Page 4 - July 20 2020
P. 4
Council), Corbin Nitz (pre-
med student), Caden
Thingvold (Edson Recycle
Depot), Kieran Bradbury
(Youth Council and
summer student), and
Robert Preville (Youth
Council) on May 28
working hard at getting
Community Garden plots
ready and helping seniors.
photo Deanna Mitchener
PAGE 4 MONDAY JULY 20, 2020 Maggy Woelfing (Youth
Town discusses grant program which offers
financial support to small municipalities
by Cassie Kushniruk more firm plan to move forward into alignment with our actual continuity plan to bring forward to
with this," said Hamm. "The assets that we care for." Council to provide a list of
During the July 14 Committee of remainder of the grant would be Deputy Mayor Gean Chouinard opportunities that we would be
the Whole meeting, Town Council used towards the Works program, asked, "The $25,000, is that for able to move forward with."
discussed Federation of Canadian which would support our public software that we're going to use?" This item will be brought
Municipalities' (FCM) funding works and other aspects of the Hamm responded, "We would forward at a future Council
available for Asset Management operations department to maintain only need $12,500 to gain access meeting for further discussion and
Plan (AMP) expansion. continuity with our Asset to the full $50,000. The additional decision.
The FCM Municipal Asset Management Plan and operations." $12,500 covers the cost of the
Management Program (MAMP) is Councillor Krystal Baier asked,
a grant program which offers "How many more things are we
financial support to small and going to have to do to support the EVENT REMINDER:
medium-sized municipalities. The Asset Management Plan in order July 30: Edson Youth Interagency invites youth ages 10-15 for Outdoor
grant covers 80% of funding to a to continue gathering Adventure Day at Willmore Park from 12 pm to 4 pm. The cost is $10,
maximum of $50,000. information?" which includes snacks, drinks, and swag. Register online at
"What this grant program is is an Hamm replied, "The Asset Only 24 spots are available. For more information, call 780-723-4403.
opportunity for us to bolster our Management Plan is a living COVID-19 'day camp' guidelines will be followed, which means no
existing Asset Management Plan document, and to maintain a living bussing to the site will be available.
and possibly move forward with document would require a lot of
some software options that we input on our part. Some parts will
Town of Edson
currently do not have," said Senior be in terms of gathering Town of Edson
Operations Manager Mitch information; other parts will be in TOWN OF EDSON
Office Hours
Hamm. terms of investing in the software Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
According to Hamm, the that's available to support us. But Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
minimum amount of seed money ultimately, the idea is that this will
Monday to Friday
required for this grant is become a living document for the Monday to Friday
approximately $12,500, which Town to use for everyday
would be taken out of the Town's purposes, and that's the beginning
Infrastructure reserve. of the Works program. The Works
"We were actually seeking program would support all aspects We Need
$25,000 in seed money to help us of Administration and operations Feedback!
with our asset management to maintain a functional, living,
continuity plan to come up with a breathing system that would fall Council will hold an online meeting to consider a proposed development for
accessory buildings on
Tuesday June 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm through a meeting online
Council has the authority to issue development permits in the Direct Control
WE ARE OPEN 6628 17 Avenue
WITH EXTRA SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Plan 962 4000, Block 2, Lot 11
To view details of the application, please contact the
Planning Department.
You may submit written comments by emailing:;
by mailing:
Planning—Town of Edson, PO Box 6300, Edson AB T7E 1T7;
or by hand delivering to the Civic Centre drop off box at the
front door entrance.
Submissions must be received by the Town ONE WEEK prior to the Zoom
Meeting for Councils consideration.
If no objection to the development is received within the time prescribed in this
We are following all AHS objection to the development is received, then a public hearing will be held at
notice, then the decision by Council will proceed without further notice. If an
the date, time and place specified in this notice.
To watch the online meeting live, please visit
recommendations during Personal information contained in submissions are collected under the Alberta
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). This meeting
this pandemic will be recorded and shared.
We encourage calling for an
appointment at 780.725.3185
- but walk-ins still accepted -
(Please note that calls will be answered only until 8 pm.)
