Page 13 - January 7, 2019
P. 13
The headlines that shaped 2018: Search for missing plane between
Edson and Whitecourt
On August 12, a Cessna 172 departed Edson at
A Year in Review 5:20 p.m. and was due to land in Westlock at 7
p.m. The plane never arrived at its destination
and no contact had been made with the pilot and
lone occupant. The plane was described as white
continued from page 12 with black and red stripes. In a subsequent
update the Royal Canadian Air Force stated the
search ended with the discovery of the light
Arson attack on Edson Mosque as true costs of re-purposing the facility for the golf plane and a body in a Lac. St. Anne County
club, curling, and other user groups such as
Muslims celebrate the end of fasting theatre or service clubs. wooded area.
On Saturday June 16, at approximately 11pm, a
male hooded suspect approached the south Body of man recovered from banks Town approves demolish contract
entrance of the Edson Mosque and set fire to the for Recreation Complex
Mosque. The attack occurred with witnesses in of Pembina River Edson council approved the contract for the
the parking lot and on a day of celebration for On July 11, Evansburg RCMP recovered the demolition of the Edson and District Recreation
Muslims around the world as they celebrate an body of an Edmonton man from the banks of the Complex to Visco Demolition Contractors Ltd at
end of Ramadan. The witnesses called 911 and Pembina River near Entwistle. RCMP attended the town council meeting on November 6. The
the fire department responded very quickly along with assistance of the local fire department and company estimated that there will be 38 days
with RCMP. The fire did not cause extensive Fish and Wildlife. Due to rugged terrain and worth of hazardous materials abatement, 17 days
damage and there were no injuries. steep cliffs in the area, the operation lasted for
several hours. of structure demolition, and 5 days of site
backfill and clean-up.
July 2018 Rotary's revived August Slo-Pitch
tournament —cancelled September 2018
Wildfire near Hinton out of control It was announced near the beginning of 2018
On June 27, residents of Yellowhead County, that the Rotary Club of Edson would be involved Edson welcomes Junior A Team
Edson and Hinton began to see a plume of smoke in reviving the defunct August long weekend The Edson Aeros made their first appearance at
on the horizon coming from the Coal Branch Kinsmen Slo Pitch tournament. Unfortunately the Edson arena on Saturday, September 15, in
area. That smoke originated from a wildfire that due to low registration, Rotary was forced to front of a packed house, playing their second
rapidly grew to an out-of-control fire and quickly cancel the event. pre-season game against the Hinton Wildcats.
became a concern for both emergency services Axel Axmann, owner of the Edson Aeros Junior
and residents in the area. Wildwood's new Fire Hall opens A Hockey Club, stated, "I want to thank all the
The Quigley Creek Wildfire which burned out County Mayor Gerald Soroka along with people from Edson that have been so supportive
of control for several days was located 15 km Wildwood area Councillor Anthony Giezen, of what we have been trying to accomplish here."
southeast of Hinton and 28 km west of the fellow Councillors and fire department personnel
Hamlet of Robb. The wildfire was eventually celebrated the grand opening of the new Secure Energy's proposed landfill
classified as under control at 1,274 hectares in Wildwood Fire Hall with a hose uncoupling on defeated by County Council
size. July 18. The new four million dollar facility In regard to Secure Energy's application to re-
replaced Wildwood's previous Fire Hall which district lands located approximately 5.3km east
Town of Edson severs contract for was over 40 years old. of Edson for a new Class II non-hazardous
Residential Waste Collection industrial landfill —the Second and Third
The Town of Edson severed its contract with August 2018 reading of the bylaw came before Yellowhead
Can Pak Environmental Inc. who had been County Council and was defeated during their
engaged to provide residential waste collection August 28 meeting.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE services. The contractor failed to live up to the Smoke from B.C. fires affecting Farewell to Evergreen School
standards expected of the Town and did not meet
the requirements of the contract which resulted local residents Edson's Evergreen Elementary School that had
Edson was exposed to one of its worst air
Professional Digital Passport System photos in significant confusion, inconvenience and quality conditions on Friday, August 10 as a served generations of students for 58 years was
ready in minutes while you wait... service disruption to residents. demolished on September 20. Evergreen and
thick veil of smoke completely shrouded the A.H. Dakin Elementary Schools were combined
town and posed a variety of health concerns to
USSSA Softball All Nations residents. into the new Mary Bergeron Elementary School.
