Page 15 - July 20 2020
P. 15
Equipment Operator
Reporting to the Area Supervisor, the Equipment
Operator performs skilled work for both summer and
winter road maintenance. This work includes a variety of
both equipment and labour intensive tasks.
The salary range is currently $59,763 - to $75,658 per Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24 PASSPORT
year. Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan. PHOTOS & MORE
call for appointment to:all for appointment to:
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 20, 2020 PAGE 15 c
A detailed position description can be found in the job
posting online. he Weekly ANCHOR
The competition will remain open until 4:30 pm on Friday Employment
June 12, 2020.
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however
only those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
Payroll Department EDSON MINOR
Yellowhead County
Email: T
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for HOCKEY 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 780-723-5787
Return to Play!
Reporting directly to the Pool Manager and/or 2018 U/G Water Tank Installations
Program Coordinator, the Senior Lifeguard acts For Yellowhead County
as the supervisor on duty when scheduled with a Yellowhead County requests a tender submission from parties interested in
Junior Guard, provides swimming instruction, performing the work identified below.
lifeguards, completes pool maintenance and Sealed tender marked: TENDER NO. 2018
performs other administrative duties. Project: 2018 Underground Phase 3 includes:
Water Tank Installations
The salary range is currently $22.87 to $24.90 Will be received until 11:00 A.M, June 01, 2018 - Non-Contact Bantam Tiers 4 thru 6
per hour. The hours of work are casual and will At the office of: Yellowhead County
vary. 2716 – 1st Avenue - Full Return to League Play - The Merging of Cohort Teams
Edson, Alberta
T7E 1N9
For the following work:
Applications will be accepted until the position is
filled. Please submit your application quoting the Underground water tank installations for firefighting purposes at Fulham,
Pinedale, and Highway 16 Rest Area.
position title to: REGISTRATION RATES:
& Work shall be completed in accordance with the schedule contained within the
Scope of Work and the Special Provisions.
& OR mail to: 2716 – 1st Avenue, Edson, Copies of Specifications and contract document may be picked up at the office of DISCOUNTED "EARLY BIRD"
Alberta, T7E 1N9 Yellowhead County on or after 9:00 A.M., May 14, 2018. Alternatively, you can Division Birth Year Kelly Smith is the GYPSD's new
send an e-mail requesting electronic documentation from either of the RATE - July 1 to July 31, 2020 August 1st to August 21st Assistant Superintendent of Inclusive
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only administrators: or U11 2010-2011 $570.00 $770.00 Learning and Technology.
candidates to be interviewed will be contacted.
The Tender must be accompanied by a ten percent (10%) Bid Security as stated U13 2008-2009 $585.00 $785.00
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be in the "Instruction to Bidders". Yellowhead County reserves the right to reject any or
utilized for these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance all tenders. The lowest or any other tender will not necessarily be accepted.
with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. U15 2006-2007 $600.00 $800.00
For further information, please contact Cory Chegwyn, Deputy Chief Public
Safety of Yellowhead County at (780) 723-4800, or Dean MacArthur, Manager of U18 2003-2005 $625.00 $825.00
Infrastructure Services at (780) 723-8643
U7 and U9 Registration Runs Through September 15th
* Special Seasonal RATES!! 2-3 hours of ice per week! We now carry Enchroma color vision glasses!
The lowest cost Winter Program per hour of activity in EDSON!!!
U7 2014-2016 $195.00 $195.00
U9 2012-2013 $310.00 $310.00
Pond Registration is Open Through the Fall 2020 - A great way to get on the ice once a week!
POND Ages 9 to 17 $195.00 Event Reminder
Family Discount is available when 3 or more players are registered at the same time.
Discounts are processed once the refund policy term is completed. May 9: For mental health week, join
Please - Note Registration Closes August 21st for U11 through U18 and September 15th for U7 and U9; the Town of Edson for Darkness to
for the 2020/21 Season. Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
ALL LATE Registrations are subject to Executive Approval, team availability and a $50.00 the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
Processing Fee. To place your ad in the u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
All Refunds Subject to a $25.00 processing fee. (approximately 5:10 am).
