3 p.m. may be going through some of the
Sherri See with the Northwest same things they are going through
Central FASD Network, said, "To makes it more 'normal' and the
be able to participate you must be friendships they build will be
18 or older, and you must live supported by healthy interactions.
independently, meaning you do not They will be accomplishing
live in a group home or have full something that they have not been
time supports. It is specifically for able to do before either because
individuals trying to make it on they do not have the finances or
their own." did not know how to do a certain
"It is open for people with FASD project. They will be able to take
or anyone affected in someway by their projects home and show them
FASD. So, family member, off with pride or give them as gifts
supportive friend, or individuals to loved ones. They can also say
suspected of FASD and waiting for they worked to be able to do this
a assessment." project as they will be volunteering
"We will meet each Thursday so we can raise the money for it."
unless I have to be in Edmonton "One success will lead to many
with one of my people for a more and build self-confidence,
assessment. We will be doing self awareness and self esteem.
crafts, and some sewing and will They will build skills and be able
provide a healthy snack on that day to use those skills in everyday life.
for the participants," said See. It is held in a safe location where
"I will have a speaker come in activities will be planned and Bobbie Davidson Manager at Boston Pizza presents a cheque for of $751.25
once a month to talk about welcoming at Reflections," said to Sherri See to be used for the New Northwest Central FASD Support Group
budgeting, addiction, parenting, See. here in Edson. The money will go towards the purchase of supplies for the
education, and more. We will be "I am looking for others who group. photo Deanna Mitchener
doing several fundraisers might be interested in coming to
throughout the year and asking that share a skill they have in
participants volunteer at one of the something. Maybe in a craft or in a
fundraisers at least. There is no skill that this group can do in their
cost to join. If however, they chose homes," said See. "I will be
to make a quilt and not volunteer looking for other people from
then they may have to purchase the agencies or just an interested
backing and batting for that quilt, person to come in to talk about
as a example." educational things or a success
"I have had many donations of story of their own. I'm hoping if it
fabrics from friends and businesses is a success it will run 10 out of the
in town so the initial cost is no 12 months of the year taking July
charge unless they choose to and August off, and any stat
purchase their own fabric for holidays of course, or if
whatever they work on," said See. Reflections is closed on that day
"We will be doing paintings and for one reason or another."
wreaths next fall and any other You can contact Sherri at
ideas we can come up with." if you have
When asked why this support some ideas to share or for more
group was important for the information.
community, See responded, "There
Edson Senior’s
Edson Senior’s
Transportation Society
Transportation Society
would like to thank
would like to thank
our recent donators:
our recent donators:
Emily Stattin - $3,000
Emily Stattin - $3,000
Weyerhaeuser Giving Program - $2,000
Weyerhaeuser Giving Program - $2,000
Steiner & Beverley Tangedal - $200
Steiner & Beverley Tangedal - $200
Gauthier Family in memory of Sophie Gauthier - $347
Gauthier Family in memory of Sophie Gauthier - $347
Dave Gauthier - Repsol Investing in Communities - $500
Dave Gauthier - Repsol Investing in Communities - $500
Your support means so much to us!
Your support means so much to us!
New FASD activities
and support group
at Reflections
by Deanna Mitchener are so many important reasons to
have this group. One of the
New in 2019 is a FASD support benefits is to improve mental
and activities group beginning on health."
January 17 at Reflections from 1 "Participating with others who
p.m. until 3 p.m. may be going through some of the
Sherri See with the Northwest same things they are going through
Central FASD Network, said, "To makes it more 'normal' and the
be able to participate you must be friendships they build will be
18 or older, and you must live supported by healthy interactions.
independently, meaning you do not They will be accomplishing
live in a group home or have full something that they have not been
time supports. It is specifically for able to do before either because
individuals trying to make it on they do not have the finances or
their own." did not know how to do a certain
"It is open for people with FASD project. They will be able to take
or anyone affected in someway by their projects home and show them
FASD. So, family member, off with pride or give them as gifts
supportive friend, or individuals to loved ones. They can also say
suspected of FASD and waiting for they worked to be able to do this
a assessment." project as they will be volunteering
"We will meet each Thursday so we can raise the money for it."
unless I have to be in Edmonton "One success will lead to many
with one of my people for a more and build self-confidence,
assessment. We will be doing self awareness and self esteem.
crafts, and some sewing and will They will build skills and be able
provide a healthy snack on that day to use those skills in everyday life.
for the participants," said See. It is held in a safe location where
"I will have a speaker come in activities will be planned and Bobbie Davidson Manager at Boston Pizza presents a cheque for of $751.25
once a month to talk about welcoming at Reflections," said to Sherri See to be used for the New Northwest Central FASD Support Group
budgeting, addiction, parenting, See. here in Edson. The money will go towards the purchase of supplies for the
education, and more. We will be "I am looking for others who group. photo Deanna Mitchener
doing several fundraisers might be interested in coming to
throughout the year and asking that share a skill they have in
participants volunteer at one of the something. Maybe in a craft or in a
fundraisers at least. There is no skill that this group can do in their
cost to join. If however, they chose homes," said See. "I will be
to make a quilt and not volunteer looking for other people from
then they may have to purchase the agencies or just an interested
backing and batting for that quilt, person to come in to talk about
as a example." educational things or a success
"I have had many donations of story of their own. I'm hoping if it
fabrics from friends and businesses is a success it will run 10 out of the
in town so the initial cost is no 12 months of the year taking July
charge unless they choose to and August off, and any stat
purchase their own fabric for holidays of course, or if
whatever they work on," said See. Reflections is closed on that day
"We will be doing paintings and for one reason or another."
wreaths next fall and any other You can contact Sherri at
ideas we can come up with." if you have
When asked why this support some ideas to share or for more
group was important for the information.
community, See responded, "There
Edson Senior’s
Edson Senior’s
Transportation Society
Transportation Society
would like to thank
would like to thank
our recent donators:
our recent donators:
Emily Stattin - $3,000
Emily Stattin - $3,000
Weyerhaeuser Giving Program - $2,000
Weyerhaeuser Giving Program - $2,000
Steiner & Beverley Tangedal - $200
Steiner & Beverley Tangedal - $200
Gauthier Family in memory of Sophie Gauthier - $347
Gauthier Family in memory of Sophie Gauthier - $347
Dave Gauthier - Repsol Investing in Communities - $500
Dave Gauthier - Repsol Investing in Communities - $500
Your support means so much to us!
Your support means so much to us!