Tournament at Vision Park “A couple days ago, it was definitely coming
The first annual USSSA Specialty Softball All from the Prince George area, but now it's coming October 2018
Nations Tournament was underway at Edson's from all kinds of places in British Columbia,”
Vision Park over the weekend of June 29 to July Alberta Wildfire information officer Caroline
1. The USSSA Specialty Softball Tournament Charbonneau said. GYPSD Board votes to effectively
was the first of its kind in Canada. The close Wildwood and Evansview
tournament was open and welcoming to anyone Potential closure of Wildwood Schools
playing on a team, as long as the majority of the School threatens small community
team was Native American. Amidst rumours and speculation, the beloved The motion to revise the Three Year Capital
Wildwood School faced permanent closure, its Plan for 2019-2022 to place the Grand Trunk
High School amalgamation as its number one
Greyhound cancelling bus services fate ultimately to be decided by the Grand priority was made and was passed. "I stand by
in western provinces Yellowhead Public School Board. The school making the decision to do what is best for the
board was looking at re-modernization of the
Greyhound Canada announced they are ending
D their passenger bus and freight services in Wildwood School, Evansview Elementary students of Wildwood, Evansview, and Grand
Trunk. That decision is not just to serve the
School in Evansburg, and Grand Trunk High in
5 Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. This Evansburg with plans for public consolations to students of the day, but students of tomorrow,"
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
said School Board Chair Brenda Rosadiuk.
included the cancellation of Greyhound buses
take place. A meeting was to be held in the fall,
7 along the Yellowhead Highway which made in which the school board would ultimately Soroka wins Conservative Party
stops in Edson and Yellowhead County hamlets
decide whether or not any schools would
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor along the way. ultimately be closed. nomination for Yellowhead
Yellowhead County Mayor Gerald Soroka was
County disagrees with demolition of Automated Curbside Pickup nominated by members of the Yellowhead
Rec Complex starting in September Conservative Association to be the Conservative
Yellowhead County received a letter from the The Town of Edson officially engaged GFL to Party's candidate in the upcoming 2019 general
Town of Edson seeking the County's commence their new automated curbside election.
endorsement to provide funding of 35% toward household waste and organics program. Starting
the demolition of the Edson & District in early August, GFL began the delivery of new Yellowhead County organized first
Recreation Complex. County Council passed a bins. mock evacuation of Brule
motion to ask the Town about obtaining an
independent assessment of the building to see the Residents of Brule had no idea they would be
continued on page 14
The headlines that shaped 2018: Search for missing plane between
Edson and Whitecourt
On August 12, a Cessna 172 departed Edson at
A Year in Review 5:20 p.m. and was due to land in Westlock at 7
p.m. The plane never arrived at its destination
and no contact had been made with the pilot and
lone occupant. The plane was described as white
continued from page 12 with black and red stripes. In a subsequent
update the Royal Canadian Air Force stated the
search ended with the discovery of the light
Arson attack on Edson Mosque as true costs of re-purposing the facility for the golf plane and a body in a Lac. St. Anne County
club, curling, and other user groups such as
Muslims celebrate the end of fasting theatre or service clubs. wooded area.
On Saturday June 16, at approximately 11pm, a
male hooded suspect approached the south Body of man recovered from banks Town approves demolish contract
entrance of the Edson Mosque and set fire to the for Recreation Complex
Mosque. The attack occurred with witnesses in of Pembina River Edson council approved the contract for the
the parking lot and on a day of celebration for On July 11, Evansburg RCMP recovered the demolition of the Edson and District Recreation
Muslims around the world as they celebrate an body of an Edmonton man from the banks of the Complex to Visco Demolition Contractors Ltd at
end of Ramadan. The witnesses called 911 and Pembina River near Entwistle. RCMP attended the town council meeting on November 6. The
the fire department responded very quickly along with assistance of the local fire department and company estimated that there will be 38 days
with RCMP. The fire did not cause extensive Fish and Wildlife. Due to rugged terrain and worth of hazardous materials abatement, 17 days
damage and there were no injuries. steep cliffs in the area, the operation lasted for
several hours. of structure demolition, and 5 days of site
backfill and clean-up.
