Page 6 - January 28, 2019
P. 6

Town discusses First Peoples and Traditional Territory Acknowledgement

by Cassie Kushniruk gathering.” be used] during special events or special
CAO Mike Derricott added that during this community gatherings or if there is something
During the Committee of the Whole meeting on meeting, it was asked that Council simply look related to Indigenous people where we have
January 22, Town of Edson Director of over the general form of the acknowledgement, those individuals as a part of our delegation.”
Community Services Jim Desautels and which would be followed by defining a policy Councillor Jacqui Currie closed the discussion
Community Development Coordinator Diana that would be brought back to a future council by also expressing her support in the use of the
Inscho presented the First Peoples and meeting to address who, where, and when it can acknowledgement, only requesting that the local
Traditional Territory Acknowledgement to be spoken. Indigenous community is consulted when the
Council for discussion and feedback. Derricott added, “We certainly have worked policy is created.
The acknowledgment—created by Community with our local First Nations community and The First Peoples and Traditional Territory
Development Coordinator Ali Broda in would continue to do that. We want to issue this Acknowledgement will be brought back to a
conjunction with Town of Edson Community acknowledgement as often as appreciated and future council meeting when a policy is created.
Services and the First Nations group in meaningful to First Nations people without
Edson—ties the First Nations community and becoming trite or 'pro forma' (as a matter of
their territory into the fabric of Edson. “This is politeness).”
something we've been working on for some Councillor Trevor Bevan mentioned that the
time,” said Desautels. Aeros game he attended on January 18 used a Trivia
The First Peoples and Traditional Territory similar version of the First Peoples and
acknowledgement recognizes the “traditional Traditional Territory Acknowledgement, which
territory on which we are gathered” and thanks was widely received by those in attendance. “I
the “diverse Indigenous Peoples of the Treaty 6 can see it being used in times like that,” he said.
Region whose footsteps have marked this “I'm in full support of having this statement 2019 is
territory; including the Chipewyan, Cree, formalized,” Councillor Troy Sorenson
NakotaSiouz, and the Saulteaux peoples”. commented. “The policy on who, where, and
It was stressed that this acknowledgement when it's used is critically important.”
should not be used simply as 'a matter of Sorenson then brought up his concerns with the
politeness' to the Indigenous community in last statement of the acknowledgement, which coming!
Edson, but must be understood by all, as the reads: “Their spiritual and practical relationship
“message becomes part of who we are as a with the land has created a rich heritage for our
community, engrained in our fabric”. learning and our life as a community.” “To me,
“It is our intention to see how Council feels when I read that, that seemed to refer to the March 16, 2019
about this type of acknowledgement, the Metis Nation of Alberta and not to all groups,”
wording, and to discuss how this could be rolled he said.
into a policy for when to use this Desautels replied that that portion of the at the Legion
acknowledgment,” Desautels said. acknowledgement was worked on together with
Councillor Krystal Baier asked, “What is the local First Nations, “They felt that this captured
norm for using these acknowledgements and their beliefs and their heritage.”
what do the First People prefer to have as Mayor Kevin Zahara agreed that this Call Cindy Hardy
timing? Do they prefer something like this being acknowledgment is “hugely important” to our for details:
done annually or at every meeting?” community, and stated his opinion that the
“From what I've observed and read, it varies,” acknowledgment should not have to be used in 780-725-3307
replied Desautels. “It's usually a larger every council meeting. “But certainly [it should

County Council Highlights January 22

2019 Server System Upgrade – Agreement (IOU).
County council moved to accept a Cannabis Land Use Bylaw It is our pleasure to officially announce that The
bid ($1.1 million) from Optrix Amendment – County council Evergreens Foundation and Pembina Housing
Engineering to upgrade the gave first reading to Bylaw 01.19
county's server and associated amending Land Use Bylaw 16.13. Authority have consolidated operations effective
peripheral technologies. This bylaw amendment will January 1, 2019.
Public Notification Bylaw – incorporate definitions for
Council gave first hearing to Bylaw cannabis-related uses and add
7.18, which would allow cannabis-related uses as The consolidation was formalized on December
administration to advertise bylaws, discretionary in some districts. The 18, 2018 when the Honourable Lori Sigurdson,
resolutions, meetings, etc. by one amendment has been drafted to
or more methods, including align with the requirements set Minister of Seniors and Housing, issued the
electronic advertising. forth by provincial legislation and Ministerial Order dissolving Pembina Housing
Administration intends to continue regulations. A Public Hearing will Authority and naming The Evergreens Foundation
with the current advertising scheme be held on February 26, 2019.
as well, which includes mailouts Legal Access Road Use as the management body responsible for all
and newspapers ads. Agreement – Council moved to former Pembina Housing Authority Schedule A
EQUS REA Ltd. Presentation – support the use of a road use Properties.
Brian Hennings, of EQUS REA agreement and crossing agreement
Ltd, presented to county council. for legal access between the
Mr. Hennings imparted the property owners and CN for lands The consolidation adds 19 family housing units and
following information to council: in and around the SE 6-53-18-
The Alberta Utilities Commission W5M. This would allow the 32 Seniors Self Contained suites to The
approved an application by landowners to develop their lands Evergreens Foundation operation. The existing
FortisAlberta to request that the without any restrictions typical of a operation manages 332 units comprised of
service areas of certain Rural non-conforming building with a
Electrification Associations (REAs) Restrictive Covenant subject to no Seniors Lodges, Senior Self Contained Apartment
be altered to align with Municipal future subdivisions and no road buildings, Community and Family Housing and
Franchise Agreements (MFAs) maintenance by Yellowhead Rent Supplement designations.
between FortisAlberta and various County.
municipalities in circumstances The next Council Meeting is on
where the corporate boundaries of February 12, 2019. The next We warmly welcome Pembina Housing Authority
the municipality have expanded Governance & Priorities
through annexation and now Committee Meeting is on February staff and tenants to The Evergreens Foundation as
overlap with an existing REA 19, 2019. All meetings start at 9:30 we continue to provide housing that "Promotes
service area Integrated Operations a.m. in the Council Chambers. Quality of Life and Independence".
Bill Koprivnak was taking a shot during a game of snooker on January 14 at
the Pioneer Cabin. Snooker offers a unique challenge with a larger table and
smaller pockets than a traditional pool table. photo Deanna Mitchener
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