Page 4 - January 28, 2019
P. 4
Town proposes field user fees for sports groups
by Cassie Kushniruk
On January 22 during the Committee of the
Whole meeting, Town Council was presented with a
User Fee Proposal that would charge organized
sports groups for use of the Parkland Rugby fields,
soccer fields, and the Vision Park Baseball
After a Field User Group meeting in the fall of
2018, it was discussed that all baseball would be
moved to Vision Park for the 2019 year and that a
user fee system would be developed based on
information collected from other communities.
“What precipitated this analysis was basically
everything that's happened with Vision Park in the
last two and a half years,” said Director of
Community Services Jim Desautels. “[This] really
caused us to look at cost, where we are, and where
we could go if Council decides in favour of these Town Council including (pictured) Councillor Gean Chouinard, Mayor Kevin Zahara, and Councillor
structures for field users.” Trevor Bevan provided feedback on the proposed sports field user fees during the Committee of the
With the collapse of the Kinsmen Club in Edson, Whole meeting on January 22. photo Cassie Kushniruk
the Town now manages 29 ball diamonds.
Traditionally, no fees have been charged to minor Desautels also mentioned that the communities to make sure that it's done,” he explained.
sports field users in Edson. they surveyed all differed in their user fee price and Sorenson added that user fees for youth sports
The soccer and Parkland Rugby fields were how they charge it. “Some pay by hour of field groups in Edson should be a percentage of what
created in the 1990s as a partnership between the rented, which is what we do for hockey,” he said. adults are paying for sports field use.
Town of Edson and the Edson Minor Soccer For example, in Whitecourt, minor ball players are “I believe that there has to be some sort of cost
Association. charged a $200 per team per year fee, while recovery to this; that it shouldn't always come out of
“Up until recently, the Town of Edson granted Drayton Valley minor ball players are charged $4.25 general taxation,” Councillor Krystal Baier
Minor Soccer $8,000 to assist with maintenance and per player per year. commented.
upkeep of the facility,” said Desautels. “Over the Similarly, the minor soccer group in Hinton pay Mayor Kevin Zahara raised an important point in
past several years, our Parks department has taken $5.75 per hour for field use, while each team in how these fees will be managed, “The fact is that
on larger roles. We rolled back that grant and now Jasper is charged $94.47 per year. it's either the users contribute or it's more on our tax
take on all the responsibilities for upkeep of that Through discussions with other communities, the roll. When it's on the Town tax roll, it's only Town
facility.” Town also gathered that none of the communities taxpayers contributing to those costs.
In 2018, the Town spent approximately $32,000 provide funding for their minor sports groups. “We “There is a huge section of our population that
on maintaining the facility. have a grant process that can be tapped into by user will never use any of these facilities, so there has to
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE took complete control over the maintenance of groups if they want to do something for community be that balance in order to keep these facilities
2018 was also the first year the Town of Edson
development,” Desautels mentioned.
operating,” Zahara added.
Vision Park. “We had a lot of work to do,” said “Administration believes that we can provide the Mayor Zahara also stated his opinion that he felt
Desautels. “We had to tear down some things to best quality maintenance oversight and support to the 60% difference between youth and adult user
Professional Digital make it safe, we had to create safe parking areas, the town of Edson insfrasture and facilities,” said fee rates is higher than he expected. “I'd like to see
and we had to deal with water and power.” Not
it at 50% or 40%,” he said.
Passport System including wages and equipment deprecation, the The Edson Field User Fee Proposal includes a $20 Councillor Jacqui Currie agreed with Mayor
photos ready town spent about $52,000 to maintain the park and per player fee for minor soccer and minor ball, as Zahara's comment that the fees for youth should be
its facilities.
lower than 60%.
well as a $425 fee for adult sports teams. “The
$26,000 of revenue was brought in for Vision Park diamond rental for things that are not included as
She also stressed the importance of making the
in minutes from the Adult Mixed Slo-Pitch summer and fall games or practices would fall under the $60 per user fee fair to all users so “we are charging our
while you wait... leagues' use of the park during that same year. “This diamond per day fee,” Desautels added. user fees based on percentage of what it costs us to
certainly helped offset the costs associated with The casual use of all fields would remain free for run the facilities that they're using.”
maintaining that facility,” said Desautels. use, and school use would remain unaffected. “Moving forward, we need a policy and a formula
According to Desautels, this user fee will allow Use of the Griffiths Park ball diamonds will before we can put a number to it,” Currie said.
The Weekly Anchor for more efficiencies for staging equipment, the remain free for the time being. “We aren't sure what Councillor Gean Chouinard suggested that Youth
maintenance of fewer diamonds to a higher level the future is for that facility at this time,” said Council be involved in this decision process.