July 2018 Rotary's revived August Slo-Pitch
tournament —cancelled September 2018
Wildfire near Hinton out of control It was announced near the beginning of 2018
On June 27, residents of Yellowhead County, that the Rotary Club of Edson would be involved Edson welcomes Junior A Team
Edson and Hinton began to see a plume of smoke in reviving the defunct August long weekend The Edson Aeros made their first appearance at
on the horizon coming from the Coal Branch Kinsmen Slo Pitch tournament. Unfortunately the Edson arena on Saturday, September 15, in
area. That smoke originated from a wildfire that due to low registration, Rotary was forced to front of a packed house, playing their second
rapidly grew to an out-of-control fire and quickly cancel the event. pre-season game against the Hinton Wildcats.
became a concern for both emergency services Axel Axmann, owner of the Edson Aeros Junior
and residents in the area. Wildwood's new Fire Hall opens A Hockey Club, stated, "I want to thank all the
The Quigley Creek Wildfire which burned out County Mayor Gerald Soroka along with people from Edson that have been so supportive
of control for several days was located 15 km Wildwood area Councillor Anthony Giezen, of what we have been trying to accomplish here."
southeast of Hinton and 28 km west of the fellow Councillors and fire department personnel
Hamlet of Robb. The wildfire was eventually celebrated the grand opening of the new Secure Energy's proposed landfill
classified as under control at 1,274 hectares in Wildwood Fire Hall with a hose uncoupling on defeated by County Council
size. July 18. The new four million dollar facility In regard to Secure Energy's application to re-
replaced Wildwood's previous Fire Hall which district lands located approximately 5.3km east
Town of Edson severs contract for was over 40 years old. of Edson for a new Class II non-hazardous
Residential Waste Collection industrial landfill —the Second and Third
The Town of Edson severed its contract with August 2018 reading of the bylaw came before Yellowhead
Can Pak Environmental Inc. who had been County Council and was defeated during their
engaged to provide residential waste collection August 28 meeting.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE services. The contractor failed to live up to the Smoke from B.C. fires affecting Farewell to Evergreen School
standards expected of the Town and did not meet
the requirements of the contract which resulted local residents Edson's Evergreen Elementary School that had
Edson was exposed to one of its worst air
Professional Digital Passport System photos in significant confusion, inconvenience and quality conditions on Friday, August 10 as a served generations of students for 58 years was
ready in minutes while you wait... service disruption to residents. demolished on September 20. Evergreen and
thick veil of smoke completely shrouded the A.H. Dakin Elementary Schools were combined
town and posed a variety of health concerns to
USSSA Softball All Nations residents. into the new Mary Bergeron Elementary School.
Tournament at Vision Park “A couple days ago, it was definitely coming
The first annual USSSA Specialty Softball All from the Prince George area, but now it's coming October 2018
Nations Tournament was underway at Edson's from all kinds of places in British Columbia,”
Vision Park over the weekend of June 29 to July Alberta Wildfire information officer Caroline
1. The USSSA Specialty Softball Tournament Charbonneau said. GYPSD Board votes to effectively
was the first of its kind in Canada. The close Wildwood and Evansview
tournament was open and welcoming to anyone Potential closure of Wildwood Schools
playing on a team, as long as the majority of the School threatens small community
team was Native American. Amidst rumours and speculation, the beloved The motion to revise the Three Year Capital
Wildwood School faced permanent closure, its Plan for 2019-2022 to place the Grand Trunk
High School amalgamation as its number one
Greyhound cancelling bus services fate ultimately to be decided by the Grand priority was made and was passed. "I stand by
in western provinces Yellowhead Public School Board. The school making the decision to do what is best for the
board was looking at re-modernization of the
Greyhound Canada announced they are ending
D their passenger bus and freight services in Wildwood School, Evansview Elementary students of Wildwood, Evansview, and Grand
Trunk. That decision is not just to serve the
School in Evansburg, and Grand Trunk High in
5 Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. This Evansburg with plans for public consolations to students of the day, but students of tomorrow,"
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
said School Board Chair Brenda Rosadiuk.
included the cancellation of Greyhound buses
take place. A meeting was to be held in the fall,
7 along the Yellowhead Highway which made in which the school board would ultimately Soroka wins Conservative Party
stops in Edson and Yellowhead County hamlets
decide whether or not any schools would
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor along the way. ultimately be closed. nomination for Yellowhead
Yellowhead County Mayor Gerald Soroka was
County disagrees with demolition of Automated Curbside Pickup nominated by members of the Yellowhead
Rec Complex starting in September Conservative Association to be the Conservative
Yellowhead County received a letter from the The Town of Edson officially engaged GFL to Party's candidate in the upcoming 2019 general
Town of Edson seeking the County's commence their new automated curbside election.
endorsement to provide funding of 35% toward household waste and organics program. Starting
the demolition of the Edson & District in early August, GFL began the delivery of new Yellowhead County organized first
Recreation Complex. County Council passed a bins. mock evacuation of Brule
motion to ask the Town about obtaining an
independent assessment of the building to see the Residents of Brule had no idea they would be
continued on page 14