Page 12 - July 20 2020
P. 12
Q: What did the lawyer name is baby girl?
of the
A: Sue.
providing some amusing reading that can help promote early childhood literacy. Sitting and
reading with younger children is a great way for families to spend some quality time. (And for
us adults, hey, who doesn’t like a good comic) ...enjoy!
he Weekly ANCHOR a page for Kids and Kids at hearta page for Kids and Kids at heart
Comics & Fun Our goal with this page is to help parents offer a weekly alternative to video screens by TIGER
NOT YET USED 4th annual Kinette Toy Run kick starts Christmas Hamper program THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 20 , 2020 PAGE 13 West Yellowhead MLA
PAGE 12 MONDAY JULY 20, 2020
Zits Cartoon goes here Increase in numbers for Christmas Hamper program anticipated due to COVID-19 Martin Long
by Cassie Kushniruk noted that donations were down as cancelled this year due to donations for their Christmas
well. However, participants came COVID-19 restrictions. Hamper program as the year
In an effort to kick start their together and were able to stuff the Campbell noted that with progresses. "People can donate to
donation drive for the Christmas bus halfway full of donations. COVID-19 causing many people the Kinettes any time," said
Hamper program, the Kinette Club "Overall, for planning it in such to be out of work, the Kinette Campbell. "They can contact us on
of Edson held their annual Toy a short time, we did fairly well Club is anticipating an increase in our [social media] page if they
Parade on July 11, encouraging and we're thankful for everybody numbers for their Christmas have something for us. We take
community members to participate who comes out," said Campbell. Hamper program this year. "We'll new, unwrapped toys or food
and donate to children and families "We have people who come out still hopefully be doing the school donations, monetary donations,
in need. yearly to this event and donate for hamper drive with Bannister and and once all our hampers are done
Through the Club's annual us and support us." the businesses later in the year at the end of Christmas, everything
Christmas Hamper program, Although the Kinette Club towards the holiday," she that is left over gets stored for the
donations of new, unwrapped toys typically hosts a campout and free mentioned. year and any food gets donated to
and games, as well as food, are community barbecue following Moving forward, the Kinette the Food Bank, so it all goes into
collected through various the parade, these events were Club will be looking for more the community anyways."
fundraising events and gifted to
families in need during the holiday
season. Last year, approximately
TIGER BY BUD BLAKE 450-500 toy bags were made up
and between 350 and 400 food
bags were provided to different
families in the community.
Due to the COVID-19
restrictions in place at the time, the
2020 Kinette Toy Run was
originally cancelled, but was
Dennis the Menace brought back when the province
entered Phase 2 of the economic
relaunch strategy in June. Linda and Trevor Rudd set out to join the annual Kinette Toy Run in Edson on
On July 11, participants gathered July 11. The event which started at Repsol Place and finished at the old Boys
at the Repsol Place parking lot in and Girls Club, raises money and toys for kids at Christmas. photo Deanna Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara and other local officials joined in on the Kinette's
classic cars, motorcycles, and Mitchener Annual Toy Run on July 11. The event raises money and toys for kids at
other vehicles and were Christmas.
encouraged to bring a donation of
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY their own for the Christmas
SWAMP BY GARY CLARK In keeping with COVID-19
Equipment Operator regulations, the Kinette Club asked
parade participants to remain in
T he Weekly ANCHOR a page for Kids and Kids at hearta page for Kids and Kids at heart LOCATION: WILDWOOD, AB their vehicles until the parade
started. Additionally, donation bins
were stationed in various locations
Comics & Fun Reporting to the Area Supervisor, the Equipment to minimize contact of people
wanting to donate. "Because
everybody was on their own bike
Operator performs skilled work for both summer and
winter road maintenance. This work includes a variety of or vehicle, they were able to stay
[physically] distant from each
both equipment and labour intensive tasks. other that way," said Sharon
Campbell, who has been a member
The salary range is currently $59,763 - to $75,658 per of the Kinette Club of Edson for
year. Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan. 12 years.
According to Campbell, the Club
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page was only able to get approval for the Santa Clause Parade route due
to having to plan the event on such
A detailed position description can be found in the job short notice, "so it was definitely a
posting online. much shorter parade route this
The competition will remain open until 4:30 pm on Friday Approximately 75 people were
June 12, 2020. in attendance for the parade, with
people coming from as far as
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however Barrhead and Whitecourt to
only those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted. participate. "We had MP Gerald
Soroka, Town of Edson Mayor
Payroll Department Kevin Zahara, and Yellowhead
Yellowhead County County Mayor Jim Eglinski come
Email: out as well," Campbell added. "We
also had members from the
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for Whitecourt Car Club come out."