Business Directory
Call 780-723-5787
Equipment Operator
Reporting to the Area Supervisor, the Equipment
Operator performs skilled work for both summer and
winter road maintenance. This work includes a variety of
both equipment and labour intensive tasks.
The salary range is currently $59,763 - to $75,658 per Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24 PASSPORT
year. Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan. PHOTOS & MORE
call for appointment to:all for appointment to:
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 20, 2020 PAGE 15 c
A detailed position description can be found in the job
posting online. he Weekly ANCHOR
The competition will remain open until 4:30 pm on Friday Employment
June 12, 2020.
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however
only those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
Payroll Department EDSON MINOR
Yellowhead County
Email: T
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for HOCKEY 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 780-723-5787
Return to Play!
Reporting directly to the Pool Manager and/or 2018 U/G Water Tank Installations
Program Coordinator, the Senior Lifeguard acts For Yellowhead County
as the supervisor on duty when scheduled with a Yellowhead County requests a tender submission from parties interested in
Junior Guard, provides swimming instruction, performing the work identified below.
lifeguards, completes pool maintenance and Sealed tender marked: TENDER NO. 2018
performs other administrative duties. Project: 2018 Underground Phase 3 includes:
Water Tank Installations
The salary range is currently $22.87 to $24.90 Will be received until 11:00 A.M, June 01, 2018 - Non-Contact Bantam Tiers 4 thru 6
per hour. The hours of work are casual and will At the office of: Yellowhead County
vary. 2716 – 1st Avenue - Full Return to League Play - The Merging of Cohort Teams
Edson, Alberta
T7E 1N9
For the following work:
Applications will be accepted until the position is
filled. Please submit your application quoting the Underground water tank installations for firefighting purposes at Fulham,
Pinedale, and Highway 16 Rest Area.
position title to: REGISTRATION RATES:
& Work shall be completed in accordance with the schedule contained within the
Scope of Work and the Special Provisions.
& OR mail to: 2716 – 1st Avenue, Edson, Copies of Specifications and contract document may be picked up at the office of DISCOUNTED "EARLY BIRD"
Alberta, T7E 1N9 Yellowhead County on or after 9:00 A.M., May 14, 2018. Alternatively, you can Division Birth Year Kelly Smith is the GYPSD's new
send an e-mail requesting electronic documentation from either of the RATE - July 1 to July 31, 2020 August 1st to August 21st Assistant Superintendent of Inclusive
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only administrators: or U11 2010-2011 $570.00 $770.00 Learning and Technology.
candidates to be interviewed will be contacted.
The Tender must be accompanied by a ten percent (10%) Bid Security as stated U13 2008-2009 $585.00 $785.00
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be in the "Instruction to Bidders". Yellowhead County reserves the right to reject any or
utilized for these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance all tenders. The lowest or any other tender will not necessarily be accepted.
with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. U15 2006-2007 $600.00 $800.00
For further information, please contact Cory Chegwyn, Deputy Chief Public
Safety of Yellowhead County at (780) 723-4800, or Dean MacArthur, Manager of U18 2003-2005 $625.00 $825.00
Infrastructure Services at (780) 723-8643
U7 and U9 Registration Runs Through September 15th
* Special Seasonal RATES!! 2-3 hours of ice per week! We now carry Enchroma color vision glasses!
The lowest cost Winter Program per hour of activity in EDSON!!!
U7 2014-2016 $195.00 $195.00
U9 2012-2013 $310.00 $310.00
Pond Registration is Open Through the Fall 2020 - A great way to get on the ice once a week!
POND Ages 9 to 17 $195.00 Event Reminder
Family Discount is available when 3 or more players are registered at the same time.
Discounts are processed once the refund policy term is completed. May 9: For mental health week, join
Please - Note Registration Closes August 21st for U11 through U18 and September 15th for U7 and U9; the Town of Edson for Darkness to
for the 2020/21 Season. Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
ALL LATE Registrations are subject to Executive Approval, team availability and a $50.00 the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
Processing Fee. To place your ad in the u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
All Refunds Subject to a $25.00 processing fee. (approximately 5:10 am).
Business Directory
Call 780-723-5787