Page 9 - July 20 2020
P. 9
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Highway 40 widening creates jobs, improves highways
The Government of Alberta is widening a important natural resource industries. This growing natural gas and forestry industries in
36-kilometre stretch of Highway 40 between project is part of our government’s recovery the area.
Wildhay River and Pinto Creek, and north and plan to create jobs, build infrastructure to spur The 36-kilometre section of Highway 40
south of the Berland River. This stretch of economic growth, and continue to diversify will be expanded from a width of eight
Highway 40 sees about 1,240 vehicles per day. our economy,” stated Ric McIver, Minister of metres to 12 metres, and will include culvert
The $50-million project will support about Transportation. extensions. Construction could begin in 2021
256 jobs and address traffic safety issues “In West Yellowhead, we love the Rockies and the project will take about two years to
associated with narrow segments along this and want people to be able to live here safely, complete. -AB gov't release
busy corridor by increasing lane and shoulder as well as work and visit. These needed
widths. infrastructure improvements south of Grande REMINDER:
“Yellowhead County and the Municipal Cache will help give industry, residents and YC Intergenerational Challenge: Yellowhead
District of Greenview are growing destinations visitors peace of mind while exploring one of County will be collecting stories from seniors in the
County and want County kids to read the story and
for tourism and recreation, as well as the most scenic places in our great province," draw/color a picture related to the story. Pictures will
expanding natural gas developments and stated Martin Long, MLA for West be compiled into a simple story book telling stories
increasing forestry activity. Improving Yellowhead. from seniors. A new story will be posted every two
weeks. Scan and email your drawing to
Highway 40 will give Albertans better access Highway 40 is an important corridor for or mail your
to explore the Rocky Mountains and will accessing tourism and recreation opportunities, drawing to Yellowhead County, 2716 – 1 Avenue,
create jobs and economic development in our transporting services to communities north of Edson, AB, T7E 1N9. Please include your full name,
the Yellowhead Highway, and supporting the email, and mailing address.
Event Reminder
May 9: For mental health week, join
the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
(approximately 5:10 am).
Joshua Pearce (11) and Jagger Cowan (11) were enjoying some time at the Rotary Skate Board Park on July 10. photo Deanna Mitchener
Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling
Water Well Drilling
Pet of the Week KID’S CORNER Water Well Drilling
Pet of the Week
Call for information 712-6788
Call for information 712-6788
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Meet Jillian Boychuk, she is 11 years old and will be
Awesome Ash is looking for an adult lap to curl going into grade six at Pine Grove come September. Summers Drilling specializes in water well Summers Drilling specializes in water well
up in. Ash is nearly 3 year old fluffy male kitty Jillian’s favourite subject at school is Art class. drilling and water well repairs. drilling and water well repairs.
who is a bit unsure of those young kiddo types She enjoys Skateboarding and hopes to become an
and is looking for a mature establishment to call Actor. When asked what kind of volunteer work she
his own. Ash likes to give hugs and is all purrs would like to do, Jillian’s responded, “I would like to
when it comes to a good snuggle. Fill out an volunteer by reading to individuals that can’t read.”
adoption form on and Her favourite food is lasagna. She has been to
add Ash to your family. Saskatchewan as a baby and would like to travel to
B.C. one day.
EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a
message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
you more than ever! Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
4405 50 street
Sponsored by: 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
413 50 St.,13 50 St., Quality W
Quality Workork
7 Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Highway 40 widening creates jobs, improves highways
The Government of Alberta is widening a important natural resource industries. This growing natural gas and forestry industries in
36-kilometre stretch of Highway 40 between project is part of our government’s recovery the area.
Wildhay River and Pinto Creek, and north and plan to create jobs, build infrastructure to spur The 36-kilometre section of Highway 40
south of the Berland River. This stretch of economic growth, and continue to diversify will be expanded from a width of eight
Highway 40 sees about 1,240 vehicles per day. our economy,” stated Ric McIver, Minister of metres to 12 metres, and will include culvert
The $50-million project will support about Transportation. extensions. Construction could begin in 2021
256 jobs and address traffic safety issues “In West Yellowhead, we love the Rockies and the project will take about two years to
associated with narrow segments along this and want people to be able to live here safely, complete. -AB gov't release
busy corridor by increasing lane and shoulder as well as work and visit. These needed
widths. infrastructure improvements south of Grande REMINDER:
“Yellowhead County and the Municipal Cache will help give industry, residents and YC Intergenerational Challenge: Yellowhead
District of Greenview are growing destinations visitors peace of mind while exploring one of County will be collecting stories from seniors in the
County and want County kids to read the story and
for tourism and recreation, as well as the most scenic places in our great province," draw/color a picture related to the story. Pictures will
expanding natural gas developments and stated Martin Long, MLA for West be compiled into a simple story book telling stories
increasing forestry activity. Improving Yellowhead. from seniors. A new story will be posted every two
weeks. Scan and email your drawing to
Highway 40 will give Albertans better access Highway 40 is an important corridor for or mail your
to explore the Rocky Mountains and will accessing tourism and recreation opportunities, drawing to Yellowhead County, 2716 – 1 Avenue,
create jobs and economic development in our transporting services to communities north of Edson, AB, T7E 1N9. Please include your full name,
the Yellowhead Highway, and supporting the email, and mailing address.
Event Reminder
May 9: For mental health week, join
the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
(approximately 5:10 am).
Joshua Pearce (11) and Jagger Cowan (11) were enjoying some time at the Rotary Skate Board Park on July 10. photo Deanna Mitchener
Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling
Water Well Drilling
Pet of the Week KID’S CORNER Water Well Drilling
Pet of the Week
Call for information 712-6788
Call for information 712-6788
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Meet Jillian Boychuk, she is 11 years old and will be
Awesome Ash is looking for an adult lap to curl going into grade six at Pine Grove come September. Summers Drilling specializes in water well Summers Drilling specializes in water well
up in. Ash is nearly 3 year old fluffy male kitty Jillian’s favourite subject at school is Art class. drilling and water well repairs. drilling and water well repairs.
who is a bit unsure of those young kiddo types She enjoys Skateboarding and hopes to become an
and is looking for a mature establishment to call Actor. When asked what kind of volunteer work she
his own. Ash likes to give hugs and is all purrs would like to do, Jillian’s responded, “I would like to
when it comes to a good snuggle. Fill out an volunteer by reading to individuals that can’t read.”
adoption form on and Her favourite food is lasagna. She has been to
add Ash to your family. Saskatchewan as a baby and would like to travel to
B.C. one day.
EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a
message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
you more than ever! Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
4405 50 street
Sponsored by: 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
413 50 St.,13 50 St., Quality W
Quality Workork
7 Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Serving Edson & District Since 1974