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson that is required for baseball and softball, and less Desautels. “Would there be enough time to get feedback from
them before the next season starts or when you
With the proposed fee schedule and with
transportation of equipment from one end of town
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 to the other. “In keeping with the idea that it costs consideration of the 2018 registration numbers, expect to pass this?” Councillor Baier asked.
CAO Mike Derricott replied that it is up to the
revenue for 2019 could be in the $35,000 range,
the taxpayer money in resources to maintain these
facilities, we're feeling that it's a good idea to putting recovery for expenses at the Parkland Field discretion of Council whether or not to involve
consider revenue when we look at the big picture,” Facility and Vision Park Facility in the 40% range. Youth Council, but that time would be needed to
said Desautels. Desautels then invited Council to voice any compile Council's feedback on this issue to take to
Recently, the Town undertook an analysis of other feedback or ideas concerning the proposed user fee. Youth Council.
communities to ask how they deal with field users Councillor Sorenson opened up by agreeing that Mayor Zahara closed the discussion, saying, “We
and what their user fees look like. “Our intent is not the maintenance of the facilities should be done by don't need to rush this process. Let's get it right.
to say that they charge this so we're going to charge the Town. “I don't want a group in our community Let's work with our user groups and find a way that
that,” Desautels clarified. “We're more interested in to be responsible for any kind of maintenance makes sense.”
the philosophy as to why they charge and the because in the end the public are going to look to us
relationship they have with their field users.”
Desautels brought up an interesting method that is
used in Jasper in regard to sports field users. PASSPORT
“They're really looking at preserving their asset,” PHOTOS & MORE
Desautels said.“They know they have a limited Professional Digital
growing season and they know that they have Passport System
tremendous use. They really have to manage that photos ready
facility well to ensure that it's going to be there for
the long run.” in minutes...
“We also looked at Camrose,” Desautels added. Edson Senior’s Transportation
“What I thought really interesting was how they
determine what an appropriate rate is.” Desautels would like to thank
explained how they calculate the expenses for both
the Park department and the Maintenance REPSOL and their Social Club
department and divide it by the number of
registered players to come up with the rate.
“On top of that, they figured youth sports should for their
get a bit of a break, so they figured youth should
pay 60% of what the adults pay,” Desautels added. recent donation
When comparing user fees in these different The Weekly Anchor
communities, it was determined that the majority of 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson of $1,730.
the communities maintain their own assets. 780-723-5787
Professional Digital
Passport System
photos ready
in minutes...
The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Town proposes field user fees for sports groups
by Cassie Kushniruk
On January 22 during the Committee of the
Whole meeting, Town Council was presented with a
User Fee Proposal that would charge organized
sports groups for use of the Parkland Rugby fields,
soccer fields, and the Vision Park Baseball
After a Field User Group meeting in the fall of
2018, it was discussed that all baseball would be
moved to Vision Park for the 2019 year and that a
user fee system would be developed based on
information collected from other communities.
“What precipitated this analysis was basically
everything that's happened with Vision Park in the
last two and a half years,” said Director of
Community Services Jim Desautels. “[This] really
caused us to look at cost, where we are, and where
we could go if Council decides in favour of these Town Council including (pictured) Councillor Gean Chouinard, Mayor Kevin Zahara, and Councillor
structures for field users.” Trevor Bevan provided feedback on the proposed sports field user fees during the Committee of the
With the collapse of the Kinsmen Club in Edson, Whole meeting on January 22. photo Cassie Kushniruk
the Town now manages 29 ball diamonds.
Traditionally, no fees have been charged to minor Desautels also mentioned that the communities to make sure that it's done,” he explained.
sports field users in Edson. they surveyed all differed in their user fee price and Sorenson added that user fees for youth sports
The soccer and Parkland Rugby fields were how they charge it. “Some pay by hour of field groups in Edson should be a percentage of what
created in the 1990s as a partnership between the rented, which is what we do for hockey,” he said. adults are paying for sports field use.
Town of Edson and the Edson Minor Soccer For example, in Whitecourt, minor ball players are “I believe that there has to be some sort of cost
Association. charged a $200 per team per year fee, while recovery to this; that it shouldn't always come out of
“Up until recently, the Town of Edson granted Drayton Valley minor ball players are charged $4.25 general taxation,” Councillor Krystal Baier
Minor Soccer $8,000 to assist with maintenance and per player per year. commented.
upkeep of the facility,” said Desautels. “Over the Similarly, the minor soccer group in Hinton pay Mayor Kevin Zahara raised an important point in
past several years, our Parks department has taken $5.75 per hour for field use, while each team in how these fees will be managed, “The fact is that
on larger roles. We rolled back that grant and now Jasper is charged $94.47 per year. it's either the users contribute or it's more on our tax
take on all the responsibilities for upkeep of that Through discussions with other communities, the roll. When it's on the Town tax roll, it's only Town
facility.” Town also gathered that none of the communities taxpayers contributing to those costs.