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. After everyone returned from the
parade, donations were added into
a school bus provided by Brylend Bike enthusiasts carrying a variety EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY
Bussing with the intention of of toys turned out from across the
filling the bus completely full. region for Kinette Toy Run in Edson Utility Operator Trainee
Because attendance in the Toy Run The parking lot at Repsol Place in Edson as motorists lined up for the Annual Kinette Toy Ride that took place on July Whitecourt Wheels Car Club cruised to Edson for the Kinette parade and toy run. It was a sunny 26 degrees for the on July 11. EMPLOYMENT/ LOCATION: EDSON, AB
11. photo Deanna Mitchener
was down this year, Campbell event on July 11. submitted Lana Miller COMPETITION NO. 20-009
OPPORTUNITIES Under the direction of the Utilities Supervisor, the Utility
Operator Trainee will work towards certification in the operation
of water and wastewater systems, and will perform general
maintenance of Yellowhead County assets.
The position requires the incumbent to be on an on-call
schedule and work a forty hour week.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The salary range is currently $55,272 – $69,966 per year.
Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan.
Utility Operator Trainee To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page
LOCATION: EDSON, AB A detailed position description can be found in the job posting
WORD Under the direction of the Utilities Supervisor, the Utility online.
The competition will remain open until 4:30pm on Tuesday
Operator Trainee will work towards certification in the operation
June 30, 2020.
of water and wastewater systems, and will perform general
SEARCH maintenance of Yellowhead County assets. We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only
those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
The position requires the incumbent to be on an on-call
schedule and work a forty hour week.
Payroll Department
Yellowhead County
FUN! The salary range is currently $55,272 – $69,966 per year. • Email:
Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan.
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
A detailed position description can be found in the job posting
ONLY CLEAN The competition will remain open until 4:30pm on Tuesday
TEN SEVEN June 30, 2020.
TRY BRING We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only
TOGETHER OWN those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
MYSELF WARM Payroll Department
Yellowhead County
PICK MUCH • Email:
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Q: What did the lawyer name is baby girl?
of the
A: Sue.
providing some amusing reading that can help promote early childhood literacy. Sitting and
reading with younger children is a great way for families to spend some quality time. (And for
us adults, hey, who doesn’t like a good comic) ...enjoy!
he Weekly ANCHOR a page for Kids and Kids at hearta page for Kids and Kids at heart
Comics & Fun Our goal with this page is to help parents offer a weekly alternative to video screens by TIGER
NOT YET USED 4th annual Kinette Toy Run kick starts Christmas Hamper program THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 20 , 2020 PAGE 13 West Yellowhead MLA
PAGE 12 MONDAY JULY 20, 2020
Zits Cartoon goes here Increase in numbers for Christmas Hamper program anticipated due to COVID-19 Martin Long
by Cassie Kushniruk noted that donations were down as cancelled this year due to donations for their Christmas
well. However, participants came COVID-19 restrictions. Hamper program as the year
In an effort to kick start their together and were able to stuff the Campbell noted that with progresses. "People can donate to
donation drive for the Christmas bus halfway full of donations. COVID-19 causing many people the Kinettes any time," said
Hamper program, the Kinette Club "Overall, for planning it in such to be out of work, the Kinette Campbell. "They can contact us on
of Edson held their annual Toy a short time, we did fairly well Club is anticipating an increase in our [social media] page if they
Parade on July 11, encouraging and we're thankful for everybody numbers for their Christmas have something for us. We take
community members to participate who comes out," said Campbell. Hamper program this year. "We'll new, unwrapped toys or food
and donate to children and families "We have people who come out still hopefully be doing the school donations, monetary donations,
in need. yearly to this event and donate for hamper drive with Bannister and and once all our hampers are done
Through the Club's annual us and support us." the businesses later in the year at the end of Christmas, everything
Christmas Hamper program, Although the Kinette Club towards the holiday," she that is left over gets stored for the
donations of new, unwrapped toys typically hosts a campout and free mentioned. year and any food gets donated to
and games, as well as food, are community barbecue following Moving forward, the Kinette the Food Bank, so it all goes into
collected through various the parade, these events were Club will be looking for more the community anyways."
fundraising events and gifted to
families in need during the holiday
season. Last year, approximately
TIGER BY BUD BLAKE 450-500 toy bags were made up
and between 350 and 400 food
bags were provided to different
families in the community.
