Page 23 - January 23, 2017
P. 23


Getting ready to serve a piping
hot meal at Reflections during
their Annual Celebration Dinner
held January 12 are Sarah Aubin,
Don Helm, Dylan Walton,
Michele Hickie, Stacy Williams,
David Abercrombre, Sarah
Leach, Mohammad Rahman and
Kathy Watson. photo Deanna

Free Developmental
Reflections host Celebration Dinner Health Clinics offered

by Deanna Mitchener together to enjoy a dinner.
Nutrition Activity Coordinator Michele Hickie, by Deanna Mitchener
Reflections held their annual celebration said, "A lot of people feel the crunch after
dinner on January 12. Christmas, do not have much money, and are The Edson Healthcare Center is providing
The free community meal starts off the New trying to make it until the end of the month. So I Developmental Health Clinics on the third
Year with a celebration and everyone getting have some wonderful volunteers that help me Tuesday of the month in January, March,
June, and October from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m.
cook and prepare the meal." at the new hospital in the Public Health
"Shell Canada served for us again this year waiting area.
EVENT REMINDER which is wonderful. We served turkey, ham, Referrals are not required and you can
January 27 stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, pyrogies, simply show up between the times offered
cabbage rolls, vegetables, salad, buns, beverages,
S.C.O.P.E –A- THON silent auction and more and desserts," said Hickie. and ask to see any of the professionals
including speech and language pathology,
at Legion Hall 6:00pm – 10:00pm. Call (780)- "Weyerhaeuser donated all the turkeys again occupational therapy, physical therapy,
723-6100 for details. for the meal. Without the support of the public health nurse, mental health, dietitian,
community and the volunteers, this would not be dental, and early childhood development.
January 28 possible to continue," said Hickie. These clinics are free and there to help
Library/Family literacy B-Day party from This is the second year Reflections has held assist with any questions or concerns you
11:00am – 2:00pm at Edson Public Library. the celebration. They received a lot of may have about your child or youth.
There will be games, crafts, activities and compliments and everyone enjoyed taking part in If you would like to inquire about services
you can contact Nicole Halliwell at 780-725-
snacks! the New Year dinner. 6128 for more information.

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