Please follow us on Facebook at Edson Food Bank Society
med student), Caden
Thingvold (Edson Recycle
Depot), Kieran Bradbury
(Youth Council and
summer student), and
Robert Preville (Youth
Council) on May 28
working hard at getting
Community Garden plots
ready and helping seniors.
photo Deanna Mitchener
PAGE 4 MONDAY JULY 20, 2020 Maggy Woelfing (Youth
Town discusses grant program which offers
financial support to small municipalities
by Cassie Kushniruk more firm plan to move forward into alignment with our actual continuity plan to bring forward to
with this," said Hamm. "The assets that we care for." Council to provide a list of
During the July 14 Committee of remainder of the grant would be Deputy Mayor Gean Chouinard opportunities that we would be
the Whole meeting, Town Council used towards the Works program, asked, "The $25,000, is that for able to move forward with."
discussed Federation of Canadian which would support our public software that we're going to use?" This item will be brought
Municipalities' (FCM) funding works and other aspects of the Hamm responded, "We would forward at a future Council
available for Asset Management operations department to maintain only need $12,500 to gain access meeting for further discussion and
Plan (AMP) expansion. continuity with our Asset to the full $50,000. The additional decision.
The FCM Municipal Asset Management Plan and operations." $12,500 covers the cost of the
Management Program (MAMP) is Councillor Krystal Baier asked,
a grant program which offers "How many more things are we
financial support to small and going to have to do to support the EVENT REMINDER:
medium-sized municipalities. The Asset Management Plan in order July 30: Edson Youth Interagency invites youth ages 10-15 for Outdoor
grant covers 80% of funding to a to continue gathering Adventure Day at Willmore Park from 12 pm to 4 pm. The cost is $10,
maximum of $50,000. information?" which includes snacks, drinks, and swag. Register online at
"What this grant program is is an Hamm replied, "The Asset Only 24 spots are available. For more information, call 780-723-4403.
opportunity for us to bolster our Management Plan is a living COVID-19 'day camp' guidelines will be followed, which means no
existing Asset Management Plan document, and to maintain a living bussing to the site will be available.
and possibly move forward with document would require a lot of
some software options that we input on our part. Some parts will
Town of Edson
currently do not have," said Senior be in terms of gathering Town of Edson
Operations Manager Mitch information; other parts will be in TOWN OF EDSON
Office Hours
Hamm. terms of investing in the software Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
According to Hamm, the that's available to support us. But Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
minimum amount of seed money ultimately, the idea is that this will
Monday to Friday
required for this grant is become a living document for the Monday to Friday
approximately $12,500, which Town to use for everyday
would be taken out of the Town's purposes, and that's the beginning
Infrastructure reserve. of the Works program. The Works
"We were actually seeking program would support all aspects We Need
$25,000 in seed money to help us of Administration and operations Feedback!
with our asset management to maintain a functional, living,
continuity plan to come up with a breathing system that would fall Council will hold an online meeting to consider a proposed development for
accessory buildings on
Tuesday June 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm through a meeting online
Council has the authority to issue development permits in the Direct Control
WE ARE OPEN 6628 17 Avenue
WITH EXTRA SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Plan 962 4000, Block 2, Lot 11
To view details of the application, please contact the
Planning Department.
You may submit written comments by emailing:;
by mailing:
Planning—Town of Edson, PO Box 6300, Edson AB T7E 1T7;
or by hand delivering to the Civic Centre drop off box at the
front door entrance.
Submissions must be received by the Town ONE WEEK prior to the Zoom
Meeting for Councils consideration.
If no objection to the development is received within the time prescribed in this
We are following all AHS objection to the development is received, then a public hearing will be held at
notice, then the decision by Council will proceed without further notice. If an
the date, time and place specified in this notice.
To watch the online meeting live, please visit
recommendations during Personal information contained in submissions are collected under the Alberta
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). This meeting
this pandemic will be recorded and shared.
We encourage calling for an
appointment at 780.725.3185
- but walk-ins still accepted -
(Please note that calls will be answered only until 8 pm.)
Please follow us on Facebook at Edson Food Bank Society