Due to the COVID-19
restrictions in place at the time, the
2020 Kinette Toy Run was
originally cancelled, but was
Dennis the Menace brought back when the province
entered Phase 2 of the economic
relaunch strategy in June. Linda and Trevor Rudd set out to join the annual Kinette Toy Run in Edson on
On July 11, participants gathered July 11. The event which started at Repsol Place and finished at the old Boys
at the Repsol Place parking lot in and Girls Club, raises money and toys for kids at Christmas. photo Deanna Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara and other local officials joined in on the Kinette's
classic cars, motorcycles, and Mitchener Annual Toy Run on July 11. The event raises money and toys for kids at
other vehicles and were Christmas.
encouraged to bring a donation of
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY their own for the Christmas
SWAMP BY GARY CLARK In keeping with COVID-19
Equipment Operator regulations, the Kinette Club asked
parade participants to remain in
T he Weekly ANCHOR a page for Kids and Kids at hearta page for Kids and Kids at heart LOCATION: WILDWOOD, AB their vehicles until the parade
started. Additionally, donation bins
were stationed in various locations
Comics & Fun Reporting to the Area Supervisor, the Equipment to minimize contact of people
wanting to donate. "Because
everybody was on their own bike
Operator performs skilled work for both summer and
winter road maintenance. This work includes a variety of or vehicle, they were able to stay
[physically] distant from each
both equipment and labour intensive tasks. other that way," said Sharon
Campbell, who has been a member
The salary range is currently $59,763 - to $75,658 per of the Kinette Club of Edson for
year. Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan. 12 years.
According to Campbell, the Club
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page was only able to get approval for the Santa Clause Parade route due
to having to plan the event on such
A detailed position description can be found in the job short notice, "so it was definitely a
posting online. much shorter parade route this
The competition will remain open until 4:30 pm on Friday Approximately 75 people were
June 12, 2020. in attendance for the parade, with
people coming from as far as
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however Barrhead and Whitecourt to
only those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted. participate. "We had MP Gerald
Soroka, Town of Edson Mayor
Payroll Department Kevin Zahara, and Yellowhead
Yellowhead County County Mayor Jim Eglinski come
Email: out as well," Campbell added. "We
also had members from the
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for Whitecourt Car Club come out."
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. After everyone returned from the
parade, donations were added into
a school bus provided by Brylend Bike enthusiasts carrying a variety EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY
Bussing with the intention of of toys turned out from across the
filling the bus completely full. region for Kinette Toy Run in Edson Utility Operator Trainee
Because attendance in the Toy Run The parking lot at Repsol Place in Edson as motorists lined up for the Annual Kinette Toy Ride that took place on July Whitecourt Wheels Car Club cruised to Edson for the Kinette parade and toy run. It was a sunny 26 degrees for the on July 11. EMPLOYMENT/ LOCATION: EDSON, AB
11. photo Deanna Mitchener
was down this year, Campbell event on July 11. submitted Lana Miller COMPETITION NO. 20-009
OPPORTUNITIES Under the direction of the Utilities Supervisor, the Utility
Operator Trainee will work towards certification in the operation
of water and wastewater systems, and will perform general
maintenance of Yellowhead County assets.
The position requires the incumbent to be on an on-call
schedule and work a forty hour week.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The salary range is currently $55,272 – $69,966 per year.
Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan.
Utility Operator Trainee To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page
LOCATION: EDSON, AB A detailed position description can be found in the job posting
WORD Under the direction of the Utilities Supervisor, the Utility online.
The competition will remain open until 4:30pm on Tuesday
Operator Trainee will work towards certification in the operation
June 30, 2020.
of water and wastewater systems, and will perform general
SEARCH maintenance of Yellowhead County assets. We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only
those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
The position requires the incumbent to be on an on-call
schedule and work a forty hour week.
Payroll Department
Yellowhead County
FUN! The salary range is currently $55,272 – $69,966 per year. • Email:
Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan.
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
A detailed position description can be found in the job posting
ONLY CLEAN The competition will remain open until 4:30pm on Tuesday
TEN SEVEN June 30, 2020.
TRY BRING We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only
TOGETHER OWN those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
MYSELF WARM Payroll Department
Yellowhead County
PICK MUCH • Email:
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act.