In 2018, the Town spent approximately $32,000 provide funding for their minor sports groups. “We “There is a huge section of our population that
on maintaining the facility. have a grant process that can be tapped into by user will never use any of these facilities, so there has to
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE took complete control over the maintenance of groups if they want to do something for community be that balance in order to keep these facilities
2018 was also the first year the Town of Edson
development,” Desautels mentioned.
operating,” Zahara added.
Vision Park. “We had a lot of work to do,” said “Administration believes that we can provide the Mayor Zahara also stated his opinion that he felt
Desautels. “We had to tear down some things to best quality maintenance oversight and support to the 60% difference between youth and adult user
Professional Digital make it safe, we had to create safe parking areas, the town of Edson insfrasture and facilities,” said fee rates is higher than he expected. “I'd like to see
and we had to deal with water and power.” Not
it at 50% or 40%,” he said.
Passport System including wages and equipment deprecation, the The Edson Field User Fee Proposal includes a $20 Councillor Jacqui Currie agreed with Mayor
photos ready town spent about $52,000 to maintain the park and per player fee for minor soccer and minor ball, as Zahara's comment that the fees for youth should be
its facilities.
lower than 60%.
well as a $425 fee for adult sports teams. “The
$26,000 of revenue was brought in for Vision Park diamond rental for things that are not included as
She also stressed the importance of making the
in minutes from the Adult Mixed Slo-Pitch summer and fall games or practices would fall under the $60 per user fee fair to all users so “we are charging our
while you wait... leagues' use of the park during that same year. “This diamond per day fee,” Desautels added. user fees based on percentage of what it costs us to
certainly helped offset the costs associated with The casual use of all fields would remain free for run the facilities that they're using.”
maintaining that facility,” said Desautels. use, and school use would remain unaffected. “Moving forward, we need a policy and a formula
According to Desautels, this user fee will allow Use of the Griffiths Park ball diamonds will before we can put a number to it,” Currie said.
The Weekly Anchor for more efficiencies for staging equipment, the remain free for the time being. “We aren't sure what Councillor Gean Chouinard suggested that Youth
maintenance of fewer diamonds to a higher level the future is for that facility at this time,” said Council be involved in this decision process.
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson that is required for baseball and softball, and less Desautels. “Would there be enough time to get feedback from
them before the next season starts or when you
With the proposed fee schedule and with
transportation of equipment from one end of town
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 to the other. “In keeping with the idea that it costs consideration of the 2018 registration numbers, expect to pass this?” Councillor Baier asked.
CAO Mike Derricott replied that it is up to the
revenue for 2019 could be in the $35,000 range,
the taxpayer money in resources to maintain these
facilities, we're feeling that it's a good idea to putting recovery for expenses at the Parkland Field discretion of Council whether or not to involve
consider revenue when we look at the big picture,” Facility and Vision Park Facility in the 40% range. Youth Council, but that time would be needed to
said Desautels. Desautels then invited Council to voice any compile Council's feedback on this issue to take to
Recently, the Town undertook an analysis of other feedback or ideas concerning the proposed user fee. Youth Council.
communities to ask how they deal with field users Councillor Sorenson opened up by agreeing that Mayor Zahara closed the discussion, saying, “We
and what their user fees look like. “Our intent is not the maintenance of the facilities should be done by don't need to rush this process. Let's get it right.
to say that they charge this so we're going to charge the Town. “I don't want a group in our community Let's work with our user groups and find a way that
that,” Desautels clarified. “We're more interested in to be responsible for any kind of maintenance makes sense.”
the philosophy as to why they charge and the because in the end the public are going to look to us
relationship they have with their field users.”
Desautels brought up an interesting method that is
used in Jasper in regard to sports field users. PASSPORT
“They're really looking at preserving their asset,” PHOTOS & MORE
Desautels said.“They know they have a limited Professional Digital
growing season and they know that they have Passport System
tremendous use. They really have to manage that photos ready
facility well to ensure that it's going to be there for
the long run.” in minutes...
“We also looked at Camrose,” Desautels added. Edson Senior’s Transportation
“What I thought really interesting was how they
determine what an appropriate rate is.” Desautels would like to thank
explained how they calculate the expenses for both
the Park department and the Maintenance REPSOL and their Social Club
department and divide it by the number of
registered players to come up with the rate.
“On top of that, they figured youth sports should for their
get a bit of a break, so they figured youth should
pay 60% of what the adults pay,” Desautels added. recent donation
When comparing user fees in these different The Weekly Anchor
communities, it was determined that the majority of 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson of $1,730.
the communities maintain their own assets. 780-723-5787
Professional Digital
Passport System
photos ready
in minutes...
The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson